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Spring Birds


Different colors of Cotton. I used Phildar Cotton 3

Hook size 2.5 mm

Different needles

Stitch marker

Embroidery yarn, black and yellow

Beads (for eyes) or safety eyes

Ribbon, 2 different colors


White painted branches (50cm long)

Yellow felt

Glue gun
Head and Body

R1: 6 SC in Magic Circle, Place marker in first st for beg of round; move marker up as each round is

R2: 2 SC in each st around – 12

R3: *2SC in next st, SC in next st*, repeat from * around – 18 st

R4-5: SC around – 18st

R6: SC in next 9 st, *2SC in next st, SC in next 2 st* repeat 3 more times – 21 st

R7: SC in next 9 st, *2SC in next st, SC in next 3 st* repeat 3 more times – 24 st

R8: SC in next 9 st, *2SC in next st, SC in next 4 st* repeat 3 more times – 27 st

R9: SC in next 9 st, *2SC in next st, SC in next 5 st* repeat 3 more times – 30 st

R10: (SC2tog, SC next st) 3 times, *2SC in next st, SC in next 6 st* repeat 3 more times – 30 st

R11: (SC2tog) 3 times, SC in next 11 st, 2SC in next 2 st, SC in next 11 st – 29st

R12: SC in next 15 st, 2SC in next 2 st, SC in next 12 st – 31st

R13: SC in next 16 st, 2SC in next 2 st, SC in next 13 st – 33st

R14: SC2tog, SC in next 15 st, 2SC in next 2 st, SC in next 14 st – 34st

R15: SC2tog, SC in next 15 st, 2 SC in next 2 st, SC in next 15 st – 35 st

R16: SC2tog, SC in next 15 st, SC2tog, SC in next 16 st – 33 st

R 17: *SC2tog, SC* repeat in total 5 times, place another stitch marker, SC, [SC, HDC], 2DC, 2DC,
[HDC, SC], SC, Place another stitch marker, *SC2tog, SC* repeat 4 times – 28 st
R 18: SC2tog, SC in next 2st, SC2tog, SC in next 2st, *Picture below* SC in back loop, SC 4 times along
top of tail feathers, SC in back loop, SC2tog, SC in 2, SC2tog

R 19: *SC2tog, SC* around, SC in last st – 16 st – Start stuffing. Make sure to stuff as much as

R20: SC2tog around, fasten off


Attach eyes in between row 6 and 7 with 5 st between them, if you use beads.

If you use safety eyes, make sure to attach them before filling.

Different kind of tails:

Tail 1:

R1: Count from centre of tail back 6 st, SLST and ch3, *skip st, SLST in next and CH3*repeat 5 times,
until you have 6 CH3spaces and turn,

R2: CH1, *(SC, HDC, HDC, SC) in CH3space, SLST in same st as R1*, repeat 5 more times, fasten off

R1, Color A,

SLST in first st, ch1, SLST in same st, ch3, SC in sec ch from hook, SC, SLST in same st as first SLST,

SLST in next 2st, ch5, SC in sec ch from hook, SC in next 3, SLST in same st,

SLST in next 2st, ch6, SC in sec ch from hook, SC in next 4, SLST in same st,

SLST in next 2st, ch6, SC in sec ch from hook, SC in next 4, SLST in same st,

SLST in next 2st, ch5, SC in sec ch from hook, SC in next 3, SLST in same st,

SLST in next 2st, ch3, SC in sec ch from hook, SC, SLST in same st, SLST in next st, fasten off

R2, Color B, SLST in first st,

SC in next 2 st, SC with picot, SC in same st, SC in next 2 st, skip st, SLST, skip st,

SC in next 4st, SC with picot, SC in same st, SC in next 3st, skip st, SLST, skip st,

SC in next 5st, SC with picot, SC in same st, SC in next 4 st, skip st, SLST, skip st,

SC in next 4st, SC in next, SC with picot in same st, SC in next 5 st, skip st, SLST, skip st,

SC in next 3st, SC in next, SC with picot in same st, SC in next 4 st, skip st, SLST, skip st,

SC in next, SC in next, SC with picot in same st, SC in next 2 st, SLST, fasten off


R1 SLST in first st, ch1, SC in same st, SC, *2SC, SC* repeat 5 times, ch1, turn

R2 *2SC, SC in next 2st* times 6, ch1, turn

R3 *SLST , SC with picot* times 10, SLST, fasten off

Tail 4

R1 SLST in first st, SC in same, 2SC in next 8 st, SC, ch1, turn

Change color

R2 SC in each st, fasten off, with needle sow corners in.

Wings (make 2)

Magic Circle, SLST in MC, CH6

SLST in sec CH from hook, SLST in next, SC in next 2 CH, HDC in last CH

10HDC in MC

Work on other side of CH, HDC, SC, SC, SLST, SLST in first SLST on other side, fasten off
Sew wings on body


Crochet or use a piece of felt in the shape of a diamond

Crochet: With yellow, ch 2, 3SC in first ch, 2SC in each st, leave long tail

Felt: Cut a small yellow diamond and sew on with yellow embroidery yarn.

Attach in middle of eyes in between row 8 and 9

Feet (make 2)

Ch5, 4SLST back to first ch, fasten off, Sow in a V shape on bottom in the first 2ch

Your bird is now finished.

Apple Blossom (Make 6)

With Green:

R1, Magic Circle, 9SC in MC, (10st when SLST to first SC)

SLST with White to first SC

R2, [ch2, TR, TR, DC] in first st, HDC, *[DC, TR, TR, DC] in next st, HDC* repeat 3 more times

SLST with Pink to sec CH of CH2

R3, ch1, 2SC in same st, SC in next st, 2SC in next st, SC in next st, 2SCdown in next st, *SC in next st
(behind the 2SCdownst (image F), 2SC in next st, SC in next st, 2SC in next st, SC in next st, 2SCdown
in next st * repeat 4 times, invisible joint, weave in ends


1: Insert hook in bottom of HDC of previous round (image C)

2: YO, Pull up a loop (Image D)

3: YO, Pull through 2 loop son hook (Image E)

Repeat 1-3
Leaves (Make 6)

CH10, SLST in sec CH from hook, SLST in next CH, SC in next CH, HDC in next CH, DC in next 3CH, HDC
in next CH, 3SC in next CH, (work on other side) HDC in next CH, DC in next 3CH, HDC in next CH, SC
in next CH, SLST in next CH, SLST in first SLST on other side, fasten off

With White Cotton or thin wire tie branches together at both ends.

With Ribbon tie bows around the ends.

With Green crochet a long chain and wrap around branches and the length of your white cotton.

Glue gun Birds and Apple Blossom with leaves on branches and you’re finished.
Copyright Patricia Stuart.

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