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ARM Processor

Instruction SET

Dr. C.H. Vithalani

E.C. Department,
Government Engineering College,
Instruction Set
Two instruction sets:
• Standard 32-bit instruction set

• 16-bit compressed form
• Code density better than most CISC
• Dynamic decompression in pipeline
ARM Instruction Set
ARM instruction set

Data processing
Data transfer
Block transfer instructions
Branching instructions
Multiply instructions
Software interrupt
ARM Instruction Set
• ARM architecture is such that 32-bit ARM
instruction set & 16 bit Thumb instruction both
can be used.
• Various addressing modes are as follow:
1. Register addressing
2. Immediate addressing
3. Indirect base and indexed addressing
Register Addressing Modes
• All the operands are within the register itself.
• Example:
MOV R1,R2 R2R1
MVN R1,R2 R2’R1 (Complement of R2)
(Logic operation NOT and MOV combined in MVN)
ADD R1,R2,R3 R1=R2+R3
SUB R5,R4,R7 R5=R4-R7
• (Logical right shift R7 by the number in the bottom
byte of R2, subtract result from R5, and put the
answer into R4)
Immediate Addressing Mode
• Second source operand is immediate operand
• MOV R0,#0 R0=0
• ADD r6,r7,#6 R6=R7+6
• CMP R7,#1000 Compare content of R7 with 1000
• MOV R1,#0x17 Hexadecimal value 17h in R1
• MOV R2,#17 Decimal value 17 in R2
• MOV R1,R1,LSL #2
R1 shifted left by 2 bit position and saved back in
R1 (R1=R1*4)
Indirect Base and Indexed addressing

• Major mode for load/store architecture as direct

absolute addressing not available
• LDR R1,[R2] ; Load R1 from memory address
pointed by R2 R1*R2
• LDR R1,[R2,-R3]; Load R1 from memory address
pointed by (R2-R3)
• LDR R1,[R2,#8]; R1*(R2+8)
Indirect Base and Indexed addressing

• STR [R5,#&0C],R4
Store Register R4 to the memory address pointed
by R5+12
• Indirect addressing mode by index plus offset with
post auto indexing
For example: LDR R1,[R2],#8
In this instruction R1 is loaded from memory
location pointed by R2 and after loading, offset of
8 is added into R2. This is called auto post
Indirect addressing by index plus
offset with pre auto indexing
• LDR R4,[R3,#8]!
Load R4 from memory address pointed by R3
after adding offset 8 into R3.
If R3=0000 0000 0000 0010 then R4 will be
loaded from the location (R3+8) = 0000 0000
0000 1010 in case of pre-auto indexing. In case of
post indexing R4 will be loaded from 0000 0000
0000 0010 and then R3 becomes 0000 0000 0000
Arithmetic Instructions
• Operations such as addition, subtraction and
multiplication are available in direct and modified
• ADD Rd,Rn,<Oprnd> Exa: ADD R1,R2,#55
Above instruction adds Rn to <Oprnd> and store
result in Rd. (R1=R2+55)
• ADDS Rd,Rn,<Oprnd> Exa: ADDS R1,R2,#55
Same as ADD but ADDS has additional effect of
testing the result stored in Rd and setting four
condition codes in CPSR.
Arithmetic Instructions
• ADC Rd,Rn,<oprnd> Exa: ADC R4,R5,R6
ADC includes carry during addition process. In
above example R4=R5+R6+Carry. C
• SUB Rd,Rn,<oprnd> Exa: SUB R2,R2,R5
• SUBS Rd,Rn,<oprnd> Exa: SUBS R2,R2,R5
R2=R2-R5 CPSR is affected by result in R2
• RSB (Reverse subtraction)
RSB Rd,Rn,<oprnd> Exa: RSB R2,R2,R5
• RSBS (Reverse subtraction with CPSR affected)
Arithmetic Instructions
• SBC (Consider carry during subtraction)
• SBC Rd,Rn,<oprnd> Exa: SBC R1,R2,R3
• SBCS (Same as SBC but CPSR is affected by result
in destination)
• RSC Rd,Rn,<oprnd> Exa: RSC R1,R2,R3
• RSCS (Same as RSC but CPSR is affected by
• MUL R1,R2,R3; R1:=R2*R3
• MOV R2,R0, LSL #3 ; Shift R0 left by 3 R2
• ADD R9,R5,R5,LSL #2 ; R9=R5*4+R5
• SUB R10,R9,R8,LSR#4 ; R10=R9-R8/16
• MLA R1,R2,R3,R4 ; R1=(R2*R3)+R4
(Multiply and accumulate useful for convolution in
signal processing applications)
• MOV R12,R4,ROR R3 ; R12=R4 rotated right by
value of R3
Load and store instructions
Transfers data between memory and processor
• Single Register transfer: Data type supported are
32 bit signed or unsigned, 16 bit and 8 bit
(Word, Half-word or Byte)
• Multiple Register transfer: Transfer multiple
registers between memory and processor in single
• Swap: swap content of memory with content of
processor registers.
Load and store Instructions
• Load/store instructions are basically data transfer
instructions from processor memory to registers and vice-
• Can be used to load PC
(if target address is beyond branch instruction range)

LDR Load Word STR Store Word

LDRH Load Half Word STRH Store Half Word
LDRSH Load Signed Half Word STRSH Store Signed Half Word
LDRB Load Byte STRB Store Byte
LDRSB Load Signed Byte STRSB Store Signed Byte
• LDRH R1,[R2,-R3]!
Load R1 from the contents of the half word
address contained in R2-R3 (both of which are
registers) and write back address to R2
• STRH R3,[R4,#14]
Store the halfword in R3 at R14+14 but
don't write back.
• LDRSB R8,[R2],#-223
Load R8 with the sign extended contents of the
byte address contained in R2 and write back
R2-223 to R2.
Data Transfer Instructions
LDR: Load in register a word (32 bit)

• LDR R0,[R1,#4] R0 [R1+4]

• LDR R0,[R1,R2] R0[R1+R2]
• LDR R0,[R1,R2,LSL #2] R0[R1+R2*4]
Data Transfer Instructions

• LDR R0,[R1,#4]! R0 [R1+4] & R1=R1+4

• LDR R0,[R1,R2]! R0[R1+R2] & R1=R1+R2
• LDR R0,[R1,R2,LSL #2]! R0[R1+R2*4] &
Data Transfer Instructions

• LDR R0,[R1],#4 R0 [R1] & R1=R1+4

• LDR R0,[R1],R2 R0[R1] & R1=R1+R2
• LDR R0,[R1],R2,LSL #2 R0[R1] & R1=R1+R2*4
LDRB: Load a byte
LDRH: Load half word (16 Bit)
Data Transfer Instructions
• STR: Store a word in register
• STRB: Store a Byte in register
• STRH: Store a Half word (16 bit) in register
Examples: STR R0,#10101010
• STR R0,[R1] R0[R1]
Store word from register R0 to location
specified by R1.
• STRH R3,[R1,#10] R3[R1+10]
Store the halfword in R3 at [R1+10]
Data Transfer Instructions
• STR R1,[R2,R3] R1[R2+R3]
Store content of R1 at memory location pointed by
• STR R1,[R2,R3]! R1[R2+R3] and R2=R2+R3
Store content of R1 at memory location pointed by
R2+R3 and R2 becomes R2=R2+R3.
• STR R1,[R2],R3 R1[R2] and R2=R2+R3
Store content of R1 at memory location pointed by
R2 and R2 becomes R2=R2+R3.
Block Transfer Instructions
• Load/Store Multiple LDM
instructions (LDM/STM) R0
• Whole register bank or a R1
subset copied to memory or Mi+14
restored with single instruction Mi+15
• It may increase interrupt R15

latency because this

instruction usually not
Example: block transfer
• LDMIA R0!, {R1-R3}
• The register R0 specifies base address of the
memory from where registers R1,R2 and R3 will be
• IA: Increment after R0 will be incremented
automatically after each transfer: R0=R0+4N
• Similarly IB: Increment before, DA: Decrement after
DB: Decrement Before options are also possible.
Swap Instruction
• Exchanges a word between
registers R2

• Two cycles but

single atomic action R7
• Support for RT semaphores
Logical Instructions
• Bitwise logical operations (like AND, OR, Ex-OR, Bit
clear) on two source registers is performed and result is
stored in destination register.
• Example: BIC R0,R1,R2
• R2 contains binary pattern where every binary 1 in R2
clears a corresponding bit location in the register R1.
• Useful in manipulating status flag and interrupt mask.
• For example
• R1: 1011 0111 0111 1111 1011 0000 1111 1010
• R2: 0111 1111 0000 0000 1010 0000 0000 1111
• R0: 1000 0000 0111 1111 0001 0000 1111 0000
Compare Instructions
• CMP R0,R5
• Flags set as a result of R0-R5
Consider the instructions:
CMP R1,#0 ; Compare R1 with 0.
BNE LOOP ; Branch if not equal
• The first instruction compares R1 with 0. The second
instruction is branch instruction, program will jump to
location specified by label LOOP if R1 is not equal to 0.
• TEQ R1,R2
• Flags set as a result of R1 Ex-OR R2
• TST R2,R3
• Flags set as a result of R2 & R3
Modifying the Status Registers
• Only indirectly R0

• MSR moves contents R1


to selected GPR R7

• MRS moves contents SPSR
from selected GPR

• Only in privileged
Shift operations by barrel shifter
LSL : Logical Left Shift MSB moves to carry flag and 0
inserted at LSB
CF Destination 0 EXAMPLES
Multiplication by a power of 2 MOV R0,R1,LSL #2

LSB moves to carry flag and 0

LSR : Logical Shift Right inserted at MSB

...0 Destination CF EXAMPLES

MOV R0,R1,LSR #2
Division by a power of 2
The Barrel Shifter
ASR: Arithmetic Right Shift Maintains MSB so that useful to
maintain sign of value
Destination CF EXAMPLES
Division by a power of 2, MOV R0,R1,ASR #2
preserving the sign bit
ROR: Rotate Right
LSB moves to carry as well as to
Destination CF MSB
Bit rotate with wrap around
from LSB to MSB MOV R0,R1,ROR #2
RRX: Rotate Right Extended
Supports 1 bit shift LSB to carry
Destination CF and carry to MSB
Single bit rotate with wrap around
from CF to MSB MOV R0,R1,RRX
Barrel Shifter: Second Operand
Register, optionally with shift operation
Operand Operand – Shift value can be either be:
1 2
• 5 bit unsigned integer
• Specified in bottom byte of
another register.
Shifter – Used for multiplication by constant

Immediate value
– 8 bit number, with a range of 0-255.
• Rotated right through even
number of positions
– Allows increased range of 32-bit
constants to be loaded directly into
Result registers
Multiply Instructions
• Integer multiplication (32-bit result)
• Long integer multiplication (64-bit result)
• Built in Multiply Accumulate Unit (MAC)
• Multiply and accumulate instructions add
product to running total
Multiply Instructions
• Instructions:

MUL Multiply 32-bit result

MULA Multiply accumulate 32-bit result

UMULL Unsigned multiply 64-bit result

UMLAL Unsigned multiply accumulate 64-bit result

SMULL Signed multiply 64-bit result

SMLAL Signed multiply accumulate 64-bit result

Compare and Test Instructions
• Comparison instructions are used to compare and test the
content of register with a given 32 bit value.
• The CPSR is always affected but no register is changed
• The first operand is register Rd and second operand can be
immediate constant or register with additional shifts or
• TST and TEQ performs Boolean evaluation with AND and
Ex-OR operations
• CMP Rd,<Oprnd2> Update CPSR after Rd - <Oprnd2>
• TST Rd,<Oprnd2> Update CPSR after Rd AND <Oprnd2>
• TEQ Rd,<Oprnd2> Update CPSR after Rd EOR <Oprnd2>
Branching Instructions
• Branching instructions are used to transfer control
conditionally anywhere in the memory which changes
sequential flow of instructions. Broadly there are two
types of branching instructions:
• Branch (B): Jumps forwards/backwards up to 32 MB
• The notation is B{cond}, Where cond is conditional
codes used for conditional branch.
• For example: BNE LOOP : If this instruction is given after
CMP R1,#0, then program will jump to location specified
by LOOP label if R1 is not equal to zero.
• Branch link (BL): Same as B + saves next instruction
i.e. (PC+4) in Link Register (R14)
• BL is suitable for function call/return. When subroutine
finished it can return to main program by copying content
from Link register R14.
Conditional Execution
• Condition codes specifies which bits in the CPSR need to
be tested.
• Conditional codes used with branch instruction B is given
in following table:

unsigned signed greater

EQ equal MI negative HI GT
higher than
positive or unsigned signed less
NE not equal PL LS LE
zero lower or same than or equal
signed greater
CS higher or VS overflow GE AL always
than or equal
unsigned signed less special
CC VC no overflow LT NV
lower than purpose

• Possible branching instructions using conditional

codes are BEQ, BMI, BNE, BAL etc.
Data Processing Instructions
Conditional codes
Data processing instructions
Barrel shifter
Powerful tools for efficient coded programs
Data Processing Instructions

For Example

if (z==1) R1=R2+(R3*4)

compiles to


Example: Conditional Execution
• This instruction will move value of register
R1 to register R0 only if carry flag is set.
• This instruction will move value of register
R1 to register R0 only if zero flag is set.
BCC label
• This instruction takes branch to label if
carry flag is cleared
Example: Conditional Execution
• Instruction executed only if zero flag is set
R0=R1+R2 only if zero flag is set.
Advantage of conditional execution
• Conditional instructions reduces number
of branches and number of pipeline
• Increases code density
Branching Instructions
• Two types of branch instructions: B & BL
• B: Ordinary branch instruction
• BL: Branch and link instruction
• BL Perform branch operation and save
address following the branch (return
address) in the link register R14.
• BL <Name of subroutine>
Branching Instructions
• Branch and Exchange (BX)
• This instruction is only executed if the
condition is true.
• This instruction performs a branch by
copying the contents of a general register,
Rn, into the program counter (PC)
Branching Instructions
• Branch exchange (BX) and
Branch link exchange (BLX):
same as B/BL +
exchange instruction set (ARM  THUMB)
• To return from subroutine to the main
program there is no RET instruction but
MOV PC,R14 can be used to return
Example: Conditional Execution
Consider that value loaded in R1=55 and R2=66
• BEQ <label> : Branch not taken because (R1-R2) ≠ 0
• BNE <label> : Branch taken because R1 ≠ R2
• BGE <lable> : Branch not taken because R1<R2
• BLT <label> : Branch taken because R1<R2
• BMI <label> : Branch taken because result minus (R1-R2)
Example: conditional execution
Consider following instructions:
• The first instruction moves content of register R1 into R0
and change N and Z flag depending on value stored in
• Second instruction will transfer R2 to R0 only if zero flag
is set. That means if during first instruction R1=0, second
instruction will execute. If second instruction is executed it
will change N and Z flag depending on value stored in R2.
• Third instruction transfer register R3 to R0 only if zero flag
is set. That means R2=0 during second instruction. Thus,
third instruction will be executed only of R1 and R2 both
were 0.
Program: To add elements of array
ORG 0x0000
MOV R1,#3 ;total 3 elements in array
MOV R2,#0x0118
MOV R0,#0 ; Reset R0 to store result
Loop: LDR R3,[R2] ; R3=[R2]
ADD R0,R0,R3 ; R0=R0+R3
ADD R2,R2,#4 ; R2 moves to next element
SUB R1,R1,#1 ; Decrement counter
CMP R1,#0 ; See whether R1=0 or not
BNE Loop
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• Find out what is CAN and utilization of
• List ARM based microcontrollers
• What are the features of ARM based
Phillips microcontroller LPC-2129 and LPC-
Thank you ….

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