Reserve (Argumentative) 2

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Title :

‘People try too hard to be like other people.

It is much better to concentrate on being
yourself.’ How far do you think this is true?
Give reasons and examples to support your

Essay type:



Cambridge O Level
October/November 2022

The idea of being yourself has been a theme

that has been consistently pushed by those
who champion self-improvement. It is often
argued and believed that people try too
hard to be like other people and that it is
more beneficial to focus on being one’s
authentic self. Although this sentiment is
certainly valid in some instances, there are
many cases in which it can be beneficial to
emulate others, as well. This essay will
explore both sides of the argument, with
the aim of ultimately demonstrating that
there are both positive and negative
aspects to attempting to be like other
people, and that the most important thing is
to find a balance between the two.

On the one hand, it can be argued that it is

much better to concentrate on being
yourself, rather than trying to be like other
people. It is important to embrace one’s
uniqueness, as it is often the very things
that make us different that can help us to
stand out and be successful. Moreover,
attempting to be someone else can lead to
feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction, as
we cannot truly be happy when we are trying
to be someone that we are not.
Furthermore, trying to be like someone else
can lead to the comparison trap, in which
people become consumed by the idea of not
being good enough, as they cannot reach the
levels of the person they are trying to

On the other hand, it can also be argued

that there are certain situations in which it
can be beneficial to emulate other people.
For example, if someone is looking to learn a
new skill, then it can be helpful to observe
how others do it and then try to replicate
their success. Additionally, it can be argued
that trying to be like other people can boost
one’s confidence, as it can make them feel
as though they are able to do things that
they may not have been able to do alone.
Moreover, it can be argued that attempting
to be like others can help us to grow, as we
can learn from the successes and mistakes
of others, and apply these lessons to our
own lives.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are both

positive and negative aspects to attempting
to be like other people. Although attempting
to be like someone else can lead to feelings
of emptiness and comparison traps, it can
also be beneficial in certain situations, such
as when we are learning a new skill or
boosting our own confidence. Ultimately, the
most important thing is to find a balance
between the two, as this will ensure that we
can take the best of both worlds and use it
to become the best version of ourselves.

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