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1 She promised _____(come) to the party later.

a) to come
b) come

2 Sorry I must____(go).
a) to go
b) go

3 We should always __(be kind) to others.

a) to be kind
b) be kind

He wants ____(learn) a new language.

a) learn
b) to learn

You would rather____(find) another job.

a) find
b) to find

They saw him ____ (jump) from the bridge.

a) to jump
b) jump

Her parents won't let her ____ (go) to the dance.

a) go
b) to go

We made them _____ (apologize). They were so rude!

a) apologize
b) to apologize

Do you know how (phone) to the USA ?

a) phone
b) to phone

I prefer ___ (stay) at home rather than...

a) stay
b) to stay

My friends want ____(go) and ____(stay) at the beach.

a) to go / to stay b)go / stay
b) to go/ stay c) go / stay

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