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credit - metalknob

The evening's gloom of mistic glow.
Cast it's spell for all to know.
Deep down inside the dark morass.
Where beast's do dwell in the lowest class.
Above the fray looms pious air.
Consumed by those who just won't share.
The day before the last day came.
Somehow they all wound up the same.
Heaven scented plumes of ruse.
Lingered only to confuse.
The Spellbound Hellhound unleashed it's guise.
To show the foolish they're not so wise.
When everyone is on the run.
And there's no place to stay.
The fiendish binds inside our minds.
Will finally have their way.
A world within a world without. Cindermaw as Adventurers
Will leave no room for a single doubt. By-and-large, Cindermaw are tolerated in the civilised world,
And a path beyond a concsious thought. but just as often they are treated as folk to be are feared. They
Is where you'll find what tomorrow taught. are often considered unclean, aggressive, or even a omen of
The Spellbound Hellhound by Leslie Albright bad tidings by the superstitious. It is unheard of for a
Cindermaw to ever be accepted into the echelons of high
Cindermaw talents often lay primarily within their physical
Misunderstood, outcast, and victims of an unfortunate prowess, and they usually have no trouble in finding
bloodline, thought to be descendants of the fabled Cerebus, employment with less-than-reputable organisations. However,
these lupine humanoids are self-sufficient survivalists who some choose to turn to an adventuring life, forging new
excel at hunting down the most elusive of prey. Over bonds of loyalty with those who fight alongside them for
generatations, these tribalistic creatures have proliferated survival.
widely enough to be considered a race in their own right, far
removed from their underworldly origins. Society
Cindermaw are often perceived as savages, but in actuality,
Physical Description are generally stoic and insightful in nature when not faced
Cindermaw are tall humanoids who possess a supple and with a combat situation. They gather in tight knit family
lean body with thick, short fur. They walk with a hunter's gait, groups, often situated at the base of a great mountain or in a
heavy-footed and with determination. The males of the race vast open cave, but some groups move about more nomadicly.
are slightly larger and more muscled than the females, Although they have an understanding of other cultures,
although they still tend to be lean. Their fur can be a they can be insular and stubborn when they encounter a facet
multitude of colors from white to black, though deep brown of society they feel betrays a race's true nature. It is far more
with shades of black and red in the fur are more common. important to most Cindermaw to embrace who you truly are
Cindermaw eye color changes as they age, beginning as a than to try and be something you are not.
deep red-orange when they are born, then moving from For this reason, Cindermaw are also honest and earnest in
yellow to blue to solid white when they are full adults,and their observations, even if such an observation is unflattering.
slowly changing to a dull silver as they become elderly.
No Fear from Flames. Fire washes over you, some of its
heat absorbed into your fur and skin. You have resistance to
fire damage. Additionally, beginning at level 10, you may
subtract a d6 from the fire damage after it is reduced. Every 2
levels after 10th you may add a d6 to this reduction.
Breathe Fire As an action on your turn, you may breathe a
gout of flame at your foes. Any object or creature in a 15 foot
cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC= 8 +your Con
mod +Prof) or take 2d4 damage, half on a successful save.
Every time you advance to an odd-numbered level, this
damage increases by 1d4.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and

credit - Jeniva Prescott

This is Something that they struggle with outside of their

own race, and contributes to their estrangement within
civilised society.
Cindermaw Names
Cindermaw nearly always have the same structure when
their names are chosen for them. It is almost always their
most prominent feature, often pointing to their prowess at
hunting or battle, followed by something having either to do
with death or protection.
Examples: Swifthunt Bastion, Redtooth Dirge, Scarpaw
Your character shares the following traits with all other
Age. Cindermaw reach maturity in their early teens, and
have shorter lifespans than humans, living for up to 70 years.
Alignment. Cindermaw tend to be self-reliant and have no
qualms in taking what they need from weaker prey in order to
survive. They tend towards a chaotic alignment.
Size. Cindermaw are only slightly larger than an average
humanoid. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. If you have
nothing in either hand, you may use your reaction to drop
down to all fours and have a speed of 40.
Darkvision. As a nocturnal predator, you have superior
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light
within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as
if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Hunter's Instincts. Your keen eyes are second only to your
hunting instinct. You gain proficiency in the Perception and
Survival skills.
Savage Combatant. Your bite is a natural weapon, which
you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you
deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier,
instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed

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