IET Energy Syst Integration - 2021 - Raichura - Review of Methodologies Used For Detection of Magnetising Inrush and Fault

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Received: 28 February 2020

DOI: 10.1049/esi2.12012

- -Revised: 15 January 2021 Accepted: 29 January 2021

- IET Energy Systems Integration

Review of methodologies used for detection of magnetising

inrush and fault conditions in power transformer

Maulik Raichura1 | Nilesh Chothani2 | Dharmesh Patel3

Electrical Department, Gujarat Technological Abstract
University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Reliable and dedicated protection of the transformer is the main requirement in the
Electrical Departments, Adani Institute of power system due to the supervision of a highly expensive equipment transformer. Non‐
Infrastructure Engineering, Gujarat Technological
University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India linear characteristics of the transformer give mysterious behaviour for the period of
3 inrush and Current transformer saturation conditions. As a stagnant and electro‐magnetic
Electrical Department, Government Engineering
College, Bharuch, Gujarat, India device, a transformer is mainly affected by self‐inrush. The saturation of the core itself is
a very critical situation that becomes a hindrance for fault discrimination. This article
Correspondence involves the elaboration of the effect of inrush on transformer operation, past research
Dharmesh Patel, Electrical Department, practices for the discrimination of inrush with the faulty condition, and a definite method
Government Engineering College, Bharuch, Gujarat,
to recognise inrush and fault condition of the transformer. More than 50 reputed journal
Email: articles, various book chapters, and books with research thesis thoroughly studied to
review the inrush and fault discrimination conditions. A comparative analysis is prepared
Funding information to suggest the identification of transformer abnormalities. Moreover, a total harmonics
Science and Engineering Research Board, Grant/ distortion (THD)‐based solution proposed for discrimination of the inrush condition
Award Number: DST/EMR/2016/006041
from fault and other abnormal conditions using the short time Fourier transform tech-
nique. Hardware setup for 2 kVA transformer developed in the laboratory to study
different inrush phenomena and altered fault conditions. Simulation and hardware results
show various effects of inrush and fault with individual harmonic and THD‐based
analysis. The collection of real‐time data is further used based on laboratory hardware
setup to enhance real‐time protection schemes for power transformers.

1 | INTRODUCTION transformer (which requires a lesser amount of copper for

handling same rated power) generates 10 times inrush current
As transformer is the heart of framework of an entire power than assessed current during transformer charging.)
system network, the security of the transformer has become a Practically, it is extremely hard to keep away from inrush
very hot topic in the HVAC structure. Typically, in 132 kV and which incites mal‐activity of protective schemes. Remanent
higher range power system, protective patterns desires strong flux plays a key part in core saturation. According to the
perspectives like extraordinary speed for fault approval feature consistent flux linkage proposal [4], because of core saturation,
meant for system stability and also considerations of dimin- core flux grows multiple curses as appeared in Figure 1. Even,
ishing damages occur due to faulty conditions [1]. Non‐ core remanence polarity performs a major role to generate
linearity in transformer generates magnetising inrush, which inrush. At primary voltage, zero crossings, under equal polarity
outcomes as inaccurate measuring portion of real magnitudes. of remanence, extreme severe inrush current is caused in the
Brownlee [2] and Blume [3] expanded magnetising inrush main winding.
current largely with possible effects observed in a power sys- Figure 1 shows core saturation occurs nearby the ‘knee’
tem. All through a no‐load state, the transformer energisation region. Under core saturation situations, the enriched har-
process produces 5 to 10 times transitory current compared to monic current remains present due to a severe drop in winding
the esteemed standard current. This continues up to a few‐ inductance. As low impedance appears in differential relay unit,
cycle, is documented as an inrush current. Toroidal type of inrush state is disturbed adversely [5]. Moreover, it is an

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. IET Energy Systems Integration published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology and Tianjin University.

IET Energy Syst. Integr. 2021;3:109–129. 109

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F I G U R E 1 Fundamental representation of
inrush for core characteristics and linkages of flux

important concern of large transformers as winding inductance constant of the circuit varies melodramatically. Initially, the
is comparatively large for winding resistance (X/R ratio of a decaying rate is also high because of the combined effect of AC
system). Due to this reason, inrush occurs in the power system and DC flux.
for several seconds and hence the system becomes unstable for Note that overload conditions and fault conditions are
that period of time while that period is being a limited one. For not only causing the peak value of current. The peak value of
designing of distribution transformer based on the maximum the current also depends on resonant conditions and the
inrush current, design parameters are clutch out to reduce intervention of harmonics. Even harmonic generation de-
losses and improve efficiency [6]. Parameters like voltage, flux, pends on the non‐linear portion of the B‐H curve of the
and current rating play a major role in developing and transformer core.
designing power transformers and their protective schemes. Magnetic inrush (initial inrush), sympathetic inrush, and
Maximum realistic voltage derived as: recovery inrush are the main three types for transformer
inrush [7]. Even during disconnected conditions of a trans-
former from the load, remnant flux always remains present in
V m siðω t þ θÞ ¼ im Rp þ N p ð1Þ some amount (i.e. it never completely disappears from the
transformer). Therefore, during the next energisation of the
transformer, a very high initial inrush generates (normally 5 to
10 times full load current depending on switching instant).
Vm = Max.voltage, ω = angular velocity, im = magnetising
Residual flux prediction [8] is based on a core hysteresis loop.
current, Rp = primary resistance, ϕm = instantaneous flux, and
The main cause for sympathetic inrush in the power system is
Np= primary turns.
due to the switching of one of the transformer in parallel
Prompt flux is derived from the following equation:
operation. In parallel operation, one transformer experiencethe
initial inrush on its own, but it cause sympathetic inrush
� −Rp
t simultaneously on a side by transformer. Due to sympathetic
φm ¼ φpmax: cos θ ± φresi: e Lp − φpmax: cosðω t þ θÞ
inrush, flux interaction is changing side by the transformer.
ð2Þ Based on substation area information, characteristics of sym-
pathetic inrush is justified [9]. Also, under sympathetic inrush,
where the saturation level is gradually reached with opposite polarity
ϕpmax. = maximum primary flux, θ = angle of Circuit breaker [10]. The third inrush condition known as recovery inrush is
(CB) Switching, and ϕresi. = residual flux. not much harmful as initial inrush and sympathetic inrush.
Under core saturation, the inductance of winding changes However, it gives an adverse effect on the variation of power
drastically. Due to unexpected variation of inductance, the time system parameters. Normally under temporary fault clearance
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- 111

outside the transformer zone, restoration of the voltage re- techniques are mostly separated as six sets with their benefit,
covery is observed. This sudden recovery of voltage leads disadvantage, and broad‐spectrum block illustration.
inrush in the power system. Normally, inrush current contains
the DC component, noise, and harmonics. The second har-
monic is usually 20 to 50 percentages for fundamentals during 2.2.1 | Harmonics‐based relaying structures (with
the initial inrush. So, most of the researchers have proposed containing DC component)
identification of inrush condition based on the second har-
monic contents. However, other methods based on total har- As per Figure 2, the typical decision logic block elaborated
monics distortion (THD) filtration and decomposition may everything including the most of the fundamental harmonics
improve the inrush current identification. (inclusion of decaying DC component). To analyse the system,
data fetched in terms of voltage, current, and power from
primary and secondary sides of transformer pre‐arranged to
2 | VARIOUS INRUSH DETECTION Analog to digital converter (ADC). Here the process evolved
TECHNIQUES to get particular frequency signals with the removal of noise
signals with the help of ADC. Captured analogue data changed
Normally, inrush generated in transformers is due to the to digital terms. After completion of this step, data are sent in
energisation of the transformer under no load, voltage re- the Harmonic or DC component discrimination portion.
covery after removal of external fault, also under characteristic Under this block, signals are analysed based on the harmonics
discrepancy of faulty generator and outfit conditions. Due to and DC component containing signals. Other remaining slabs
magnetising inrush current, primary and secondary terminal utilised for stop, to avoid, and to provide a preferred delay for
currents become unbalanced and due to this situation, false signal recondition. With the help of the junction point, all
differential currents may rise abruptly. This situation leads the captured data processed through the processor. The intended
protective scheme to mal‐operate and to command the trip value after completion of these processes is compared with a
signal. To tackle this situation, scholars have offered several preset threshold value. Comparator works as a level detector
inrush current recognition approaches, which are described and generates ‘1’ as a trip signal and ‘0’ as a blocking signal or
later with advantages and limitations. health condition of a system. As shown in the figure, a
component can be selected as per the requirement under the
generalised proposed block diagram of the protection.
2.1 | Challenges to calculate magnetic During the normal process, the transformer core gener-
inrush in transformer ates low harmonics. However, when the transformer is
switched on, magnetising inrush current appears in the pic-
Inrush current during no‐load energisation condition requires ture, and the magnitude of inrush, numerous times greater
special attention. Transformer inrush current could be 5 to 10 compared to normal rated current with ultimately high har-
times FLA (Full‐load current) and a major portion of it is monic contents. It is because of the magnetic saturation of
second harmonic content. For calculation and measurement of transformer cores under no‐load regimes. Magnetic saturation
magnetising inrush, many challenges are faced with trans- leads to the non‐linearity of B = f (H) curve and causes the
former models. Proper representation of saturation behaviour appearance of higher‐order harmonics. Normally inrush
of core material, the nonlinearity of core material, and its current contains harmonics and DC components, based on
modelling are some of the major issues for inrush detection. inception angle and core characteristics. Generally, the
Even though, all core and winding losses are frequency magnitude of the second harmonic is measured as it is pre-
dependent, the representation of those losses and estimation of vailing, up to 50% of fundamental current [11]. Based on
parameters in the model are also complicated. Co‐existing residual and saturation flux during energisation condition of
magnetic, electric coupling and its data collection to verify any inductive core, the second harmonic set point is decided
models are also complicated under inrush conditions. The [12] for detection of inrush condition. With the help of
development of a model with consideration of all the above various approaches such as per‐phase, cross blocking,
terms is a major concern for researchers and its ultimate goal is
to develop an algorithm for correct identification of inrush or
to find novel mitigation techniques. For a better understanding
about inrush detection, some past techniques are described
here which helps in the detection of inrush conditions in po-
wer transformer.

2.2 | Several skills to spot inrush conditions

With the study of many arrangements and study efforts F I G U R E 2 Block diagram of harmonic and DC component‐based
approved by investigators, magnetising inrush revealing relaying scheme
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percentage average blocking, and harmonic‐based techniques, 2.2.2 | Wave‐form investigation grounded
this situation is identified effectively. The second harmonic methods
component‐based inrush analysis [13] is a susceptible tech-
nique due to its lacking points ‐of mal‐operation under Here, a technique based on waveform singularity factor, self‐
different inrush and fault environments. Therefore, second‐ co‐relation, sinusoidal proximity factor, improved co‐relation
order derivative of differential current based techniques [14] factor, current gradient, waveform shape and size investi-
is implemented with validation of various inrush conditions gating methods are incorporated.
through a predominant internal fault with inrush conditions. As shown in Figure 3, fundamental arrangements are
Even for internal and external fault examination is carried out elaborated based on a simple illustration of altered waveform
based on phasor angle among primary and secondary current response practices in protective schemes. From the primary
of a transformer. Techniques [13, 14] are validated based on and secondary sides of the transformer, the required electrical
the Discrete fourier transform (DFT) algorithm by consid- parameters are captured for the selected parameter block in
ering CT saturation conditions. Also, second harmonic terms of voltage or current. The parameter selection block
component‐based inrush detection and overall transformer selects the required parameter. These selected factors are
protection are implemented with adaptively shifting percent- processed under AAF (anti‐aliasing filter), SC, and ADC. AAF
age bias characteristics by measuring saturation of the current will filter a composed signal and re‐condition it via SC block
transformers in [15] with the help of adaptive modified full and again this signal is rehabilitated in digital form through
cycle DFT (MFCDFT) algorithm. To overcome these limi- ADC. A waveform investigation takes place based on the
tations of detection scheme based on second harmonic various parameters like potential gradient, phasor angle dif-
component of the current, combination of second harmonic ference, sample derivation, waveform shape and size, wave-
with phasor angle difference between sequential current form symmetry and rate of change of magnitude. With the
component [16] has been implemented to improve the con- help of this waveform information, it is compared with the
ventional percentage biased differential protection. predefined threshold conditions later. With the help of a
As all know, inrush is generated due to the nonlinear processor, the signal is processed after comparison to decide
characteristics of the transformer, and nonlinearity is a major on a trip or block through the developed scheme.
source of harmonics. Total harmonics distortion (THD) based Characteristics of waveform under inrush are different for
analysis [17] is widely used in the power system to detect fault current response. Generally, fault current contains si-
certain events based on the level of harmonic components. nusoidal fast decaying current wave whereas inrush is having
Intrinsic feature‐based inrush and internal fault discrimination a peak with the same polarity and decaying with some time
is given in [5].However, the issue of state equation stiffness delay. Differential current gradient‐based inrush is identified
appears with time in the simulation. Most of the harmonic and in [20], however, the challenging task is to choose a threshold
DC component‐based analysis used FFT, DFT, and MFCDFT for each power system case. Phase angle difference based
filtering techniques. However, due to advancements in infil- inrush restraint technique [21] is illustrated without consid-
tration techniques, Kalman filtering techniques are more ering the effect of fault inception angle (FIA), sympathetic
effective than DFT filtering techniques. A modified version of inrush, and recovery inrush. The voltage appearing between
Kalman filtering techniques is also utilised based on three state both sides of the transformer during inrush is almost the
Kalman filtering methods [19]. To avoid the disadvantage of same and based on this principle, the inrush condition is
second harmonic based inrush detections, phasor angle of discriminated effectively from other disturbances [22]. In that
voltage and current based inrush detection techniques are article, all other disturbances like an internal, external fault
elaborated with considering various fault and abnormal with and without CT saturation were validated with the help
conditions. of adaptively shifted percentage biased characteristics based
The benefits of the techniques are (1) It is not significantly on the degree of CT saturation. With the use of features of
embellished by the discrepancy of sampling and (2) Only the the non‐saturation zone in transformer core [23], inrush and
harmonic component (THD) is required to calculate for internal fault conditions forms normalised differential current
discrimination. with only a quarter sample of one cycle. Negative sequence

FIGURE 3 Waveform‐based analysis

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current magnitude and positive sequence phasor angle of differential current, after it is implemented to validate the al-
primary and secondary current inrush is also utilised to detect gorithm for protection of the transformer. However, very less
the inrush condition of the transformer in [24]. Also, higher‐ test conditions were taken into account. Empirical (EWT) [31],
order statistics [25] based inrush detection schemes give which is a modified version of WPT, is also used to distinguish
satisfactory results. However, it involves complexity to inrush and internal fault conditions in the transformer. More-
implement the scheme in a real field. Ratios of currents and over, the resulting features used to train the support vector
voltages waveform and predefined thresholds based differ- machine (SVM) due to WPT's effective feature extraction
ential protection and inrush identification have been per- property for classification purposes. Yet, a comparison with
formed in [26]. Even, for surveillance of inrush current, the recent techniques is not carried out. Inrush current discrimi-
sine‐wave least‐squares curve (LSC) fitting technique [27] is nation using WPT constructed method in transformer differ-
used with high reliability and accuracy. ential protection is described in [32]. However, the selection of
The main disadvantages of waveform‐based analysis are mother wavelet creates major issues. Due to the harshness of
the limited sample rate, bandwidth, nonlinear phase response, sympathetic inrush in protective schemes, WT‐based sympa-
and instrument errors. thetic inrush identification is presented in [33].
Due to the complexity of decomposition techniques, clas-
sifier techniques are becoming the trending topic for the re-
2.2.3 | Classifier and decomposing techniques searchers. Artificial neural network (ANN) with Bayesian
classifier (BC) [34] is used for transformer protection to
Normally under decomposing technique, all transform tech- discriminate various abnormalities like inrush and Current
niques are similar to and belong to the category of WT transformer (CT) saturation. Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
(wavelet transform), WPT (wavelet packet transform), and S‐ method is used to optimise the constraints for classifier tech-
Transform whereas, under classifier techniques, NN (neural niques. Still, the error remains higher compared to other tech-
network) and vector machine based techniques are involved. niques. Also, a combination of genetic algorithm (GA) with
The Figure 4 presents the combined block diagram of classifier ANN [35] is used in transformer protection for classification of
and decomposer techniques with all details. various abnormalities with an internal fault condition of the
As shown in Figure 4, parameters like voltage, current, transformer. GA is used to improve back‐propagation (BP), to
frequency, power factor, or dissolved gas analyser, are used as train the hidden layer, and to increase classification accuracy.
data for primary fill. After the collection of all the data, it was Adaptive approach with ANN and PSO‐based techniques are
conditioned and sampled by ADC. After sampling these data, elaborated in [36] in a good manner, yet, an operational period of
the analysis is performed based on structural/behavioural/ the suggested configuration is not calculated. Recently, RVM
functional aspects with the help of classifier or decomposing (relevance vector machine) [37] and HE‐ELM (hierarchical
techniques. With the help of a predefined threshold, value‐ ensemble extreme learning machine) [38] grounded algorithms
based comparator logical answer generated in the terms of are elaborated by considering all the system and fault parameters
zero (block) or one (trip). for improving transformer fault classification accuracy. How-
Decomposition of a waveform, normally subdivided as ever, the achieved classification accuracy is high, but a collection
structural, behavioural, functional, or combination of any two or of real‐time training data from the field is a major problem.
all. Discrete WT‐based on Root mean square (RMS) value for a Disadvantages of the decomposing and machine learning
specified frequency band of energy gradient is used in [28] to techniques collectively elaborated here.
differentiate inrush with internal faults. However, major draw- Limitations The limitations are (1) simply reveal extreme
backs of the schemes are mathematical complexity and difficulty details, so raise convolution; (2) no guarantee regarding the
in obtaining parameters. Power spectral density‐based analysis details considered and relation with each essential section; (3)
for faults and inrush with low‐pass decomposition filter (LDF) simply cause involvement with efficient movement; (4) effi-
and high pass decomposition filters (HDF) to extract signals cient decomposition is producing disparagement on the pro-
that are used in [29]. Also, WPT‐based decomposition tech- cedure’ and (5) cause problem in a gathering of definite
niques are used in [30] to analyse dq‐axis components from training data from actual field.

F I G U R E 4 Classifier and decomposing

techniques based analysis
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2.2.4 | Morphological‐based analysis However, it is a very complicated process in terms of parameter

estimation. Simulated inrush currents by backward differentia-
Here, mathematical morphology (MM), grill factor‐based, and tion formulae [43] are used with the state‐space formulation.
numerical solution type techniques are included. MM is However, numerical oscillations problem occurs over time.
soundly defined with various examples in [39]. Here, Figure 5 Further, a sympathetic inrush current is identified through
shows the common block diagram which used MM for Eigen value and Eigenvectors based mathematical analysis [10].
transformer protection purpose. Initially, a mathematical Yet, actual implementations are not carried out. Waveform
model is prepared, and then various test cases are used to complexity or fractal study based inrush detection schemes of
validate the mathematical model. The developed mathematical the differential current signal is carried out in [44]. Still, wave-
model is then introduced in the real field. AAF, SC, and ADC form convolutions of CT saturation under external as well as
are used to fetch the desired data by signal conditioning and internal fault are not tested. Modelling of core saturation in a
digital conversion, respectively. Analysis of the collected signal power transformer is noticeably elaborated in [45], based on
will be done based on singularity, state‐space formulation, core flux analysis by conversion of predictable V‐I circuit.
backward and forward differential value, Eigen value, Eigen- Complexity Normally, modelling of transformer for inrush
vector, fractal analysis, or higher‐order statistics. After that, the is so difficult and offers challenges to designing engineers as all
analysed data are then compared with the predefined saturation behaviour should be done properly. Non‐linearity is
threshold. A comparator compares the derived quantities with complex so all frequency‐dependent losses like eddy current,
a threshold. The result of the comparator is then used for hysteresis etc. are complicated to represent in morphological
decision‐making purposes. Even for sympathetic inrush, MM‐ terms. The restriction is also for determinations of particular
based top hat and bottom hat defined with threshold condi- residual flux at the initial scrupulous time. In a multi‐phase
tions for both flux linkages [40]. transformer, calculations of coupling flux with its flux are
Transformer inrush is also discriminated from fault condi- also a major issue. Estimation of a parameter for measurement
tions by using MM with the help of morphological gradient and validation is also difficult.
(MG) very effectively with considering sympathetic and recov-
ery inrush in the article [41]. However, variation in data like
varying load, time of operation, FIA is not considered. The 2.2.5 | Techniques based on power consumption
mathematical model after considering various parameters of
transformer, inrush current, and inrush reduction techniques by Block diagram of power consumption grounded analysis pre-
controlling initial phasor angle of voltage is elaborated in [42]. sented in Figure 6 depending on active and reactive power

FIGURE 5 Mathematical morphology‐based


FIGURE 6 Power consumption‐based analysis

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consumption. Here, few techniques are also included such as desired standard time. Discrimination of inrush based on the
frequency–time, active–reactive power, two‐terminal network‐ instantaneous frequency of differential power signal [49] is
based technique, equivalent instantaneous leakage inductance proposed for accurate identification of inrush within a quarter
(EILI) based exploration etc. Primarily, from both sides of the cycle. These schemes are also compared with various tech-
transformer voltages, current and power are measured using niques like ANN, WT active power consumption and second
instrument transformers. The measured data are then sent to the harmonic technique. However, sympathetic inrush, recovery
next block where AAF will filter out the required data, the SC inrush, and even magnetic inrush followed by the internal fault
unit will be conditioning the collected data and ADC will are required to be tested. Based on the instantaneous induc-
convert the analogue data into digital form. Comparator block tance (II) method [50], discrimination of internal faults with
analyses power and other required quantities then compare it inrush is explained decently. However, the technique used
with a preset threshold. Based on the comparison, the processor voltage & current signals which adds voltage transformer cost
decides whether to issue trip (1 trip) command or not (0 block). and hence increases the overall cost. Differential power signal
Normally, no‐load losses cover hysteresis losses and simple based time‐domain analysis [51] is involved to discriminate
eddy current losses plus excess eddy current losses given as, inrush in power transformers. Wave shape classification is
used, based on time‐domain and differential power (intrinsic)
P n0 ¼ P h þ P si−eddy þ P ex−eddy ð3Þ features throughout the identification of inrush conditions.
However, the test results are very less. Current intensity and
inductance (L) based analysis to detect inrush is presented in
If the flux is uniformly distributed along the core limb, [52]. However, all conditions are not validated like sympathetic
then the relation between average magnetisation (M), magnetic inrush and recovery inrush with different FIA and other
flux, and the electric voltage is, parameter variations. Sympathetic inrush current with the
impact of load power factor [53] gives results on scale and
� �
dM 1 d∅ d∅ period of the main inrush current. Due to the sympathetic
¼ ∞ ð4Þ
dt 2Ld dt dt inrush current, the stifling of the original inrush current of the
adjacent transformer is increased rapidly.
BðtÞ ∞ ∅ ðtÞ ∞ ∫ vðtÞdt ð5Þ

Now as per Bertotti [46] total power consumption with all 2.2.6 | Electro‐magnetic stress (during inrush)
three components with magnetic properties and characteristics based technique
is as [47]:
Electro‐magnetic (EM) stress plays a major role in inrush con-
ditions due to magnetic core characteristics. Various uncertainty
π2 2 under EM is also utilised as one of the main parameters for
P 0 ¼ W ðM max Þf þ σd ðM max f Þ
6 transformer protection. Currently, to detect ambiguity, various
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi logical computational and evidential reasoning methods are
þ 8 σGSV 0 ðM max f Þ
offered [54]. Radial electromechanical stresses are also a more
dB impactful parameter of transformers that are affected by inrush
where P si−eddy ¼ σd dt and
12 condition in the transformer [55]. Based on analytical, numerical
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! and experimental approaches, stress inrush can also be recog-
n0 V 0 4σGS dM nised. However, good technical skill is required for the computer
P ex−eddy ¼ 1þ 2 −1 programme due to its complexity. Moreover, CT saturation
2 n0 V 0 dt
conditions are not included. During the inrush current due to
superfluous radial and axial force [56], there is a possibility of a
So, as per eq:12 ; P h ∞ f ,P si−eddy ∞ f and
change in transformer structural behaviour. Because there is
numerous possibility of radial and axial deformation under
various condition like inrush, fault, and mechanical defects [57].
P ex−eddy ∞ f
Even it may also give effects on the performance of unit pro-
tection [58]. Ionosphere current flow relates to geomagnetic
During energisation of the transformer, normally active induced current (GIC) due to core saturation in the power
power is nearly zero although during energising the trans- transformer [59].
former under an internal fault, huge active power is consumed
by the circuit [48], although during the first cycle of the inrush,
huge amount of active power was disbursed for a few cycles. 2.2.7 | Inrush current minimisation practices in
After completion of the few cycles, active power is reduced and transformers
the system reaches actual condition, which means active power
is very less and increase in reactive power consumption. But to Inrush is mainly affected by switching angle, remanent flux
make the correct decision, the time taken is too large than the amount and polarisation, the resistance of primary winding,
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internal source inductance or impedance, the air‐core induc-

tance of winding, core‐geometry, and its magnetising charac-
teristic of the core material with its maximum flux carrying
capacity etc. Nowadays, due to renewable converter, additional
flux is introduced; so, it may diminish the magnetic flux of
inrush. These techniques of reduced stress are named low
voltage ride through (LVRT) assets [60]. Transient current
limiter (TCL) [61] is used in a power system to suppress any
rapid changes in the current like inrush current and fault
current. Even with the help of controlled switching methods
[62], switching angle is also controlled and consequently, inrush
is controlled. However, appropriate action with determination
and preciseness is required. Connection of inductive load
nearby supply is also one of the techniques to avoid inrush.
Even, amplitude‐based inrush blocking scheme [63], second
harmonic content‐based saturation state detection techniques
etc. are also available.
A Table‐1 has been prepared which gives a comprehensive
review of different techniques and conceptual aspect of study
and growths in the zone of inrush recognition during the past
30 years. This Table‐1 is easier to understand about the work
done by various researchers comprehensively to date with
benefits and disadvantages.
FIGURE 7 Proposed algorithm for inrush detection in transformer


FAULT CONDITION BASED ON THD of all the CTs of both sides of the transformer are attained by
data procurement arrangement. For the modal analysis all
As discussed above, various techniques are used to bypass the currents, IR, IY, and IB of RYB phases are specified by,
protective relay during inrush conditions and should be
capable enough to only operate during fault conditions once I mod ¼ I R − 2I Y þ 2I B ð8Þ
the fault is detected inside the transformer protection zone.
Many researchers have proposed different methods to mini- This model gesture covers all normal, abnormal, and faulty
mise the effect of inrush current during the initial transformer situations faced in transformer protection [64]. The hardware
energisation state as discussed in Section 2.2.7. However, it is waveform along with the magnitude of THD elaborates more
very difficult to minimise the effect of inrush conditions during about change in waveform of transformer current during
every energisation of the power transformer as the current various abnormalities encountered. If the estimated THD is
magnitude is 5–10 times higher than the normal load current. more than 30%, the condition is inrush otherwise other
Various researchers have proposed various schemes to normal of fault is considered.
discriminate magnetising inrush condition from fault and
normal operating condition of the transformer as discussed in
2.2.1 to 2.2.6. Here, a method is proposed by authors to detect 3.1 | Proposed STFT technique
inrush condition abnormal and fault condition of transformer
estimating THD using short time Fourier transform (STFT) The STFT is generally considered as a moving window version
technique. Software replication is approved in MATLAB and a of FFT, having improved outcomes in terms of frequency
laboratory prototype has been developed to capture distur- discrimination associated with wavelets. Moreover, we can
bances in the current waveform during various unusual cir- analyse harmonic analysis accurately by STFT under‐voltage
cumstances taking place inside the power transformer. and current disturbances compared to tree filters. The
Furthermore, a power logger has been equipped to the hard- demonstration of difficult bandpass filter as,
ware setup to estimate the magnitude of THD. The aim of the
review paper is to make researchers thoroughly understand the � �
inrush phenomena taking place inside the power transformer X n ejωk ¼ ∑xðmÞW ðn − mÞe−jωkm ð9Þ
and summarises the identification scheme proposed by the m
authors. The algorithm to detect inrush conditions based on
THD is shown here. An STFT divides an input signal, {x(n)}, into N sections
Figure 7 shows the flowchart of the planned protective according to the sliding window, and performs FFT on each
scheme of the transformer. Initially, the current signals samples section.
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- 117

where ωðnÞ represents the sliding window that emphasises The amplitude of the particular harmonic is obtained as
local frequency components within it. Transformed signal [69, 70]:
is expressed as x(m), xn is essential for representation of
the complexity of the Fourier transform in the term of x(m).w �
Xm 1 1
(n−m), for phasor and magnitude representation based on An ¼ sinðh þ 1Þα þ sinðh − 1Þα
π hþ1 h−1
time and frequency. �α� �
Output of nth band pass filter from STFT: − 2 cos sin nα ð14Þ
� � � � � �
ejωk ¼ ejωkm Xn ejωk ¼ hkðnÞ ∗ XðnÞ ð10Þ The maximum quantity of RMS harmonic in power
transformer [71] is given as:
where hkðnÞ ¼ ðejωkm ÞωðnÞ.
In STFT, fundamental magnitude is extracted despite vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
RMS value. One of the remarkable advantages of STFT is u 1 þ P EC
X pu
max ¼t ð15Þ
1 þ K h ∑X∞ X 2
due to a bank of the bandpass filter is so that current
1 h
magnitude approximation can realise greater time resolution
than RMS value [65]. To analyse voltage and current analysis
in a power system, STFT is also used for the characterisa- where P EC = eddy current losses, X h = voltage/current har-
tion of the signal's magnitude and phasor [66]. One of the monic, and K h = constant of harmonic.
major advantages of STFT is that it gives the value of Constant of harmonic is derived as:
fundamental magnitude and phase‐angle as well as the
content of the harmonics of the supply [67]. The STFT
h¼1 X h h
2 2
filter out all the undesired noise/harmonics and extract only Kh ¼ ð16Þ
the required fundamental quantities and hence one can say X2
that the proposed algorithm works well in conjunction with
the noise signals. Moreover, the safety margins are used A simulation model as displayed in Figure 8 is prepared in
while selecting the thresholds that are used in the proposed PSCAD and the estimation of THD for inrush and fault
methodology and these safety margins avoid undesired conditions are shown here.
tripping of the relay. As seen after Figure 9 the THD during inrush condition in
Total voltage/current appear across the system are a each phase remains more than 30%. Moreover, during an in-
calculation of DC element and innumerable harmonics mag- ternal fault condition, the THD remains less than 30% in all
nitudes like: the phases. Hence, according to the proposed algorithm,
inrush and fault conditions can be discriminated successfully.
Figure 10 shows the current waveform captured during an
XðtÞ ¼ X ðDCÞ þ ∑nh¼1 X hrms cosðhωt þ αh Þ ð11Þ internal fault on PSCAD software. Figure 10(a) elaborates
current waveform with decaying DC components and Figure.
where X = Value of voltage/current, I = number of harmonic, 10(b) shows current without DC decaying components. The
ω = fundamental frequency, and α = phase shift. effect of harmonics in presence of DC decaying component is
RMS value represents covering the square value of har- shown in Figure 10(c) in form of THD. The parameters of
monics plus the sum of the harmonics products [68]. various components of the considered power system network
are given in Appendix‐A.

X rms
h �2 �2 �2 � �2 i1=2
¼ X dc þ X ð1Þ
rms þ X ð2Þ
rms þ X ð3Þ
rms þ …:: þ X ðhÞ


Commonly, THD is defined as:

u 2
u X rms ðhÞ
T HDX ¼ ∑h¼2 N

where h = harmonic number of current, N = total harmonic

number, and Xrms = signal RMS value, and X1 = fundamental
component of the considered signal. FIGURE 8 Model (simulation) for system network
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FIGURE 9 (a) Current waveform and (b) THD during inrush condition

4 | HARDWARE SETUP FOR VARIOUS CTs are connected with rated parameters as exposed in
RESULT ANALYSIS Figure 11 to evaluate the magnitude and analyse the signals
of the current. Both CTs are connected via current sensors
The hardware setup for result analysis is as shown in CS‐1 and CS‐2. IEEE guideline [72] was used to design the
Figure 11. Two numbers of single‐phase transformers of 2 setup of the proposed hardware prototype. Subsequent parts
kVA capacity with 220/110V voltage ratios are connected in present the assessable fault and inrush state produced in
parallel for result analysis. Both transformers are connected laboratory structure.
in parallel to make a proper analysis of sympathetic inrush The front and rear view of the developed hardware
condition (however in Figure 11 only one transformer is for the practical test is shown in Figure 12. The param-
shown, the other one transformer is connected in parallel eters of various components of the developed power
without load). As shown in Figure 11, a 15 A, single‐phase, system network of hardware prototype are given in
lamp load is coupled via S4 switch and circuit breakers are Appendix‐B.
used as contactors in the circuit. Numerous tappings are Installation of the proposed protection scheme for
shown on the primary and secondary sides of the considered transformer at site (real network) causes a number of
transformer to generate various types of faults on windings. findings and errors in the implementation. Though, this
With the help of S1, S2, and S3 switches (fault switches) in- scheme is tested in laboratory but even, if the scheme has
ternal and external faults are generated. Moreover, with S1 been thoroughly tested in the manufacturing factory/com-
and S2 switches, internal faults are generated on primary and pany, wiring to the CTs and relay on site may be incorrectly
secondary sequentially. Fault switches are connected via 12 A carried out, or the CTs may have been incorrectly installed
and 18‐Ω resistors R1 and R2, to generate real field fault may affect the operation. Moreover, the hardware used for
effect in a laboratory environment as exposed in Figure 11. implementation of the proposed scheme, method of data
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- 119

F I G U R E 1 0 Current waveforms: (a) Internal

fault with DC component, (b) internal fault without
DC component, and (c) THD

collection, and other auxiliary protection as applied to power 4.1 | Main inrush (initial inrush)
transformer may affect the commissioning of the relay at
site. Normally, Initial Inrush generated at no‐load transformer
The operating speed of the proposed algorithm depends practice due to saturation of the core of a transformer. As
on following factors for power transformer protection: discussed earlier, many parameters affect inrush. Here, two
unidirectional magnetising current conditions like positive
1. Method of data acquisition from both sides of transformer switching angle and negative switching angle verified on
2. Sampling of data with fixed sampling time hardware‐based analysis as revealed in Figure 13a,b.
3. Time required for buffering the sample data in memory unit As shown in Figure 13c, second harmonic components are
of hardware more than 50 percentages of fundamental components. Even
4. Computation of model current from the results, we can observe that THD is also more than
5. Estimation of THD for the calculated model current 50 % (86.270%). Conventional protection schemes utilise
6. Time taken by decision logic block second harmonic component‐based inrush discrimination.
With various methodologies, scholars tried to alleviate the
Including all the above factors, maximum response time or inrush current with the help of restoring the core material,
operating speed of the proposed algorithm is 26 ms as tested in controlled inception angle etc. Many other inrush conditions
laboratory prototype. Table‐2 shows the number of cases and like sympathetic inrush and recovery inrushes are taking place
data considered in this research work. in the power system, are designated in the following sections.
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F I G U R E 1 1 Proposed hardware setup. S1 to S4‐switch, A1 to A4‐ammeters, R1 & R2‐12A, 18 ohm variable resistor, CT1‐primary side current transformer,
CT2‐secondary side current transformer, CB1‐primary side circuit breaker, CB2‐secondary side circuit breaker, Id‐differential current, CS‐1 primary side current
sensor, CS‐2 secondary side current sensor

FIGURE 12 Proposed hardware setup prepared in laboratory environment. (a) Panel front view (b) Panel back view

4.2 | Sympathetic inrush 4.3 | Recovery inrush

During parallel operation of a transformer, when the second Mostly sudden change in voltage takes place during recovery of
transformer under no‐load operation itself faces inrush condi- fault or any disturbance in the power system. Even during
tion it generates an effect on the side by transformer also. This synchronisation of the power system, voltages are changed
effect on a side by the transformer is called a sympathetic inrush suddenly in the power system in the vicinity of the transformer.
for the second transformer. Due to the DC factor of sympa- The effects of sudden variation in voltages and even recovery
thetic inrush, the neighbouring transformer may get the wrong voltages influence the transformer operation. There are many
gesture, even though it is not an internal fault for that trans- reasons for sudden changes in voltages like voltage swings, fault
former. Hardware‐based result analysis for sympathetic inrush clearance, momentary trip, and auto reclosing of CB etc. But
obtained as shown in Figure 14a. The harmonic spectrum is the amplitude of these effects are not significant when
shown in Figure 14b. As shown in Figure 14b second harmonic compared to initial inrush. However, it might generate an effect
as well as THD values are higher than the acceptable limit. on transformer differential protection. The inrush produced
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- 121

F I G U R E 1 3 Waveform and harmonic

during inrush. (a) Inrush during positive
rising IA, (b) inrush during negative rising
IA, (c) harmonic during inrush

once voltages recover to an esteemed synchronised voltage magnetising current is not an unpolluted sinusoidal waveform,
called recovery inrush. When the three‐phase fault clears the but somewhat inaccurate due to the nonlinearity of the
nearby transformer terminal, recovery inrush will be at its peak transformer core.
at that time. The same effect was observed on hardware as well
when terminal fault cleared on transformer protection and
shows the waveform of recovery inrush as revealed in 4.5 | External fault conditions
Figure 15a and its harmonic spectrum as shown in Figure 15b.
During an external fault condition, the outer portion of the
unit type protective zone is called an external fault. During the
4.4 | Current waveform of magnetising time of external faults, equipment consumes additional current
condition (under no load) with its harmonic than its normal rated load situation. Due to low fault resis-
tance, the fault current amount is too high. So, much more
Under no‐load conditions of the transformer, some minor stress is produced on the internal part of the equipment. From
magnetising current flows additionally than the inrush current. Figure 17a this stress can be more understood clearly. Once an
This is a continuous flow during energisation of the winding. external fault ensues on the system, the current magnitude is
All windings behave as inductors so they require reactive raised quickly. Moreover, the harmonics at that time are lower,
power to consume. The waveform of the magnetising current which can be seen from Figure 17b. The reason for the lower
(as under no‐load conditions) is shown in Figure 16a and magnitude of harmonics is due to the symmetricity of the
corresponding harmonic spectrum in Figure 16b. The waveform.
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F I G U R E 1 5 Waveform and harmonic


during recovery inrush

(a) Sympathetic inrush current waveform and (b) its harmonic
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- 123

F I G U R E 1 6 Waveform and its

harmonic under no load condition of the
transformer (magnetising Current)

FIGURE 17 Primary and secondary current waveform and its harmonic under external fault

4.6 | Internal fault (without saturation of possible and harmonic spectrum during transformer internal
core) fault state also revealed in the Figure 18b.

The waveform of current during the occurrence of internal

fault condition is illustrated in Figure 18a. The flow of the 4.7 | Internal fault (with CT saturation)
current rapidly increases under internal fault. Due to rapid
increase, mechanical as well as electrical stresses are generated There is a rare possibility for the CT saturation to occur due to
on winding and its insulation. These are the main causes of the the various under internal fault. However, during the excessive
winding failure in the transformer. To avoid this type of current from the source, the CTs get saturates. Saturated CTs
consequence, the protective scheme must be operated as fast as always deteriorate the form of the current so magnitude is not
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current waveform and its harmonics under

F I G U R E 1 8 Primary and secondary

Primary and secondary current waveform and its harmonics under CT saturation condition with internal fault
internal fault

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- 125

TABLE 1 Extract of the various schemes that are used for detection of magnetising inrush condition of the transformer

Sr.No. Scheme Benefits Disadvantages References

1 Harmonics based (1) It is not significantly embellished by the discrepancy (1) Under CT saturation conditions there are possibilities [15–22]
relaying of sampling for the generation of harmonics and DC decaying
structures (2) Only harmonic component (THD) is required to components. So, the scheme may be mal‐operated
(with DC calculate for discrimination. It isn't significantly (2) nonlinear load also causes the generation of
component) inflated by the difference in sampling harmonics
(3) A sympathetic inrush also generates harmonics to
the side by the transformer

2 Wave‐form (1) can accurately find the inrush and other conditions, (1) limited sample rate, bandwidth, nonlinear phase [23–30]
investigation as the inrush waveform projects a unique pattern response, and instrument's error
grounded every time (2) limitation— as nowadays some of the fault and other
methods (2) does not require more equipment such as PTs and disturbances follow the same waveform pattern as
directional features etc. the inrush conditions have

3 Decomposing and (1) a trending method as it includes machine learning‐ (1) Simply reveal extreme details and hence rises [31–41]
machine based classification, which is a part of artificial convolution
learning Intelligence (2) No guarantee concerning the extracted details and
(classifier) (2) research scope is open, one can use other modified relation with each essential section
based or improved methods to increase the classification (3) Simply cause involvement with efficient movement.
techniques accuracy (4) efficient decomposition is producing disparagement
(3) the method is highly accurate, some of the methods on the procedure
like deep learning do not require a separate feature (5) cause problem in the gathering of definite training
extractor, which will ease the work of the protection data in the actual field
engineer (6) trained staff required
(4) can be modified as required and other features can
be added if requires in the future like detection of
over‐fluxing, high resistance fault detection etc.

4 Morphological (1) has the unique advantage of grill factor‐based and (1) Normally modelling of transformer for inrush is so [42–48]
based analysis numerical solution type techniques which gives ac- difficult and offers challenges to designing engineers
curate results of classification as all saturation behaviour should be done properly.
Non‐linearity is complex so all frequency‐dependent
losses like eddy current, hysteresis etc. are complicated
to represent in morphological terms. The restriction is
also for determinations of particular residual flux at
the initial scrupulous time. In a multi‐phase trans-
former, the calculation of coupling flux with its flux is
also a major issue. Estimation of the parameter for
measurement and validation is also difficult.

5 Power (1) based on active, reactive, or apparent power. The (1) requires additional equipment like potential trans- [51–56]
consumption‐ method does not require any direction feature and formers (PTs) which adds the cost of the protective
based has lower computational complexity which is an scheme
techniques: added advantage for this method (2) not capable to detect conditions like over‐fluxing
(2) based on input and output power or percentage techniques unless or otherwise proper algorithm
biased differential power analysis, distinguish inter- has been programmed
nal fault with other abnormalities (like inrush,
external fault etc.) are carried out

6 Electro‐magnetic (1) based on the stress calculation, which converts the (1) due to the complexity of system parameters, the [57–62]
stress stress developed on the core as well as windings to computer programme becomes complex so, it
phenomenon the electrical quantity and measures it. Based on the continuously requires upgradation ability
based calculated stress, it detects the abnormal condition (2) the search coils should be wrapped around the
technique components of the transformer which adds cost to
the protective scheme and completely relying on
those coils

7 Methods to (1) nullifies the effect of the inrush condition by mini- (1) the method requires separate peripheral devices and [63–66]
minimise mising the inrush current and hence the inrush the method remains in operation only while
inrush current condition will not affect the protective scheme of the switching on the transformer. It is not able to pro-
in a transformer tect against certain conditions like sympathetic
transformer inrush or recovery inrush conditions that are taking
place during transformer operation
(2) resolution and preciseness is the main requirement
of switching techniques, so the overall cost of the
system is higher
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TABLE 2 Number of cases and data considered in this work

Sr. No. Faults/Inrush cases Faults/abnormalities Data considered

1 All types of internal faults Turn to turn Location of fault is varied, fault resistance is varied,
Primary to secondary winding
Internal winding L‐g fault

2 External faults 110 V side Location of fault is varied, fault resistance is varied,
220 V side

3 Inrush conditions Initial inrush Switching angle/time of circuit breaker is varied

Sympathetic inrush Parallel operation of transformer
Recovery inrush Clearance of fault and sudden change in voltage

4 Internal and external fault with CT CT being saturated by changing resistance inserted in Various level of CT saturation are considered for
saturation secondary side (RCT) data generation

reflected correctly. Although currently implemented protection AC K N OWL E D G E M E N T

schemes are based on the differential principle, they will The work of authors is financially supported by the Depart-
identify the occurrence of the internal fault before CTs get ment of Science and Technology (DST), SERB India, under
saturated and isolate the transformer immediately, so it does project's reference no. DST/EMR/2016/006,041.
not damage the transformer. CT saturation state under internal
fault is elaborated in Figure 19a,b with primary and secondary
current waveform and its THD with harmonic contents
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Sr. No. Parameter Values Transformer Data: 2 KVA, 220/110 V, 1‐Phase, 50‐Hz, %Z = 12
Three‐phase voltage source‐1 CT data Primary side: 10/5A, 15VA, 5p10 and for secondary
side 20/5 A, 15VA, 5p10
1 Normal power 100 MVA
Load Lamp load, 25A
2 Phase to phase RMS voltage 400 kV
Source data primary 1‐phase, 0–300 V, 50‐Hz, variable supply from
3 Frequency 50 Hz
side electricity board
4 Phase angle 0°
Source data 1‐phase, 0–150 V, 50‐Hz, variable supply from AC
5 +ve sequence impedance 0.5 Ω with 850 secondary side Variac, electricity board

6 Zero sequence impedance 1 Ω with 850

Three phase transformer parameter
1 Normal power 100 MVA
2 Frequency 50
3 Leakage reactance (changed) 0.1 to 0.0001 pu
4 Magnetising current 0.4%
5 Voltage (primary/secondary) 400/220 kV
6 Saturation placing on winding First (primary)

7 Knee voltage 1.25 pu

CTp = 150/5 A and CTs = 300/5 A

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