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Leon was slumped in front of the TV, sipping a Coke through a straw. The sound of sucking and

stubborn (récalcitrant: qui résiste) bubbles were an infection for Paul and Rosine's ears. A deaf and
unanimous hatred took over the teenager. Paul took it upon himself:

- My darling, please stop this bubble concert and look at this pretty lady presenting the weather
forecast/who’s presenting the weather forecast
- No sound needed to look at her. And, she's ugly anyway
- It’s a matter of taste (pedagogue). What kind of girl finds favor in your eyes?

Leon hated his father's bombastic tone – behind his back, he imitated him.

- Anyway, girls, it's so irritating! I know it, I have two sisters, that’s enough for me

For a moment, Paul considered that his song might be homosexual/ gay and he wouldn’t be able to
perpetuate the Sybar nom/ he wouldn’t be able to keep Sybar name alive

Leon was the most indocile thing adolescence had created. “I don’t like anyone” “I don’t need you” “i
don’t have all day” “I don’t care” etc. No matter how hard we searched, no matter how much we looked
into his personality, we could not distinguish any inclination for anyone, any emotional fragility, neither
for men nor for animals. Nothing. Only TV “found favor in his eyes. » Any program would furnish his
cortex. He had a chrome steel indulgence for it. He spent his time watching it – if she had been a
motorbike, he would have pampered it like a jewel. He yawned and stretched in front of the screen, as
voluptuously as a big cat in the sun. He considered it with blissful complacency, it was his old mistress,
not so attractive but quite knowledgeable enough for him, and absolutely faithful. He would meet her at
a fixed time, after high school. Only it knew how to light up his eyes – with a timid fire, certainly, but a
fire nonetheless. He had developed an addictive behavior for it. Obviously, his father did not appreciate
this unusual idyll. It was a shame for the family. He kept telling him : “Go do your homework!” » At
fifteen years old, his son was unable to assume his responsibilities! He was over his head, it was wearing
himself out, he didn't know how to deal with it anymore.

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