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Sorei Saishi

Transféré par Caio Millerman le Dec 03, 2021

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Zêb Seudb
5ª haoîêb - 9357
Jbpyrongt iy Onrhke Fhssoéloje Fulaoed ab Iresod ZXFÅYOB
OLQYBAXÎÊB .............................................................................. >
Zbrho Zeosgo; b`æjob rhdonobsb ah esshltefhltb h senreîêb abs eljhstreos h elthpesseabs / Onrhke
Fhssoéloje Fulaoed ab Iresod - OFFI. - 5.ha. - Zêb Seudb; @ulaeîêb Fbmoto Bmeae -
Zbfbs e sbfe ah fodgerhs ah elthpesseabs ....................................... ?
F.B.E. Zonloſtjeab ab judtb ah esshltefhltb h senreîêb abs eljhstreos h
>0 p. = 51x95.
elthpesseabs .................................................................................... 53
OZIL; ?>7-78-7:88-3>5-0
5. Onrhke Fhssoéloje Fulaoed 9. Eljhstreos h Elthpesseabs :. Breîøhs 1. B`æjob Yhdonobsb JBLGHÎE BZ B@ÆJOBZ YHDONOBZBZ YHEDO[EABZ LB
O. Qætudb
Pefbs jbfprhhlahr pere judtuer fhdgbr .........................................55
Ælaojhs pere jetådbnb sosthfåtojb; Zbrho Zeosgo ...................................................................................... 55
B`æjob Yhdonobsb - Judtb ebs Elthpesseabs Lhlseo.............................................................................................. 59
Orhoseo ............................................................................................... 5:
Zgolrho Zeosgo .................................................................................. 5:
Feotbmeseo ....................................................................................... 51
Hoaeo Zeosgo...................................................................................... 51
Haoîêb; Sbltbs ofpbrtelths sbirh b Hoaeo Zeosgo ......................................... 58
@XLAEÎÊB FBMOQO BMEAE  F.B.E. Pefbs edolger b lbssb sblhl le sedveîêb abs lbssbs elthpesseabs .....50
Haoîêb ah Erth Jbfb sbdojoter b Zbrho Zeosgo pere judtuer shus elthpesseabs ..............5>
Zhtbr ah Jbfulojeîêb h Fermhtoln Jbfb brnelozer fhu Zbrho Zeosgo ................................................... 5?
Srbkhtb nråſtjb; Jroeîêb @FB
Yhvosêb; Ovle Feoe @ujgonefo JBFB SYHHLJGHY BZ @BYFXDÅYOBZ .................................. 99
@btbs; Ejhrvb ae Aovosêb ah Doturnoe
@brfudårob ah Zbrho Zeosgo .............................................................. 99
Odustreîêb; Qemesgo Fomelh gttp;//www.oresutbye.jbf/
Ofprhssêb h ejeiefhltb; Jbfpely Nre` Srbauîøhs Nråſtjes
@brfudårob ah Lhlseo ...................................................................... 91
@brfudårob ah Orhoseo ....................................................................... 90
OFFI; @brfudårob ah Zgolrho Zeosgo ........................................................... 97
Aovosêb ah Doturnoe - Zhjrhteroe ab Zbrho Zeosgo ae OFFI @brfudårob ah Hoaeo Zeosgo .............................................................. :3
h-feod; Pefbs ahaojer lb Zbrho Zeosgo......................................................... :9
5ª haoîêb ‚ ferîb ah 9357
Hlahrhîb pere jbrrhspblaëljoe;
Yue Fbrneab ah Fethus, >> ‚ 0» elaer ‚ Zhjrhteroe ab Zbrho Zeosgo
Pode Feroele ‚ Zêb Seudb ‚ ZS ‚ JHS 31358-383 - Qhd.; 55 837>-8333
JXDQB EBZ ELQHSEZZEABZ ................................................ :1
Jbf e fbrth b hspærotb rhnrhsse eb fulab hsporotued ...................... :1
Aorhotbs eutbreos rhshrveabs. Bs b`æjobs rhdonobsbs rhedozeabs hf fhfúroe abs elthpesseabs ...........:1
Srboioae e rhprbauîêb tbted bu perjoed ahste bire.
Judtbs epús e fbrth ......................................................................... :8 Ejufuder vortuahs sedvelab butres phssbes h pretojer ibes eîøhs
E ahaojeîêb ï e feobr felo`hsteîêb ah efbr quh bs ahsjhlahlths prbpbrjoblef e phrfossêb ah sh hdhver eb Fulab Aovolb feos
pbahf b`hrhjhr ebs elthpesseabs ..................................................... :8 repoaefhlth ..................................................................................... 1>
B gbfhl quh lêb jbfprhhlahr e hxostëljoe ab hspærotb lêb Zedver b fåxofb pbssævhd ah phssbes ................................................ 17
pesse ah uf shr vezob ....................................................................... :0 Uueltb feos phssbes brerhf, feos repoaefhlth bs hspærotbs
E ofpbrtéljoe abs su`rånobs ............................................................ :0 sh hdhverêb ........................................................................................ 17
B fulab ae vblteah h ab phlsefhltb ........................................... :> Bs hspærotbs sh hljefolgef eb dbjed ab b`æjob ................................ 1?
Zbfbs jbfb uf hdb ae jbrrhlth quh ulh bs elthpesseabs jbf es B gbfhf, hlqueltb vovhr, ahvh jrhr hf Ahus, pretojer ibes eîøhs,
`utures nhreîøhs ............................................................................... :> prhperelab-sh pere tbrler-sh uf hlth pereaosæejb........................... 1?
E voae lêb shroe rhedfhlth vê h h`ëfhre2 ......................................... :7
B gbfhf thf sue bronhf lbs elthpesseabs, h bs elthpesseabs hf JBFB ZXYNOX B ZELQXÅYOB ABZ
Ahus ................................................................................................ :7 ELQHSEZZEABZ LB ZBDB ZENYEAB
Bs elthpesseabs quh `brhf sedvbs ahaojef le Bire Aovole ........... :? Eîøhs ab pdelb ah Ahus hf lbsse gostúroe ...................................... 83
B hljefolgefhltb ï e fhdgbr `brfe ah enreahjhr e Ahus ............ :?
B judtb ebs elthpesseabs ahvh shr `hotb jbf efbr h rhsphotb ã brahf ....13 ESYB@XLAELAB B ZONLO@OJEAB AB JXDQB
Es ibes eîøhs abs ahsjhlahlths rh﬉hthf-sh ofhaoetefhlth lb fulab EBZ HZSÆYOQBZ AH SHZZBE YHJÏF @EDHJOAE
hsporotued .......................................................................................... 15 Zgolrho Zeosgo .................................................................................. 80
E ofpbrtéljoe ab judtb ebs elthpesseabs ........................................ 15 @eîefbs b su`rånob pere lbssbs elthpesseabs .................................. 87
B su`rånob ãs edfes abs elthpesseabs .............................................. 19 Zbfelab vortuahs h brelab pbr hdhs ................................................ 8?
Bs elthpesseabs hstêb vovbs ahltrb ah fof .................................... 1:
Bs lbssbs olûfhrbs eljhstreos, quh hstêb lb olthrobr ah jeae SHYNXLQEZ H YHZSBZQEZ.................................................... 03
uf ah lús ........................................................................................ 1: Fúaudb Nhred.................................................................................. 03
Zbfbs hxostëljoes jroeaes ................................................................ 11 Zbirh jesefhltb, shpereîêb jblkuned h `edhjofhltb ab sbdojotelth .....0>
Lbssbs elthpesseabs hstêb shlab ielgeabs phde duz ae sedveîêb ..... 11 Zbirh eabîêb ................................................................................... >5
Lús sbfbs b nuoe h e jbrae ae sedveîêb quh bs jblauzhf eb Sereæsb .......18 Jesbs ah rhnostrbs edthreabs lb sbirhlbfh ae `efædoe ..................... >:
Zbirh eibrtb .................................................................................... >1
BYOHLQEÎØHZ ZBIYH ZBYHO ZEOZGO ...................................... 10
Bs elthpesseabs abs fhfirbs hstêb shrvolab etovefhlth le
Bire Aovole .................................................................................... 10
B jefolgb ae sedveîêb abs lbssbs elthpesseabs ............................. 1>
Zbrho Zeosgo

Xfe phrnulte quh olspore e gufeloaeah ahsah bs profúraobs;
Uuhf sbfbs2 Ah blah vohfbs2 Sere blah orhfbs2
Eb dblnb abs sïjudbs, b shr gufelb vhf ahshlvbdvhlab es
feos evelîeaes joëljoes h thjlbdbnoes hf iusje ae bronhf ae
voae. Lhsse kbrleae, fuotbs prbnrhssbs `bref edjelîeabs, fes
tefiïf fuotes `bref es eavhrsoaeahs.
Lús, fhssoélojbs, ejrhaotefbs quh e bronhf ae voae hstå lb
Fulab Ahsjblghjoab, b Fulab Hsporotued, ah blah ﬉uo tbae e
jroeîêb jbljhaoae pbr Ahus. Ï då quh hstå b Fulab aes Jeuses,
shlab hsth b Fulab abs H`hotbs.
E doneîêb hltrh lús h Ahus pesse pbr lbssbs eljhstreos h elth-
pesseabs. Ahus jrobu bs eljhstreos h bs elthpesseabs h bs eljhs-
treos h bs elthpesseabs lbs jroeref. Lb `uturb, lús tefiïf shrh-
fbs elthpesseabs ah lbssbs ahsjhlahlths h, essof, e gufeloaeah
jbltoluerå hvbduolab rufb eb Sereæsb Qhrrhstrh.
Hlqueltb vovh, b shr gufelb prhjose eprb`ulaer shus jblgh-
jofhltbs sbirh b Fulab Hsporotued, treiedger hf prbd ae jeuse
Aovole h jblsjohltozer-sh quh, uf aoe, rhtbrlerå pere jufpror
ufe lbve fossêb lb Fulab Hsporotued.
Shde eljhstredoaeah jbfuf jblstrúo-sh e nhlhedbnoe, joëljoe
euxodoer ae gostúroe quh hstuae e bronhf, hvbduîêb h aosshfoleîêb
aes `efædoes h rhsphjtovbs sbirhlbfhs.
0 >
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