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Journal of Sports Sciences

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Physiological determinants of elite mountain bike

cross-country Olympic performance

Jacob Bejder, Thomas Christian Bonne, Michael Nyberg, Kim Anker Sjøberg
& Nikolai Baastrup Nordsborg

To cite this article: Jacob Bejder, Thomas Christian Bonne, Michael Nyberg, Kim Anker
Sjøberg & Nikolai Baastrup Nordsborg (2019) Physiological determinants of elite mountain
bike cross-country Olympic performance, Journal of Sports Sciences, 37:10, 1154-1161, DOI:

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Published online: 15 Nov 2018.

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2019, VOL. 37, NO. 10, 1154–1161


Physiological determinants of elite mountain bike cross-country Olympic

Jacob Bejder , Thomas Christian Bonne, Michael Nyberg, Kim Anker Sjøberg and Nikolai Baastrup Nordsborg
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark


Detailed physiological phenotyping was hypothesized to have predictive value for Olympic distance Accepted 6 November 2018
cross-country mountain bike (XCO-MTB) performance. Additionally, mean (MPO) and peak power output
(PPO) in 4 × 30 s all-out sprinting separated by 1 min was hypothesized as a simple measure with Performance prediction;
predictive value for XCO-MTB performance. Parameters indicative of body composition, cardiovascular multidimensional approach;
function, power and strength were determined and related to XCO-MTB national championship perfor- cycling; XCO-MTB
mance (n = 11). Multiple linear regression demonstrated 98% of the variance (P < 0.001) in XCO-MTB
performance (tXCO-MTB; [min]) is explained by maximal oxygen uptake relative to body mass (VO2peak,rel;
[ml/kg/min]), 30 s all-out fatigue resistance (FI; [%]) and with a minor contribution from quadriceps
femoris maximal torque (Tmax; [Nm]): tXCO-MTB = −0.217× VO2peak,rel.–0.201× FI+ 0.012× Tmax+ 85.4.
Parameters with no additional predictive value included hemoglobin mass, leg peak blood flow, femoral
artery diameter, knee-extensor peak workload, jump height, quadriceps femoris maximal voluntary
contraction force and rate of force development. Additionally, multiple linear regression demonstrated
parameters obtained from 4x30s repeated sprinting explained 88% of XCO-MTB variance (P < 0.001) with
tXCO-MTB = −5.7× MPO+ 5.0× PPO+ 55.9. In conclusion, XCO-MTB performance is predictable from
VO2peak,rel and 30 s all-out fatigue resistance. Additionally, power variables from a repeated sprint test
provides a cost-effective way of monitoring athletes XCO-MTB performance.

Introduction (Gregory et al., 2007) which is why anthropometric variables are

additional important measures in performance prediction.
Multiple physiological traits likely determines performance in
Albeit numerous studies of XCO-MTB performance prediction
Olympic distance cross-country mountain bike (XCO-MTB). XCO-
exist, no studies have explored the predictive value of detailed
MTB last 80–100 min (UCI, 2017) with an average heart rate ~90%
physiological phenotyping of elite XCO-MTB athletes using
of maximum (F. Impellizzeri, Sassi, Rodriguez-Alonso, Mognoni, &
a multiple linear regression analysis. It is hypothesized that
Marcora, 2002; Stapelfeldt, Schwirtz, Schumacher, & Hillebrecht,
a more detailed physiological phenotyping including established
2004). Numerous short bursts of high power output are required
(e.g. VO2peak) and novel variables, e.g. total hemoglobin mass
(Stapelfeldt et al., 2004) and up to 80% of the race time is spent
(Hbmass) which is closely associated with VO2peak (Schmidt &
above the lactate threshold (F. Impellizzeri et al., 2002). Single
Prommer, 2008, 2010), or leg peak blood flow, knee-extensor
regression models show that VO2peak expressed relative to body
peak workload and femoral artery diameter that adapt to pro-
mass (VO2peak,rel) only explains 20–40% of performance variance
longed exercise training (Huonker, Schmid, Schmidt-Trucksass,
(Gregory, Johns, & Walls, 2007; F. M. Impellizzeri, Marcora,
Grathwohl, & Keul, 2003), may yield more information of the
Rampinini, Mognoni, & Sassi, 2005; F. M. Impellizzeri, Rampinini,
complexity of XCO-MTB performance.
Sassi, Mognoni, & Marcora, 2005; Prins, Terblanche, & Myburgh,
Therefore, the primary aim of the present study was to evaluate
2007). Thus, performance in XCO-MTB appears to depend on
the performance predictive value of a detailed physiological char-
multiple physiological characteristics including determinants of
acterization of Olympic distance cross-country mountain bikers
strength, power and muscular endurance. In support of this
using multiple linear regression including established and novel
notion, a repeated sprint test (RST) of 5 × 30 s all-out cycling
performance predicting variables. The study aimed to test the
separated by 30 s of rest explain 40–60% of XCO-MTB perfor-
hypothesis that a multi-parametric approach including central
mance variance (Inoue, Sa Filho, Mello, & Santos, 2012) indicating
and peripheral aerobic variables, power and fatigue resistance
that both maximal- and mean power output are co-determinants
variables as well as strength and anthropometric variables would
for XCO-MTB performance. In further support of the multi-
explain the majority of the variance in XCO-MTB performance.
parametric dependence of XCO-MTB performance, handgrip
Secondary, the study aimed to test the hypothesis that the
strength is also a predictor (Novak, Bennett, Fransen, &
power and fatigue variables obtained from an easy implementable
Dascombe, 2018). Importantly, physiological variables expressed
repeated sprint test have a useful predictive value for XCO-MTB
relative to body mass are superior in predicting performance

CONTACT Nikolai Baastrup Nordsborg Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 13,
Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

performance. If so, this type of testing would be of high benefit for Measurements
coaches and athletes.
Muscle mass
Surface thigh length (L, [cm]; distance from middle point
Methods between anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
to patella upper edge) was measured in triplicates together
Participants with circumferences and lateral skinfolds at 1/4 (O1), 1/2 (O2)
Eleven Danish elite male Olympic distance cross-country and 3/4 (O3) of L. Thigh volume was calculated from the
mountain bike athletes with a mean ± standard deviation averages (Jones & Pearson, 1969).
(SD) age, height and body mass of 19 ± 2 years, 182 ± 6 cm  
and 70.2 ± 7.2 kg participated. All athletes competed at V ¼ L  ð12πÞ1  ðO1 Þ2 þðO2 Þ2 þðO3 Þ2
a national or international elite level. The group contained
a multiple World Champion, World Cup winner as well as ðS  0:4Þ21 L  O  103
two athletes with multiple national championships.
The analysis was based on data obtained in the general Quadriceps femoris muscle mass (M, [kg]) was determined
testing of the athletes and such did not require ethical as M = 0.307 × V + 0.353
approval as judged by the local ethical committee (ref.
#17017139). All participants gave their informed consent to
the use and presentation of their individual data. The study Counter-movement jump, maximal voluntary contraction
adheres to the Declaration of Helsinki II. and rate of force development
After 10 min cycling ergometer warm up at ~150 W (Monark,
Varberg, Sweden) three maximal counter-movement jumps
Design were performed using arm-swing and self-determined optimal
A schematic overview of the protocol is provided in Figure 1. width and depth of the legs. The athlete marked the adjacent
Briefly, “test day 1” was initiated after fasting for at least wall as high up as possible during standing and during the
one hour. Resting blood samples were collected and quadri- jump. Jump height was defined as the difference between
ceps femoris mass was estimated by anthropometric measure- marks.
ments (Bangsbo, Gollnick, Graham, & Saltin, 1991) and body Next, m. quadriceps femoris maximal voluntary contraction
composition determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and rate of force development was determined in a seated
(DEXA) scanning (DPX-IQ Lunar, Lunar Corporation Madison position with a 90° angle in hip and knee. The right ankle was
Wisconsin, USA). Subsequently, counter-movement jump strapped to a calibrated strain gage sampling at 1 kHz, which
height and m. quadriceps femoris maximal voluntary contrac- was connected to an amplifier and a data acquisition system
tion force as well as rate of force development of was mea- (ADInstruments, Oxford, United Kingdom). The athlete was
sured. Immediately after, a 4 × 30 s all-out cycling test was instructed to produce the highest amount of force as fast as
completed. Finally, after at least 45 min of rest the blood possible during three 5 s maximal isometric attempts sepa-
volume and Hbmass were determined (Schmidt & Prommer, rated by 55 s of rest. The maximal voluntary contraction force
2005). At “test day 2”, VO2peak was determined. At “test day was determined as the highest recording during any of the
3” one-legged knee-extensor maximal work capacity and max- three attempts and the rate of force development was calcu-
imal femoral artery blood flow was measured. Test day 1 and 2 lated as the maximal slope in a 200 ms window. Additionally,
were separated by 1–5 days and conducted between April and the maximal torque of m. quadriceps femoris was calculated
July while test day 3 was conducted in November. All athletes by multiplying the maximal voluntary contraction by the dis-
participated in the Danish XCO-MTB National Championship in tance from the strain gauge on the right angle to the fulcrum
June. of the knee.

Figure 1. Schematic overview of the performed measurements. MVC: maximal voluntary contraction, RFD: rate of force development, XCO-MTB: Olympic distance
cross-country mountain bike.

Repeated sprint ability competition. The test center applies a 5 min self-paced all-out
To ensure that the athlete was warmed up, the athlete exer- test with continuous VO2 measurements (Innocor CPX,
cised at 100–150 W for 30 min on an electronically braked bike Innovision, Glamsbjerg, Denmark). To evaluate the potential
(Monark, Varberg, Sweden) including 5 s of high power output difference in applied method and equipment when measuring
(4–500 W) every fifth min. Following 5 min of rest the RST was VO2peak, three elite mountain bike athletes completed both
initiated by athletes reaching > 100 rpm during unloaded protocols on a separate occasion within a period of 14 days
pedaling and subsequent instant application of 0.125 × kg but with at least 48 hours in between. The mean difference
body mass−1 braking resistance. Athletes pedaled 30 s as fast (± SD) was 59 ± 123 mL/min, ranging from 83 mL/min lower to
as possible followed by 1 min unloaded pedaling. The next 139 mL/min higher VO2peak at the national Olympic test cen-
sprint was initiated by reaching 100 rpm ~5 s prior to start. In ter. Due to differences in the peak oxygen uptake protocol
total, the athletes performed 4 × 30 s all out exercise sepa- between athletes it was not possible to include peak power
rated by 1 min. Mean power output and the highest and from the test.
lowest power output during any 5 s period was recorded
and denoted peak and minimum power output, respectively Limb exercise capacity
(Nordsborg et al., 2012). Fatigue index (FI, [%]) was determined Right leg knee-extensor exercise capacity was determined.
as FI = minimum power/peak power * 100 After 5 min of one-leg knee-extensor exercise at 12 W
(60 rpm) the load was increased by 12 W every minute until
exhaustion (rpm < 57). Peak workload (Wmax) was calculated
Hemoglobin mass and blood volume
as the last completed workload plus 12 × (t/60), with t being
Hbmass was measured using a CO-rebreathing method
the number of seconds at the final exhaustive workload.
(Schmidt & Prommer, 2005). Athletes rested for at least
Femoral arterial diameter and maximal blood flow velocity
10 min in order to stabilize blood volume (Ahlgrim et al.,
was measured at rest and continuously during the incremental
2010) and five baseline capillary blood samples were collected
one-leg knee-extensor exercise using ultrasound doppler
from a fingertip in 35 ul preheparinized tubes (Clinitubes;
(Logic E9; GE Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark) equipped
Radiometer, Brønshøj, Denmark). After baseline sampling and
with a linear probe operating at an imaging frequency of
at least one hour following exercise tests, the participants
8.0 MHz and Doppler frequency of 3.1 MHz (Nyberg,
inhaled a bolus of 1.0 mL per kg BW chemically pure
Christensen, Mortensen, Hellsten, & Bangsbo, 2014). The high-
(99.997%) CO (CO N47, Air Liquide, Paris, France) delivered
est obtained blood flow value (averaged over ~16s) was
via a 100 mL plastic syringe (Omnifix, Braun, Melsungen,
defined as femoral artery peak blood flow (Qmax).
Germany) to a custom designed spirometer (Blood tec GbR,
Bayreuth, Germany) creating a closed system. The system
XCO-MTB performance
contained three liters of pure oxygen which was rebreathed
The athletes completed the national championship race in
for two minutes. Five blood samples were collected 9 minutes
XCO-MTB, where all athletes competed on the same route at
following the inhalation of CO using the same technique as
the same day. The race was conducted on in the same area
during baseline sampling. Blood samples were immediately
as a previous XCO-MTB European Championship course, but
analyzed for percent carboxyhemoglobin (%COHb) and hemo-
with a higher emphasis on technical sections. The course
globin concentration ([Hb]) on an ABL 800 blood gas analyzer
consisted of dry tracks, and the course lap was approxi-
(Radiometer, Brønshøj, Denmark). A CO analyzer (Draeger,
mately 5 km with 200 m of climbing, 30% gravel road,
Luebeck, Germany) was used to evaluate if a leak of the closed
55% technical single track and 15% open field per lap. The
system occurred during the rebreathing period and measured
recruited athletes were part of two different groups, as two
any leftover CO in the spirometer and lung cavity following
athletes competed in U19 and the remaining in the elite
the rebreathing period.
group. The elite athletes completed six laps while U19 ath-
The difference in %COHb was used to calculate Hbmass
letes only completed four laps. Thus, to obtain a comparable
(Schmidt & Prommer, 2005). Blood volume (BV, [mL]) was
performance parameter for the two groups, time to comple-
calculated as BV = Hbmass (g) x 100/[Hb] (g⋅dL−1), using only
tion of four laps was utilized. Importantly, the accumulated
the average [Hb] from the resting blood samples obtained
time for completion of four rounds in the elite athletes
before any exercise.
correlated very strongly (r = 0.98) to the accumulated time
for completion of six rounds.
Peak oxygen uptake
The participants VO2peak was determined during an incremental Statistics
bicycle ergometer (Monark 839e, Varberg, Sweden) protocol Statistical analyses was performed using the IBM SPSS statis-
consisting of 6 min at 110 W, 4 min at 150 W followed by an tical software package v. 23 (IBM Corp, New York, NY, USA).
addition of 25 W per min until voluntary exhaustion. In- and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was converted to
expired O2 and CO2 fractions were measured breath-by-breath a coefficient of determination (r2) and used as a measure of
(Quark CPET, Cosmed, Rome, Italy). The highest 30 s VO2 aver- the proportion of the variance in the performance measure
age was defined as VO2peak. that is predictable from the measured physiological variables.
For athletes with a tight national and international compe- The coefficient of determination was interpreted using
tition schedule (n = 5), VO2peak was obtained from the national Hopkins scale of magnitudes ( However, as
Olympic test center to minimize interference with training and the scale is based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient, the

scale was converted to values corresponding to the coefficient 66.9 minutes. Seven of the elite athletes finished within top
of determination. Thus, r2 < 0.01 is interpreted as trivial, 10, the two remaining within top 20 and the U19 athletes
0.01–0.09 as small, 0.09–0.25 as moderate, 0.25–0.49 as strong, finished within top 10 as well within their class. The results of
0.49–0.81 as very strong and > 0.81 as nearly perfect. the physiological measurements are presented in Table 1.
A performance predictive model was developed by using
multiple linear regression with the backwards elimination pro-
cedure. Initially, measured variables were pooled into five Single variable prediction of XCO-MTB performance
different categories depending of their physiological proper- (Figure 2)
ties. The categories were (1) anthropometric variables (2) cen-
Variables categorized as “very strong and significant predic-
tral aerobic variables (3) peripheral aerobic variables (4) power
tors” of XCO-MTB performance were VO2peak,rel (P < 0.01); fati-
variables (5) strength variables (Table 1). Following categoriza-
gue index during the first sprint of the RST (P < 0.01); peak
tion, the three variables within each category demonstrating
power during the second sprint of the RST (P < 0.01) and one-
the highest correlation to the selected performance variable
legged knee-extensor exercise Wmax normalized to thigh mus-
were selected. If any selected variables correlated with
cle mass (P < 0.05).
r < 0.70, the variable correlating the least to the performance
Variables categorized as “strong and significant predictors”
variable was excluded. The remaining variables were analyzed
of XCO-MTB performance were peak power relative to body
by multiple linear regression. Of the resulting multiple linear
mass during the first sprint of the RST (P < 0.05), fatigue index
regression models, the model with all parameters showing
during the second sprint of the RST (P < 0.05), mean power
a variance inflation factor (VIF) < 5 and P < 0.05 was selected.
during the third sprint of the RST (P < 0.05) as well as the
If no model with VIF < 5 and P < 0.05 for all variables was
average peak power (P < 0.05) and average fatigue index
obtained, the remaining variables were inspected for collinear-
(P < 0.05) during RST.
ity, and of the two variables demonstrating the highest colli-
nearity the one demonstrating the weakest r2 to the
performance variable was excluded. The procedure was
Multi-variable predictive models for XCO MTB
repeated until VIF < 5 and P < 0.05 for all included variables.
performance (Table 2)
The level of significance was set at P < 0.05 and results are
means ± SD. The combination of VO2peak,rel, fatigue index during the first
sprint of the RST and maximal torque of m. quadriceps femoris
resulted in a model able to predict 98% of the variance in
MTB-XCO performance. When exclusively including power and
The average time to complete four laps at the XCO-MTB fatigue variables of the RST in the analysis, 88% of the variance
National Championship was 60.8 ± 3.3 min with a 95% con- in XCO-MTB performance was explained by average mean-
fidence interval of [58.8; 62.7] min and ranging from 55.6 to and peak power.

Table 1. Physiological measurements.

Body fat (%) 12.6 ± 1.3, [11.8; 13.4]
Lean body mass (kg) 58.9 ± 6.4, [55.1; 62.7]
Estimated m. quadriceps femoris mass (kg) 2.8 ± 0.3, [2.6; 3.0]
Fat free mass of right leg (kg) 9.9 ± 1.1, [9.2; 10.6]
Fat free mass of left leg (kg) 9.8 ± 1.2, [9.1; 10.5]
Whole body VO2peak (ml/min/kg) 71.1 ± 7.4, [66.7; 75.5]
Total hemoglobin mass (g/kg) 13.5 ± 1.2, [12.8; 14.2]
Blood volume (mL/kg) 93 ± 8, [88; 98]
Femoral artery diameter (mm) 1.04 ± 0.1, [0.98; 1.10]
Wmax @ one-legged knee-extensor exercise (W) 80 ± 9, [75; 85]
Wmax @ one-legged knee-extensor exercise (W/kg quadripceps femoris) 29 ± 6, [25; 33]
Qmax @ one-legged knee-extensor exercise (mL) 5004 ± 793 [4535; 5473]
Qmax @ one-legged knee-extensor exercise (mL/kg quadripceps femoris) 1813 ± 324, [1622; 2004]
Average mean power @ repeated sprint (W) 730 ± 132, [652; 808]
Average mean power @ repeated sprint(W/kg) 10.4 ± 1.6, [9.5; 11.3]
Average peak power @ repeated sprint (W) 897 ± 162, [801; 993]
Average peak power @ repeated sprint (W/kg) 13.0 ± 2.3, [11.6; 14.4]
Average fatigue index @ repeated sprint (%) 58 ± 10 [52; 64]
Counter-movement jump (cm) 49 ± 7, [45; 53]
Maximal Voluntary Contraction (N) 724 ± 140, [641; 807]
Rate of Force Development (N/s) 3868 ± 622, [3500; 4236]
Maximal torque (Nm/s) 254 ± 48, [226; 282]
Physiological measurements of the athletes reported as mean ± SD, [95 % confidence interval]. Wmax: peak workload, Qmax: femoral artery peak blood flow, VO2peak:
peak oxygen uptake.

Figure 2. Illustration of the predictive value of the measured physioogical values for predicting Olympic distance cross-country mountain bike (XCO-MTB)
performance. The predictive value is indicated by Pearson’s correlation of determination (r2). Statistical significant r2 are: * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01.

Discussion Multi-variable based prediction of XCO-MTB performance

The primary finding in the present study was that 98% of the The current finding that aerobic power and sprint ability has
variance in XCO-MTB performance in the current population a strong predictive value is in agreement with a previous model
and under the specific conditions was explained by VO2peak,rel for XCO-MTB performance, which was based on a limited number
in combination with 30 s all-out sprint fatigue index and of physiological measurements (Novak et al., 2018). The previously
a minor contribution from m. quadriceps femoris maximal established model demonstrated that XCO-MTB performance can
torque. Additionally, 88% of the variance in the XCO-MTB be predicted by VO2peak relative to total rider mass (body mass
performance was explained by mean- and peak power deter- + equipment), maximal mean power in 5 and 30 s periods, peak
mined during a cost-and time effective repeated sprint test. left hand grip strength and response time in correct decision

Table 2. Performance prediction models.

Performance variable Prediction equation P r2
1: XCO-MTB Time = −0.217 × VO2peak,rel – 0.201 × FI1 + 0.012 × max. torque + 85.468 < 0.001 0.98
2: XCO-MTB Time = −5.729 × avg. MPO + 5.038 × avg. PPO + 55.913 < 0.001 0.88
Performance prediction models of cross-country Olympic mountain bike (XCO-MTB) performance. 1: Initially including variables from all five physiological categories.
2: Initially only including power and fatigue variables of the repeated sprint test. VO2peak,rel: maximal oxygen uptake relative to body mass, PPO: peak power during
RST, FI1: fatigue index during first sprint of RST.

making. Thus, the current and previous findings together suggest blood flow (Krustrup, Hellsten, & Bangsbo, 2004) as well as
that only little additional information about athletic potential and fatigue resistance (Nielsen et al., 2004). Thus, it appears possible
capacity is gained from more detailed physiological measure- that a high knee-extensor exercise performance capacity is
ments. The general importance of VO2peak for XCO-MTB perfor- a determinant of XCO-MTB performance. In contrast to this
mance in various conditions and different athletic populations is hypothesis, higher maximal limb blood flow (Qmax) as well
highlighted by the ~10 ml/min/kg lower VO2peak and more tech- as peak work-load in the one-legged knee extensor test (Wmax)
nical course investigated in the previous study (Novak et al., 2018). was associated with slower race times (Figure 2). However, one
Importantly, both studies demonstrate that the strongest perfor- athlete had surprisingly different values from the rest of the
mance prediction is obtained by a multi-variable approach includ- group, and exclusion of this athlete reduces the coefficient of
ing relatively simple physiological variables representing both determination to r2 = 0.07 for Qmax and r2 = 0.28 for Wmax,
aerobic power; strength and muscular power variables. demonstrating that maximal thigh blood flow or peak power is
a weak predictor of XCO-MTB performance.

Peak oxygen uptake and performance

Strength and anthropometry
In a simple regression analysis VO2peak,rel explained ~80% of
the variation in XCO-MTB performance in the present study, XCO-MTB is characterized by numerous short bursts of high
supporting the multiple linear regression model result. power output and power variables of a repeated sprint test
However, the explanatory value of VO2peak,rel may be as low can explain 40–60 % of the XCO-MTB performance variance
as ~20–40% (Gregory et al., 2007; F. M. Impellizzeri et al., 2005; (Inoue et al., 2012). Thus, lower-body strength may be of
F. M., 2005; Prins et al., 2007). The homogeneity of the inves- importance for XCO-MTB performance. Furthermore, the per-
tigated athletes has been shown to affect the predictive value formance predicting value of variables improve when they are
(Morgan, Baldini, Martin, & Kohrt, 1989), but as the SD for expressed relative to body mass.
VO2peak,rel of ~7 ml/min/kg in the present study is similar to Neither of the measured lower-body strength or anthropo-
5–9 ml/min/kg in studies with low explanatory value of XCO- metric variables displayed an individual explanatory value for
MTB performance by VO2peak,rel (Gregory et al., 2007; XCO-MTB performance (Figure 2). Only m. quadriceps fremoris
F. M. Impellizzeri et al., 2005; F. M., 2005; Prins et al., 2007), maximal torque contributed to the multi-variable models.
this does not seem to explain the discrepancy. Moreover, Notably, the impact of an altered maximal torque is minor as
maximal race time difference was ~11 min on a ~ 60 min demonstrated in the prediction equation (Table 2) and exclud-
course in the present study, while it was ~20–25 min on ing the maximal torque from the model only reduced to
a ~ 100 min course (F. M. Impellizzeri et al., 2005; Prins et al., coefficient of determination to 0.95. Thus, lower body strength
2007) and ~6 min on a ~ 120 min course (F. M. Impellizzeri and anthropometry measures are of minor importance for
et al., 2005) in studies with low explanatory value of XCO-MTB XCO-MTB performance in a group of elite XCO-MTB athletes.
performance by VO2peak,rel. Thus, race time homogeneity does
not seem to explain the discrepancy either.
Importance of normalization
The importance of VO2peak is evident. As Hbmass explains
~56% of the variation in VO2peak (Saunders, Garvican-Lewis, Notably, it has been put forward that variables expressed relative
Schmidt, & Gore, 2013), quantification of Hbmass is a possible non- to total cycling mass (combined weight of rider, cycle, helmet
strenuous method for monitoring fluctuations in aerobic power. etc.) is superior to variables expressed to body mass (Novak et al.,
However, both Hbmass and blood volume explained < 10% of the 2018), but no quantitative data has been provided and further
variance in XCO-MTB performance (Figure 2) and < 25% of research on the potential superiority of total cycling mass is
VO2peak variance (result not shown), demonstrating that deter- needed. In the present study it was also evaluated whether the
mination of Hbmass as a surrogate measure of XCO-MTB perfor- investigated variables expressed relative to body mass or quad-
mance is not reliable in a homogenous group of elite athletes. riceps muscle mass had a superior predictive value of XCO-MTB
performance when expressed in absolute values. However, this
was not the case (data not shown).
Peripheral aerobic variables
Muscle oxidative capacity is a determinant of cycling endurance
Can XCO-MTB performance be predicted by a 30 s
time trial performance (Jacobs et al., 2011). It is evident that
repeated sprint test?
improved muscle oxidative capacity is associated with improved
performance (Saltin et al., 1976) and that exercise training A simple, cheap and fast method to evaluate the MTB perfor-
improves knee-extensor exercise capacity as a result of elevated mance level is of high value for coaches and athletes. In

a multi-variable analytical approach, 88 % of the variance in fatigue index during the 30 s all-out explained ~80 and ~65 %,
XCO-MTB performance could be explained by the RST mean respectively, of the variance in XCO-MTB performance.
and peak power. Thus, a RST seems to be a very strong, cheap
and fast way of determining the performance level of an XCO-
MTB athlete in the specific conditions. Acknowledgments
Simple regression analyses demonstrated that the initial 30 s We thank all athletes for participating in the study. Jacob Bejder was funded
all-out or the average RST peak- and mean power relative to in part by Partnership for Clean Competition and Anti-Doping Danmark.
body mass explained only 0–40 % of the XCO-MTB performance
variance, which is similar or lower compared to previous reports
(Inoue et al., 2012). Opposite of previously (Inoue et al., 2012), Disclosure statement
a high RST peak power predicted a slow race time. However, No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
sprint-trained cyclists produce a higher peak power during
a 30 s sprint test compared with endurance-trained cyclists
with a higher VO2peak,rel (Calbet, De Paz, Garatachea, Cabeza ORCID
de Vaca, & Chavarren, 2003). Furthermore, fatigue index during Jacob Bejder
Kim Anker Sjøberg
the 1st sprint explained ~65 % of the variance in XCO-MTB
Nikolai Baastrup Nordsborg
performance. Thus, both fatigue index and VO2peak,rel are strong
predictors, corresponding to results demonstrating that athletes
with high VO2peak,rel fatigue less compared with athletes with References
low VO2peak,rel (Calbet et al., 2003).
Ahlgrim, C., Pottgiesser, T., Robinson, N., Sottas, P. E., Ruecker, G., &
Schumacher, Y. O. (2010). Are 10 min of seating enough to guarantee
Methodological considerations stable haemoglobin and haematocrit readings for the athlete’s biolo-
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