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Faculty of Business and Economics

Course Title: Internship

Zuyd Virtual Exchange Activity

Name: Omar Ahmed Fawzy ID: 192469

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. About the company ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Heliopolis University (HU)................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Zuyd University .................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Task and Role ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction
Firstly, I was lucky to take this opportunity to apply for this internship because it was highly beneficial to
me over my personality and my beliefs and traditions and in my life in general. The internship was a
virtual exchange activity between Heliopolis university students and Zuyd University students in
Netherlands therefore the goals of this internship were about how we are different in the culture, norms,
and traditions and to meet new students and how we are going to collaborate with them to exchange with
them some information and to give them background about our culture and traditions and at the same time
knowing more about them and their culture and tradition.
And about the experience, it was the first time to me to know specific information about the Netherlands
and about the normal life there and how the students spend their studying days, so for me, it was beneficial
because our university has a student exchange program with several universities and Zuyd university is
one of them. So, it made me know more about the life there to decide if the life there is suitable for me or
not to take the applying step for taking the opportunity of having a semester abroad in Zuyd university.
Before joining this internship, I set many goals and I achieved most of them which were about expand my
social interaction by knowing more new people and expand my knowledge about other’s culture by
knowing how they spend their days and know about their festivals also one of my main goals was to know
more about the way they study and how they balancing between studying and work or hangout. After
finishing the internship period, I got a lot of information about the university and the life there and now I
have 3 friends from Zuyd university. So it was beneficial to me and at the same time it was enjoyable
because in our first meeting we was playing some games to know more about each other, it was like
anyone of the group have to start saying some information about him/her and he should say one or two
wrong info about himself like saying he/she is vegetarian and the remaining members of the group have
to think which one of the info are wrong and lie and which are right then after finishing the game we
collect info about each one in the group through an indirect way and through enjoyable and not through
the formal way which is not suitable if we want to know new people.

2. About the company

As I mentioned the internship was an online internship between Heliopolis university and Zuyd university
so, I am going to talk about these two universities.

2.1 Heliopolis University (HU)

Heliopolis university for sustainable development was established in 2012 by the founder Prof. Ibrahem
Abouleish, the university Aims to be the first to introduce the concepts and principles of sustainable
development to students and the entire Egyptian community. The non-profit oriented university has five
faculties where are Engineering, Pharmacy, Business and Economics, Physical Therapy and Organic
Agriculture. The degree programs offered by Heliopolis University address the concepts and
theories of sustainable development through a holistic multidisciplinary approach that integrates
teaching, learning, research, and practice.
One of the advantages that Heliopolis university has is the core program and this course is not
related to specific faculty but all the students join from all faculties and this core program has many
fields and subjects such as arts, music, theater, languages, and much more of that.

The advantages of this program are allowing all students to know more about each other and to know
students from outside their faculties, help them to gain power and refresh their minds and to get out of the
pressure of the faculties’ subjects. So, the main goal of this pregame is to improve the education system
by focusing on sustainability and human development

2.2 Zuyd University

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences was founded in 2001, located in the heart of Europe in the small city
of Heerlen, Limburg. This university focusing on three core activities which are education for students,
research for companies and institutes, and training courses and study programs for professionals. So. The
program that they offer ranked among the top in study programs selection guides for many years.
They are also focusing on the ability to apply the knowledge in practice that’s why they are working
intensively with companies, institutions especially knowledge institutions, and government bodies across
the boundaries of their fields of expertise to be able to apply that knowledge in practices.

3. Task and Role

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