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Course Code: LAW 3110

Course Credits: 4
Contact Hours: 60
Year of Study: 3
Semester: 1

Course description
The course deals with the law which regulates contracts in which goods are sold and bought and services
procured. The main law examined is the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 2017 which lays down a
small number of essential legal rules concerned with a range of presumptions and implied terms, which aim
to reveal the commercial expectations in the most commonly established sales contracts. In the absence of
contrary agreement these terms govern a contract within the Act’s ambit.

a) To provide students with knowledge and appreciation of key issues relating to the sale of goods and
hire purchase in Ugandan Law;
b) To facilitate an appreciation of the contractual and proprietary aspects of such contracts;
c) To enable students to appreciate the differing requirements of Agreements to Sell and Contracts of
Sale of Goods;
d) To provide students with an awareness of current policy trends and developments in the law relating
to the sale of goods and hire purchase;
e) To encourage the development of students' skills in legal reasoning and analysis through study of
Acts of Parliament, case law and law reform proposals in the context of the sale of goods and hire

Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

Intellectual skills
a) An ability to present reasoned arguments supported by authorities;
b) A capacity to interpret and assess competing viewpoints and to use those viewpoints to formulate
arguments about law/regulation insofar as they are relevant to the sale of goods;
c) A capacity to identify and critically analyse key legal and regulatory issues in relation to the sale of
goods and hire purchase.

Practical skills
a) An ability to engage in and nurture reasoned legal arguments, by way of both oral and written
b) An ability to produce (by a specified deadline) a concise and appropriately structured essay
addressing a key issue in relation to the regulation of sale of goods.
c) An ability to undertake independent online and library-based research.
d) An ability to produce structured rational essays with accurate citations to sources and properly
compiled bibliographies.
e) An ability to develop a persuasive argument irrespective of whether it coincides with one's beliefs.

Transferable skills
i. An ability to think logically, to assess competing principles impartially and to identify and solve


legal and ethical problems insofar as they impact upon parties involved in the sale of goods.
ii. An ability to discuss such problems orally and to articulate relevant conclusions.
iii. An ability to think independently and to use one's initiative in developing legal ideas and research
into issues concerning the sale of goods.
iv. An ability to manage one's study-time and meet deadlines.

Course outline
The following topics are covered in the course: An introduction to the law of sale of goods and supply of
services, the Nature and Scope of contract for sale of goods and supply of services, Implied terms in a
contract, Transfer of title and property, risk and frustration, duties and remedies available to the parties.

Method of teaching/delivery
The course is taught through lecture method and student led discussions. The lecturer introduces the salient
issues in the topic and the students then undertake research on the questions and cases provided in small
groups. The students engage in group discussions prior to class and make presentations in class with the
guidance of the lecturer.

Assessment Method
Students will be required to do course work (30%) as well as the final examination (70%). The final
examination is an OPEN BOOK and the answers must appear in a booklet issued by the invigilator NOT
EXCEEDING 16 PAGES. In addition to this, during the course of lectures, students make case presentations
and also engage in group discussions.

Reading Materials

The Law Applicable

1. Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 2017
2. Bulk Sales Act, Cap 69
3. Chattels Transfer Act, Cap 70
4. The Contract Act 2010
5. Electronic Transactions Act 2011

Text Books and References

1. Atiyah, P.S (1995), Sale of Goods, 9th Edition (Adams, J N, ed) (London: Pitman Publishing)
2. Sir Mackenzie Dalzell Edwin Stewart Chalmers, Michael Mark (1967), Chalmers' Sale of Goods Act,
1893: including the Factors Acts 1889 and 1890, 15th Edition (London: Butterworths)
3. Robert Lowe (1976), Commercial Law, 5th Edition (London: Sweet & Maxwell)
4. LS Sealy and RJA Hooley (2003), Commercial Law Text, Cases and Materials, 3rd Ed (London:
LexisNexis Butterworths)
5. Fridman, G. (2004), The Sale of Goods in Canada, 5th Edition (Toronto: Carswell)
6. SchmitthoffClive M. (1966), The Sale of Goods, 2nd Edition (London : Stevens)
7. The Earl of Halsbury, (1958), The Laws of England, 3rd Edition Volume 34 (London: Butterworth &
Co. (Publishers) Ltd)
8. Hans-W Micklitz, Jules Stuyck, EvelyneTerryn (2010), Cases, Materials and Text on Consumer Law
(Oxford, Hart Publishing)
9. Twinomugisha, Ben. ‘Uganda’. In International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Contracts, edited by Jacques
Herbots. Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Kluwer Law International, 2020. Pgs. 208- 250



• Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, Sections 1, 2, and 73
• Asiimwe T, (2016), Salient Features of the Proposed Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Bill,
2015. CEPA Policy Series Papers Number 10/10 of 2016. Kampala
• Robert Lowe, Commercial Law pages 140-146
• Sealy and Hooley, Commercial Law Text, Cases and Materials
• Atiyah, P.S, Sale of Goods, pages 5-32
• Halsbury’s Laws of England 3rd Ed. Vol.34

Origin of the Ugandan Law of Sale of Goods

• The English Roots
• The Legal Regime in Pre-1902 Uganda
• The structural issues in the Sale of Goods Act, Cap 82 and how the Sale of Goods and Supply of
Services Act has addressed them

Construction of the Act

The Sale of Goods by P.S. Atiyah 9th Edition pages 2-4

• Bank of England v. Vagliano Brothers [1891) A.C 107 at p.145
• Re Wait [1927] 1 Ch 606 Atkin’s judgment
• Ashington Piggeries Ltd v Christopher Hill Ltd [1972] AC 441 Lord Diplock’s decision
Definition of important terms
Section 1 of the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act for the definition of Goods, Services and Computer

• Moss v. Hancock [1899] 2 Q.B 111

Emblements, Industrial growing crops and Things attached to the land

• Torkington v. Maggee [1902] 2 K.B 427,430
• Rodwell v. Phillips (1842) 9 M. & W. 501, 505
• Marshall v. Green (1875) 1 C.P.D. 35
• Ghulam Kadir v. British Overseas Engineering Corporation (E.A) Limited [1957] E.A 131
• Morgan v. Russell and Sons [1909] I K.B 357
• Cukllator & Bamma Steam Navigation Company v. D Motors 1863 32 L.J Q.B. 322
• Ingram v. Little [1961] 1 Q.B 31

Classification of Goods
Sections 1 and 6(1) of the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act
• Isaac Bishari v. Vitafoam Ltd SCCA 29 of 1992
• Re Wait [1927] 1 Ch 606 Atkin’s judgment



• Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act Sections 2-6 and 12
• Atiyah, P.S, Sale of Goods, pages 5-32
• Chalmers p.82
• Robert Lowe, Commercial Law pages 150-168

A. Sale of Goods Contract as distinguished from other contracts

Difference between sale and agreement to sell
• Wamala Growers Cooperative Union v. Attorney General [1997] III KALR 73
• Werner v. Hume (1910) K.B
• Lloyd’s Bank Ltd v. Bundy (1974) A.C 72

• Rowland v Divall [1923] 2 KB 500
• Aldridge v. Johnson (1857) 7E & Bl. 885
• G.J. Dawson (Clapham) Ltd. V. H. & G. Dutfield [1936] 2 All. E.R. 232

Contract of sale and hire purchase contract

• Helby v. Mathews, [1895] A.C. 471, H.L
• Lee v. Butler [1893]2 QB 318.
• Matayo Musoke v. Albhai Garage [1960] EA 31.
• Forthright Finance Ltd v. Carlyle Finance Ltd [1997] 4 All ER 490

Contract of sale and bailment

• Chapman Bros Vs Verco Bros (1933)49 CLR 306
• Borden United Kingdom Ltd Vs Scottish Timber Product Ltd [1981] CH.D. 25

Sale and supply of services

• Lee v Griffin (1861) 1 QB 272
• Robinson Vs Graves [1935] 1 K.B. 579,589
• Sultani (Motor Division) Limited Vs J.B Morgan [1960] E.A. 434
• Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd. V. Manganese Bronze & Brass Co. Ltd [1934] A.C. 402

B. Formation of the Contract

Terms of the Contract

• Esso Petroleum v. Mardon 1976 TLR
• Cehaver v. Bremmer H.M 1976 1 Q.B 44
• Hedley Byrne Co Ltd. V. Heller Partners [1964] A.C 465
• Heilbut, Symons v. Buckleton [1913] A.C 30
• Oscar Chess Ltd v. Williams [1957] 1 WLR 370

Mere puff
• Smith v. Land & House Property Corporation (1884) 28 Ch.D 7.
• Brown v. Raphael [1958] 2 All E.R. 79


Conditional precedent
• Bannerman v. White (1861) 10 C.B 844

• Routledge v McKay [1954] 1 WLR 615
• Seddon v. North-Eastern Salt Co. Ltd [1905] 1 Ch. 326
• Harling v. Eddy [1951] 2 K.B 739
• Oscar Chess Ltd v. Williams [1957] 1 WLR 370

Contractual Terms (Conditions and Warranties)

• Hardy (E.) & Co. v. Hillerns and Fowler [1923] 2 K.B 490
• Poussard v Spiers 1876
• Harling v. Eddy [1951] 2 K.B 739
• Cehave v. Bremmer H.M[1975] 3 WLR 447
• E. &. S. Ruben v. Faire Bros. & Co. [1949] 1 K.B 254
• Radha Kishen and Son v. Leland O.C (1914) N.R.B 159
• A.H. Adam v. The Tanga-Mombasa Transport Company (1955) 28 KLR 14
• Devshi v. Mohanlal (1951) 18 EACA 79
• Robinson v. Graves [1935] 1 KB 579
• Chapman Bros v. Verco Bros (1933)49 CLR 306

Formalities of a contract of sale of goods

• Hillas v. Arcos [1932] ALLER 494
• Karia v. Shah [1962] E.A 43
• Savijan v. Kenya Garage (1952)26 KLR 25
• Adam v. The Tanga- Mombasa Transport Company (1955)28 KLR 14
• Rubemba v Skanka Jensen (U) Ltd [2002]1 E.A 241


• Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act: Sections11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 59 (3) and 67
• Robert Lowe, Commercial Law, pages 168-192
• Sealy and Hooley, Commercial Law, Text, Cases and Materials, pages 370-396

a) Implied Term as to Time (Sections 11 and 68)

• Bowes v. Shand [1877] 2 A.C 455
• Hartley v. Hymans [1920] 3 K.B 475
• Charles Rickards v. Oppenheim [1950] 1 K.B 616

b) Implied Condition as to Title (Section 13(1), (3))

• Niblett v. Confectioners Materials Co. Ltd. [1921] 3 KB 387
• Rowland v. Divall (1923) 2 K.B 500
• Butterworths v. Kingsway Motors (1954) 1 WLR 1296
• Ali Kassam Ltd v. The United Africa Co (Tanganyika) Ltd [1958] E.A 204
• Henry Hidaya Kanga v. Manyema Manyoka [1961] EA 705
• Microbeads A. G. v. Vinhurst Road Markings Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 218


c) Warranty that Goods are free of Encumbrances (Section 13(2)(a) and (4))
• North Western Bank Ltd v. John Poynter & Son (1895) A.C 56
• Official Assignes of Madres v. Mercantile Bank of India [1938] A.C. 287

d) Warranty of Quiet Possession (Section 13(2)(b) and (5))

• Microbeads A. G. v. Vinhurst Road Markings Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 218
• Mason v. Birmingham (1949) 2 KB 545.
• Niblett Ltd. v. Confectioners’ Materials Co. Ltd. [1921] 3 KB 387
• Merchantile Bank of India Ltd v. Central Bank of India (1895) A.C 56
• Lakhamshi Bros., Ltd v. R. Raja & Sons [1966] EA 178
• Maier v. Kersten [2005] 1 EA 245

e) Implied Condition that Goods shall correspond with the description (Section 14)
• Hwan Sung Industries Ltd v. Tajdin Hussein & 2 Others Civil Appeal No. 08/2008
• Arcos v. Ronaasen [1933] AC 470
• Alibhai Panju& Sons Ltd v. Sumderji 16 EACA 72
• Livio Carli & Others v. Salem & Mohamed Ban Bashanfer & Ors [1959] E.A. 701
• PanAfrican Trading Agency v. Chande Bros (1952) EACA 141.
• Varley v. Whipp [1900]1 QB 513
• Juthalal Velji v. Gulamhusein Remtulia 16 EACA 75
• Abdulla Ali Nathoo v. WaljiHirji [1957] E.A 207
• Beale v. Taylor [1967] 1 WLR 1193

f) Implied Condition that Goods are fit for a particular purpose (Section 15(1) and (2))
• Steveson v. Rogers [1991] 1 ALL ER 613 CA
• Priest v. Last [1903] 2 K.B 148
• Frost v. Aylebury [1905] 1 K.B 608
• Bristol Tramways carriage Co v. Fiat Motors Ltd [1910] 2 K.B 831
• Doola Singh & Sons v. Uganda Foundary& Machine Works [1945] 12 EACA 33
• Wallis v. Russell (1902) 1 LR 585
• Griffiths v. Peter Conway Ltd [1939] 1 ALL ER 685
• Tehran Europe Co. Ltd v. ST Belton Tractors Ltd (1968) 2 Q.B 545
• Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd v. Manganese Bronze & Brass Co Ltd [1934] AC 402
• Ashington Piggeries Ltd v. Christopher Hill Ltd [1972] 2 A.C 441/ [1971] 1
All E.R. 847
• Norman v. Overseas Motor Transport [1959] EA 131
• Omer Saleh v. Besse& Co [1960] EA 907.
• Spencer Trading Co Ltd v. Devon (1947)1 ALLER 284.
• Sugar Corporation of Uganda Ltd v. Lawsam Chemical U Ltd [2003]2 E.A 679
• Aswan Engineering Establishment Co v. Lupdine Ltd [1988] LRC 313
• Hunter Engineering Co. Ltd v. Syncrude Canada Ltd [1989]LRC 438
• BSS Group Plc v. Makers (UK) Ltd (t/a Allied Services) [2011] EWCA Civ 809
• Trebor Bassett Holdings Ltd & Anor v. ADT Fire and security Plc [2011] EWHC 1936 (TCC)
• Goustar Enterprises Ltd v. John Kakas Oumo SCCA No. 8 of 2003
• Bakeine v YUASA Investments Ltd (HCCS 136 of 2013) [2014] UGCommC 114

g) Implied Condition that goods are of satisfactory quality (Sections 15(3), (4), (5) and (6))
• Wilson v. Rickett Cockerell [1954] 1 Q.B 598
• Brown v. Craiks[1970] 1 WLR 752


• Grant v. Autsralian Knitting Mills [1936] AC 85

• Aswan Engineering Establishment Co v. Lupidine Ltd and another
• Bartlet v. Sidney Marcus Ltd [1965] 1 WLR 1013
• Doola Singh & Sons v. Uganda Foundary& Machine works 12 EACA 33
• Nolji v. Bulmsame C.A 41 EACA 1949
• Niblett v. Confectioners Materials Co. Ltd. [1921] 3 KB 387
• Olette v. Jordan (1918) 2 KB 41 p.47 Judge Atkin
• Joseph Emmanuel v. Nash [1962] 1 WLR 16
• Thonett Fehr v. Beers & Son (1919) 1 K.B 486
• Wren v. Holt (1903) 1 K.B 610
• Baldry v. Marshall (1925)1 KB 260
• Kanji v. Childs (1919-1922)2 ZLR 17

h) Trade Usage (Section 15 (7))

• Flency & King Mohammed Walli& Co. 1 ZLR 17
• Hutton v. Warren (1836) 1 M & W 466
• Peter Darlington Partners Ltd vs. Gosho Co. Ltd [1964] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 149

i) Quality of materials used in a contract for the supply of services (Section 16)
• Watson v. Buckley [1940] 1 ALL ER 173
• Lynch v. Thorne [1956]1 WLR 303
• Young and Marten v Macmanus Childs ltd [1969] 1 AC 454
• Gloucestershire City Country v. Richardson (1968) 2 ALL ER 1181
• Norta Wallpapers v. Sisk and Sons (Dublin) (1977)14 BLR 49
• IBA v EMI and BICC [1980] 14 BLR 1
• Viking Grain Storage v. The White Installation Ltd. (1985) 33 BLR 103
• Orient Bank Ltd v. Gilfinn Air Conditioning (U) Ltd. (Civil Suit No. 241 of 2015)

j) Sale by Sample (Section 17)

• Drummond v. Van Ingen [1887] 2 AC 284
• Stools & Busks Ltd v. Blinker Bic & Co. (1956) 1 Lloyds 228 QB
• Jafferali Abdulla v Jan Mohammed Ltd 18 EACA 21
• Shah vs. RambaiKashibhai Patel 23 EACA 329.
• Godley V Perry [1960]1 All ER 36
• Setramaco v. BOG Lubiri S.S (2005) HCSS No. 476 of 2005

k) Care and skill in the supply of services (Section 18)

• Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 2 All ER 118
• MT Højgaard A/S (Respondent) v EON Climate & Renewables UK Robin Rigg East
Limited and another (Appellants) [2017] UKSC 59
• Young and Marten v Macmanus Childs ltd [1969] 1 AC 454
• Orient Bank Ltd v. Gilfilian Air Conditioning (UG) Ltd (Civil Suit 241 of 2015) [2016] UGCommC 57

l) Remedies for breach of condition or warranty in certain cases (Sections 20 and 21)



Section 19 and 67 of the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act

• Wallis, Son & Wells Vs. Pratt and Haynes (1911) A.C. 294
• L’estrange Vs. F. Gracoub Ltd (1934)2 KB 394
• Karsales (Harrow) Ltd vs. Wallis [1956] 1 WLR 936
• Suisse Atlantique Socieity Vs. N.V Rotter Damishe (1966)2 ALL ER 61
• Photo productions Vs. Securicor (1980) A.C 827, (1980)1 ALL ER 556.
• Wallis v. Pratt [1911] AC 294
• Andrews v. Singer [1934] 1 KB 170


Meaning of property, Consequences of passing of property, Definition of property

Robert Lowe, Commercial Law, pages 193-203
Lawson (1949) 65 LQR 362
Battersby and Preston (1972) 35 MLR 268

Passing of property
Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, sections 22, 23, 24 and 25

Rules as to passing of property

Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, section 26

Unconditional contract for the sale of specific goods in a deliverable state

Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act: Section 26 (a)

• Wait & James v. Maitland Bank (1927)1 Ch. 606

• Re Kyford Ltd. (1975) 1 WLR 279
• Anwar v. Kenya Bearing Co [1973] E.A 352
• Kressman & Co v. Lakhani Ltd [1964] E.A 249
• Re Blyth Ship Building (1926) Ch.D 494 C.A
• Tarling v. Baxter (1827)6 Q.B
• Dennant v. Skinner [1948] 2 KB 164
• Varley v. Whipp (1900) 1 Q.B 31
• Underwood v Burgh Castle Brick [1922] 1 KB 343
• Naika Bruce v. Commonwealth Trust (1926) AC 77
• Rose Nakato v Asuman Muwonge [1978] HCB 298
• Johana Mbugwa v. Mwangi Mugwe [1949] 16 EACA 1
• Isaac Bishari v. Vitafoam Ltd SCCA No. 29/1992, can be found in [1994] VI KALR 180
• Re Shipton Anderson & co. ltd v Harrison Bros & co ltd (1915) KB 676
• Abendego Absolom Ongom v Amos Kaheru [1995]3 KALR 7
• East African Navigators Ltd v Mohanlal [1968] E.A 535
• Potgieter v Stumberg & anor [1972] E.A 370
• Fiat Kenya Ltd v Roble [1992] E.A 11
• Karimbux v Dalgety (1934)1 EACA 121
• Osapil v Kaddu [2000]1 EA 193
• Bwiriza v Osapil [2003]1 E.A 30


• Chapman Brothers ltd v Verco Brothers Co. ltd [1933] 49 CLR 25

• Armour v Thyssen Edelstahl Werke [1992] LRC 262
• Shilling v AG [1988-90] HCB 11
• Poole v. Smith Car Sales (Balham) Ltd [1962] 1 WLR 744
• Carlos Federspiel & Co SA v. Charles Twigg & Co Ltd [1957] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 240

Transfer of title by Non – owner

Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, section 29
Robert Lowe, Commercial Law, pages 208-225


• Bishopsgate Motor Finance Corpn v Transport Brakes Ltd [1949]1 K.B 322
• Cundy v. Lindsay [1874-80] ALLER 1149
• Butterworth v. Kingsway Motors [1954] 1 W.L.R 1268
• MatayoMusoke v. Alibhai Garage Ltd [1960] E.A 31
• Mamujee Brothers v. Awadh (1969) E.A 520
• Thomas Australia Trading Co. v. Marac Finance Australia Ltd [1986] LRC 217
• Mukono Cycle Mart Ltd v. Co-operative Bank [1987] HCB 66
• Animal Feed Products Ltd v. AG C.S No. 788 of 1990
• Steven Lubega v. Barclays Bank (U) Ltd C.A No.2 of 1992 14

ii. Exceptions to the General Rule

Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, Sections 29(2), 30 and 32

Sale under order by court

• Larner v. Fawcett [1950]2 ALLER 727

i. Estoppel by Words
• Henderson v. Williams [1895]1 QB 521

ii. Estoppel by Conduct

• Eastern Distributors Ltd v. Goldring [1957]2 Q.B 600
• Mercantile Bank of India Ltd v. Central Bank of India Ltd [1938] AC 287
• Hirji Kapadia v. Laximidus [1964] E.A378
• Lloyds and Scottish Finance v. Williamson [1965] 1 ALLER 641
• Jerome v. Bentley [1952]2 ALLER 114
• Motor Credits (Hire Finance) Ltd v. Pacific Motor Auctions Property (1963) 109 CLR 87

iii. Estoppel by Negligence

• Central New Bury Car Auctions Ltd v. Unity Finance Ltd [1957]1 Q.B 371
• Dennant v Skinner (1940)2 K.B 164
• Wilson & Meeson v. Pickering [1946] 1 ALL ER 394
• Campbell Discount Co. v. Gall [1961] 1 Q.B.431
• Mercantile Credit Co. Ltd v. Hamblin [1965] 2 Q.B. 242


• Folkes v. King [1923] 1 K.B 282
• Lloyds Bank v. Bank of America [1988] 2 K.B 147
• Staffs Motor Guarantee v. British wagon Co [1934] ALL ER 322/ [1934]2 KB 305
• Stadium Finance Ltd v. Robbins [1962] 2 Q.B 664
• Pearson v. Rose & Young Ltd [1951] 1 K.B 275
• Lee v. Butler [1893] 2 Q.B 318
• Oppenheimer v. Fraser [1907] 1 K.B 50
• National Employers Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd v Jones [1988] LRC 492

Sale Under Voidable Title (Section 30)

• Car & Universal Finance Co v Caldwell [1965] 1 QB 525.
• Cundy v Lindsay [1879]3 A.C 459
• Ingram v Little [1961]1 QB 31
• Lewis v Averay [1972]3 ALLER 907
• Mamujee Brothers v Awadh [1969] E.A 521
• Phillips v. Brooks [1919] 2 K.B 243

Sale by Seller in Continuing Possession (Section 32 (1))

• Staff Motor Guarantee Ltd v. British Wagon [1934] ALLER 322
• Union Transport Finance Ltd v. Ballardie [1965] ALLER 105
• Worcester Finance Co. v. Cooden Engineering Co. Ltd [1971]3 WLR 661
• Eastern Distributors Ltd v. Goldring [1957]2 Q.B 600
• Olds Discount Ltd v Krett (1940) 2 K.B 117
• Cundy v Lindsay (1978) A.C 459
• Sigglekow v Gibbs [1991] LRC 437
• Nicholson v. Harper [1895] 2 Ch. 414

Sale by Buyer in Continuing Possession (Section 32 (2))

• Worcester Finance Co. v Cooden Engineering Co. Ltd (1971)3 WLR 661
• Lee v. Butler (1893)2 Q.B 318
• Helby v Mathews (1895)2 Q.B 318
• MatayoMusoke v. Allibhai Garage [1960] EA 31
• Pacific Motor Auction v. Motor Credits (1965) A.C 667
• Mubarak Ali v. Wali Mohammed (1938)18 KLR 23
• Kressman v. Lakhani (1964) E.A 249
• Newtons of Wembley v. Williams (1964)3 ALLER 532 C.A

Sale in Market Overt

• Lee v. Bayes (1856) 18 C.B. 599, 560
• Bishopsgate Motor Finance Corporation v. Transport Brakes [1949]1 KB 322
• G.N. Sarangi v. Attorney General Civil Suit No. 18 of 1968
• Hill v. Smith (1812) 4 Taunt. 520
• Reid v. Commissioner of Police [1973] Q.B. 551

Effect of theft or fraud on title of owners of converted goods (Section 31)



Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, Section 27
Robert Lowe, Commercial Law, pages 203-205
Bridge, International Sale of Goods, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999, paras. 10.40-10.57 at pp. 390-398

• Head v. Tattershell (1871) LR EX 7

• Stern’s Ltd v. Vikers [1923] 1 K.B 78
• Couturier v. Hastie [1856] 5 A.C 73.
• Turnbull v Rendell [1948] 2 All ER 1036
• H.R. & S. Sainsbury Ltd v. Street [1973] 3 All ER 1127
• Candler v. Crane Christmas Co. Ltd [1951]2 KB 164
• Barrow Lane v Phillips [1929] 1 K.B 574
• Blackburn Bobin Co. Ltd v. T.W. Allen & Sons Ltd [1918] 2 K.B 467
• Hedley Byrne v Heller [1964]AC 465
• Bolus & Co. v Kirparam& Some (1915) 6 EALR
• Elphich v Barnes (1888) 5 C.P.D 321
• Demby Hamilton v Bearden (1949) 1 ALLER 434
• Tarling v Baxter (1827) 6 B.C 360
• Asfar & Co. v Blundell (1896) 1 QB 123 C.A
• Horn v Minister of Food (1948)2 ALLER 1036
• McRae v Commonwealth Disposals Commission (1951)84 CLR 377
• Tsakirogolou v Noblee Thorl (1961) 2 WLR 633
• Twentsche Overseas Trading V Uganda Sugar Factory [1945] 12 EACA 1
• Karia & Co. Ltd v Dhanani [1969] E.A 392
• Spear Motors L td v Banyakole Kweterana [1994]3 KALR 70
• Victoria Industries Ltd v Ramanbhai & Brothers Ltd (1961) EACA 11


Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, Section 34

I) Duties of the seller

a) Duty to pass a Good Title
b) Duty to supply the goods at the right time
c) Duty to supply the goods in the right quantity
d) Duty to supply goods of the right quality
e) Duty to Deliver the Goods

Note: duties under subsections a) to d) were dealt with under Part D (Implied Terms and Conditions)

Duty to deliver goods

• Block’s case [1922] 2 K.B 155
• Lovey & Co v. Goldberg [1922] 1 K.B 688 at 692
• Mediterranean Shipping Company Ltd [1989] AC 788
• Anywar v. Kenya Bearing Co Ltd
• Devshi Shah v. Mohanlal
• Jackson’s Case (1970) 2 K.B 937
• Marble Flock Co v. Universal Furniture Parts Ltd (1934) 1 K.B 148
• Munro (1930) 2 KB 312
• Smith & Co. v. Bailey & Co. (1940) 3 ALL ER 60


• Thomas Young & Sons Ltd v. Hobson & Partners (1949) 65 TLR 365
• Singh v Feram (1945)12 EACA 21

II. Duties of the supplier

III. Duties of the buyer

Duty to pay the price (Payment of price) S.35

• Harri Singh v General Workshops [1951] 18 E.A.C.A 4
• W.J. Allan & Co. Ltd v. Elnasil Export & Import Co Ltd. (1972) 2 Q.B 179.
• Kressman & Co. v Laknadi Ltd (1964) E.A 294
• National Pharmacy Ltd v Kampala City Council Unreported (1977)
• Lee Charge Card Services (1987) Ch.186
• First Sport Ltd v. Barclays Bank [1993]3 ALL ER 789
• Norman v. Ricketts [1886]3 TLR 182
• Saunder’s case (1919) 2 K.B 581

Duty to take delivery

• Kampala General Agency Ltd v Moody’s [1963] E.A 549
• Alinius v Globe Merchantile Corpn Ltd (1968) E.A 114
• Devshi Shah v Budhram Mohanlal 18 E.A.C.A. 79
• Woolef v. QBE
• Sharp v. Xmass
• Tales Sack & Tug Co v. Knowles
• Kadu Enterprises (U) Ltd v Prebal [1995]5 KALR 67

Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, Section 50, 51, 52, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66
Robert Lowe, Commercial Law, pages 232-251

Remedies for the Seller

I. Real remedies

(a) Unpaid seller’s rights and powers over the goods (Sections 50 and 51)
• Omer v Besse (1960) E.A 907
• Mubarak Batesaki v Mubarak Magala C.A No. 29 of 2002

(b) Unpaid seller’s lien (Sections 52, 53 and 54)

• Guster Adolf Weingut v Leslie (1967) E.A
• Mohamed Hussein v Kashayji (1952) 19 EACA 162
• Housing & Co. v Darshi 1 ZLR 272
• Somes v The British Empire Shipping Co. [1860] 8 HLC 338
• Uganda Hire Purchase Co. ltd v Magamboni [1978] HCB 54
• Mount Ltd V Jay & Jay [1960]1 QB 159
• Exparte Chalmers (1873)8 Ch.App. 289
• Merchant Banking Co v. Phoenix Bessemer Steel Co. (1877) 5 Ch.D 205
• Great Eastern Railway v. Lord’s Trustee [1909] AC 109


(c) Unpaid seller’s right of stoppage in transitu (section 55, 56 and 57)
• Bethel Q. Co. v Clerk & Co. (1988) 20 Q.B.D 615
• Lyons v Hoffung (1890) 15 App. Cas 391
• Housing &Co. v Darshi 1 ZLR 272
• Mordaunt v British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd [1910] 2 K.B 502
• Booth S. Co v. Cargo freight Co. [1916]2 KB 570
• Mount Ltd v. Jay & Jay [1960]1 QB 159

(d) Unpaid seller’s right of resale (sections 58 and 59)

• Baghwanti & Co. v Mohamed (1953)26 KLR 12
• Housing &Co. v Darshi 1 ZLR 272
• Callagher v Shiloock (1949) 2 K.B 765

II. Personal remedies

a) Action for the Price - S.60

• Ghulam Kadir v British Overseas Engineering Corpn [1957] E.A 131
• Devshi Samat Shah v Burharam (1951) EACA 79
• Hari Singh v General Workshop (1951) 18 EACA 4
• Guggeenheim Rajguru (1953)7 ULR 55
• Omer Saleh v. Besse [1960] E.A 907
• Fida Hussein & Co. v Mohammedally & Co. (1973) E.A 1
• Justine Olijo v AG [1996]6 KALR 42
• Basco Products Kenya Ltd v Machakos County Government Civil Suit No. 187 OF 2015. Also
available in [2018] KLR

b) Action for damages for non-acceptance of goods by buyer- S.61

• Devshi Samat Shah v B. Mohanlal 18 EACA 79
• Kassam Jivrij & Co. Ltd Gullamhussein & Co. 24 (2) KLR
• Hadley v. Baxendale [1845] 9 EXCH 341
• Victoria Laundry (Wiza Ltd) v. Newman Industries Ltd (1949) 2 KB 528

Remedies for the Buyer

a) Rejection of the goods

• Copalds Chagan Siraj v Like Thomas Co. Ltd (1961) E.A 29
• Livio Carli v Salen Homahed Boshanfer (1959) E.A 701
• Jiwan Singh v Rugnath Jeran (1945) 12 EACA 21
• Pan African Trading Agency v Chande Bros Ltd (1951) 19 EACA
• Twentsche v Patel (1941)8 EACA 14
• Norman v. Overseas Motor Transport [1959] E.A 131
• Mussa Hassan v Hunt (1964) E.A 201
• Kampala General Agency v Mody’s (1963) E.A 549
• Panaswer v Popat (1968) E.A 17
• Colour Print Ltd v Pre-Press Productions [2003]1 E.A 45
• Abdullah v Fan Mohammed (1951) 18 EACA 21


Loss of right to reject goods

• The Iron & Steel Work v Matyr 7 ULR 146
• Norman v Overseas Transport (1959) E.A 131
• N.V African Handlers Ass v Kanji (1923) 9 KLR 196
• Uttamchard& Co. Ltd v F.J Hawkes & Co. Ltd (1955) E.A 197
• N. Murji v A.C.D. Thu (1955) 22 EACA 294
• Hardy & Co. v Hillens (1923)2 K.B 49
• Rosenthal & Sons v Esmail (1965) 2 ALL.E. R 860
• Popular Hardware Ltd v. Electro Craft Ltd c/5210/1976 Uganda High Court
• Action for damages for non-delivery
• Wamala Growers Cooperative Union v. attorney General [1997] III KALR 73
• Fida Hussein& Co v. Mohamedally & Co
• Apollo Construction Ltd v Take Me Home Co. Ltd [1981] HCB 43
• Kabona brothers Agency v Uganda Metal Products [1981] HCB 74

b) Action for specific performance

• Re Wait [1927] Ch. 606
• Isaac Bishari v. Vitafoam Ltd [1994] VI KALR 180
• Fiat Kenya v. Roble [1973] E.A 11
• Afro Traders & Farmers v Gailey Roberts [1983] HCB 48


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