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Module 3- Drug Education, Prevention, and Control

Learning Activity 1. CASE ANALYSIS: General Instruction: Group yourself into five (5)
discuss the case below. Each member will answer in the provided answer sheet below and
will share in the group answer. Each member will submit the same Learning Activity
Instructions: Read the case and answer the questions given below. Write your answers on
the sheet provided for this task. Do not use an extra sheet of paper.


This is Cecilia's story, a typical college girl full of innocence, hope, and dreams. Once a
splendid life shattered by the dreary reality of curiosity, peer pressure, and the thrill of living it
high. This is her account…
Growing Up
I grew up in Paco, Manila, with my mom, dad, brother, and younger sister. My mom and dad, at
the time, bought a restaurant. They were always gone since it was such a demanding business. I
was home alone a lot and could do whatever I wanted.
Rebellious Streak
I loved movies, and I loved the role to play. I idolized rockers and the hardcore lifestyle they
lived, and I wanted to be a part of it. I would sneak out to parties on the weekends. However, this
particular party is different. I vividly remember that party. I was a freshman at college, and the
other girls invited me to a party that would have all these "gorgeous guys." I was a bit nervous,
and whenever a guy would come up and talk to me, I stuttered and embarrassed myself. Then,
suddenly, he was right in front of me. He had the darkest, most beautiful eyes I had ever seen,
and as he leaned in and whispered to me, I was a goner. He almost immediately had my heart. I
did not realize he was taking my future, as well.
He saw right through my nervousness and told me he had something that would help me get over
it. He said he had been the same way a couple of years ago, starting college after growing up in a
small, secluded town. I was only 17 at the time. One thing led to another, and I tried my first
taste of the drug. I was curious about pills, so it was an easy sell. I gave him my heart. He gave
me an addiction to heroin.
My friends tried to talk me out of seeing him. He was the local college dealer, and I was hooked
on him. When he went home for the break, I barely got through those days. I kept texting and
calling him, but he would not answer. When he finally did, he seemed mad by my concern and

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told me that he would not be checked. I did not remind him that he had done the same thing to
me a couple of times already. I was just grateful I could hear his voice.
Living it High
That little taste started me on a path of getting high at school and then eventually dropping out
altogether. Classes interfered with my drug life. What I thought was normal behavior was not
normal at all. I was out of control and addicted to drugs. All I wanted to do was hang out and get
high – and I could never get high enough.
During the Christmas break, he sent me home with enough heroin to get through the holidays.
However, I will never forget walking into my room and seeing my parents, brother, and younger
sister waiting there. My father was holding heroin. They asked me where I had gotten it, but
apparently, they already knew, as my best friend told them it was why we had drifted apart
during the first semester. We fought, and I tried defending my situation. Having no exit, I left
home and wandered the streets.
I was with my boyfriend, which made it easy for me to abuse the drug. I was living on the
doorstep of death every day, almost unknowingly, because I had no idea how toxic and explosive
the chemicals used were at the time. Sometimes I would be up for days, smoking regularly.
When I'd finally come down, I was depleted. I would barely get out of bed for weeks.
Having no money for my habit, I even tried to stay sober at one point. I got a local gas station job
to support myself, but I started using drugs again after a month. I could not hold my job because
I was too sick and too high to function. I tried to lead a regular life, but I found that even the
simplest things were impossible. I could barely walk through the truckloads of garbage, dirty
clothes, and other things I can't seem to remember if it's all my belongings. I cannot eat a decent
meal but instant noodles. I cannot sleep properly. I was severely thin because I was not taking
care of myself. I'm 5'4," and at one point, I was about 90 pounds in weight. A few months later,
my family found me. They took me home, their frail, slim, and almost lifeless daughter.

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1. Based on the case. What pushes someone to get involved with

drugs? How do drugs change one's life?
ANSWER For the vast majority of individuals, taking drugs is merely another
technique of modifying consciousness, similar to many other leisure pastimes.
However, for the small percentage of persons who acquire more obsessive
drug-using tendencies, such as Cecilia, drug use is not just about having fun,
relaxing, or 'partying.' It usually has a deeper goal, such as aiding in the
enhancement of identity, acceptance, and the reduction of psychological
discomfort or alienation. This is her excuse to find time escaping from reality.
When a drug addiction takes root, it takes precedence in a person's life. If you
are addicted to substances, you will spend more time and money obtaining and
consuming your drug of choice. This means you'll have less time to do the
things you used to like, including sports and hobbies.

2. NAME:

3. NAME:

4. NAME:

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5. NAME:


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2. Write your advice to all Cecilia's out there.
ANSWER People begin using drugs for a variety of reasons, including curiosity, to
have a good time, to increase sports performance, to dull emotional anguish,
and more. Drug usage does not always lead to misuse, and it can be difficult to
pinpoint the exact time when it becomes problematic. In Cecilia's instance, the
advise I would give her is to concentrate more on reality so that we can all
understand our conditions. There are options available to us for engaging in
recreational activities. Also, don’t try to think about our situations that may be
causing us to feel down. There are numerous methods to feel less alone. We
also have our classmates and friends to assist us focus more on our studies and,
most importantly, to dedicate ourselves to God to help us overcome our

2. NAME:

3. NAME:

4. NAME:

5. NAME:

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