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A friend from the old days, Ryle, acting on behalf of a money launderer

promises 31k¤ if the Punks hijack a shipment of illegal goods. The score can Ryle @flail_zealot248021
be found in a suspected drug-trafficking den, somewhere in Central: A NuTox Customer Service Specialist who is dangerous
Undersjön, but it's protected by off-duty cops. And of course there’s a and conceited. They flaunt their cosmetic gills and
deadline, a very short deadline. Ryle needs the job done in two days. love the cold and geeking out over slacklining. They
want to gain influence in any way they can. Based out
Something about the goods “spoiling”. Once you have the scratch, you are to of Central: The Arcs. they spend a lot of time tripping
deliver it to a gang-goon haven in Inbetweens: Low Meadow. and they want a corporate rival dead.

Getting into Undersjön, a massive undersea commerce district, poses little HP: 11 | Morale: 5 | kevlar weave suit with sky blue
piping -d4 damage (tier 2) | shotgun d8 damage, 4
trouble unless any of the Punks are wanted, then they might need to get past
a SecOps checkpoint or two. Once there, searching for the drug-trafficking
den is harder than it might seem, with so much going on both legal and not,
[d6] You and Ryle…
and Ryle couldn't pinpoint the place. 1 …were part of a group of hackers who worked
together to disrupt the operations of NuTox years
ago…now the bastard works for them.
2 …grew up in the same impoverished, crime-ridden
neighborhood and have known each other since
Depending upon how they search, it might take the Punks [d4:d10] hours to childhood.
3 …served together in a cybernetically enhanced
find the location, and each hour spent searching calls for an encounter roll. military unit during a war out among the tomb towns
Punks can also find just about anything they might want here if they have years ago, never really knowing what for…
4 …were pioneers in the neural hacking scene before it
the ¤, but each shopping trip adds an hour and another encounter roll. became mainstream and commercialized.
5 …were both part of an uprising against the gang
Undersjön (Undersea) holding the mega building you both grew up in. You
helped free the block together.
Deeper beneath the surface of the ocean than has any right to be, the undersea commerce 6 …used to work for the same syndicate, running
district is a sprawling metropolis of neon lights, towering skyscrapers, and dark alleys, run protection rackets and black bag jobs before they
by the corps and patronized by the elites while at the same time plagued by poverty, crime made it big, and you didn't.
and corruption. The streets are filled with rundown shops and storefronts, one pop up
kiosk after another turning broad avenues into maze-like lanes assaulted by the sights,
sounds, and smells of biz. Illegal labs and factories for black market cybernetic NuTox
enhancements and untested drugs are commonplace. Despite all the chaos and corruption, A subsidiary of Tulles & deVerte with a
the district is a vital center of commerce, attracting traders and merchants from all over focus on the synergistic merger of
the city, and sometimes even from outside. It is a place where the line between man and designer drugs, haute couture, and
machine is blurred, and the only law is the law of the strongest. body modification.
[d6] Encounters in Undersjön d20 Cop Names
1 Corpos and lowlifes alike running en masse from a swarm of
Average Off-Duty Cop 1 Anderson 11 Lambert
2 Archuleta 12 Martinez
blighthusks roiling down the lane snapping at any gets close. HP 5 | Morale 7 | no armor | [d4] [1] 3 Armitage 13 McClane
If the Punks stand their ground they face d4 at first, with 9mm pistol d6a [2] shockstick d4, 4 Davis 14 Miller
d4-1 joining at the end of each round for 6 rounds. Their test Toughness or fall down [3] too 5 Deckard 15 Moore
heroics garner the attention of a Net influencer who starts many throwing knives d6, two 6 Garcia 16 Rodriguez
broadcasting as they fight… 7 Harrigan 17 Smith
attacks per turn [4] ancient revolver
8 Hernandez 18 Taylor
2 A pickpocket (as Gang-Goon) tries to rob a Punk, test d8
9 Jimenez 19 Thomas
Presence to catch, they have (d4) friends nearby. 10 Jones 20 Williams
3 SecOp search & seizure, 3 man fireteam, will confiscate any
drugs any illegal gear (can't be arsed to execute offenders)
unless bribed.
4 Street Event from the core rulebook.
5 In a lull in the crowd, in a tight alley, or behind a dumpster, a
body lies stabbed and still leaking blood. They've clearly
been robbed, but a savvy Punk might find the Skinslot the
mugger missed and the cassette with 2d10x10¤ in paydata it
holds before an ERT gets there. You can already hears
6 A group of junkies loitering in an alley talking about getting
their next fix. If you follow them they lead you to the
drug-trafficking den.
Abandoned Units

Any kind of surveillance upon finding the drug-trafficking den will reveal that there are [Punks x 3] off-duty cops
spread out all across the site, but they aren’t kitted out with riot gear from the force thankfully, most of them
appear to be in civies and lightly armed.

Hidden somewhere in a series of abandoned units being used as storage and dead drop by the drug traffickers are
the “goods,” a shipping container packed with emaciated and abused scavs from outside the city, often used as
:// [LICENSE] The First Job is an
indentured workers.
independent production by u/Logen_Nein
and is not affiliated with Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG
Third Party License.
If the Punks decide to follow through with the job, they will need to find a way to transport the shipping container
to the drop point in Low Meadow. If they back out and release the prisoners, well…
A friend from the old days, Ryle, acting on behalf of a money launderer
promises 31k¤ if the Punks hijack a shipment of illegal goods. The score can Ryle @flail_zealot248021
be found in a suspected drug-trafficking den, somewhere in Central: A NuTox Customer Service Specialist who is dangerous
Undersjön, but it's protected by off-duty cops. And of course there’s a and conceited. They flaunt their cosmetic gills and
deadline, a very short deadline. Ryle needs the job done in two days. love the cold and geeking out over slacklining. They
want to gain influence in any way they can. Based out
Something about the goods “spoiling”. Once you have the scratch, you are to of Central: The Arcs. they spend a lot of time tripping
deliver it to a gang-goon haven in Inbetweens: Low Meadow. and they want a corporate rival dead.

Getting into Undersjön, a massive undersea commerce district, poses little HP: 11 | Morale: 5 | kevlar weave suit with sky blue
piping -d4 damage (tier 2) | shotgun d8 damage, 4
trouble unless any of the Punks are wanted, then they might need to get past
a SecOps checkpoint or two. Once there, searching for the drug-trafficking
den is harder than it might seem, with so much going on both legal and not,
[d6] You and Ryle…
and Ryle couldn't pinpoint the place. 1 …were part of a group of hackers who worked
together to disrupt the operations of NuTox years
ago…now the bastard works for them.
2 …grew up in the same impoverished, crime-ridden
neighborhood and have known each other since
Depending upon how they search, it might take the Punks [d4:d10] hours to childhood.
3 …served together in a cybernetically enhanced
find the location, and each hour spent searching calls for an encounter roll. military unit during a war out among the tomb towns
Punks can also find just about anything they might want here if they have years ago, never really knowing what for…
4 …were pioneers in the neural hacking scene before it
the ¤, but each shopping trip adds an hour and another encounter roll. became mainstream and commercialized.
5 …were both part of an uprising against the gang
Undersjön (Undersea) holding the mega building you both grew up in. You
helped free the block together.
Deeper beneath the surface of the ocean than has any right to be, the undersea commerce 6 …used to work for the same syndicate, running
district is a sprawling metropolis of neon lights, towering skyscrapers, and dark alleys, run protection rackets and black bag jobs before they
by the corps and patronized by the elites while at the same time plagued by poverty, crime made it big, and you didn't.
and corruption. The streets are filled with rundown shops and storefronts, one pop up
kiosk after another turning broad avenues into maze-like lanes assaulted by the sights,
sounds, and smells of biz. Illegal labs and factories for black market cybernetic NuTox
enhancements and untested drugs are commonplace. Despite all the chaos and corruption, A subsidiary of Tulles & deVerte with a
the district is a vital center of commerce, attracting traders and merchants from all over focus on the synergistic merger of
the city, and sometimes even from outside. It is a place where the line between man and designer drugs, haute couture, and
machine is blurred, and the only law is the law of the strongest. body modification.
[d6] Encounters in Undersjön d20 Cop Names
1 Corpos and lowlifes alike running en masse from a swarm of
Average Off-Duty Cop 1 Anderson 11 Lambert
2 Archuleta 12 Martinez
blighthusks roiling down the lane snapping at any gets close. HP 5 | Morale 7 | no armor | [d4] [1] 3 Armitage 13 McClane
If the Punks stand their ground they face d4 at first, with 9mm pistol d6a [2] shockstick d4, 4 Davis 14 Miller
d4-1 joining at the end of each round for 6 rounds. Their test Toughness or fall down [3] too 5 Deckard 15 Moore
heroics garner the attention of a Net influencer who starts many throwing knives d6, two 6 Garcia 16 Rodriguez
broadcasting as they fight… 7 Harrigan 17 Smith
attacks per turn [4] ancient revolver
8 Hernandez 18 Taylor
2 A pickpocket (as Gang-Goon) tries to rob a Punk, test d8
9 Jimenez 19 Thomas
Presence to catch, they have (d4) friends nearby. 10 Jones 20 Williams
3 SecOp search & seizure, 3 man fireteam, will confiscate any
drugs any illegal gear (can't be arsed to execute offenders)
unless bribed.
4 Street Event from the core rulebook.
5 In a lull in the crowd, in a tight alley, or behind a dumpster, a
body lies stabbed and still leaking blood. They've clearly
been robbed, but a savvy Punk might find the Skinslot the
mugger missed and the cassette with 2d10x10¤ in paydata it
holds before an ERT gets there. You can already hears
6 A group of junkies loitering in an alley talking about getting
their next fix. If you follow them they lead you to the
drug-trafficking den.
Abandoned Units

Any kind of surveillance upon finding the drug-trafficking den will reveal that there are [Punks x 3] off-duty cops
spread out all across the site, but they aren’t kitted out with riot gear from the force thankfully, most of them
appear to be in civies and lightly armed.

Hidden somewhere in a series of abandoned units being used as storage and dead drop by the drug traffickers are
the “goods,” a shipping container packed with emaciated and abused scavs from outside the city, often used as
:// [LICENSE] The First Job is an
indentured workers.
independent production by u/Logen_Nein
and is not affiliated with Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG
Third Party License.
If the Punks decide to follow through with the job, they will need to find a way to transport the shipping container
to the drop point in Low Meadow. If they back out and release the prisoners, well…

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