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● What is it? - Its when we invert and reposition word
order, to emphasise different adverbial ideas*.
*new, rare,unexpected, immediate, shocking

● Why do we use it? - for emphasis → put the ideas we

want to emphasise the most at the start of a
● What is the form?

Negative adverbial → question word order = aux + sub +


● Most often used in formal situations

● Also often used when complaining

Examples of frequent use:

“Neither do I”

“Not only was the meal cold, but also it was twenty
minutes late!” - BUT is necessary here
Different groups of emphasis

* Emphasis on immediately
No Sooner
Barely + question word order + than/when

No sooner had the lights gone red than/when a motorbike

crashed into the back of the car!
Phonecall Complaint

L.A.S.T → listen, apologise, solve,thank

Where,what food,what problems,what resolutions

● Explain the situation
● Explain the problem
● Emphasise your anger and outrage about: the quality
of the food, the manner of the waiter, the service time,
the atmosphere etc
● Request: a refund, a gift voucher, or nothing!

● Listen
● Give initial apology
● Explain and emphasise your: shock at these
descriptions, how sorry you are
● Negotiate the compensation depending on what you
are prepared to give and what your customer has

Perform your conversation

The winners are the people who are:
- The most dramatic
- The most believable
Correct these mistakes from the conversations
Never have I eaten such a greasy food
Never have I waited so long for waitress to come to table.
I went to your restaurant and I’m not happy with the
No way will I pay for that! ( yesterday)
I will ask the waiter who cared about you yesterday.
I was received in a single accommodation.
Which other problems did you have? (not specific)
The table wasn’t ready and I have to wait for 20 minutes.
I’m really sorry for that situation.

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