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Fiorela Patiño Vicente

Dannae Guerrero Melgar

Katherine Del Rosario

Ramos Oncebay
This happened in a super market seven years ago.
Julia was buying some things she was missing for
her lunch. When she saw a boy sitting looking at
her. Julia didn’t approach but the boy did and
asked her name. Then they talked for hours, Julia
forgot she had to cook, so Antonio invited her to
eat at a restaurant. They were laughing all the time.
After finishing, Antonio gave him his number and
they continued talking for months and they were
beginning to like each other. One day Julia was
working at home, suddenly Antonio knocked on
her door, Julia opened the door and saw Antonio
with a bouquet of flowers asking him to be his
girlfriend. After 3 years, they married and had two

"Beauty and the Beast” tells the story of a rich

merchant who lived many years ago, was a widower
and had three daughters. In addition to being
pretentious, the two older ones were very vain. On
the other hand, the little girl, who was called Bella
because of her beauty, had a different character
because she was kind and humble. The merchant
lost his fortune so the suitors of the girls
disappeared except for Bella's, who continued to
receive proposals although he continued to reject
them. She accepted it not because of her physique
but because of her heart.

In the summer, Camille was at her friend Karla's

party and her favorite song was playing. She went
out to dance, suddenly a boy named Arturo
approached her, she immediately felt attracted,
they began to dance, Arturo asked for her cell
phone number and the next day he was calling
her, after talking he invited her to dinner, during
the dinner, he told her that he was happy to have
met her and that at first, he was getting nervous,
but he dared to do it, they had a nice day. Weeks
after getting to know each other better, Arturo
visited her, went to her house, and brought her a
flowers and chocolates, at the same time, he
asked her to be her girlfriend and her partner in
her promotion and Camille accepted.

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