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An NPC or Adventure Seed

A monster for the HOSTILE sci-fi setting:

The Unseen Hunter is an intelligent, humanoid alien that has a culture of hunting
alien species for sport. Humans have sometimes become prey for these beasts. They
have access to high technology and will arrive on planet in a small starship, capable
of being cloaked invisibly when landed. Often, these aliens hunt alone, as a mark of
bravery, and carry out reconnaissance to locate a worthy opponent, either alone or
in a group. In HOSTILE, a team of humans might easily become prey for one these
Unseen Hunters, particularly if they are all armed and alone in the wilderness. The
parallels to the fictional ‘Predator’ and Star Trek Voyager’s ‘Hirogen’ are obvious.

Str 18 (+4), Dex 9 (+1), End 8, Int 8, Edu 7 (-), Speed x1, Punch (close) 1D6+3
Pilot-1 Navigation-0, Blade Ct-1, Brawling-2, Gun Cbt-1, Tactics-2, Recon-3

The Unseen Hunter wears an advanced armoured pressure suit, and has an array of
weapons at hand. These are detailed below. Key to his hunting strategy is a
‘cloaking device’ built into the suit, that provides invisibility from infra-red and visible
light observation. This cloaking field is used sparingly when on the hunt to harass
and disorientate the prey and to whittle down a group of prey animals until only the
stronger specimens are left; at that point the Unseen Hunter often switches off the
cloaking unit to face the surviving prey in hand-to-hand combat. All Unseen Hunters
carry wrist blades and a shoulder gun. It is up to the referee what else the specific
hunter uses: spear, shuriken, hunting nets, etc.

Wrist Blades (Close) 2D6+1 dmg.
Spear (Extended or thrown) 3D6 dmg.
Shoulder Plasma Gun (Shotgun range), 2D6+3, ROF 1, uses 1 power point per shot.
Targeting Laser on Helmet DM +1 to hit with plasma gun only.
Folding Shuriken (27m range) 2D6+1, Diff Dex to hit (under 13m Av Dex to hit).

Multispectral Helmet With infra-red, thermal imaging and limited X-ray vision.
Wrist-Mounted Medical Kit Functions a normal human first aid kit.
Wrist-Mounted Self Destruct Bomb With 1D3+3 round countdown, within 100m radius
9D6 damage, within 50m radius 3D6 damage (see ‘Explosive Radius’, Rules p96)
Cloak, Invisibility screen, costing 1 power point per round in use. Those attempting to
spot the Unseen Hunter’s location must make a Diff Recon roll. If successful they can
direct others nearby by spending a full combat round. Only Area Fire against the
suspected Beaten Zone can be used, and the Area Fire Pool will be halved before the
referee rolls any dice. The cloak does not work in water, and in rain, the roll to spot the
hunter is reduced to Average instead of Difficult.

Pressurised combat suit, Armour Value 9, has 40 power points. A recharge at the ship
takes 2 hours. A new power pack could be swapped out, this will take one minute.
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