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Why use the Periodic Table?

How much do I know about the Periodic Table?
1. What do I remember about Elements and Atoms (true or
MUCH false?) (5 marks)
Success Criteria: a) All materials are elements
• To know the symbols for common elements (level b) Fire is an element
• To use the periodic table to predict properties c) Carbon is an element
(Level 5)
d) There are millions of elements
• To apply knowledge of periodic table to new
situations (level 6)
e) An element is made up of different atoms.
• Challenge (Level 7) – What are the patterns
in the periodic table?
Key Skills 2. Who was Mendeleev and what did he do? (1 mark)

Describe: This is when you just say what you see

Explain: This is when you give reasons and say why

3. Why was Mendeleev’s big idea so important? (2 marks)

Key Words

Periodic Table -
(17 MARKS)
Element Symbol You are going to investigate the properties of the elements Carbon,
H Magnesium and Calcium. Fill out the table below by completing the
Nitrogen experiments on the elements. Follow the safety rules below!
- Must wear goggles from the start to the end of the practical
- Be careful with the acid, if spilt put under water and tell teacher
- Don’t sit down while doing the practical
Element Metal / Does it Is it Reaction
Chlorine Non- conduct magnetic? with
Zinc metal? electricity? acid?








4. What are the rules for writing the symbols? (1 mark)

In your groups discuss what you found out and then complete The Kid was down at the gym pumping (Fe) ________. He paused and
the questions below filled his lungs with (O) ____________. It was really hot and the (Hg)
____________was still rising. Sweat was pouring off him and he drunk
5.Describe the patterns that you have found out? (3 marks) some bottled water as he hated the taste of (F) ___________.

Now was the day he had been waiting for. He had planned the (Ra)
________ the bank so carefully. This was to be the big one. He was sure
there was (Au) ________ in those vaults just for the taking.

Just before closing time the kid forced his way in and threatened to fill
the manager full of (Pb) _________ if he didn’t open up the vault. The
manager grinned and did as he was told without comment. The vault
was empty!

“The gold bars,” shouted the kid, “they (Ar) ________”. “Yep”, said the
manager, “the branch closes down tonight. The gold went weeks ago.
6.Can you make any predictions of the properties of other Still, every cloud has a (Ag) _________ lining: they’ve also removed the
elements? (3 marks) alarm system today.”

Looking the kid straight in the eye he said “Beat it kid before I call a (Cu)
________. They like dollars and you haven’t got a (Ni) _________”.
There was nothing to steal except an old (Sn) ______ of beans from the
staff kitchen. The kid snatched them and was gone with the wind.

The manager wondered – should he phone the police anyway just to

give a description: purple dreadlocks. Dreadlocks – I bet he spent all day
(Pt) ____________ he laughed to himself. He decided not to bother. The
kid had actually brought a bit of interest into what was an otherwise (B)
_______ afternoon. No fear of a (C) _________ copy crime here, as he
closed the bank for the last time I wonder if the police will (Cs)
_____________ .

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