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Here are tips that can help you in writing emails in English.

1. Understand the vocabulary that must be known in writing e-mails in English

When you change your email settings from Indonesian to English, there are some basic
terminologies you should know:

· Subject: the topic in your email, the things discussed in the email

Recipient: the person receiving the e-mail

· Compose: means to create an email or write a new email

· Attachment: file (file) that you attach in the email

2. Understanding the structure of writing Email
Greetings: Greetings as an email opener. In English usually use the word “dear ……….
(recipient's name)"

· Introduction: Introduce yourself briefly if the recipient doesn't know you beforehand

· Purpose: Express your purpose, write the email briefly

· Details: draw in detail the content of the information that is the reason you write the email
to the recipient

Signature: Sign your name at the end of the email.

Source :
3. Here are some examples

 Greetings
Mr : for male
Mrs :for a married women
Ms : for female
Sir : for a married men
If you don’t know the name you can say “Good Morning/Afternoon, Evening, etc”

 Respon
If you have received an email from a recipient, thank them by saying:

"I appreciate you taking the time to help me with this project."
“Thank you for sharing your work. Your findings are very interesting."
“Thanks for your email/response.”
"Thanks for calling."
"Thank you for your interest (in our work)."

 Give Informations
“I wanted to tell you about…”
“I am writing to let you know that…”
“I am writing in response to…”
“I wrote about…”

 Question or Request
“Are you interested in…”
“Could/ could you send me…”
“I'm only writing for…”
“Just a quick note to say…”
 Links, References and Attachments
“Please refer to the following link…”
“Please see the attached document…”
“Please see the attached documents/files…”

You can also start your sentence with:

“I have attached…”
“Please find the file/photo attached…”
“I build files/documents…

 End Email
“I appreciate your feedback on the agenda. If you have, please let me know
"I look forward to hearing from you."
"I demand your reply."

if they have a question or need help:

"Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help."

"Let me know if you need anything."

 Closing
“kind/warm regards”
“Best / warm wishes”
Thank you very much (this is more informal.)

At the end of a professional email, it usually includes a signature or signature. The

phrase should match the formality of the email as well. The most formal way is to
use your full name with a professional title if you have one, such as "John Smith" or
“Dr. John Smith". It is also common to add your post and your organization or
company name.

John Smith, Executive Director at (company name)

Mr. Wiliam, Executive Directure at ( University name)
4. Some vocabulary that can help.

 University = Universitas
 College = Kuliah, Mahasiswa
 Magister = Sarjana
 Rector = Ketua
 Lecturer = Dosen
 Dean = Dekan
 Professor = Guru Besar
 Scholarship = Beasiswa
 Acreditation university = akreditas universitas
 Semester = Semester
 Examination = Ujian
 General = Umum
 Regular class = kelas Biasa
 Employee class = kelas karyawan
 Book = Buku
 Score = Nilai
 Discuss = Diskusi
 Meet class = Kelas pertemuan
 Guidebook = Buku panduan
 Lesson = Pelajaran ( mata kuliah)
 Major = Jurusan
 Faculty = Fakultas
 Economic = Ekonomi
 Management = Manajemen
 English education = Pendidikan bahasa inggris
 Civil Engineering = Teknik Sipil
 Visual communication design = DKV
 Register = Pendaftaran
 Class Hours = Jam Kuliah
 Price = Harga
 Infofmation desk = Meja Informasi
 Floor = Lantai
 Building = gedung
 Recommend : Menyarankan
 Help : membantu
 Request : Permintaan
 Facility : Fasilitas

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