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ORDER OF SAINT AUGUSTINE PROVINCE OF SANTO NINO DE CEBU - PHILIPPINES “Filipino Augustinians Beyond 450: Renewal of Community Life for the New Evangelization” September 30, 2022 Sr. Ignatia Mariate Tuti, OSA Superior General ‘Kongregasi Suster Santo Augustinus dari Kerajinan Allah (Augustinian Sisters of the Divine Merey) di, Jenderal Sudirman 31, Ketapang 78813 Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Dear Sr. Tuti, In my capacity as the Vicar Provincial of the Province of Sto. Nifio de Cebu-Philippines (Order of St. Augustine) of which the Augustinian Vicariate “Christus Totus” Papua-Indonesia, is presently integrated, I am endorsing to you two (2) simple professed friars from our Province for Cultural exposure and experience in your communities for a period of six (6) months from October 2022 until March 2023. ‘The two (2) friars with details of their travel documents (passport) are as follows: ALBERTO CARDENIO BARTIANA JR. Date of birth: 19 September 1996 Place of birth : LB Postigo ZDN Nationality = Filipino Country Philippines RONELLE SARMIENTO DOGON Date of birth : 18 September 1986 Place of birth : Pagadian City Nationality —: Filipino Country : Philippines Passport No. Date Issued Valid until Issuing office Passport No. Date Issued Valid until Issuing office : P1348883C 7 August 2022 6 August 2032 FA Manila : P0205124C : 23 May 2022 : 22May 2032 FA Manila In line with the Memorandum of Agreement drawn in 2018 between Sr. Lucia Wahyu, OSA (Superior General) and Fr. Andres Rivera Jr., OSA (specifically in the statement, “will participate in the collaborative mission/apostolate in the areas of education, hospital, social and pastoral”), we hope and pray that both parties (the Augustinian Sisters of the Divine Mery and the Friars of the Province of Santo Nifio de Cebu-Philippines) will be well guided in this collaborative endeavour. ‘Thank you for your kind attention and I wish you and your Sisters God’s blessings. In St. Augustine, REV. FR. rey OSA Vicar Provincial, Province of Sto. Nifio de Cebu-Philippines Reg. No.160/2022 Provincial Offices, Santo Niflo Pilgrim Center, ‘Osmefia Boulevard comer P. Burgos Street, Cebu City, Philippines P.O. Box 228 ¢ Tet. No. 032.256 -2934 FaxNNo, 032 255-4498 @} woo augustiniansphilippines. com YOO @augustiniansph

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