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No 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You live in Ho Chi Minh city. You just took a trip to Ha Long Bay with your English friend
named Daisy. You received an email from her after she returned to Liverpool. Read part of her
email below.
I hope you like the photos we took in Ha Long Bay. Did you get home all right?
I’m back at work now, but it’s a bit difficult to start again. I wish we were still on holiday.
Why don’t we plan another trip this spring if you’ve got time and money? Any suggestions where
we could go?
Write a reply to Daisy. In your email, you have to tell her that you really like the photos and the
time you got together, describe a problem you had at the airport on the way home to her and
suggest the time and place for the next trip.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or address.

No 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You recently received an email from your
English-speaking friend, Pat, inviting you to visit and stay with his family. Read part of Pat’s
email below.
You said you’d like to come and stay for a while in the summer, so I’m writing to ask if you’d like
to visit in July.
By the way, it’s my brother Tim’s 18th birthday on 10th July so try to be here then, because there’ll
be a big special party to go to. Lots of our friends and relatives will be there!
I’m on holiday in July too, so perhaps we could go camping for a few days as well?
If you’re coming, let me know if there’s anything else you’d particularly like to do. Then I can
make some plans.
Write an email responding to Pat. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to
include your name or address.
No 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have received a letter from your English-
speaking friend, Sam, asking you about a festival in your country. Read part of Sam’s email
I’m studying different festivals from around the world for a project I’m doing. Can you tell me
which is the most important festival in your region and when it happens?
Also, I’d be very grateful for any information you could give me about the festival itself.
If you think it is worth it, perhaps I could come and see what it’s like. What do you think? If I
come, will you be free? I'd like to see you again and perhaps we could visit the festival together.
Write a letter responding to Sam. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to
include your name or address.

No 4
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend, Sam, asking you
about how to get to your apartment from the airport. Read part of Sam’s email below.
Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I'm not sure how to
get to your apartment from the airport.
Could you write back giving me some basic instructions? What would be the best method of
transport for me? I'd prefer one that isn't too expensive!
Just one other thing - what will the weather be like when I get there? Just so I'll know what
clothes to pack!
Write a letter responding to Sam. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to
include your name or address.

No 5
You have invited an American businessman, Mr. Noah Watson, to give a talk at your English
club monthly meeting. Read part of his letter below.
I would be glad to come and give a talk to your English club. In order to make a good
preparation, I would like some information about my audience. I could talk about my either
experience when starting up my company or some general rules when doing business. Which one
would be more interesting?
Also, I am staying in a hotel in the city center. Could you tell me where the meeting is and how to
get there?
Write a letter responding to Mr. Noah Watson. You should write at least 120 words. You are not
allowed to include your name or address.

No 6
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Your English-speaking friend, Mary, whom
you haven’t met for a long time, sent you an email. Read part of her email below.
Do you remember me? We met when you visited my high school in Oxford during your summer
trip to England 3 years ago. We haven’t heard from each other for a long time, right? Anyway,
how are you? What have you been doing? You always wanted to be a teacher.
Here is some of my news. I’m studying Laws at Oxford University. I think I have changed a lot
over the years. I don’t like thrillers anymore. I prefer history books now. Do you remember Pete,
the tall thin guy with glasses? He’s on the same courses as me. We are best friends now!
Well, I must finish now because I have an exam tomorrow. It would be really good if we could
get together again.
Write back soon and tell me all your news.
Write a reply to Mary. In your email, you have to tell her you still remember her and the time
you visited her high school, tell her all your news and ask her to send your regards to Pete. You
should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or address.

No 7
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Your English-speaking friend, Clare, has
recently gone to live in another city. Read part of her email below:
Well, I’ve now been here for two weeks and I’m beginning to get used to my new life here. I’ve
certainly been very busy since I moved here – there have been all sorts of things happening!
I’m quite happy in my new home although lots of my belongings are still in bags and boxes! I’m
hoping to find time to unpack everything soon.
I’m glad I decided to come and live here – it’s a really good city. But there are some things and
people that I miss of course!
It would be really good if you could come and stay with me here, perhaps in a couple of months
when I really settle down. What do you think?
Keep in touch.
Write a reply to Clare. In your email, you have to ask her what is happening to her, tell her to
describe her new home, ask her to tell you what and who she misses after she moves there and
suggest the time when you can visit her.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or address.

No 8
Your English-speaking friend, Natalie, sent you an email. Read part of her email below.
Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month.
I’m not sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me
some simple directions? What’s the cheapest means of transport?
What will the weather be like when I get there? I’ll need to know which clothes to pack.
Hope to get your early reply.
Write a reply to Natalie. In your email, you have to express your excitement of her trip to your
country, tell her how to get to your apartment from the airport and what the cheapest means of
transport is, and tell her about the weather next month.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or address.

No 9
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You live in Hanoi. You moved to Manchester to study English three months ago. You have just
received an email from a friend of mine, Sara from London. Read part of her email below:

What’s Manchester like? I bet the weather’s not too good!

Have you still got that part-time job in the fast food restaurant? It must be a good way of
speaking to new people and making friends.
What about the family you’re staying with? Do you go out much in the evening? I hope the
English classes are going well.

Write a reply to Sara. In your email, you have to describe Manchester and the weather there, tell
her about your part-time job, the family you are staying with, and your activities in the evening,
and finally you have to write about your English classes there.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or address.

No 10
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your English friend, Jane, she asked you for some information about
one of your friends, Read part of her email below.
I’ve just got an email from your friend, An. She said she’s going to take a course in London this
summer. She asked if she could stay with my family until she could find an apartment. Can you
tell me a bit about her (things like her personality, hobbies and interests, and her current work
or study if possible)? I want to see if she will fit in with my family.
Write an email responding to Jane You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to
include your name or address.

No 11
You received an email from your English friend.
I’m going to have 6 months in your country to study Vietnamese at Vietnam National University,
Hanoi. I’m very excited about this trip. I’m wondering where I should stay so that I can learn
more Vietnamese beside class time. Can you tell me where I can play sports? I’m also thinking
about a part-time job I can do to have more practice of the language. Can you give me some
Write an email to respond to your friend. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need
to include your name or address.

No 12
You are helping to organize a visit to an English Language Academy in England. You have
received a letter from Mark Walker, the director of the Academy. Read the letter.
I am glad to know that you are coming to our academy in August. I am sure you will all have a
very enjoyable time and that you will learn a lot of English. You can either stay all together in a
youth hostel or individually with local families. Please tell me which you would prefer.
Tell me something about your group so that I can organize interesting free time activities. What
sort of things do they like doing? Please ask if you need any further information.
Write a letter responding to Mark Walker. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need
to include your name or address.

No 13
You received an email from your English friend, Jane.
Next month I am visiting your country for two weeks. I hope you could give me some advice.
Where should I stay? Can you suggest some activities I can take part in and also the clothes I
should bring?
Write an email to respond to her. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to
include your name or address.

No 14
You received an email from your English – speaking friend, Tom. He asked you for some
information about your favorite restaurant. This is a part of his email.
A new restaurant has just opened in my town and it’s wonderful. Have you got a favorite
restaurant? Tell me about it. Where is it located? What kind of restaurant is it? How are the food
and the service? And what do you like most about that restaurant?
Write an email responding to Tom.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 15
You work as a travel agent. You received an email from your English-speaking client, Tom. He
asked you for some information about his room in your suggested hotel. Read part of his email
…I would love to know more about that hotel. I want to ask you about the price of the
room. How much does it cost a night? Next, how about the room? How large is it? Lastly, what
about eating? Where should I have meals?
Write an email responding to Tom.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 16
You have had a meal at a restaurant. Then, you received an email from its manager. He asked
you for some feedback on the service of the restaurant. Read part of the email.
Thank you for having a meal at Long Hai Restaurant. We would like to improve our
service there. Could you please give us your feedback on our services? Were you satisfied with
the food? How did the waiters and waitresses serve you? Was there anything that could be
Write an email giving your feedback on the services of the restaurant.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 17
You are helping a group of Vietnamese students to organize a visit to an English language
Academy in Manchester. You have received a letter from John Webster, the director of the
Academy. He asked you for more information about the visit. Read part of his letter below.
I am very glad to see that you are coming to our academy in July. I am sure you will all
have a very enjoyable time and that you will learn a lot of English. You can either stay all
together in a youth hostel or individually with local families. Please tell me which you would
prefer. Also, tell me something about your group (things like the number of people, things they
like doing together as a group) so that we can prepare the best trip for you.
Write a letter responding to John Webster.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 18
You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the
shop but no action was taken.
Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter
- describe the problem with the equipment
- explain what happened when you phoned the shop
- say what you would like the manager to do
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 19
You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your
manager about it.
Write a letter to your manager. In your letter
- explain why you want to take time off work
- give details of the amount of time you need
- suggest how your work could be covered while you are away
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address

No 20
This is part of an email you received from an American friend.
I know you are preparing for an important exam. Tell me about the exam and how you are
preparing for it.

Write an email to your friend to answer his/her questions. You should write at least 120 words.
You do not need to include your name or address.

No 21
This is part of a letter you received from your English friend.
I’m travelling to your country during Tet holiday. Could you give me some information about it?
What do people often do? What do children receive? Can you tell me some dishes for Tet?
Write a letter to respond to your friend. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to
include your name or address.
No 22
This is part of an email you received from your friend.
Congratulations! It’s great to hear that you’ve passed your exam. You are going to take part in a
school play, aren’t you? Tell me more about it. What is the name of the school play? What is
your role in the play? When are you going to perform it?
Write an email responding to your friend. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need
to include your name or address.

No 23
You received an email form your English friend, Lucy. She asked you for some information
about one of your friends. Read part of her email below.
I’ve just got an email from your friend, Hoa. She said she’s going to take a course in London this
summer. She asked if she could stay with my family until she could find an apartment. Can you
tell me a bit about her (things like her personality, hobbies and interests, and her current work
or study if possible)? I want to see if she will fit in my family.
Write an email responding to Lucy.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 24
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You had arranged to meet a friend next week, but you have realized that you will not be able to
go. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
- Cancel the meeting with your friend and apologize
- Explain why you cannot be able to meet your friend.
- Suggest where and when you could see each other instead.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.
No 25
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write a letter to one of your friends to tell her/him about the holiday you are having. In your
letter you should say:
- Where you are going
- Why you want to go there
- The people you are going with
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 26
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have recently started work in a new company.
Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter:
- Explain why you changed jobs
- Describe your new job
- Tell him/her your other news
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 27
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your colleague, John. He asked you for some information about
your decision. Read part of his email below.
I’ve just got an email from the boss. She informed me that you would stop working for the
company. What’s been happening? What is your plan for the future after leaving the firm?
Write an email responding to John.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 28
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your English friend, Jane. She asked you for some information
about your country. Read part of her email below.
I’ve just got an email from my boss. She informed me that I would be sent to Vietnam to work for
2 years. Can you tell me some details about Vietnamese weather, people and places of interest?

Write an email responding to Jane.

You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 29
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your cousin, Jose’. He asked you for some information about your
house. Read part of his email below.
How can I get into the flat from the airport? Is there anything that I could do in the house or at
least to entertain?
Write an email responding to Jose’.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or address.

No 30
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Your friend Mary has written you a letter. Part of it says
‘What’s your favorite day of the week? I’d love to hear all about it’
Write an email responding to your friend.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or your address.

No 31
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You recently received an email from your friend, Pat, he said that he is going to have a holiday.
Write a letter to Pat, and invite him to your city and stay with you during his holiday.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or your address.

No 32
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write a letter to your manager asking for a training course, which you would like to attend. In
your letter explain
- What the course is
- Why it is required for your job
- How you will manage work while the course
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or your address.

No 33
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You’ve received a letter from your English friend, Peter, he had bad news that his grandfather
was in the hospital last week. Write a letter to him. In your letter:
- Give his grandfather best regards
- Promise to visit his grandfather on the nearest day.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name or your address.

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