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UPPSC Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Combined State Engineering Services Examination aT Civil Engineering Previous Years Solved Papers Z Ceol dar- a Lea (eed aNd) ar a) oL1ee 2017 www.madeeasypublications.org [= MADE EASY Publications Corporate Oice: 44/4, Kalu Sarai (Neat Haz Khas Metto Station), New Delhi-110016 E-mail: nfomepgmadeoasy in Contact: 011-45724612, 0-9958095830, 8860978007 Visit us at wiv madeeasypublications.o-g UPPSC-Combined State Engineering Services Examination Civil Engineering : Volume-2 © Copyright, by MADE EASY Publications. Allrights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stared in or introduced iio a retrieval system, ot transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical photo-copying, recording or otherwise), without the priot writen permission of the above mentioned publisher of this boo Reprint:2017 {SBN: 978-93-5147-280-3 ‘lights reserved ty MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS No par of his ook maybe reproduce or tized in any form without the rien pemissan rm the publisher Preface Combined State Engineering Services has been always preferred by Engineers due to job stability and opportunity to work in home sate UPPSC Combined State Engineering Services examination is conducted 4 time to time but not every year. MADE EASY team has made deep study of previous exam papers and observed that a good percentage of questions are of repetitive in nature, therefore previous year's papers ate advisable to solve before a candidate takes the exam. Ths bookis also useful for MP State B.Singh x65) Engineering Services, UPSC Engineering Services and other Compettive exams for Engineering graduates. ‘The frst edition of this bookis prepared with due care to provide complete solutions to all questions with accuracy. would like to give credit of Publishing this book to Mr. Sujeet Kumar, who has been MADE EASY Student ands selected for UPSC ‘engineering services 2013 (IRSE) He put hard efforts in collecting & Solving Previous years UPPCS Papers. Ihave true desire to serve student community by providing good source of study and quality guidance. | hope this book willbe proved an important tool to succeed in UPPSC and other competitive exams. Any suggestions from the readers for Improvement of this book are most welcome With Best Wishes B.singh CMD, MADE EASY Combined State Engineering Service Examination 2011 Apendix-1 Part-1 (Objective Paper) ‘A. General Ability 1. General Hindi 50 marks 2Hrs. 2. General Studies 400 marks 2 Hrs. B, il Engineering Subject 1. Question Papert 100 marks. 2Hrs. 2. Question Paper-2 100 marks, 2Hrs. Total 350 Marks Part-2 (Conventional Paper) Civil Engineering Subject 7. Enginesring 7 200 marke aH 2, Engineering 2 200 marks 3Hrs Total 700 Marke D._ Interview 700 Marks Grand Total 850 marks No. of Vacancies te Name Deparment | warworPont |y,22, | S69] SFat [686°] corel branch ; tnoson Dept fot Er wo | om | | ma | ao] ow 2 | Minor irrigation Deptt. ‘Asstt, Engg. 10 02 03 05 Civil | & | umdtontpnaesed | pameoenee! o& | — | —|- | «| ow | %_ | Woter Resource Deott, | ahikariTechnical Agriculture é ofrear | 6 uote Wars Dept (P0)| Ast. rg wo | - | |] | mm] ow a Grand ater Dept, | Ast Erg o |-|-|a|o| om | Pay Scale :€ 15600). € 39100). (Grade pay € 5400). Post class-I Gazatted) About Exam Combined State Engineering Service Examination is a competitive exam conducted by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) to recruit State Governments Gazetted Officials (Class-ll) for various engineering organizations. ‘These officials are responsible for the technical and managerial functions of those departments. The services offered under this examination are considered as most prestigious Civil Services in society. At entry level, a young probationary officer is appointed as sub-dvisional office. ‘The examis conducted by Uttar Pradesh Public Commission in the month of March/April alternate years or when vacancies fare available, Written examination is conducted at various centre in Allahabad and Luckraw only. The notification of the ‘examination is updated in the UPPSC calendar and is available on thelr websites www.uppsc.up.nic.in and www.uppsc. org.in Written examination comprises of objective as well as conventional papers. General Hindi and General Studies is a part of general assessment, apart from Civ Engineering subjects. The entire Civil Engineering is divided into two parts. Two papers ‘one objective and one conventional are asked from syllabus covered under each part, Written examination continues for 3 days, fst day is allocated for General Hindi (Ist inning) and General Studies (IInd inning). The second day is allocated for ‘objective papers | and Il. Third or final day is allocated for conventional Paper-| and Paper, The duration of al objective papersis of hours, whereas the conventional paper is of 3 hours, The conventional answer sheet of a candidate are evaluated ‘only once he quaifies in the objective examination, The canaidate who quality the written exam are ealled for interview, Syllabus Paper-1 (Part A) : Note: Answer any five questions, at least two from each part. ‘Theory of Structure: Principles of superposition; reciprocal theorem, unsymmetrical bending. Determinate and indeterminate structure, simple and space tramos; degree of reedem; virtual work; enorgy theorem; deflection of russes; redundant ramos. three mament equation; slope deflection and moment distribution methods; column analogy. energy metnods; approximate and numerical methods. Moving loads-sharing force and bending moment diagrams; influence lines or simple and continuous sms. Analysis of determinate and indeterminate arches. Matrix methods of analysis, sifress and flexibility matrices. Steel Design : Factors of safoty and load factor; design of tension; compression and flexural mombers; built-up beams and plate girders, semi-rigid and rigid connections, design of stanchions, slab and gusseted bases; cranes and gantry girders, roof trusses: industrial and mul-storied buildings, plastic design of frames and portals RCC Design : Design of slabs, simple and cont. beams columns, footing-single and combined, raft foundation: elevated water tanks, encased beams & column, ultimate load dosign. Methods & systems of prostrossing, losses in prostross. Paper-1 (Part B) (8) Fluid Mechanics: Dynamics o luid-equations of continuly; energy and momentum. Bernaalls theorem; cavitation, velocity potential and steam function; rotational and rotational flow, ree and forced vortex iow; flow net-cimensional analysis and its application to practical problem. Viscous flow between static and moving paralle| plates, fow through circular tubes: Fim lubrication, Velocity aistriauion in arrinar and turbulent flow, crical velocity; losses computation and moody diagram, Hydraulic and energy grade lines; siphons; pipe network. Forces on pipe bends. Compressible flow-adiabalic and isotropic flow, subsonic and supersonic volocty, Mech numer, shock waves, wator hammer, surge tanks. Hydraulics Engineering: Open channel flow-uniform and nonuniform flow, best hydraulic crass section. Specific ‘energy and critical depth, gradualy varied flow, classification of surface profiles, control sections; standing wave flume; surges and wave, Hydraulic jump. Design of canals-unlined channels in alluvium, the racve stress, principles (of sediment transport, regime thoores, lined channel, hydraulic dosign, cost analysis: drainage behind lining, ‘Canal Structure: Design of regulation work; cross drainage and communication works, cross regulator, canal falls, aqueduct metering, flumes, etc. canal outlets, © “ @) © @) © Diversion Headworks: Principle of design of different parts on impermeable and permeable foundations; Khosla’s theory energy dissipation, sediment exclusion, dams-Design of 'gié cams. earth dams; force acting on dams: stability analysis, walls and Tube-wells Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg.: Soil mechanies, origin and classification of Sols; Atterburg limit, Void ratio; Moisture Contents, permeabily; laboratory and field tests, seepage and flew nets, flow, under hydraulic structure, upitt and quick sand condition, Unconfined and direct shear tests; t-axial tests: heat pressure thearies, stabilly of slopes; thecties of soll consolidation; ate of settement. Total and effective stess analysis, pressure distr bution in sols; Boussinesque and \Westerquaard thearies, Soll exploration, Foundation Engineering; bearing capacity of footings; ples and wells; design of retaining walls; sheet ples and caissons. Principles of design of lock foundation for machines. Paper-2 (Part A): Note: Answer any five questions, at least two from each part. Building Construction : Bullding materials and construction- timber, stonebrick, sand, surkh, mortar, eonerete, paints and vamishes, plastics etc. Detaling of walls, floors roots, ceilings, star cases, door and windows. Finishing of building: Plastering, pointing, ete. use of building codes. Ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and acoustics. Building estimates and specifications, construction, scheduling. PERT and CPM methods, Railways and Highways Engineering Ra lay pormanont vay, ballast, sleeper; chair and ‘astening; point and crossing, itferent type of turn out, cross over, setting out of points. Maintenance of track, super elevation, creep of rail, ruling gtadiorts; track resistance, tractive effect, curve resistance, station yards, station buildings, platform sidings, turn ‘ables. Signals and interlocking; level crossing Road and Runways: Ciassticaton of toads, planning, geomotic design, design of flexible and rigid pavement, suobases and wearing surfaces, Tatic engineering and trafic surveys: intersection, road sign; signals and marking. Surveying: Plane ‘able surveying; equipment and methods; luton of two and three paint problems. Errors and precautions. angulation; base ine and its measurement, satellite station; inteviibilty ot station, error and least squares, general methods of least square, estimation with inter discipinary approach, adjustment of levels nets and tianguiation nets. Matrix notation solutions. Layout of curves; simple, compound, reverse, transtion and vertical curves. Project surveys and layout of civil engineering works such as buildings, bridges, tunnels and hydroelectic projects, Paper-2 (Part B) Water Resources Engineering : Hydrology: hydrologic cycle; precipitation: evaporation transpiration and intiration hydrographs, unithydrograph; fod estimation and frequency, planning for water resources - ground and surface water resources; ground and surface water resources: surface flows. Single and multi purpose project storage capacity, reservor losses, reservoir siting, flood routing Benefit cost ratio; general principle of optimization, water requitement of crop -quantiy of iigation water, consumotive Use of water, water deptn of fequaney ot irrigation: duty of water; irigation methods and etfciencies. Distribution System for Canal Irigation : Determination of reauited channel capacity; channel losses, alignment of main and distinutor channels, water logging: i's causes, to contol, design of drainage system: sol salinity. River taining principles and methods, Stone work dams (eluding earth dams) and the characteristics principe of design, erteria ot Stablity undation treatment joint and galeries, conttol of seepages. Sollways-Ditferent ype and their sutaiity, energy Cissipation. Spihways-Different ype and their sultabilty, energy dissipation. Spilway, crest gate. Sanitation and water supply; sanitation site and erientation of buildings: ventilation and dump proof eaurse; house drainage; conservancy and water bone disease, system of waste disposal, sankary appliances; laine and urinals Environmental Engineering : Elementary principles of ecology and ecosystem and their interaction with environment, Engineering activity and environmental pollution, environment ands effect on human heal and activity Air environment major pollutants and thelr adverse effects, types of air cleaning device, water quality parameters, adverse effects, ‘monitor salt, purtication of steam. Solid wastes; collecting systems and disposal methods, the'r selection and oper Typical features of water distibution systems, demand, available need, network analysis, storage, corrosion. Typical features of Sewage systems: Permissible velocities, partial flow in circular sewers, non-circular sections, corrosion in sewers, construction and maintenance, sewer, upputrenances’ oumping of sewage, plumbing: standards and system environmental management — Contents Civil Engineering : Volume-Il Section-A: Conventional Paper-| 1. Structural Analysis ~ ~ 1-62 2. Design of Concrete Structure 63-93 3. Design of tee! Structure - 94-120 4, Fluid Mechanics. 7 120-163 5. Open Channel Flow & Irrigation Engineering 164-207 6. Soll Mechanics. oo - 208-226 ‘Actual Paper held in 2011 (Conventional Paper. 227-228 Section-B Conventional Paper-II 1. Building Materials - 7 231-245 2 Building Construction, 246-257 3. Construction Management & Planning 258-274 4, Engineering Hydrology. 275-296 5. Inigation Engineering. ~ 297-342 6. Highway Engineering - - 343-370 7. allway Engineering 371-398 8. Environmental Engineering - 394-442 9. Surveying. 443-472 ‘Actual Poper held in2011 (Conventional Paper i) ATR 416 UPPSC Combined State Engineering Services Examination Previous Year Solved Papers Conventional : Paper-| Civil Engineering 200 ats Solution: a4 Solution: > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY ‘Show that the normal depth of flow in a triangular channel having side slope mH : 1 V is given by Qn m+ m= tag} 22) pst * (e nm The figure of the triangular channel is given below: Area of flow, A= mé Wetted perimeter, P= dylme+t 2 Hydraulic radius, R= A PV MY. Po ayadne+1 adm? +t As per Manning's equation, discharge through the triangular channel s given by = Axtart x yi 5 one rn] Pe Tr we Lame Qn iB xy8l8 ~ Be OP xin > yee = Px Qn (me +n? Be oye eer 2y"*xd 2 (e + a " ‘Show that for wide rectangular channel the bed slope ‘S, is mild or steep according S, being et “ge less than or greater than For a wide rectangular channel, width (B) is very large as compared to normal depth (y,). Area, Wetted perimeter, Hydraulic radius, Yy << B) wos _——— MADE EASY Open Channal Flow & Irrigation <« 201 as Solution: ‘As per Manning's equation discharge is given by a= Ax tneesi# o egy) xt) > = By xt xtya)** (6) Qai4 5/3, ve > = Latur x06) > so _ an [3 | Oo = Bye ca of” ~ x= [ee] o We also know that critical depth for a rectangular channel is expressed as -( 0 9 We know that for a mild slope y, > y, and for a steep slope y, < y. oP (ey? For mild sk wl > lS wmasoe — [ete] > (2) a9 an a = 2 5 ar? & 9 n = Sy < a regi = 8, < “$y Honcoproves Similarly for steep slope, Ye < Ve 019 > S,> ar (Hence Proved) Enumerate various types of energy dissipation devices which may be recommended below spillway in relation to the relative positions of tail water rating curve and jump height rating curve, In relation to the relative positions of Tail Water Rating Curve (TWC) and Jump height Rating Curve (JHC) following types of energy dissipation devices may be recommended (i) When TWC coinciding with JHC at all discharges: This is the most ideal condition for jump formation. The hydraulic jump wil form =f 50)2=¥0) Fe Siting basin at the top of the spillway at all discharges. In ‘Simple horizontal pron 202 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY such acase a simple concrete apron of length 5 (y,—y,) is generally sutficientto provide protection inthe region of hydraulic jump. (i) When TWC Is lying above the JHC at all discharges: In this case, when y, is always below the tail water, the jump forming at toe will be drowned out by the tail water and litle energy will be dissipated, This problem can be solved by providing a sloping apron above the river bed level or by providing a roller bucket type of energy dissipater. Sloping apron above the bod (il) When TWC lies below the JHC at all discharges: If the tail water depth is very low, the water may shoot out of the above bucket and fall harmlessly into the river at some distance downstream of the bucket. This bucket is then known as Ski jump: The second solution to this problem can be the provision of providing a sloping apron but below the river bed. The required depth y, whichis greater than TW depth can thus be made avallable by letting the jump form on this sloping apron as shown, River bed ‘Ski jump bucket Sloping apron above the bed The third solution to this problem may be the construction of a subsidiary dam below the main dam, so as to increase the tall w dopth and cause a jump to form at the toe of the main dam, i the tail water deficiency is small, a baffle wall or a row of friction blocks may be provided so as to dissipate the residual energy. Main walt Bafls wall Subsidiary am MADE EASY Open Channal Flow & Irrigation < 203 (iv) When TWC lies above JHC at low discharges andlies below f ~\ JHC athigh discharges: Intris tow caseatlow discharges, thejump | Ss"=88 will be drowned and at high discharges tail water is insufficient. The solution to this problem lies in providing a sloping apron partly above and party below the river bed. s(n snares 0) ‘Stoping apron party above and party below the ground level (v) When TWC lies below JNC at low discharges and lies above at high discharges: This case isjustthe reverse of above case and hence the same arrangement which is made above will serve the purpose, The only difference will be that at low discharges, the jump will form on the apron below the bed and at high discharges, the jump will form on the apron at a point above the bed. Q.16 What is a cross drainage work? What are the various types of cross drainage works? Across drainage workis a struct re which is constructed at the crossing of a canal and anatural drain, ‘80 as to dispose of drainage water without interrupting the continuous canal supplies. In whatever way the canal is aligned, such cross drainage works generally becomes unavoidable. A cross-drainage ‘work is generally a costly construction and must be avoided as tar as possible. Since a watershed ‘canal crosses minimum number of drains such an alignment is preferred to a contour canal which crosses maximum number of drains. ‘Types of cross drainage works are as follows: ()) Aqueduct and syphon aqueduct: * Inthese works, the canaliis taken over the natural drain, such that the drainage water runs below the canal either freely or under syphoning pressure. * When the HFL of the drain is sufficiently below the bottom of the canal, so that the drainage water tlows freely under gravity, the structure is known as an aqueduct * Ifthe HEL of the drain is higher than the canal bed! and the water passes through the aqueduct barrels under syphonic action, the structure is known as syphon aqueduct, (ii) Super Passage and Syphon: + Inthese works, the drain is taken over the canal such that the canal water runs below the drain either freely or under syphoning pressure. * When FSL of the canal is sutficiently below the bottom of the drain trough, so that the canal water flows freely under gravity, the structure is known as a super passage. * Ifthe FSL ofthe canalis sutfcionty above the bed level of the drainage trough, so that the canal lows under ‘syphonic action under the trough, the structure is known as a canal syphon or a syphon, Level Crossing: * Inthis type of cross-drainage work, the canal water and drain water ate allowed to intermingle with ‘each other. * Alevel crossing is provided generally when a large canal and a high drain approach each other practically at the same level. 204 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY aa7 (iv) inlets and Outlets: * An inlet is a structure constructed in order to allow the drainage w mixed with the canal water and thus to help in augmenting canal supplies. + Such a structure is generally adopted when the drainage discharge is small and the drain crosses the canal with its bed level equal to or slightly higher than the canal FSL. * When the drainage discharge is high or ifthe canals small, so that the canal cannot take the entire drainage water, an outlet may sometimes be constructed to escape oul the additional discharge at a suitable site, a litle downstream along the canal enter the canal and get What is an elementary profile of a gravity dam? Derive the expressions for determining base width of such dam based on stress and sliding criterion. Also derive the expressions for normal, principal and shear stresses at the base of the dam. Find the width of elementary gravity dam whose height is 100 m. Specific gravity of dam material 2.2 and seepage coefficient at the base C=08. Solution: Elementary profile of a gravity dam is a right angled triangle, having zero width at the water level and ‘a base width (B) at the bottom i.e. the point where maximum hydrostatic pressure acts. Itis subjected only to the external water pressure on the upstream side. In other words, the shape of such a profile is similar to the shape of the hydrostatic pressure distribution, Let P = Hydrostatic water pressure W = Self weight U = Uplift pressure B = Base width of Base width (B) of elementary profile for no tension: For no tension to be developed, the resultant of all the forces P, W and U must pass through the outermost midile third point. Thus taking moments of all the forces about the lower middle third point ie. fram the point which resultantis passing, we get 12 dam 8) (8 4 —I— B) PH . wu) where, S, is Specific gravity of concrete and y,, is Unit weight of water 1 2 where C is a constant which is taken equal to 1 in calculation and will be equal to zero when no uplittis, considered. U = 50y,HxB die P= oH MADE EASY Open Channal Flow & Irrigation « 205 1 B ZBHS. ty Forte] <5 ° 14 1 H Jd iy (ees, -Bee) = ext = 2% 3 Mt (BS.-B°O) = ZyHEXG = Be(8,-C) = = e- —t B.-c H Hence, 8s taken equal oo greater han then no tension wile developed athe heel sae =e " Base width of elementary profile for no sliding: For no sliding, the frictional resistance w (W —U) should be equal to or more than the horizontal forces i.e. P wOw-U) =P = BHS. ty -2Cy,H8] > Lyre ota ZONE] > Ty > u8s,-CB > H 4 > ee n (S.-C) Hence 8 should be greater than or equal to "for no sliding, aG.-9 ‘Stresses developed in the elementary profile: The normal stress al the toe and heel is given by hy [,, 62 2 = Fis 8 naling = Be | E Incase ofelementaryprofiie Ay = W-U 1 1 1 = ZBHYS.-3 CyHB = 5 BHy, (S.-C) B Further in the limiting case of no tension al any point in the base of the dam e = = and hence 6 ‘Bhiny (S.-C) Pay, = 2 Hy (Se — f sxeis] alPrin = 2— | 1 Prag attoe = Hi, (S.-C) Pathe! = 0 ‘The principal stress at the toe of the dam is given by | = pagan [ort = = Hyg (S.-C) (1 + tan?9) 2 Hi 8, oF] 206 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) ‘MADE EASY are Solution: But B= = - > o = a Hy. 0) [1+ Hy(S.-C +1) 0 The shear stress at the too of the dam is given by Shear stress at toe, ys and Shear stress atheel = Given, Height of dam, H = Specific gravity of dam material, 8, = 2.2 Seepage coetficient at the base, C 8 Pan tang = HS, -0) x B HS, -C)x YH (S,-C) Boe yy oO 400m The width of elementary gravity dam is given by B= H 100 S.-C ~ 22-08 100 Frage 7 2452m Design a lined canal to carry 100 m?/sec on a slope of 1 in 2500. The maximum permissible velocity is 2 m/sec, n = 0.013 in Manning's formula and the side slope = 1.25H : 1.0V Given data: Discharge, a= Slope, S= Maximum permissible velocity, V = Manning's constant, f Side slope N= Let us design a trapezoidal ined channel. We know that, N= = o= = o= = ° 100 m/sec a 2500 2mis 0.013 1.25H 1.28 1OV=NH: 1.0 cote cot (N) (where, @ isin radians) oft tan" 05 0.6747 radians MADE EASY Open Channal Flow & Irrigation <« 207 Now, using Mannings equation, the velocity va 1 qe gte Vn oo > Re = oe 5 poo _ _2X0.018 (1/2500)"? > R= Area A P= Also, the wetted perimeter of a lined channel is given by P = B+2y(0+cot6) (where, @is in radians) = B¥2y(0.6747 + cot0.8747) = 33.73 = B+assy = 3373 (i Also, the wetted area, A = By+y2(0+cotd) = By +y#(0.6747 + 60t0.6747) = 50 = By +1925 y? = 50 (i ‘Substituting value of B from (i) in (i), we get (33.73 -3.86y) y+ 1.925 y? = 50 > 33.73 y-3.85 y*+ 1.925 y* = 50 > 1.925 y*-33.73y +50 = 0 Solving the above equation, we get y=1.635m From (i), we get B = 33,73-3.85 x 1.635 =27.44m Hence the adopted bed width of the canal = 27.44 m and depth = 1.635 m aa Solution: Soil Mechanics Explain, how you will measure soil permeability in the ielc? Water is flowing under a constant head of water of obm 0.5 m through soil A and B of different permeabilities as —¥ ¢ shown below. The permeability of soll Ais 4.0 x 10 cm/s. Bo) If 85% of head is lost in flowing through soil A, find the el odm flow velocity and the permeability of soil B. t 4 [40 Marks : 2003] The soil permeability can determined in an open field by (Pumping in test (Nott sate) (i) Pumping out test (2) Pumping in test: The pumping in testis suitable fr low permeability and thin strata where adequate yield may not be available for pump out test. By this test, permeability of the soll at the bottom of borehole is obtained. In pumping in test, an open end pipe sink into the ground and then soil of the pipe is removed. ‘The clean water having temperature greater than underground water is added and discharge is measure, The head is kept constant, ‘The coefficient of permeability is given by, q ‘= San Where, r= radius of pipe, f= head under which water is adkied above base of pipe (ii), Pumping out test: The pumping out test is a more general and accurate method for permeability determination below the water table, This method is most suitable for all ground water problems. The pumping out test may be grouped as unconfined ing Tee flow and confined tow. zaroaen(*) Ke (For unconfined flow) = 18) 2a02diode( ) “ many (Forcontin tow) Where, gq = Pumpingrate r, = radial distance of test well 1 MADE EASY Soil Mechanics « 209 a2 Solution: radial distance of test well 2 height of draw down curve from impermeable strata in test wells, 1 and 2 respectively Given, k = 4.0.x 10% omis or, 4.0 x 104 mis Constant hydraulic head, H = 05m Head lost in flow through soil A - length of soil A 35% of 05m = Saom = 0437 m Quantity of water lowing through soll A, Q = kia = 40x 104 x 0.437 1 1.75 x 10 mis Let ky be the coefficient of permeability of soil B. For soil 8, discharge Q will remain same and remaining 65% head wil lst through soi. Hy 65%xO5mM _ 065x056 a o3m ~ og 718 Now Q = kyiA 178x104 = ky 108x1 1.75104 = = 1.62 104 mis > T08«4 " Flow velocity through soil B, Q 1.75x 104 m/s . v= Rep PIs Write short notes on: (a) Standard penetration test (b) Slope protection of embankment (©) T-axial test (d) Compaction and consolidation of soil [5 x 4 Marks : 2003] (a) Standard penetration test: The standard penetration testis specially designed for granular soil which cannot be easily sampled. This test is extremely usefull for determining following (Angle of shearing resistance (i) Relative density (ii) Allowable bearing capacity on the basic of settlement criteria (iv) Point resistance of pile (¥)_Unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil ‘The standard penetration test is conducted in a bore hole using a standard splt-spoon sampler. The ‘sampler is driven into the soil by a drop hammer of 65 kg mass falling through the height of 75 cm at 210 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY the rate of 30 blows per minute, The number of hammer blows required to drive 150 mm of the sample is counted. The number of blows recorded for the first 150 mm is disregarded which is called seating rive. The number of blows required for 300 mm penetration beyond seating drive is called SPT number. The standard penetration numbers corrected for dilatancy correction and over burden correction. (1) Over burden correction: 360 S+70 lb Where N, is observed SPT No, and g is effective over burden pressure at the test level @) Diatancy correction N= 15+ J0N,-15) Where, Nis SPT numberatter over burden correction (©) Slope protection of embankment: The upstream slope of embankment should be protected from destructive wave action. The diferent ype of surface protection of ustream slope included stone, stone rip-ap (ether cry dumped or hand placed), concrete pavement and stee facing Some times sacked concrete or wilow mattresses are used for relatively small and unimportant embankments, The rockforripap should consist ofhard, dense, curable boulders oreck fragment from the quarries. For downward slope, the simplest and most cost effective means ofstabizing bare sol surface isthrough the use of vegetation or mulches, This can also be achieved by providing aheavy layer of coarse gravelly material sufficient rock or cobble i available, itis preferable to provide a downstream rock or cobble fil. This, addition tots primary function of providing a stablizing Weight, also furnished a protective covering for ne underlying eath slope. On high embankments the effects of surface runoff may be minimized by the use of berms or shoulder ata intervals on the slope to collect and dispose off the Gisee pial load (c) Triaxial Test: The triaxial test is the most versattie among all the shear testing methods. It is op ea suitable for all types connecton via of soils and test flexible tbe conditions. In this test, there is a complete control over drainage conditions Base cap In the triaxial test failure occurs al weakest plane which fAirvalve Perspex cylinder —T [__. Loacing cap J Porous ise uber memorance Col filed wth water | Porous ase Pedestal Rubber‘! rng Col- base sea! rainage Naive isnotpredetermined. me —— The general Few pesuie” Prose o measurement Valve arrangement is shown in figure. ‘riaxia Celt MADE EASY Soll Mechanics « 211 as Solution: ‘The soil specimenis covered by athin membranes which extends over a top cap and a bottom pedestal. The appex cellis filled with water, and the required cell or confining pressure (64) is applied. This confining pressure acts horizontally on the cylindrical surface of the sample and vertically onthe top of the specimen. An additional vertical stress called deviator stress (o,= 6,~9,)is then applied and steadiy increased unt failure of specimen and steadily increased Unt failure of specimen occurs. A mohr circle is drawn at failure condition and test is repeated with changing value of confining pressure 6, and the corresponding deviator stress, which gives o,, at failure for each case Mohr’ circle at failure is drawn and drawn common tangent toallfalure circle called Mohr’ circle envelope. Using Mohs circle envelope c and 6 can be obtained (a) Soil compaction: Soil compaction is the process by which soll particles are forced to pack more closely together by reducing air voids, This densification is attained by applying some mechanical force on the sol ‘Sold Sol (Before compaction (i) Aer compaction ‘The state of compaction of a soil is measured by the dry density and associated water content Consolidation of soil: When soilis fuly saturated, then con change in effective stress, soll undergoes change in volume due to expulsion of pore water and molecular rearrangement. This compressibility in volume of soilis, known as consolidation. () Before consolidation (i) After consolidation Define soll compressibility and consolidation. [8 Marks : 2004] Compressibilit Compressibility accounts for change in volume of soil due to expulsion of ait, pore water and time dependent plastic rearrangements, compressibility of soil is the change of volume in the soll an the application of load Consolidation: When a pressure is applied to a saturated soil, the applied pressure is immediately transferred as an excess pressure to pore water. The resulting hydraulic gradient initiates a flow of water and the soll mass begins to compress, and the portion of applied stress is transferred to the soil skeleton. This causes a reduction of void volume and dissipation of excess pore water pressure because of seepage of water from the voids. This process of gradual load transfer from pore water soil skeleton and the corresponding gradual compression is called consolidation, That part of consolidation which is completely controlled by the resistance to flow of water under the induced hydraulic gradient is called primary consolidation, The other part, called secondary consolidation or creep consolidation is due to the plastic deformation of the soll at constant effective stress. 212 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY a4 Solution: as Solution: Describe Liquefaction of soil [8 Marks : 2004] Liquefaction of soils: Liquefaction of soil denotes a condition when a soil undergoes continue deformation at a constant low residual stress or with no residual resistance. In loose saturated sand, on shear disturbance there is a decrease in volume as soil molecules comes closer. Hence, high pore pressure is setup, due to which, effective stress (6 = gu) reduce suddenly. Hence sudden loss in shear strengthis recorded. Such a phenomenon, in loose saturated sand, is known as Liquefaction. When soil fails due to liquefaction, the structure founded on such a soil wil be sink. Liquefaction is most commonly observed during earth quakes at sea - shores. Describe, with neat sketches, how an undrain test on a soll sample could be carried out using a triaxial compression apparatus to obtain the shear strength parameters of the soil. [20 Marks : 2004] (i) Unconsolidated undrain test (UU Test) 1, Measure the dimensions of the specimen. Weight the specimen and keep a representative sample for water content determination 2. Place a solid perspex plate over the specimen, which in turnis placed over another perspex plate. Place the loading cap on the top plate. 3, Insertarubber membrane using a membrane stretcher and fixtwo O-rings, one at the bottom and the other on the top of the plate or loading cap. Note: Step 1 t0 3 are not needed for non-cohesive soils, (Shown figure in Q.No.2: Triaxial Cell) 4, Place one cel onthe triaxial col base and transfer the same to the compression machine and lust make load contact tothe loading ram, 5. Close the drainage valve, fillthe cell with water and apply the predetermines chamber pressure 6. Adjust the deformation and proving ring dials to zero and apply the axial load with a strain rate of 0.5% to 2% per minute 7. Record the force and deformation readings al suitable intervals with a closer spacing during the intial stages of the test. 8. Apply the loa til the proxing ring dial recedes backward or until an axial strain of 20% is reached. 9. Unload the specimen and dain off the cell tuid. Dismantie the cell and carefully remove the membranes and note down the mode of failure. 10. Weight the specimen and take representative water content samples from the failure zone of the specimen 11. Repeat the test on three or more identical specimens under increased cell pressure (ii) Consolidated undrain test: 4, Place the specimen aver a salurated porous stone which in turn is placed on top of the specimen and then place a loading cap with a drainage outlet. 2. Te quicken the process of consolidation of the specimen, place a series of small threads or a strip of fiter paper around the surface of the specimen. Now, insert the rubber membranes and fix the O-rings, One at the bottom and another at the top. MADE EASY Soll Mechanics « 213 as Solution: 3, Place one cell on the triaxial cell base and transfer the same to the compression machine and make load contact to the loading ram. (Open the drainage valve and note the volume change during consolidation. Ascortain the completion of the volume change by noting down the constant water level in the burette or volume change device close the drainage valve. the pore water pressure is to be measured, connect a pressure transducer or a null pressure Indicator device to the saturation line. 6. Adjust the null-indicator to the initial position or the transducer output to the intial reading Adjust the deformation and proving ring dials to zero and apply the axial load at a slow rate such that the pore pressure readings can be taken convenient. 7. Record the force, deformation and pore pressure readings at suitable intervals with a closer spacing during the intial stages of the test 8. Apply the load till the proving ring dial recedes backward or until an axial strain of 20% is reached, 9, Unload the specimen and drain off the cell fiuid. Dismantie the cell and carefully remove the membranes and note down the mode of failure. 40. Weight the specimen and take representative water content samples from the failure zone of the specimen 11, Repeat the test on three or more identical specimens under increased cell pressure. Following are the observation from a triaxial test on a soil. Confining pressure (kNim?) 100 250 Deviator stress at failure (kNim®)—: 400 600 Determine the values of shear strength parameters of soil. Also find out the additional axial stress and major principal stress at failure for the identical soil sample when the cell pressure was 300 kNim? [20 Marks : 2004] ConfiningPressure(o3) KNimv” | 03 = 100 Devator stress (Agg)kNin? Agy = 400. Failure stress (a; =, +Aoq)KNin? | oj = 500 Using, relation between g,, and, at failure, astan?( 45-49) -2tan 45++9) ( 2, at of, = 100kNim? and of, = 500kNim? Equation (becomes s00 = tootar?(46°+2)=2cten( a at of, = 250kNim? and of”, = 850KNim? Equation (i) becomes 850 = 2sotar?(45-4 $) + 2otar( (i) 214 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY Subtracting equation (i from equation (i), we get 350 - 150tar?| tar?(a5'+8) - 92 *2) = 750-288 ter. +9) = 15 4543) = 1527 a) re = 5679" aged = 5079 9 = 2358 Substituting value of ¢ in equation (i, we got 500 = tootar?(45"+ 2858). 2ctar 800 = 100 (1.827)¢+ 20x 1.827 a7 Solution: 500 = 233.17+2054C 500~233.17 : c= Oe 8 87.28kNi Thus the shear strength parameters of soils are: = 2358 and © = 87.28kNim? When soil pressure, = 300kNim? then major principal stress, tar? age42 42 = ost +9) 20tan(ase+$ = aootar? (45-4 BS )sznsrasen = 300 (1.527)? + 287.97 x (1.527) = 966.70 kNim? Corresponding deviator stress Ao, = +o, 6,-05 = 9670-300 = 666.70 kNim? A continuous footing is 3.0 m wide and constructed on sandy clay 3.5 m below earth level, safety coefficient is 4.0. Find allowable bearing capacity of soil. When C= Atim?, y= 2000 kg/m®, N= 9, N, = 2 [10 Marks : 2007 (1)] Data given: Width of footing, B = 30m Depth of footing, D, = 35m Factor of safety F= 40 Unit weight of sol y = 2 tim? MADE EASY Soll Mechanics < 215 As per Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation for continuous strip footing, gq. = Ne +1DiN, + ABN, 2 a = s9r2nasctetionaone = 701m? The net ultimate bearing capacity of the soil Gy = In~ Ye = 70-2x3.5 = 63 Um? Net safe bearing capaci, my _ 88 F 4 ‘Thus the allowable bearing capacity (safe bearing capacity), towable = Ine + ¥Dy = 18.75 +235 = 22.75 Um? os 5.75 Um? Q.8 Behind the wall of a one 5 m high retaining wall, soil is filed upto its top. On this, filing a surcharge of 1.5 tim? is acting. This wall is pushed toward the soil. In this condition, find passive earth pressure on wall by the soil properties are as follows = 0.2 kg/em®, 4 = 80°, 7 = 2000 kg/m?. [10 Marks : 2007 (1)] Solution: Given, q = 1.5m? = 2um? 7 = 2um*? o= ar He 5m tesing _ 1+sin30: = Tsing ~ Tsing PL = K,xqxHx1=3x15x5x 1 = 225 Um? © 2.5m trom the base 2x2x 3 x5x1 = 34.64 Im Py = 2e\Kp xHx1 216 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY 1 et 2 Hi 5 Fis = 3 = 3 Mftomthe base P, Tata passive thrust Py = P+ Pps Py= 205 49468. 75 = 192.14Um Point ot application of total thus, iy = fl Be wi Ae PR 22.5 2,5+34.64x2.5+75%| (3) 3/ = 2.027 m from base 182.14 Q.9 Write short notes on: (a) Standard penetration test (b) _ Stope protection of embankment (c) Triaxial test (2) Compaction and consolidation of soll Solution: [Refer to Solution of Q.No. 2] Q.10 Write assumptions made in the Terzaghi's theory of one dimensional consolidation. [8 Marks : 2008] Solution: Inthe analysis of one dimensional consolidation, Terzaghi made the following assumptions: (The soil mass is homogenous and isotropic. i. (K, = K, = K) (i) The void spaces are completely filled with water ie. soil is fully saturated and remain fully saturated throughout the process of consolidation, (iii) The soil solids and water are incompressible. (iv) Dareys lawis valid, Hence flow is Laminar {v) The seepage flow and deformations are in one-dimensional direction. i.e. consolidation is one dimensional (vi) Strains are small. (vil) The pormeabilty is constant over the range of effective stresses. (vill) There is a unique pressure-void ratio relationship i.e. the coefficient of compressibility is constant. (x) Tho time lag in consolidation is entiraly due tothe Low permeability ofthe so (x) This theory is applicable only for primary consolidation not for secondary consolidation. Equation of one dimensional consolidation is given by, au _ iu at “oz ou vine, satootchangectporepressue, us poepressue au << = pore pressure change with depth = = coefficient of consolidation, MADE EASY Soll Mechanics < 217 an Solution: a1 Solution: ais Solution: How soil permeability can be determined in an open field? [8 Marks : 2008] [Refer to Solution of Q.No. 1] Discus various type of triaxial test on soil in laboratory. [08 Marks : 2008] (a) Unconsolidated undrain test (U-U Test): It's a quick test and may completed in §-10 minutes. In this test water's neither allowed to leave the soil during consolidation state (confining stage) nor shear stage (deviator stage) Inthis test no significant change in volume is expected, Such test are suitable for low permeability soil such as clay with fast loading rate. Example: Construction of building over saturated clay. (b) Consolidated Undrain Test (C-U Test): During the first stage of confining pressure, flow of water from soil is permitted i.e. drainage is permitted, then consolidation will take place. Whereas during vertical shear loading (shear stage) drainages not permitted Example: Stability analysis of earthen dam during sudden draw down (c) Consolidation Drain Test (C-D Test): In C-D test, the drainage is permitted during confining pressure stage and shear stage both. This test is most time taking and for some soil may take several weeks. Since pore water is allowed to flow out, Hence significant volume change in soil may occur, This testis suitable for soll with high permeability and slow loading rate. Example: Stability of retaining walls having sandy fils (d) Unconfined Compression Test (U-C test): Itis an special case of triaxial test in which confining pressure is zero, No rubber membranes is provided and only compressive stress is applied. This test is suitable only for moist (saturated) clay and silt cuss difference between them. [08 Marks : 2008] Define soil compaction and consolidation and Soil Compaction: Soil Compaction is the process by which soil particles are forced to pack more closely together by reducing air voids. This densification is attained by applying ‘some mechanical force on the soil The state of compaction of a soil is measured by the dry density and sola Solid associated water content. (Before compacton (i) ter compaction Consolidation of soil: When soil is fully saturated, then on changing in effective stress, soll undergoes change in volume Sold Sold due to expulsion of pore water and molecular rearrangement This compressibility in volume of soil is known as consolidation, (i) Boore consolidation (i) Alter consolidation 218 > UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) Difference between Compaction and Consolidation: Compaction Consolidation 1. In compaction, volume change due to | 1, In consolidation, volume change due to ‘expulsion of pore air, squeezing of pore water 2. In. compaction soil is partially saturated | 2. Atthe starting of consolidation, soils full ordry. salurated. 3, After compaction soil may remain | 3, During the process of consolidation, soil partially saturated or may become fully | remain fully saturated. saturated 4, Soil compaction occurs due to some | 4. Consolidation occurs at constant mechanical energy provided externally coffective stress over the period of time. 5. Itisaartiticial process. 5. Itisa natural process. ‘MADE EASY Q.14 Discuss the possible liquefaction state of soils, Solution: Liquefaction of Soils: Liquefaction of soil denotes a condition when a soil undergoes continued deformation at a constant low residual stress or with no residual resistance. In loose saturated sand, on shear disturbance there is a decrease in volume as soil molecules comes closer. Hence high pore pressure is setup, due to which effective stress (6 = 0—u) reduce suddenly. Hence sudden loss in shear strength is recorded. Such a phenomenon in loose saturated sand is known as Liquefaction When soil falls due to liquefaction, the structure founded on such soil, will be sink, Liquefaction most commonly observed during earth quakes at sea - shores. Q.15 Amasonry retaining wall with vertical back has a back fll 4.6 m deep behind it. The ground level is horizontal at the top, and the water table is at ground level. Calculate the horizontal active earth pressure on the wall using Rankine’s earth pressure theory. Draw the active earth pressure intensity diagram along the height of wall. Assume unit weight of soil = 17 kN/m®, C = 35 kN/m? and 6 = 30°. The friction between wall and back fill is negligible. [40 Marks : 2011] Solution: Given, y= 17kNim#,c=35kNIm?, 9 =30", H=4.6m zy 20K, H=48m = é z rep Sogstiegs & St WH Coefficient of active Earth pressure, © Tesing~ 1+sin30" MADE EASY Soll Mechanics « 219 ate Solution: tar?(45e-$) « tan?(45°— a= Assuming unitweight of water = 9.81 kNim? depth of potentia erack - Zran( a54$ = 22S ctan( esr =7.13m>46m ‘Submerged unit weight of sol Y= YoYo Effective active earth pressure atZ =0 Py = 20 = 2435 [TG —40.44 ann? Effective active earth pressure at Z = 4.6m 7-9.81 = 7.19 Nim? = KyyZ-2eJK, = 2x7.19%4.6-40.41 = -29.38 N/m? Total effective thrust, = Boece + ky2 ~204Ke)xH = Hi-40.41-29:88)%4.6 = 160.51 kN (2222) x4 (Zegeezato 48 aid 79.38+40.41 )* 3 Ai = = 2.42 m from base Total pore pressure due to GWT, 3 y= Byatt = Ixaarxast = 108784 2 — HK 48 Fe = 3 = SF = 193m. from base Total active thrust, P, = Py+u = Pa+P, =-160.51 + 103.78 =-56.73 PaxFhis Py xt _ ~160.5%2.42+109.78%153 Pas P, = 4.08 mitom base Point of application, Ae Explain the following for soil mechanics (i) Plasticity Index “i (lil). Consistency Index (iv) Uniformity coefficient [20 Marks : 2011] (i). Plasticity inde is the diference betwoen liquid limit (W7,) and plastic limit (W,) i.e Ip = W~ Wp Itis denoted by 1p Itdlefines the range of consistency in which soll behave in plastic stage. The greater the [Plastioty index (%) | PASTS plasticity index of the soil, the higher will be the 7 Non-Plastie atvacton between the particles of the soil and the oe Low Plastic greater the plasticity of soil TAT Medium Plastic On tthe basis of plasticity index, the soils are classified str HighPlastic by Atterberg as follows: 220 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY i) Liquidity Index: The liquidity Index (J,) is the ratio expressed as a percentage of the difference between natural water conent and plastic limit to its plasticity index ie wow, Lo o h=t-k When, Soil is in semi solid state (britle) Soil is in stiff state O1 5 Soilisin Liquid state Consistency Index: The consistency index (/,) of a sol is the ratio of the difference between liquid limit to natrual water conetnt to its plasticity index i.e. ww Ip When <0; Sollis in Liquid state O 1; Solis in solid state (iv) Uniformity Coefficient: Cootficiont of uniformity is defined as- 2, 0 o, = Where, D,, mean that size below which 60% particles are below this size by weight, Djg is that size below which 10% particles are finer than this size by weight. Itis also called effective size Q.17 Calculate the depth of foundation trench which can be excavated with a factor of safety 1.5 for ‘a cohesive soil having cohesion of 26 kN/m? and angle of internal friction, ¢ = 10°, Given unit weight of soil, 18 kNim? and value of stability number = 0.22 for B = 90° and 6 [20 Marks Solution: G, = 26kNIm? o= = 18kNim? S, = 022 B= 9 F,=15 ‘The depth of the foundation trench which can be excavated with a factor of safely 1,5 can be obtained relation, &% 26 "= Saf = O2axtexts ~*58™ Q.18_ Inadrained triaxial test on dense sand, the all-around pressure was 150 kN/m? and the deviator stress to cause failure was 540 kN/m?. Compute the angle of internal friction @ and the inclination of the failure plane with the vertical axis of the sample. [20 Marks : 2011] Solution: Coll pressure, 9 = 150kNim? deviator stress, oy = S40 kN/m® MADE EASY Soll Mechanics < 221 failure stress, G, = 0, +6, = 180 + 540 = 690 kNimé s+ $s 2etan( 45° $) Using 1 = ante For dense sand c-0 690 = ‘sotar?(45+8) tar?(4g-22) _ 680 wilted) as . ( 2) ~ 760 “4 i te(see8) = ona s ° an2 = os 2 ° gaa °° = 4 Angle of failure plane with major prinejpal plane, = 4548 45742 _ 65° = 4548 245+ 25 Inclination of failure plane with vertical axis @ = 180° (90° + 65°) = 25° (clock wise) inne eiccers Q1 A solid sample has a porosity of 40%. The specific gravity of solids is 2.7. Calculate the () void ratio (i) dry density (il) unit weight ifthe soil is 50% saturated and (iv) unit weight if the solid is completely saturated. Solution: Given data Porosity of soil sample, Specific gravity of soil solids Now, as we know 40% Oo = 0.667 or G, Ate ae (Se faking Yy = 9.81kNIm* a7 = 2Lvoer = 1g = TE Nin? (ii) When soil is 50% saturated G, +Se tre J where S= 05 222 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY 2.7 +0.5x0.667 2.7+05%0.667) 9 91 — im? 7 ( ooee 81 = 17.852 KNf (iv) When the soil is completely saturated, S = 1 (2zeeoeer % 1+0.667 }x.81 = 19.814 @.2 Show that the drawdown in the case of a partially penetrating well in a confined aquifer (well just penetrating to the top of an infinite porous medium) is given by an equation where, Q, Nw lischarge from well under steady conditions radius of the well coefficient of permeability discharge from a fully penetrating well in confined aquifer under steady state (derivation for Q, not required). Solution: The flow will be spherical for the partially penetrated well Since, flow is spherical, therefore the flow area, A = 2m? (Surface area of ahemi sphere) Discharge, Q, = vA = Q, = KA = Q, = kx $8 x omg = Q, = 2nk 5,4, = = Su = Darky Q, = aks, sy=2e4,k(H-h,) (i) ischarge through a fully penetrating well in confined aquifer under steady state condition is given by 2nkB (H—hy) w 2.203 log (*) where, Bis thickness of confined aquifer, His initial height of water table from bottom of well hy is artesian pressure in the well, Ris radius of influence, r, is radius of well s, = Drawdown in the wel Dividing () by (i). we get [2202105 a 2nty k(H=hy) _ Or arkB (H— hy) 2.308 logg (°) B sao) MADE EASY Soll Mechanics « 223 Q3 State and discuss different factors influencing compaction of soil in the field. Solution: There are four main fa‘ 's which influence compaction and they are as follows: (i) Water Content: There are two theories to explain the typical water content-dry unit weight relationship. They are the Lubrication theory by Proctor and the Electrical Double Layer theory by Lambe. According to Lubrication theory at lower water contents, the soil is stiff and the soil grains offer more resistance to compaction. As the water content increases, the dry density increases and air voids are decreased tll the optimum water contentis reached, a stage when lubrication effect is maximum. With further increase in moisture content, however the water starts to replace the soll particles and since Yw <1, the dry unit weight starts decreasing. Lambe uses concept of soll structure and the Electrical Double Layer theory to explain the effect of water content on dy unit weight. In case of cohesive soils, there is an attractive force namely the Vander Waal’s forces which acts between two soil particles and a repulsive force which is due to double layers of adsorbed water tending to come into contact with each other. While the attractive forces remains same in magnitude, the repulsive force is directly related tothe size of double layers Ifthe net force between the particles is attractive, flocculated structure isthe result if itis repulsive, the patticies tends to move away -’disperse’. Atlow water contents atractive forces are predominant Which makes I dificult for the particles to move about when compactive effort is applied. A low dry unit weights the consequence, As the water contentis increased, the double layer expands and inter particle repulsive forces increase. The particles easily slide over one another and get packed more closely, resulting in higher dry unit weight. The maximum expansion of the double layer is at the ‘OMC, beyond that, the adaton of water does not {add any further to the expansion of double layer but the water tends to occupy space which % otherwise would have been occupied by soll patticles, Hence a decrease in unt weight talso explains why the shape of the compaction curve is not the typical inverted V shape in the case of soiis which are not echesive and plastic in nature. (i) Compactive Effort: For a given type of compaction, the higher the compastive effort, the higher the maximum dy unit weight andl lower the OMC. In the above figure compaction curve B corresponds to the higher compactive effort in a MPT, comparing it with the compaction curve A for SPT, one can see the compaction curve shifts to the top and to the left when compactive effortis increased. However, the margin of increase becomes smaller and smaller even on the dry side of the OMC while on the wet side of OMC, there is haraly any increase at all. Ifthe peaks of compaction curves for different compactive efforts are joined together a ‘line of optimums' is obtained which is nearly parallel to zero air void line. This brings out the fact that even a higher compactive effort does not result in a higher efficiency of ‘compaction. (ill) Types of Soil: (a) Coarse grained, well graded solls compact to high dry unit weight especially i they contain some fines. ZAVD curve ($ = 100%) omc, OMe, sw (©) Pootly graded sands lead to lowest dry unit weight values, (c} In clay soils, the maximum dry unit weight tends to decrease as plasticity increases 224 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY (d) Cohesive soils have generally high values of OMC. (c) Heavy clays with high plasticity have very low maximum dry density and very high OMC. (iv) Methods of Compaction: ideally speaking, the laboratory test must reproduce a given field compaction procedure, because the mode of compaction does influence somewhat the shape and the position of the Yy vs Ww’ plat. Sinee the field compaction is essentially a kneading type compaction or rolling type compaction and the laboratory tests use the dynamic impact type compaction, one must expect some ivergence in the OMC and tymay i the two cases. Q4 —_A1.5mlayer of soil is subjected to an upward seepage head of 1.95 m. What depth of coarse sand will be required above this soil to provide a factor of safety of 1.5 against piping. Coarse sand and soil have specific gravity 2.67 and porosity as 30%. Solution: Given that seepage head h = 1.95 m, Factor of safely, F = 1.5, Specific gravity, G = 2.67 and porosity, n = 30% Void ratio of the soil is given by 08 _ 03 e* fin 1-03-07 7 Critical hydraulic gradient is given by G-1_ 267-1 ont 16 +e 140.43 v8 With a factor of safety of 1.5 against piping, the gradient will be j= b= 11878 _o 7795 F745 bh But inf = Le Pa 188 Mos 1707788 Available flow path i.e. thickness of existing soll = 1.5 m 5-4 Depth of coarse sand required = L- 1.5 = m Q5 Samples of a dry sand are to be tested in triaxial and direct shear test. In the triaxial test the specimen fails when the major and minor principal stresses are 960 kN/m? and 260 kN/m? respectively. What shear strength would be expected in direct shear test when the normal stress is 230 kN/m?? Solution: Given data: Major principal stress at failure, 0, = 960 kNim® Minor principal stress at failure, oy = 260 kNim? Normal stress, 6 = 230 kNim? If gis the angle of internal friction, then Sy =o 960-260 Sy +6, ~ 960+260 = = sin-(0.5738) = 35° ‘The shear strength of a soil is given by 1 = c+atand [where for sand ¢ = 0] sind = MADE EASY Soll Mechanics « 225 = + = 0+280 x tan 35° = = 161.05kNim? 6 A smooth retaining wall 6 m high retains dry granular backfill weighing 16 kN/m? to its level surface. The active thrust on the wall is 96 KN/m of wall. What will be the total active thrust if the water table comes up to backfill surface? Take specific gravity of backfill = 2.65. Solution: Given data : H=6m; y= 16kNim; P=96kNim; G= 2.65 When backfill is dry, the active earth pressure diagram is 1 = Tk yHxH P= SK Veg vet > 98 = pxk, x16x0x6 1 xed = w= But tesing _ <—Ka tesing . tesing _ 1 tesing ~ 3 = 3-3sing = 1 +sino = seb = 5 = oe When the water table comes upto the surface of backfill the active earth pressure is increased. o-1 Submerged density. 7 = [75g ff (i Stn aso. Y= The From (i) and (i) equating values of 1 + 6, we get G-t%y, _ Sty Yc ¥ 6 em (SS) oy y = (288 = ("oss Total active earth pressure per unit length of wall = Floto wtH = A{grooxs+a8re = 236.34 KN Location of resultant thrust from bas 226 > _UPPSC (Combined State Engineering Services Examination) MADE EASY Q7 —— Asquare footing located at a depth 1.5 m from the ground surface carries a column load of 150KN. The soil is submerged having an effective unit weight of 11 kKN/m? and an angle of shearing resistance of 30°. Find the size of footing using Terzhagi’s theory if F, = 3; for ¢ = 30°, N, = 10; N,= 6.0. Solution: Given Data: Column load, Q = 180 kN Depth of footing, D, = 1.5m Submerged unit weight, 7 = 11 kNim® Angle of sheating resistance 6 = 30° Factor of safety, FOS = 3 We know that ultimate bearing capacity for square footing is given by 4, = 1.30N, + YDN, + 0.4YBN, Since the value of ¢ is not given, hence assuming the soll to be sandy. Thus e=0 4, = YON, + 0.47BN, = Gy = 11x15 x 10404 11xBx6 = = 165+ 26.48 = 9,770, = 165 + 26.48 -11x 15 > = 148.5 + 26.48, = Soy _ 148.5 + 26.48 ane Fos 3 Thus 4, = Gs + YD, g, = MBS 42648 iis J 3 a, = 66 +888 Q a = Be eo +8.ep > 1° +888 2 Gp => 8.88" + 66B?- 150 2 0 = B~1.3828125m = B = 138m Here D, > 8 which is against t applicable here. e assumption of Terzaghi’s theory. In strict sense, Terzaghis theory is not

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