Capstone ProjectGroup4

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Rationale of the Study

Can-avid National High School is having a hard time communicating with the
community and they always lack time to discuss with the people why they need to enroll
in CNHS, what makes the school best than the rest, the school is having adversity in
posting their announcements, news, events and they also had the hardship in the
people requesting for documents from the school, and with that they also want to
publicly put the school organization, faculty and staff online and with the help of the
website they can ease their self in any problem they encountered in the past.
Can-avidNHS a Web Dynamic and Interactive website of Can-avid National High
School in Can-avid Eastern Samar" could be to evaluate the website's existing condition
and pinpoint areas that need to be improved. The study could also look into the
potential benefit of the school having a dynamic and interactive website. The difficulties
the school has in reaching out to kids, parents, and the larger community could be one
of the key motivations for undertaking this research. Understanding the current state of
the website and identifying areas for improvement, which can help improve
communication and engagement with stakeholders. The research could also aim to
explore the potential benefits of having a dynamic and interactive website for the school.
For instance, a dynamic and engaging website that offers online learning resources,
feedback mechanisms, and collaboration opportunities can assist in enhancing student
engagement and academic success. It can assist parents to stay updated on the
school's academic achievement and school-related activities. A well-designed website
can also aid in increasing enrollment at the institution and enhancing its standing in the
community. The collaboration and communication between stakeholders, such as
teachers, students, parents, and the larger community, can be enhanced by a dynamic
and interactive website. This may be especially important for Can-avid National High
School, which may have trouble connecting with its stakeholders given its location and
resource constraints. The website can be used to inform stakeholders about timely and
pertinent information, such as events, announcements, and news from the school. This
can enhance involvement and participation in educational activities and foster a sense
of community among all parties involved. The website can also be used to encourage
accountability and transparency in the way the school conducts business. Access to
data like academic performance statistics, school policies, and financial reports are just
a few examples. As well as ensuring that the school is fulfilling its obligations, this can
help stakeholders develop a sense of trust and confidence. A dynamic and engaging
website can help the school maintain its financial viability. The website can be utilized to
advertise fundraising events, draw in prospective donors and sponsors, and boost
enrollment. The research can shed light on how technology-based initiatives can
support the school's long-term sustainability by investigating the website's potential
financial advantages. Social media sites are extremely important in people's lives,
particularly for students and teachers. They develop together with Internet-based
services, which are essential to their socialization and development.
Researchers came up with a strategy that is related to an IT based, dynamic, and
interactive with up-to-date features that focus on school. The educational community
has regarded this dynamic and interactive school website as a straightforward, practical,
and user-friendly platform. The website will have functional features including school
goals and vision, school contact details, and Social events like school bulletin, sports
championships, competitions, school tours, happenings, events, and ceremonies in the
website we also had the administration for example name of a school principal and the
faculty and staff of the school, addition with the features is the commemoration for
school alumni and their strands, Moreover with the website features is admission,
School policy, School Complaints, Careers, and Request for School Documents.

Statement of the Problem

Can-avid National High School (CNHS) currently does not have an official
website, which makes it difficult for potential students to learn about the school, hinders
parental engagement in their child's education, and limits opportunities for the school to
showcase its achievements and attract donors and sponsors. Developing an official
website for CNHS would help address these challenges and provide a platform to
promote the school's mission and vision.
General Objective
The goal of the school website is to provide an online platform for students,
parents, teachers, and the school community to access and share information about the
school. The website serves as a virtual representation of the school and provides an
easy way for people to access important information about the school, such as news,
events, academic programs, admission requirements, faculty information, and student
activities. The website also aims to improve communication between the school and its
stakeholders, enhance learning by providing resources for students, promote the
school's strengths and accomplishments, and provide regular updates about news and
events. The developer aimed to develop a dynamic and interactive school website for
Can-Avid National High School in Eastern Samar.

Significance of the Study

This project aims to educate those who stand to gain from the Dynamic and
Interactive Can-Avid National High School Website by providing information and
understanding about it. The following person will gain from the project:

Principal. It can be a helpful tool for the principal to interact with the school community,
encourage openness and participation, and improve the general efficiency of the

Registrar. It would be beneficial for the registrars to interact with students and parents,
make enrollment and registration procedures more efficient, and enhance how the
school operates in general.

Faculty and Staff. It would be quite beneficial to the faculty and staff of the school,
particularly in terms of communicating information, announcements, and other things.
This project also provided historical data for prospective school leaders and school
boards to consider as they deliberated potential future policies for adoption. Additionally,
it encourages the productivity of both academic and extracurricular studies in schools.
Students. Due to its authenticity and dependability, the aforementioned website is a
huge service to the pupils. Moreover, to be informed about news, events, and activities
at the school. Because they will be informed and have quicker access to the school
thanks to this website, knowing all they need, as said above, won't be a hassle for them.

Future Researchers. Using the website as a reference can aid individuals in

generating more ideas and serve as a roadmap for enhancing their future studies.

Scope and Limitations

We, the researchers, developed the project scope to specify the parameters of
this investigation in order to achieve the project deadline. The website, which will be the
study's final product, will simply convert Can-Avid National High School's traditional
methods of publicizing, and informing to computerized ones by enabling students,
parents, and visitors to view some information about the institution, in the website we
can achieve the following features access important information about the school, such
as news, events, academic programs, admission requirements, faculty information, and
student activities.
While certain limits become obvious during or after the research process, others
should be acknowledged and planned for before creating the website. The following
information and features are not included on the website. The website is purely for the
administrator's use, and only the admin is permitted to make modifications and alter any
data, the website is focused into Google chrome browser as it was the number one
browser, another limits for the website to achieve is the integration to the other website
or system for example is Gcash, Paymaya, and many more for the purpose of adding a
feature called donation to the school.

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