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As found in our results and findings, we the researchers concluded
that alugbati seed extract as rust remover in acidity and amount is not
effective in removing rusts. Based from the results of the investigation, it
tells that it is not possible to create a rust remover using alugbati seeds.
As seen in the results in the chi square statistics on varying the acidity
level it shows that p-value is 1 and it is not significant in p<.05 means
that it does not have significant effect on the visibility of rust. also, the
result of chi-square statistics in the varying level of volume(ml) it shows
that the p-value is 1 and it is not significant in p<.05 that means the
volume(ml) has no significant effect in the visibility of the rust. The results
from chi square statistics in both acidity and volume shows that alugbati
seed extract is not possible in removing rust.

Objectives of the Study

The researchers aim for this study is to find out if alugbati extract can
remove rust, it specifically aims to:
 Is to find out if the amount of alugbati seeds
extract will also affect the visibility of the rust.
 Is to find out if the acidity of alugbati seeds
extract will also affect the visibility of rust.

This study conducted is to determine the effectiveness of the

alugbati seed extract as a rust remover.

Results and Discussion

This part of the display board shows the data and observation from
the experimentation. Results in measuring and testing our own design in
creating a new rust remover, in the three trials different trials that the
researchers conducted.
Result of Chi-square Statistics: Varying Amount (ml) Levels
Varying Amount Removed Not Removed Row Totals
15ml 3 (3.00) [0.00] 6 (6.00) [0.00] 9
10ml 3 (3.00) [0.00] 6 (6.00) [0.00] 9
5ml 3 (3.00) [0.00] 6 (6.00) [0.00] 9
Column Totals 9 18 27 (Grand Total)
In the table it shows the result of chi-square statistics. In 15ml setup
the result shows that 6 times that the rust are not removed. And in 10ml
setups it shows that 6 times also that the rust are not removed. And in
5ml setups it shows that 6 times also that the rust are not removed, and
in the all the setups shows also that 9 times appear that there is rust
removed, it also shows that in the result of the chi-square statistics that
the p-value is 1 and it is not significant in p<.05 that means that the
Amount(ml) has no significant effect in the visibility of the rust.
Result of Chi-square Statistics: Varying acidic Levels
Varying acidic Removed Not removed Row totals
Acidic 6 (6.00) [0.00] 3 (3.00) [0.00] 9
Neutral 6 (6.00) [0.00] 3 (3.00) [0.00] 9
Base 6 (6.00) [0.00] 3 (3.00) [0.00] 9
Column Totals 18 9 27 (Grand Total)

In the table it shows the result of chi-square statistics. In Acidic setup

the result shows that 6 times are the rust removed. And in Neutral setups
shows that 6 times also the rust are removed. And in Base setups it
shows that 6 times also the rust are removed and in the all the setups
shows also that 9 times appear that there is no rust removed, it also
shows that in the result of the chi-square statistics that the p-value is 1
and it is not significant in p<.05 that means that the acidity has no
significant effect in the visibility of the rust.

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