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Nama : Vivi Aryani

NIM : 1911020170

Kelas : 8C Keperawatan S1

Diagnose medic : Diabetes Melitus

Nursing diagnoses :
1. The risk of blood glucose level instability is evidenced adherence to medication
Subjective data :
1. The patient said that he was weak and dizzy
2. The patient’s appetite is reduce and is only used
3. The patient’s said that he had a history of DM 3 years ago
Objective data :
1. The patients looks limp
Intervention :
Hyperglycemia management :
1. O : Monitor blood glucose levels; monitor fluid intake and output
2. T : provide oral fluid intake
3. E : recomend independent monitoring of blood glucose levels
4. C : collaborative administration of insulin
Nutrients less than Body Needs Related Inability Inner Family Caring for Members sick family.
1. Families can afford it Mention definitions Diit in diabetes mellitus with Joints
Implementation :
Hyperglycemia management
1. Monitor the blood sugar levels of the patient
2. Monitor fluid intake and output
3. Give the patient oral fluid intake
Nutrients less than Body Needs Related Inability Inner Family Caring for Members sick
1. Identifying the consequences of inaction
2. Identify the sources that the family has


S : the patients says the drug has been injected (insulin)

O : the sc injection was successfully administered into the patiens upper arm

A : the risk of blood glucose level instability is partially resolved

P : collaboration with doctors who give injection

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