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Identify Implied Main Idea

1. Sushi has become very popular in the US. Do you want to learn
how to eat it in the traditional way? It’s simpler than you think.
Specifically, there are 3 steps in the traditional way of eating
sushi. First, forget the chopsticks, and use your fingers to pick it
up. Next, dip the sushi, fish side down, in soy sauce, but use just a
little for extra flavor. Finally, put the whole piece in your mouth.

1. John sings so beautifully that many people think he should be a

professional singer. He also won a dance contest last year. Have
you ever seen John’s paintings? They are exceptional! In addition,
he learned how to program a computer by himself, created an
application and made millions of dollars selling it. Sports? John is
good at any sport that he has ever played.

1. It seems impossible that large prehistoric creatures are alive

today. Yet huge creatures from the dinosaur age may still exist
beneath the sea. After all, as fossil remains show, dinosaurs had
relatives who live in the sea. They were huge and had long necks
and snake-like heads. People who maintain that dinosaurs still
live point to recent accounts of strange sea creatures that fit the
description of ancient sea monsters. According to reports, the
modern-day sea creatures also have long necks and snake-like

Stated Main Idea

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