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September 2011

Pictures of the Month Operations Room

Hundreds of Palestinians participate in violent riots - About 300 Palestinians participated in an extremely violent riot near the village of Qusra, along with 200 at Qalandiya and 150 by Halamish. READ MORE Increased alertness: Hamas intentions for another terrorist attack - IDF received concrete information about another terrorist attack at the Israel-Egypt border by Hamas in the immediate future. READ MORE he IDF, General Security Service and Police have successfully T thwarted a terrorist bombing in Jerusalem - Information released this month reported that security forces have successfully thwarted a terrorist bombing in Jerusalem at the last minute, after a suicide bomber had already been inserted into the city. Joint operations with the IDF have brought to the apprehension of 13 terrorist cells, and around 100 terrorists. . READ MORE irst implementations following inquiries into the Itamar F terrorist attack - Changes in sector defense in the Central Command, implemented after the terrorist attack which took the lives of five members of the Fogel family, include greater cooperation between the IDF and civilian security elements and an increase in physical obstacles. READ MORE

One on One

he first operational female field photographer in the IDF is T ready to change public opinion - Corporal Avigil Ben-Eliahu, a soldier in the Karakal unit, has finished the operational documentary course with excellence, and has become the first female soldier in the IDF operating also as an operational field photographer. READ MORE

he Karakal unit guards not only the border, but the T cooperation between male and female soldiers as well - The special battalion, in which female and male soldiers serve side by side, protects Israel's Southern border from terrorists and hostile infiltrators. A soldier in the unit says, "During operations I feel no difference between the sexes." READ MORE

Challenges of the Moment

olonel Haimovich: we are preparing technologically for C future threats on the rear - Commander of the Active Defense Wing in the IAF's Air Defense Corps, has referred to the IDF's Active Defense capabilities, "The challenge is to minimize damage and neutralize the enemy's capabilities." READ MORE

On the Agenda

The Medical Corps has changed its methods of evacuation to hospitals - This was revealed by the commander of the Corps, Brigadier General Nahman Ash. The changes were made as part of the lessons learned by the IDF during operation "Cast Lead". The new method distributes patients among the hospitals according to updated reports about their capacity. READ MORE he Logistics Corps plans transportation of supplies via T unmanned vehicles - This was revealed by the commander of the Corps, Brigadier General Mufid Ganem. In addition, the Corps plans to raise the combative readiness of its soldiers in order to increase performance on the battlefield. READ MORE U.S.-born IDF soldiers remember 9/11 - At their IDF bases, lone soldiers from the US remember the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack ten years later. READ MORE he Home Front Command summarizes the 'Turning T Point' exercise, "We have achieved significant accomplishments."READ MORE AF delegations held a ceremony in memory of the victims of I the helicopter crash in Romania - The IAF Commander and family members of the casualties held a memorial near the site in which the helicopter crashed in Romania one year ago. A monument has been revealed at the crash site in memory of the casualties. READ MORE he Home Front Command inaugurated its Haifa District, "The T fire in the Carmel proved its need." READ MORE Goods transported into Gaza during the week of Eid al-Fitr - 9,135 tons of goods transported into Gaza during the shortened week. READ MORE IDF Spokesperson's Unit Public Affairs Branch

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September 2011

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Hundreds of Palestinians participate in violent riots

The Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz held a situation assessment at the Qalandiya Crossing Friday (September 23) afternoon, and examined the readiness of all forces in the area. Commander of the Centra Command, Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrahi and Commander of the Binyamin Brigade, Col. Saar Zur both participated in the assessment as well. Approximately 200 Palestinians participated in a violent riot near the Qalandiya Crossing near Ramallah earlier today. The rioters threw rocks at the security forces that responded with nonlethal riot dispersal means including the longrange acoustic device. Simultaneously, approximately 150 additional Palestinians rioted near the community of Halamish. Approximately 300 Palestinians participated in a violent riot near the village of Qusra after a mutual rock-hurling incident that occurred earlier this afternoon with Israeli civilians. During the riot, Palestinians hurled rocks at security forces that responded with non-lethal riot dispersal means and eventually as violence ensued, live fire. As a result, Palestinian sources reported that three rioters were injured. Initial reports suggest that one of them was wounded and subsequently, passed away. The IDF and the Palestinian Security Authority is jointly investigating the incident. Earlier today, a Palestinian was injured from a car crash on Route 60 near Kiryat Arba while crossing the road. Israeli medical intensive care units (Magen David Adom) were rushed to the scene to treat him, though upon arriving, several Palestinians began attacking the Israeli medical crew. IDF soldiers used non-lethal riot dispersal means and the injured Palestinian was transported to Israel for medical care via the Qalandiya Crossing.

September 2011

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Increased alertness: Hamas intentions for another terrorist attack

In response to concrete information regarding intentions of the Hamas as well as other terrorist organizations to execute another terrorist attack along the Egyptian border in the immediate future, the IDF has increased its preparedness and raised its alertness. Military sources suggest that this may be an attempt to sabotage Palestinian Authority developments in the UN. The Popular Resistance Committees, affiliated with the Hamas terror organization, arranged a multi-pronged terror attack at the Israel-Egypt border, killing eight Israelis including an IDF soldier and a counter terrorism policeman. In response, the IDF targeted officials of the organization in the Gaza Strip. Security forces warned of the presence of another terrorist cell in the Sinai Peninsula region planning an additional terrorist attack against Israel in the area.

September 2011

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Israeli security forces thwart major terrorist attack in Jerusalem

On Wednesday (September 7), it was released for publication that the IDF, Israel Security Agency and Israel Police prevented a major terrorist attack in Jerusalem last month. The attack was thwarted after a terrorist had already entered Jerusalem planning to activate an explosive device on a bus or at a shopping mall in the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood. The attack was prevented through joint operations by the IDF, ISA and police. During those operations, members of 13 terrorist cells (around 100 terrorists) were arrested. The detained terrorists included some senior operatives. The ISA has noted that Hamas has been trying to rehabilitate its military infrastructure in Judea and Samaria in order to carry out attacks against Israeli targets. According to the ISA, Hamas leadership abroad (in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Turkey) has provided funding, guidance and training for the establishment of terrorist infrastructure. Hamas in the Gaza Strip has been involved as well, attempting to move weaponry into Judea and Samaria and providing funding for terrorist activities. Questioning of detained terrorists has revealed that they were instructed to carry out a kidnapping in order to bargain for the release of prisoners.

September 2011

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IDF incorporates lessons from Itamar attack

A half year after the terrorist attack in Itamar in which five members of the Fogel family were brutally murdered by two Palestinian terrorists with knives, the IDF's Central Command has incorporated lessons learned from the incident. A report that was compiled on the attack included a number of recommendations regarding the security of Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria. "There are many lessons that will be implemented in the coming years," said a Judea and Samaria Division official. "Among other things, we were asked to examine security gaps in communities in all sectors." Some measures have already been implemented. New obstacles, such as barbed wire fences, have been established in a number of communities. In Itamar itself, a "dumb" fence has been put in place around the electronic sensor fence to prevent false alarms caused by animals and clearing work has been conducted to improve the line of sight from observation points.

September 2011

The first ever IDF combat camerawoman

For the first time ever, a female combat soldier was trained as a combat camerawoman able to film IDF operations in real-time. The IDF Spokesperson Unit in cooperation with the GOC Command train combat soldiers to document activity on the field. Eight courses of soldiers have already been certified as combat cameramen and are able to film riots, crossfire and even interview soldiers. The soldiers provide a unique perspective and live images of what truly happens in the field, shown through the eyes of IDF soldiers.

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Cpl. Abigail Ben Eliyahu, a combat soldier in the Karakal Battalion composed of both males and females, will completed the combat cameramen course this week, and even received a decoration for her excellence. "This was an incredible course," said Cpl. Ben Eliyahu, "and now I've acquired two professions during my military service: combat soldier and camerawoman. I now see the importance of the media in modern-day battlefields." "I have a lot of responsibility," she continued, "as the first female combat camerawoman I must prove successful in the field." Just like every other female combat soldier in the IDF, Cpl. Ben Eliyahu volunteered to serve in a combat position. "It's important to me that more girls will have the incredible experience of being a combat soldier and contribute to the country as much as possible," she explained. Throughout the course Cpl. Ben Eliyahu learned several new combat techniques. The Karakal Battalion in stationed at the Israel-Egypt border and is unaccustomed to the urban settings of the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria. Today, Tuesday (August 30), the combat cameraman course trained at the IDF Urban Training Center in southern Israel, the largest most intricate facility of its kind in the world. The exercise included mock violent riots representing the complex interaction between IDF soldiers and civilian populations. "It's crucial for high ranking officers to recognize the importance of real-time documentation from the field and continue developing it," concluded Cpl. Ben Eliyahu. Commander of the Combat Cameramen Unit, Maj. Micha Ohana said that "Cpl. Ben Eliyahu is the first and only female combat camerawoman thus far and she fit in perfectly. She worked extremely hard and excelled. I have no doubt she will prove a great asset in any media challenges we might face."

September 2011

IDF men and women defend Israel's southern borders

The Karakal Battalion male and female combat soldiers operate together to defend Israel's security at its southern borders, thwarting infiltration, terrorist and smuggling attempts. "We do everything we can to defend Israel's civilians," explained Sgt. Daniel Rosinov a soldier in the battalion. "Our reality isn't simple: our routine activity includes catching drug and weapon smugglers, terrorists attempting to harm Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers, and Sudanese infiltrators at the Eygpt border. Our mission isn't easy, and we execute it with pride."

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Composed of both male and female combat soldiers the infantry battalion offers girls the opportunity for an intense service identical to any other exclusively male battalion. "Serving alongside girls has been full of surprises," said Sgt. Rosinov. "All the soldiers in the battalion eat together, train together and laugh together. We help each other with everything regardless of gender. True bonds were forged between the male and female soldiers and any differences evaporated long ago." The success of the battalion is evident time and time again. "We recently captured smugglers carrying large drug quantities worth a lot of money," said Sgt. Rosinov. "At the crossings, we feel appreciation from Israeli civilians," he continued, "once a woman stepped out of a vehicle and gave us cold drinks and snacks."

September 2011

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Technological preparations against threats to Israeli communities

Col. Zvi Haimovich, Commander of the Active Defense Wing of the Air Defense Network spoke of the unrelenting threats to Israeli communities, at a conference of the Institute for National Strategic Studies on Monday (September 5). "The threat to the Israeli home front is constantly changing, and defending Israeli communities requires preparation," Col. Haimovich said. "The Air Defense Network's challenge is to minimize damage and injuries, and neutralize as many rockets as possible in order to defend the communities." Col. Haimovich mentioned that recent warfare changes make terrorist activity against civilian communities cheap and available. "The threats are diverse and the numbers continue to grow," he explained. "Our mission is to minimize the damage, neutralize the threats and enable IDF to better operate both in defense and deterrence." Col. Haimovich also referred to the success of the Iron Dome anti-missile system during the escalation in southern Israel last month. "The battery successful intercepted dozens of rockets and I can guarantee we prevented significant damage to both property and human life, he said. "The Iron Dome's operational success results from its ability to adjust to any scenario."

September 2011

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More efficient medical care for people wounded in combat

Chief Medical Officer, Brig. Gen. Dr. Nachman Esh spoke of new wounded evacuation methods from the battlefield, at the Fifth Annual Latrun Conference on Tuesday (September 6). The Medical Corps' mission in combat according to Brig. Gen. Esh is "providing quick and professional medical treatment while evacuating the wounded in record time to several different hospitals." IDF Medical Corps soldiers are also instructed to treat the wounded based on the urgency of each injury, regardless of the patient's background. "The injuries are treated solely based on urgency and available care, determined by trained doctors," explained Medical Staff Instructor Sgt. Tal Shlezinger at a recent medical reserves training exercise. "They (IDF soldiers) follow the Hippocratic Oath and treat both Palestinians and IDF soldiers equally," he added. At the same drill, Maj. Hamzi Ghanem, head of an IDF medical company, said that "we treat soldiers, Palestinians and even terrorists with identical medical care. During my 12 years in medicine, I have never once seen an incident where someone was treated in a lesser manner than an Israeli, or without consideration of the injury's urgency." At Tuesday's conference, Brig. Gen. Esh explained that now the Medical Corps will work more closely with the Home Front Command in evaluating ultimate evacuation methods and dividing the wounded to different hospitals. "With the help of the Home Front Command, we are able to divide the wounded to different hospitals, reducing the load from each facility and providing treatment more efficiently," he said. Brig. Gen. Esh also spoke of new technological innovations for doctors in the battlefield including homeostatic bandages that can better stop bleeding, an unmanned medical helicopter evacuating wounded from the battlefield without risking human life as well as other unmanned vehicles. These innovations will be used to better accomplish the Corps' objectives.

September 2011

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Head Logistics Officer: Unmanned vehicles and better trained soldiers

The IDF Logistics Corps will soon implement unmanned vehicles used for supply transport and enhance soldier durability, according to Head Logistics Officer, Brig. Gen. Mofid Ganem who spoke at the Fifth Annual Latrun Conference today, Tuesday (September 6). Brig. Gen. Ganem addressed supply transfer challenges in complex warzones and future logistics solutions. A 'supply chain' refers to transfer of supplies such as food, medical equipment, fuel, ammunitions and other, to combat soldiers in the field during an emergency. The equipment is transported in a variety of ways that require securing of routes. "We've improved supply transportation since the Second Lebanon War," said Brig. Gen. Ganem. "We train the forces to create better suited routes." Since logistics soldiers are many times required to enter warzones, they will now be trained accordingly. "We teach our logistics officesr to approach the forces in spite of the dangers," explained Brig. Gen. Ganem. "In enemy presence we will be able to employ logistics soldiers as security forces as well, trained to fight and better understand the situation." Brig. Gen. Ganem discussed technological advancements in command and control systems as well as incorporating the use of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. The vehicles will transport supplies to infantry forces without risking human life. "These will definitely be taken into consideration in the IDF's upcoming multi-year plan," he said to IDF Website. Lighter and longer-lasting supply carriers are being developed as well.

September 2011

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U.S.-born IDF soldiers remember 9/11

Today, September 11, 2011 exactly ten years after the Al- Qaeda terrorist attack in America that took the lives of 2,977 people, America comes together once again to remember the victims and the rescuers. However some Americans are commemorating the attack from their IDF military bases in Israel. These are IDF lone soldiers from the U.S. who voluntarily came to serve their other home in Israel. "When I got home from school that day my mom was waiting outside the door with tears in her eyes," said Cpl. Karen Zmora (23) from New York, currently serving as an instructor at the Special Forces K9 Unit. "I sat in front of the TV and I remember feeling very upset and confused trying to understand what was happening. It looked like a horror film; I could not comprehend the destruction, and the amount of people going to lose their lives," she explained. "The events of September 11th united everyone," added Cpl. Zmora. "You could feel that Americans care about each other and everyone helped in any way they could." Cpl. Angy Shavit (18) from New Jersey who currently serves as a female combat Artillery Corps soldier shared that, "I remember walking into class after lunch. My teacher pulled down a map and began to explain to us what had happened. Although we were in the 4th grade, I remember everyone glued to the news." "It took me a long time to get a grasp on what happened," said Gitit Chromoy (21) from New Jersey a former Special Forces female combat soldier. "I was in middle school and didn't quite understand what was going on but I remember everyone getting picked up from school early." "I was in 7th grade and it was during third period art class when I heard that the twin towers had fallen," said Cpl. Alon Diamant-Cohen (23) from Maryland currently serving as a Field Intelligence combat soldier. "It took another jumbled hour of confusion, rumors, and explanations until the situation became clear and we understood that a great tragedy had befallen the entire United States. After lunch the school and staff all lost the ability to function and sent everyone home." Cpl. Cohen continued, "I spent the rest of the week watching replays of what happened to the towers on the news, as a stunned America tried to recover from a devastating blow." "The entire experience wasn't only a terrible tragedy, but also a violation of everything Americans relied on. The fall of the twin towers on September 11th triggered the beginning of a new more aggressive and less innocent generation of Americans," he concluded.

September 2011

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Homefront Command: "Turning Point 5" drill was a success

On Wednesday (September 14), Homefront Defense Minister Matan Vilnai and head of the Homefront Command Major General Eyal Eisenberg held a joint briefing to discuss the "Turning Point 5" national civil defense drill that was held two months ago. Vilnai and Maj. Gen. Eisenberg agreed that the drill was a success and that it incorporated lessons from the previous year's drill. "Turning Point 5" was the most recent annual national civil defense drill. During the drill, various civil defense systems were tested. Maj. Gen. Eisenberg said that two significant achievements took place during "Turning Point 5" - improved coordination amongst various security bodies and increased help to local authorities. 80 local authorities - about 1/3 of all local authorities in Israel - participated in "Turning Point 5", compared to only 30 the previous year. The drill included the sounding of warning sires throughout the country. "Over 85 percent of the population indicated that they hear the siren well during the drill," Maj. Gen. Eisenberg said. "Following the drill, we installed another 25 sirens in places where will identified gaps and this trend will continue until we fill all the gaps." Currently, there are more than 3,000 warning sirens throughout the country, double the amount that existed in 2006. Next year, the Homefront Command is expected to conduct a national earthquake preparedness drill.

September 2011

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Memorial to be dedicated to victims of Romania helicopter crash

Monday, July 26th, 2010. Time stopped in the IAF as reports came in that contact had been lost with an IAF CH-53 Sikorsky helicopter that was training in Romania. As time passed, it became clear that the crew had been killed in the accident. The training session last year was planned in advance, one of dozens of exercises that the IAF has participated in with foreign air forces, in Israeli airspace and abroad. The Sikorsky squadrons, which had trained in Romania in previous years, returned again to practice flying in unfamiliar, mountainous areas. Three days before the end of the training exercise, the accident occurred. Two Sikorsky helicopters from the Night Birds' squadron took off in the afternoon hours and flew west toward the Carpathian Mountains. They entered thick fog and at one point one of them impacted the side of a mountain. Slightly over a year after the accident in the Carpathian Mountains, the bereaved families of Colonel Daniel Shipenbauer, Lieutenant Colonel Avner Goldman, Major Yahel Keshet, Major Lior Shai, Lieutenant Nir Lakrif and Staff Sergeant Oren Cohen will depart for Romania at the start of the next week. Parents, wives, siblings and children, squadron members and other IDF personnel will arrive to view up close where they lost their dear ones and to dedicate a monument that bears the names of the casualties. The commander of the Romanian Air Force will welcome the commander of the IAF, Major General Ido Nechushtan, who will head the Israeli delegation. The initiative for the trip to Romania came from the IAF and required much assistance from the Romanian side. "The Romanians are cooperating with us and are showing an extraordinary desire to help us and treat the IAF specially," said Colonel Ronit, who returned from a trip to Romania last month during which preparations were made for the families' trip. "Usually, when a soldier is killed, the IDF tries to bring the family to the location at which he or she died. We thought that these families deserve to see the closest place to which their dear ones died. The families, on their part, are very emotional, grateful and appreciative to the IAF for this journey."

September 2011

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Homefront Command to establish Haifa District this month

In the coming month, the IDF Homefront Command will establish a new district in the Haifa region. The Haifa District is being set up as a response to operational needs and the importance of protecting the residents of northern Israel. Around half a year ago, Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz ordered the establishment of the Haifa District in order to significantly upgrade the Homefront Command's ability to manage various emergency situations in the north. Currently, there are five Homefront Command districts: North, South, Dan, Center and Jerusalem. Col. Yitzhak Eitan (res.) will head the new Haifa District. Col. Eitan is a former commander of the Homefront Command's South District. Col. Eitan said that the Homefront Command's primary mission is to ensure the continued full functioning of Israel's society and economy during times of emergency. "One of the main lessons of the Second Lebanon War was to establish the Haifa District to deal with all tasks and reduce the workload of the North District, which engages in a wide range of missions, both during quiet times and during emergencies."

September 2011

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Goods transported into Gaza during the week of Eid al-Fitr

421 truckloads of goods were transferred into the Gaza Strip from Israel last week (August 28 - September 3). With Eid al-Fitr and the end of Ramadan, the Palestinians asked that the crossings not operate for the majority of the week. However, during the two days operations were allowed, 9,315 tons of goods were transported from Israel into Gaza. These included food, electronics, essential humanitarian items and hygienic products as well as 338 tons of cooking gas. The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) makes such efforts on a daily basis, assisting in matters of health, education, agriculture and infrastructure. In addition to the transfer of products, COGAT also regularly arranges for the passage of people through the Erez border crossing to receive services such as medical assistance. During last week's operational days, 75 patients and accompanying individuals crossed into Israel for medical treatment via the Erez Crossing. Additionally, 71 international organization staff members entered Israel and 75 entered the Gaza Strip. COGAT is a unit within the IDF responsible for transport of aid into Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip. It works with the Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) of the Gaza Strip and West Bank's Civil Administration to facilitate entrance of supplies such as gas, building materials, electrical appliances, ceramic parts, wheat and other foods, hygienic products and more.

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