Capacitance of Single Core Cable

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A single core cable is equivalent to two co-axial cylinders. The inner cylinder is conductor itself
while the outer cylinder is the lead sheath. The lead sheath is always at earth potential.

Let Conductor diameter

Total diameter with sheath

The co-axial cylindrical form of cable and its section are shown in the figure.

Let Charge per meter length of conductor in Coulombs

Permittivity of material between core and sheath


Where Permittivity of free space

Relative permittivity of the medium

Consider an elementary cylinder with radius and axial length of . The thickness of the
cylinder is .

According to the Gauss’s theorem, the lines of flux emanating due to charge on the conductor
are in radial direction and total flux lines are equal to the total electric charge possessed. As lines
are in radial direction, the cross-sectional area through which lines pass is surface area. For a
cylinder with radius , the surface area is .

The electric field intensity at any point P on the elementary cylinder is giver by:
Hence the work done in moving a unit charge through a distance dx in the direction of an electric
field is .

Hence the work done in moving a unit charge from the conductor to the sheath is the potential
difference between the conductor and the sheath is given by,

The capacitance of a single core cable is given by,


The grading done by using the layers of dielectrics having different permittivities between
the core and the sheath is called Capacitance grading.

In inter-sheath grading, the permittivity of dielectric is same everywhere and the dielectric is said to
be homogeneous. But is case of capacitance grading, a composite dielectric is used.

Let d1 = Diameter of the dielectric with permittivity ε1

and D = Diameter of the dielectric with permittivity ε2

The stress at a point which is at a distance x is inversely proportional to the distance x and given

Hence the stress at any point in the inner dielectric is,

Similarly the dielectric stress in the outer dielectric is,

Thus the electric stress is inversely proportional to the permittivities and the inner radii of
the dielectrics.

Condition for equal maximum stress

Let us obtain the condition under which the maximum values of the stresses in the two regions are

In this method of grading, in between the core and the lead sheath number of metallic sheaths are
placed which are called intersheats. All these intersheaths are maintained at different potentials by
connecting them to the tappings of the transformer secondary. These potentials are between the
core potential and earth potential.

Generally lead is used for these sheaths as it is flexible and corrosion resistance but as its
mechanical strength is less, aluminium also can be used. Aluminium is low weight and
mechanically strong but it is much costlier than lead.

Using the intersheaths, maintaining at different potential, uniform distribution of stress is obtained
in the cables.

Consider a cable with core diameter d and overall diameter with lead sheath as D. Let two
intersheaths are used having diameter d1 and d2 which are kept at the potentials V1 and
V2 respectively.
Let V1 = Voltage of intersheath 1 with respect to earth.

V2 = Voltage of intersheath 2 with respect to earth.

Where k is constant.

Now potential difference between core and first sheath is V – V1.

Now this stress is maximum at x = d / 2, on core surface.

Similarly potential difference between intersheath 1 and intersheath 2 is V1 – V2.

Now g2 will be maximum at the surface of intersheath 1 i.e. x = d1 / 2.

The potential difference between the intersheath 2 and outermost sheath is V 2 only as potential of
intersheath is maintained at V2 with respect to earth.
Now by choosing the proper values of V1 and V2, g1max, g2max etc. can be made equal and
hence uniform distribution of stress can be obtained.

Now let us consider a cable with one intersheath only.

Let r = Radius of core or conductor

R = Overall radius

r1 = Radius of intersheath

Let V1 = Potential difference core and Intersheath

V2 = Potential difference between Intersheath and lead sheath.

To find the optimum placing of an intersheath

> ∂gmax / ∂r1 = 0

Which gives >>

>> Solving r1 = 1.76 r

>> And gmax for optimum r1 = V / 1.33 r

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