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what are the user requirements for a payroll processing system User requirements for a payroll processing system typically include the ability to input employee information, calculate and distribute paychecks, and generate reports on payroll data. Other common requirements include support for various pay frequencies (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), the ability to handle different types of pay (e.g. salary, hourly, commission), and integration with time and attendance tracking systems. Additionally, users may require the ability to handle taxes, deductions, and other withholdings, as well as support for different types of benefits and other compensation. Ultimately, the specific requirements for a payroll processing system will depend on the needs of the organization using it. 0 What are the business and user requirements for a online payment process? 3 Business requirements for an online payment process might include the ability to accept a.) “? variety of payment methods (e.g. credit card, debit card, electronic funds transfer), support for different currencies, and integration with the organization's existing financial and accounting systems. User requirements might include the ability to easily and securely enter payment information, clear communication of the payment process and any associated fees, and a user-friendly interface. Other common requirements for an online payment process might include the ability to process refunds and cancellations, support for recurring payments, and the ability to handle different types of products or services. Again, the specific requirements will depend on the needs of the organization and its customers. ‘an you tell me the user stores that would be typical for online shopping cart functonalty? [G)_ Use stories or one hoping car functionality mightincae: Asa use, want to be able to addtams to my cart 50 that can kop track ofthe tems | want to purchase, + As use, want to be abet view the tema nm cart and see the total cot, Including any apeicable taxes and shipping fee, eo that can make an informed

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