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1. _______________________ the latest news? – The president ___________________________ that
he _____________________ to resign next summer. – That's not new. I _____________________
2. When she came home her two boys _____________________ football in the backyard.(PLAY)
3. .You're finally here. I ________________________ in your office for over 15 minutes. (WAIT)
4.We _____________________ in Spain while our friends _____________________ across Europe.
5.John Grisham is a famous author who _____________________ several thrillers. His latest book
_____________________ out a few months ago. (WRITE, COME)
6.After she _____________________ holiday impressions of Scotland, she _____________________
to go there immediately. (SEE, WANT)
7.After he…………………….for more than 10 miless, he ……………… that he ………………a
wrong route. (DRIVE,REALISE.TAKE)

1. They urge their citizens ___________________ more waste. (recycle)

2. John is thinking about ___________________ abroad. (study)

3.She considered ___________________ to New York. (move)

4.The aquarium needs ___________________ . (clean)

5.Tom agrees ___________________ me. (help)

6.She warned him ___________________ late. (not be)

7. It's strange that I remember _________________ (go) to school the first time when I was five but I
don't remember when we moved house a year later.

8. I tried _________________ (stop) the thieves but they were both on motorbikes and it was useless
running after them.

9. You must regret _________________ (tell) your sister about her husband now. She has never been
the same since.

10. After graduating in law from Cambridge, she went on _________________ (become) a famous

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the
word in bold.
1 This is the worst wildfire we’ve had in decades. BAD
We haven’t had a wildfire in decades.
2 It was such a strong tsunami that many boats in the harbour were totally destroyed. SO
The tsunami was many boats in the harbour were totally
3 It was too hot for me to enjoy the excursion. THAT
It was didn’t enjoy the excursion.
4 I’ve never been to such an informative talk on what to do in case of an earthquake. MOST
That is been to on what to do in case of an earthquake.

Fill in the gerund with the correct preposition.

1. The teenager is addicted _________________ TV. (watch) 2. The actor is famous
_________________ crazy once in a while. (be) 3. The money will be devoted
_________________ the environment. (protect) 4. The au-pair succeeds _________________
the children busy for some time. (keep) 5. He blamed me _________________ the CD player.
(damage) 6. George Clooney is proud _________________ in humanitarian projects. (take
part) 7. I’m tired _________________ the same things over and over again. (repeat) 8. She
said she was sorry _________________ the vase. (break) 9. She is scared
_________________ alone at night. 10. The hikers are worried _________________ enough
water. (not have)

Word Formation
1.Chris accepted the doctor’s news although it was very _______________ to hear. (PAIN) 2.The first
settlers came from _________________ islands of the Pacific. (DISTANCE) 3.This area is very dry,
and _________________ is very difficult. (FARM) 4.Divers went down to a _________________ of
over 50 metres. (DEEP) 5.The book contains a ________________ of anecdotes from the past
decades. (COLLECT) 6.Jack, who was an excellent shooter, _________________ missed his target.
(REPEAT) 7.My teacher has been putting together _________________ articles for the yearbook.
(INTEREST) 8._________________ farmers in Japan have figured out a way to produce square-
shaped watermelons. (INNOVATE) 9.We had _________________ in deciding who would be the
best for the job. (DIFFICULT) 10.Even _________________ people can’t buy everything.

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