INSULIN History and Chemical Structure

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Insulin (Latin insula, "island", as it is produced in the Islets of Langerhans

in the pancreas) is a polypeptide hormone that regulates carbohydrate
metabolism. Apart from being the primary effector in carbohydrate
homeostasis, it also has a substantial effect on small vessel muscle tone,
controls storage and release of fat (triglycerides) and cellular uptake of
both amino acids and some electrolytes. In this last sense, it has anabolic
properties. Its concentration (more or less, presence or absence) has
extremely widespread effects throughout the body.

Insulin is used medically in some forms of diabetes mellitus. Patients with

Type 1 diabetes mellitus depend on exogenous insulin (injected
subcutaneously) for their survival because of an absolute deficiency of the
hormone; patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus have either relatively low
insulin production or insulin resistance or both, and a non-trivial fraction
of Type 2 diabetics eventually require insulin administration when other
medications become inadequate in controlling blood glucose levels.
Insulin structure varies slightly between species. Its carbohydrate
metabolism regulatory function strength in humans also varies. Pig insulin
is particularly close to the human one.

The exact sequence of amino acids comprising the insulin molecule, the
so-called primary structure, was determined by British molecular biologist
Frederick Sanger. It was the first protein the structure of which was
completely determined. For this he was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry in 1958. In 1967, after decades of work, Dorothy Crowfoot
Hodgkin determined the spatial conformation of the molecule, by means
of X-ray diffraction studies. She also was awarded a Nobel Prize.
INSULIN 3D structure

Link: - 9k

HISTORY of Insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It was isolated in 1921-22
at the University of Toronto. The scientists involved in the research were
Dr. Fredrick Banting, Charles Best (a medical student at the time of the
discovery), Professor J. J. R. Macleod and Dr. James Collip. On June 3,
1934, Dr Frederick Banting the co-inventor of insulin was knighted for his
medical discovery.

Insulin Process
Discovery of Insulin
Brief biographies of the scientists (Banting, Best, Macleod and Collip)
surrounding the discovery of insulin and treatments for diabetes. It
provides descriptions of their experiments via a scrapbook of old
newspaper clippings, pictures, and a voice recording. There is a list of
books,videos, and links available on the subject of diabetes.
Insulin Process
Banting, Macleod, Best and Collip invented the process for insulin in 1922
which became the treatment for diabetes.
A Great Canadian Breakthrough: The Discovery of Insulin
Helen Free and the Home Diabetes Test
Helen Free
Helen Free invented the home diabetes test.
Helen Free
In the mid-1940s, Alfred Free and Helen Murray were both chemists
working together in the biochemistry research group at Miles
Laboratories, Inc. Married in 1947, they continued their collaboration,
becoming two of the world’s leading experts on urinalysis the highlight of
which was Helen Free's invention of the home diabetes test.

Seeking Medical Knowledge about Diabetes and Insulin?

Diabetes at About
The best of online resources for diabetes patients, caregivers, and
healthcare providers, from your Guide to diabetes, Paula Ford-Martin.
Insulin Use in Diabetes
A collection of relevant, timely, and informative internet resources on
insulin use from your About Guide to Diabetes.
Diabetes Overview
Before the discovery of insulin in 1921, everyone with type 1 diabetes
died within a few years after diagnosis. Although insulin is not considered
a cure, its discovery was the first major breakthrough in diabetes
Seniors and Diabetes
Information about the risks of diabetes on the health of seniors. Includes
information about the complications of diabetes, including periodontal
disease, heart disease, foot care and stroke.
Diabetes and Eating Disorders
Researchers have discovered a link between Eating Disorders and

Dr. Fredrick Banting


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