Thoery of Modules (Summary)

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PCAN Alymad. 038319 498)- © ren003. e@ “Theory of Modules. Morning shift - e ; 8 @ ‘ Semestet— vi. Submitted *0° "i e eM a) eg axing Mb ‘A a 4 en M together wiitin wo binary opera +! andi s.) s called efi M= fle vex the ting @ iff ik satisfies the following iets albe\ian group ss __ Mat Mis closed under _ Re multiplication —_ Segoe ond eM mo rg) = vitry i) (eesa = yYaagn vy 1G) srs) A=-Sx% v¥ nsee > 1M oe V_mnéZs ver entity 4. A left R-madule is said \¢__and__onlyy sf Wex= be 8. aa id —tet & bearing with Eto be a unitary left Ron A Xe M, Where 1 is identity, ___ @hample: ae —Eilery vector spate over field © unitary =madule _s Swbmodule: — ee 7 __A non-empty subset 4 cule M is callecl a Dsibmadule of mM _iff _N an_R-moclile under the re __thduted._(ane)_hine ny opexation of N example! = a ate acl za i generated by bea ving and Mand N be two _R-modules “Thess — g ):M3N 6 said to be a madule homomorphism — See __ ae PCy) = OG) * OL) y uyemM & OH) a y xem .yeER oe ae be ating and Mand N_ be 4wo R-modules. Then by @ Oy = On V Key Sis a Mapping _@:M—=>N__ defined. F module —_hamamerphism = jay tot 2 be a-ring and Rix] be the —palynorial_ting over R_ is then mapping $ :R(xJ>R(x) then Rf] is on 2 -rmoclutle _and by > (f= ef) vy fore Rx] is module homa= le__homomorphigr: N 2 lo 2~ mee} les and 5 amomnt phism en ____ K ing—and_M and __N__be two _P. eometphism from modules. Then _o.— into _N scaled monomorphism. tr monic. OF . Bet Be a tng and Mand 1 Gmail eee p92 Moy bya mapping fram. ‘be monomorphism iff fh 41s homamar phism _+ Quotient or Difference said +o one-one —R-madule M. then set canbe made intn an _R-medde B*Y+N VY AtNygines VOER, x+NE ving and Mand _N__be _4woa P-modules . them —— homomorphism {vam Minto Nis called _isomo=— oe axing and M end N be 4wo R-madules and be a_mappiny from _M_intn NW. then. > is said isamarphism —_\¢¢ ts (ict) cil) & ts onto js ha mo __ii)_& 2 under“? _and. (ami mg,ome) = (mimi, mms a po) = Cems em EM a) aod VW (rm si mn) s (mis rn}, mA) EM alled external _divect sum Of 0, sMay cs 3 Mp2 wxile an R-modyle and + ¢ ne finite subset af & M=EX= 4x? is called FG P-module. qraup—Then Ais §@ 2 -madule ge A 0 fs sion _mectule if ever eo If Mis a 40ySicn = re OR ER such _ to be te element mé M_ Jan —— Alp Rerocule Mis _sevol S] element of ™ is torsion f| mrediule then far every element has a _non-Ze yo element SS) An R- module _m whch ein Is called torsionfree moodle. _4.e _if( 4 an m#O@M — nearly inclependen t__if{ fa = Fimiz Om where viel US ee > Linearly Dependent: pe file non-empty set jimsr .--»maj_of an_R-module Mts PS eaid ts be tinearty —clepencient if are_not_Unearly wheve let 3, not aU zeyvo such thal 2 vimis OM A aid_to_has cyclic fC vk 1 geneyauay al ot. T M the set Om= {re®, rm=0 called ordex ideal. Tf is not (Belt deat) of 2 = Romodule and X46 be o subset Ubmodule of M generated by X ie PX >< o_finite non-empty subset oF ein eee MMO TRen show that Min = {xsN; xem} is Z e || BBFundamentol ‘Theorem of Module __Momormerphisen: & RK be a ving —_suxtective hormamor ph marphism suc thet £50 hay Ying and M and N pe two no homamoarphism such tha: such thet fog= Tn = Show of Bay 2 submadul odul a rt xg So fre e | @ Find the order ideal of fet 2 be 8 commutative @| R-modules are i

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