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Learning Episode 1: The School Environment

This Episode 1 provides an opportunity for students to examine and reflect on
a school environment that promotes learning and development.
Name: Jerald P. Valerio Year/Course: BsEd General Science 3


Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher: Rosemarie R. Oropesa

Teacher’s Signature:
School: Rolando R. Andaya Sr. Memorial High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10
Subject Area: Filipino
Date: March 16, 2023

Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check
the column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that
are available and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning and

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the

students’ learning and
development. Why?

Office of / It's the principal's Yes, since office of the principal is one
the workspace and is usually of the offices needs by the head of the
Principal near the main entrance. school
The principal's office is in arrange to encourage his/her partner
where important decisions s and co-workers
are made, administrative
tasks are carried out, and
meetings are held with
staff, students, and
Library / The library is having a It's good for students to learn more
lot of books about things they're interested in becau
and diverse materials se it can teach them about
that required by different parts of life.
the understudies.
Counseli / It's easy for students to This is a safe space where people can t
ng Room communicate alk about their experiences, especially
and attend counseling ses regarding their mental health and
sions because the personal problems.
counseling room is
very close by.
Canteen/ / It is where the students Yes, because it is a spot wherein they
Cafeteria and faculties eat their can take a short break to socialize and
snacks and even lunches feed themselves along with their peers
sometimes. and colleagues.
Medical / This is where students or To guarantee the health and safety of st
Clinic faculties are brought in udents, it is important to have a medical
when they are feeling clinic that can provide immediate
weak or having some assistance during emergencies.
injuries around the school
e Center
Science / The science laboratory Yes, since this is often a place where
Laborato contains an appropriate the student learns about science .it can
ry instrument that can helps offer assistance them to explore to
the students to better enhance their knowledge about
understand science. science.
Outdoor/ / The outdoor or garden Yes, because having an outdoor
Garden area of the school is an garden can boost the students capacity
open space typically to think peacefully without any
located within the distractions.
campus grounds.
cs Room
p Area
Comfort / Every room has their own Yes, it can be essential in students
Room for restrooms that can learning development because of the
Boys & accommodate both male students can concentrate more if they
Girls and female students. are relaxed while having a discussion
inside the class.
( Please

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report o
the space provided.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or The community and neighborhood
neighborhood where the around the school was safe because
school is found. each house have boundaries and
very quiet place.
2. Describe the school The buildings show pride and their
campus. What colors do you good condition reflects the school's
see? What is the condition commitment to a conducive learning
of the buildings? environment. Walking through the
corridors, the predominant colors are
yellow and green in most classrooms,
creating a cheerful atmosphere. This
color scheme livens up the ambiance,
boosting student engagement in
3. Pass by the offices. What Im impressed by the school offices
impression do you have of because they were organized and
these offices? efficient, with neat desks and shelves
full of resources. The walls were
adorned with posters and artwork,
creating a welcoming environment.
The busy staff appeared
approachable and dedicated to their
4. Walk through the school In the school halls, lively bulletin
halls, the library, the boards showcase student
cafeteria. Look around and achievements and artwork. The
find out the other facilities library fosters a love for reading and
that the school has. learning in a quiet and inviting space
for students to explore a wide range
of books. Students gather for
nutritious meals in a clean and
spacious cafeteria, promoting a
healthy lifestyle. The school offers
specialized facilities for counseling,
medical care, hands-on learning,
practical skills development, and
separate restrooms for boys and girls.

Resource Teacher: Rosemarie R. Oropesa

Teacher’s Signature:
School: Rolando R. Andaya Sr. Memorial High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10
Subject Area: Filipino
Date: March 16, 2023

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?

In the first observed classroom, we saw DepEd's Mission/Vision and core values written
in Tagalog on the walls, along with a health procedure bulletin board.

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table
How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?

The furniture located at back of the student like tables, desk and all chairs organized by
row and two lines.

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

We saw that the learning materials utilized are printed materials and as it were
chalkboard and chalk.
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

In every classroom they are about 40 students occupying the room.

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

Based on the room that we are assigned it is well-ventialted and has a dim lighting.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the

matrix to record your data.


Classroom Facilities Description(location, number,
arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays there are two bulletin boards on walls.
The right-side bulletin board in
offers information. It includes
informative materials like
announcements, events, and reminders.
It may contain academic resources or
student work. Besides the bulletin
boards, many wall displays adorn the
classroom walls. These displays are
well-maintained and contribute to an
engaging learning environment. The
displays feature quotes, heroes, the
president, the flag, and school vision.
These displays add visual interest and
inspire pride for students.
2. Teacher’s Table Two tables for teachers are in the front
of room. One table in center, another on
side. The arrangement lets the teacher
pick a preferred spot for teaching or
interacting with students. The tables are
in good condition for the teacher's
3. Learner’s Desks Learner desks face teacher's desk in
center of room. 36 desks arranged
neatly in rows and columns for an
organized learning environment. Desks
are in good condition, providing a
comfortable space for students to work.
4. Blackboard There is one blackboard located at the
front of the room. It is in good
condition, well-maintained, and free
from any visible damage. The
blackboard serves as a central focal
point for the teacher to write and
display important information, and it
appears to be regularly used for
instructional purposes.
5. Learning Materials/Visual

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observed: Rolando R. Andaya Sr. Memorial High
Location of the School: Bahay, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
Date to Visit: March 16, 2023

The classroom's physical setup promotes conducive learning. The room

is spacious and organized for collaboration. Desks are clustered for
group work and peer interaction. Adorned walls display essential
education and quotes. The blackboard serves as a focal point for
discussions and visual aids.

Classroom facilities aid learning environment. Lots of light from

windows creates a happy vibe. The classroom has textbooks, writing
supplies, and a library corner with diverse books. No technology means
fewer distractions for students, fostering more engagement in face-to-
face and hands-on activities. Unique teaching style in class. The
teacher's passion for the subject is contagious.

Lastly, the teacher's personalized attention aids each student's

achievement. They get to know each student personally, including their
strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs. The teacher offers feedback
and constructive criticism, fostering a growth mindset in students. This
empowers students to own their learning and strive for improvement.

In conclusion, The classroom I observed shows the importance of

engaging, organized, and student-centered education. From layout to
teaching methods, all is designed for learning and growth. This
classroom inspires students with its supportive and stimulating

 How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact
the learning of the students going to school? What are your
School environment impacts learning. The environment is key for learning. A
campus with ample outdoor space promotes holistic development and
exploration. Organized, cozy classrooms with modern technology boost
engagement and promote interactive learning. A pleasant school environment
boosts students' motivation, focus, and academic achievement. Creating
stimulating physical spaces is essential for optimal student learning.

 How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent

development/How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating
Learning requires acknowledging students' different needs and styles. The
classroom layout should cater to diverse learning styles, allowing for individual
and group work as well as quiet reflection. Access to tech and edu tools is
vital for digital literacy and career readiness. "Understanding child
development creates appropriate environments." Younger students benefit
from colorful, interactive spaces, while older students need focused study
areas. Adjusting the environment to students' development improves learning.
Therefore, the campus and classroom impact learning by providing a positive
atmosphere. By using child and adolescent development principles, educators
can create learning spaces that meet student needs, promote well-being, and
enable effective teaching.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just
observed? Why?
Answer: My inclination towards teaching is not restricted to any
particular school, as I am open to imparting knowledge to students
from diverse academic backgrounds.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive learning?

Answer: A comfortable physical space for children to sit, see and
understand the teacher, and socialize with classmates is crucial for a
conducive learning environment.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive learning?

Answer: In classroom it ought to be appealing, comfortable, and
promote inviting environment .and it should be aligned to the needs of
your students.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

Answer: As a teacher, it's important to understand your students'
individual needs, not just teach them things. Having comfortable and
appropriate facilities and surroundings is very important for helping
your children or students learn.

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

Answer: School is like a second home for students, so it's important to
make it comfortable and have a good classroom environment to help
them learn better.


Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher: Rosemarie R. Oropesa

Teacher’s Signature:
School: Rolando R. Andaya Sr. Memorial High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10
Subject Area: Filipino

As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide
and forms provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board
displays do you see?
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target
viewers can see
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What
images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
4. What are the materials were used in making the displays? Are borders
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies
and the like)
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
8. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your

observation report:
Observation REPORT

(You may paste picture of the Board displays here.)

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got
most interested in. evaluate
it using the evaluation form below.

Topic of the Board Display: Wash in School

Location of the Board Display in School: Hallway
Check the column that indicate your rating. Write comments to back up your
4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement
Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective The bulletin
communicatio board is
n / exceptionally
It conveys the organized and
message visually
quickly and engaging. The
clearly. information
displayed is
simple to
understand. It
and updates to
the students.
Attractiveness The board looks
Colors and really nice and
arrangement / grabs your
catch attention.
and hold The colors and
interest. pictures used in
Pretty things
catch our
attention and
make us want to
look at them.
Look at the
board. This is
well-kept and
contributes to
the entirety. The
beauty of the
Balance The notice board
Objects are usually. This text
arranged, / is written using
so the stability is simple words
perceived. already. There is
nothing to
simplify. Places
where the
information could
be organized
Unity The notice board
Repeated is helpful and
shapes or / easy to
colors or use of understand.
boarders hold This means how
display together. parts or
elements of
something are
made to fit
together well so
that they work as
one. These are
materials that
people use, but
there is data
about them. It
would be great if
they could
combine it
better. This
means how
something looks
and is put
together as a

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Jerald Valerio

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:
Description of the Bulletin
Board layout
Evaluation of educational
content and other aspects
Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement
Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:
Jerald P. Valerio

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may
present your output through
any of these:
• A hand-made drawing or layout
• An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
• A collage

My Board Display Lay-Out

What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
Answer: I think the bulletin board was made to show something specific.
Help everyone understand why it's important to be informed about news and
messages that concern all schools. We give easy to understand information in
a way that is interesting and enjoyable to look at.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target
audience? Why? Why not?
Answer: I think the design reflects the target audience's interests. The board
had eye-catching colors and student-friendly content.
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to
understand? Why? Why not?
Answer: Yes, the language utilized on the Information board was clear and
straightforward for the target audience to understand. The bulletin board
accomplished a score of 4 for correctness and 4 for viability in
communication. This shows that the data displayed was precise and passed
on in a way that was effectively comprehensible for the intended audience,
making it clear and basic for them to understand.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Answer: The Information board show is compelling in general. It scored high
in terms of effective communication, attractiveness, correctness, and
durability. The board successfully conveyed information around legitimate
information in schools. However, it scored lower in terms of balance,
solidarity, interactivity, and neatness, demonstrating potential ranges for
change in terms of organizing the substance, improving visual cohesion,
empowering understudy engagement, and guaranteeing clear lucidness of the
shown materials.

What suggestions can you make?

Answer: I would recommend some improvements. Firstly, the board scores
highly in terms of effective communication, attractiveness, correctness, and
durability, which is commendable. However, there's room for improvement in
terms of balance, unity, interactivity, and neatness. To enhance balance and
unity, the board may benefit from a more consistent color scheme and format.
Presenting interactive components, such as detachable information cards or
tests, would upgrade interactivity and engage the students. Finally, improving
neatness by utilizing bigger fonts and clear headings would guarantee that the
information is effortlessly readable for everybody. Overall, whereas the
Information board is compelling and outwardly engaging, attention to these
recommendations would make it indeed more impactful.

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display

board. Use the form below.
My Proposed Board Display

Theme: “Aim high by knowing the roots of your steps"

The purpose of this board display is to assist the students be knowledgeable when it
comes to notices of the school and the community. By making an engaging and
enlightening display, we aim to raise mindfulness and encourage students to create a
aptitude of being proficient in information literacy.
1. Teach students about the importance of knowing the information and datas of the
community and the school.
2. guide students in analyzing the informations effortlessly and adherently.
3. Strengthen the importance of being information literate as a collective exertion
within the school body.
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
1. Colorful construction paper and cardstock: Use vibrant colors to create visually
appealing backgrounds, borders, or cut-outs.
2. Washable markers and pens: Utilize these for hand-drawn elements, lettering, or
highlighting key information.
3. Adhesive letters and numbers: Use these to create visually striking titles or
headings for
each section of the display.
4. Velcro dots or adhesive tape: Employ these to attach interactive elements securely
to the
board, allowing for easy manipulation by students.
5. Washable paint or finger paint: Incorporate handprints or fingerprint art to
the display and involve students in the creative process
By combining informative content, engaging visuals, and interactive elements, this
board display aims to create an impactful and memorable learning experience for
students, reinforcing the importance of knowing legitimate datas within
the school community.

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up
with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
▪ Creativity: Creativity is essential for designing engaging and visually appealing
board displays. Teachers need to think outside the box to create displays that capture
students’ attention and convey information in an interesting and memorable way.
Creative displays can spark curiosity, promote active learning, and enhance the
overall classroom environment.

▪ Visual Communication: Visual skills are crucial for conveying information

through board displays. Teachers should select suitable images and graphics
to represent ideas visually. Well-organized displays aid comprehension and
memory of presented content.

▪ Content Knowledge: Strong subject knowledge is key for impactful board

displays. Teachers need comprehensive curriculum knowledge to properly
display essential concepts, vocabulary, and skills. This info ensures displays
align with learning outcomes and reinforce content.

▪ Organization and Planning: Efficient board displays need planning and

organization. Teachers must organize information logically for easy
comprehension. Planning ahead improves the display's effectiveness by
adding relevant materials and visuals.

▪ Adaptability: Adaptability is crucial for tailoring displays to meet student

needs. Teachers should adapt displays for students' needs. This skill enables
differentiation and customization to optimize student engagement and

By possessing these skills, teachers can create effective board displays that
support student learning, foster curiosity, and promote an interactive and
visually stimulating classroom environment.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I have a variety of abilities in creating engaging board displays. Also I
distinctively keep in mind a project when I was in high school where I had the
opportunity to design a board display in our classroom. Through this
experience, I developed some abilities in organizing content effectively,
utilizing color schemes and visuals to enhance engagement, and utilizing
creative approaches to convey information. To further refine these skills, I
actively hone by exploring diverse design methods, researching current trends
in educational displays, and looking for feedback from peers and mentors. By
persistently sharpening my imagination and remaining abreast of innovative
approaches, My endeavor is to make visually appealing and enlightening
board displays that charm students’ attention and encourage successful

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take
on how you can improve on or acquire these skills.
I need to improve my visual communication skill for creating impactful
board displays. I will improve by studying design principles, color theory, and
visuals. I will dedicate time to research and gather inspiration from various
sources, including books, online tutorials, and educational websites. I will
create mock board displays and seek feedback to improve my visual
communication skills. "Regular experimentation with layouts, fonts, and
visuals will aid in skill growth." By actively learning and practicing, I'll improve
my skills in visual communication for board displays.

Link Theory to Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
C 1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the
characteristics, EXCEPT.

A. The learning environment promotes fairness

B. Is safe and conducive for learning
C. Builds many professional linkages
D. Establishes and maintains consistent standard of learner’s behavior
D 2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?
I. Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground
A. II, III and IV C. I and II
B. I, II, III, and IV D. III and IV

A 3. Which physical school environment supports learning?

A. Availability of flexible classroom furniture
B. Presence of spacious classrooms
C. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
D. Tall school buildings

A 4. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which
primary purpose?

A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

B 5. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which
primary purpose?

A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

C 6. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which
primary purpose?

A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational, decorative
C. Motivational, decorative
D. Instructional, informational

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

Let your Creativity Education transforms individuals and societies.

Shine! As a future educator, I envision an effective
On the opposite box. school that fosters holistic development, nurtures
Present an illustration curiosity, promotes inclusivity, and embraces
showing your idea of an innovation. In this essay, I will discuss my ideal
effective school school environment, including the physical
environment through setting, teaching and learning strategies, student
any of these: support systems, and cultural aspects.

➢ A descriptive Subsequently, an compelling school environment

paragraph begins with a welldesigned physical space that
➢ A photo essay motivates and encourages learning. In my
➢ A sketch or opinion, an ideal school would include open and
drawing inviting classrooms with adaptable furniture
➢ A poem, song or courses of action to suit different instructing
rap techniques. Natural light and vibrant colors would
make a positive air, stimulating creativity and
improving the overall temperament. Furthermore,
the school grounds would offer green spaces,
gardens, and recreational zones, empowering
physical action and a connection with nature.

Moreover, A perfect school culture values and

respects every member. Regular community-
building activities foster a strong sense of
belonging. Encourage collaboration and
teamwork, fostering strong relationships among
students, teachers, and parents. Promote a
growth mindset where failures are opportunities
for improvement. The institution would work with
parents and the community to support students'

Making an effective school environment requires

a comprehensive approach that addresses
different viewpoints of instruction. A welldesigned
physical setting, dynamic instructing and learning
techniques, strong student bolster systems, and a
positive institutional culture are fundamental
components in cultivating a sustaining and
motivating learning environment. As a future
teacher, I am committed to encapsulating these
beliefs and collaborating with fellow teachers,
students, and guardians to realize the vision of an
effective school environment that prepares
students for a effective future and enables them
to form a positive affect on the world.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1. Episode 1 – The School as a
Learning Environment
Learning Outcomes: Determine the characteristics of a school environment
that provides social, psychological, environment supportive of learning.

Name of FS Student; Jerald P. Valerio Date Submitted: May 25, 2023

Year & Section: 3A Course: BSED Science

Learning Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Episode 4 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/tasks (2) observation/questions/task observation
Sheet completely observation not questions/task not
answered/ questions/ answered/accomplished. answered/accomplished
accomplished tasks not
answered /
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered completely; observation questions
completely; answered answers are not clearly were not answered;
Answers are completely; connected to theories; one answers not connected
with depth and Answers are (1) to three (3) to theories; more than
are thoroughly clearly grammatical/ spelling errors four (4)
grounded on connected to grammatical/spelling
theories; theories; errors
grammar and grammar and
spelling are free spelling are
from error free from

Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and shallow; Unclear and shallow;
clear; supported depth; somewhat supported by rarely supported by what
by what were supported by what were observed and more observed and
observed and what were analyzed analyzed
analyzed observed and
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not reflected on Portfolio is not reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in in the context of the on in the context of the
the contest of the context of learning outcomes. learning outcomes; not
the learning the learning Complete; not organized organized, not relevant
outcomes; outcomes. relevant to the learning
Complete, well- Complete well outcome
organized, organized,
highly relevant very relevant
to the learning to the learning
outcome outcome
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day after the Submitted two (2) days
before the the deadline deadline or more after the
deadline deadline
Over-all (Based on transmutation
Score Score)

Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-
18 12 below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

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