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All suffering manifest in physically Let observer Human behavior while hurt, What you do when you are

hurt Sleep Go to movie Go for jog Eat Watch television Go to temple Cry Fight with some one Drink Counting the number Nothing but human try to escape from it. We could call above as escape route. Why do we do above thing? One could be, as children we would have observed our elder doing the above. A quote always come to my mind Children see, Children observe and children flow

Would be making you aware of ashana called as vipasana VIPASANA Flow the following step 1. Make your body still there by we are cutting all the escape routes 2. Like stone seat at place preferably padmashan .You would be uncomfortable ,would feel like to scratch, but continue to be still. 3. Thought flash in your mind (hurt or guilt ) 4. You could feel like moving your arm. starching ..etc..donot do it 5. Now move your focus on your body. Sense the pain. As all hurt convert to physical. Your heart beat could be beating at faster rate, may be butter fly in stomach, may be your head would be in pain or throat could be pain. Just pay attention on your body sensory . 6. You could feel the pain would increase in intensity, please donot stop. 7. Automatically pain reduces; convert in to happiness, joy, love. Kindly try the above shadahna when ever you feel hurt, you would have tried lot of things kindly try the above, if it suit you practice it OR else what ever suit you you could do the same Note:

a. Acknowledge there is hurt b. Being aware of existing hurt is 1st step Donot worry if the hurt is due to jealously, hate lust accept it . Normally we donot accept the above Why donot we accept it? As child we are told jealousy, hate ,anger lust are bad in our moral science story or by our grand parents Ram is good Ravana is bad So we choose one of the above escape route. To explain above would be taking an example Let list the property of mango Color Scent Seed Shape Taste sweet or bitter Now let say let change scent to dettol . could you call it mango? No .. if any of above property changes it doenot remain characteristic of mango Similarly we will list characteristic of mind Anger Desire Jealousy Ego Guilt Comparison(compassion) Fear Judgment

Irritation Hurt Suffering Disappointment(dissatisfaction) Depression revenge

So it is all right to get the thought as these are characteristic of mind. Having said that you should acknowledge it and accept it.

Moving a step ahead, the root cause, continuing the above(closing eye) ask your unconscious mind to take to the instance, in past that caused this pain, now if you are at that instance in your mind there would be series of too and fro dialog going on, Pls donot think to put logic in that conversation, be like third person, just lissen to the dialogue going on. After the dialogue complete, hurt ceases there would be peace, love. How much above would take? Max of 10min, if you practice it could be instantaneous

How would above help thou for success? If there is not hurt then you could concentrate with single mind over work, there wouldnt be any conflict.

May in future I could address, How belief system are created? How it could create and destroy? How could we reprogram it? Basically belief system is created Our life is programmed in 3 stage Primary program in mothers womb Secondary program in 1-13 year old Tertiary 13- till end

Out of this primary and secondary play very important role we call secondary program as Fundamental childhood decision (FCD).

Review comment and you experience I am waiting for eagerly.

Thank you, Bipin

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