1st Year Physics Al-Razi

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Subject: Physics Chapter No:2 Complete Date:28-01-23 Name:---------------------------

Prof. Rashid Bhutta Sb. 1 year Al-Razi Boys

1.The direction of torque can be found by:
a)Head to tail rule b)Right hand rule c) Left hand rule d) Fleming rule
2.If the body is at rest or rotating with uniform angular velocity, then torque will be:
a)Maximum b)Negative c)Zero d)positive
3.The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are equal when angle b/w them is:
a)Zero b)45˚ c)90˚ d)270˚
4.AB sinθ n^ × AB sinθ n^ is: a)A B sin θ b) A B
2 2 2 2 2
c) A B n^
2 2
d) ⃗
5.The magnitude of i× ^ ^J : a) 1 b) ^ K c)- ^
K d)zero
^ ^ ^
6.Angle between two vectors 3i + 4 J and 4i - 3 J is : ^
a)30ᵒ b)60ᵒ c)90ᵒ d)45ᵒ
7. The dot product of A with itself is equal to: a)A b)A 2
c)2A d)zero
8.If the magnitude of ⃗ A.⃗ B = ½ AB then an angle between ⃗ A and ⃗B is:
a)30ᵒ b)60ᵒ c)90ᵒ d)45ᵒ
9.projection of ⃗ B on ⃗ A is : a)A cosθ b)B sinθ c)A sinθ d)B cosθ
10.If ǀ a⃗ + b⃗ ǀ = ǀ a⃗ - b⃗ ǀ then angle between a⃗ and b⃗ is: a)0ᵒ b) 60ᵒ c) 90ᵒ d)180ᵒ
11.The resultant of two forces 30N and 40N acting parallel to each other:
a)30N b)40N c)10N d)70N
12.The resultant of two forces 5N and 12N making an angle of 90ᵒwith each other:
a)17N b)7N c)13N d)15N
13.If both components Rx and Ry of resultant vector ⃗ R are negative then angle “θ of ⃗ R with x-axis will
be: a)θ =270ᵒ b) 180ᵒ<θ > 270ᵒ c) 180ᵒ<θ < 270ᵒ d) θ ≤ 270ᵒ
14.The direction of vector in space is specified by: a)1-angle b)2-angle c)3-angle d)4-angle
15.The resultant of two forces of magnitude 5N and 10N cannot be: a)4N b) 6N c) 9N d)13N
QNO.02 Short Questions:
1.If all the components of the vectors, A1 and A2 were reversed, how would this after A1×A2?
2.Name the three different conditions that could make? A1×A2 =0
3.Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?
4.The vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant, What can be the orientation of the vectors?
5.If one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero can its magnitude be zero. Explain?
6.Can the magnitude of the vector have a negative value?
7.If A + B =0 what can you say about the components of the two Vectors?
8.Is it possible to add a vector quantity to a scalar quantity. Explain?
9.Two Vectors have unequal magnitudes. Can their sum be zero. Explian?
10.Under what circumstances would a vector have components that are equal in magnitude?
A)Write a note on Scalar Product? B)The magnitude of dot and cross products of two
vectors are 6√ 3 and 6 respectively. Find the angle b/w the vectors.
A)Write a note on Vector addition by Rectangular components.
B)Given that A = i^ -2 ^J +3 ^
K and B= 3i^ -4 ^J . Find the length of projection of A on B.
Subject: Physics Chapter No:2 Complete Date:28-01-23 Name:---------------------------
Prof. Rashid Bhutta Sb. 1 year Al-Razi Boys

1.The direction of torque can be found by:
a)Head to tail rule b)Right hand rule c) Left hand rule d) Fleming rule
2.If the body is at rest or rotating with uniform angular velocity, then torque will be:
a)Maximum b)Negative c)Zero d)positive
3.The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are equal when angle b/w them is:
a)Zero b)45˚ c)90˚ d)270˚
4.AB sinθ n^ × AB sinθ n^ is: a)A B sin θ b) A B
2 2 2 2 2
c) A B n^
2 2
d) ⃗
5.The magnitude of i× ^ ^J : a) 1 b) ^ K c)- ^
K d)zero
^ ^ ^
6.Angle between two vectors 3i + 4 J and 4i - 3 J is : ^
a)30ᵒ b)60ᵒ c)90ᵒ d)45ᵒ
7. The dot product of A with itself is equal to: a)A b)A 2
c)2A d)zero
8.If the magnitude of ⃗ A.⃗ B = ½ AB then an angle between ⃗ A and ⃗B is:
a)30ᵒ b)60ᵒ c)90ᵒ d)45ᵒ
9.projection of ⃗ B on ⃗ A is : a)A cosθ b)B sinθ c)A sinθ d)B cosθ
10.If ǀ a⃗ + b⃗ ǀ = ǀ a⃗ - b⃗ ǀ then angle between a⃗ and b⃗ is: a)0ᵒ b) 60ᵒ c) 90ᵒ d)180ᵒ
11.The resultant of two forces 30N and 40N acting parallel to each other:
a)30N b)40N c)10N d)70N
12.The resultant of two forces 5N and 12N making an angle of 90ᵒwith each other:
a)17N b)7N c)13N d)15N
13.If both components Rx and Ry of resultant vector ⃗ R are negative then angle “θ of ⃗ R with x-axis will
be: a)θ =270ᵒ b) 180ᵒ<θ > 270ᵒ c) 180ᵒ<θ < 270ᵒ d) θ ≤ 270ᵒ
14.The direction of vector in space is specified by: a)1-angle b)2-angle c)3-angle d)4-angle
15.The resultant of two forces of magnitude 5N and 10N cannot be: a)4N b) 6N c) 9N d)13N
QNO.02 Short Questions:
1.If all the components of the vectors, A1 and A2 were reversed, how would this after A1×A2?
2.Name the three different conditions that could make? A1×A2 =0
3.Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?
4.The vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant, What can be the orientation of the vectors?
5.If one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero can its magnitude be zero. Explain?
6.Can the magnitude of the vector have a negative value?
7.If A + B =0 what can you say about the components of the two Vectors?
8.Is it possible to add a vector quantity to a scalar quantity. Explain?
9.Two Vectors have unequal magnitudes. Can their sum be zero. Explian?
10.Under what circumstances would a vector have components that are equal in magnitude?
A)Write a note on Scalar Product? B)The magnitude of dot and cross products of two
vectors are 6√ 3 and 6 respectively. Find the angle b/w the vectors.
A)Write a note on Vector addition by Rectangular components.
B)Given that A = i^ -2 ^J +3 ^
K and B= 3i^ -4 ^J . Find the length of projection of A on B.

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