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2. Why are writing skills more important in today's workplace than ever before?

(Obj. 1):
Writing skills are more important in today's workplace because of digital media and how
the worker's skills are always on display.
3. List six trends in the information-age workplace that affect business
communicators. Be prepared to discuss how they might affect you in your future
career. (Obj. 1):
1. Rapidly changing communication tech
2. Anytime/Anywhere and nonterritorial office
3. Self-directed work groups
4. Flattened management hierarchies
5. Heightened global competition
6. Renewed emphasis on ethics
Be prepared to discuss how they might affect you in your future career:
 Rapidly evolving communication technologies and social media that enable faster
and more diverse ways of communicating with different audiences.
 Increased emphasis on self-directed work groups and virtual teams that require
more collaboration and coordination across time zones, cultures, and locations.
 A renewed emphasis on ethics demands more transparency, accountability, and
social responsibility from business communicators.
4. List bad habits and distractions that can act as barriers to effective listening.
(Obj. 2)
1. Disabilities
2. Language barriers
3. Noisy surroundings
4. Tuning out
5. Distracting clothes or hair
6. Voice speed
7. Faking attention
8. Grandstanding
5. List 11 techniques for improving your listening skills. Be prepared to discuss
each. (Obj. 2)
1. Stop talking
2. Control surroundings
3. Establish a receptive mindset
4. Keep an open mind
5. Listen for the main points
6. Capitalize on lag time
7. Listen between the lines
8. Judge ideas, not appearances
9. Hold your fire
10. Take selective notes
11. Provide feedback
Be prepared to discuss each:

 Maintain eye contact with the speaker and face them to give them your attention.
 Don’t interrupt while someone is speaking and don’t judge them.
 Keep an open mind while listening and don’t translate into your native language.
 Listen for the gist or the general idea of the conversation and ask questions to
clarify or confirm.
 Think about what the other person is saying and not what you should respond
 Employ active listening techniques such as paraphrasing, summarizing, reflecting,
and empathizing.
 Focus on the intent and purpose of the conversation and incorporate
mindfulness into active listening.

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