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Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

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A multi-level multi-objective strategy for eco-environmental management

of electricity market among micro-grids under high penetration of smart
homes, plug-in electric vehicles and energy storage devices
Saeid Fatemi a, Abbas Ketabi a, *, Seyed Amir Mansouri b
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kashan, 6 km Ghotbravandi Blvd, Postal Code: 8731753153, Kashan, Iran
Institute for Research in Technology (IIT), ICAI School of Engineering, Comillas Pontifical University, 28015 Madrid, Spain


Keywords: This article develops a stochastic multi-level multi-objective strategy to facilitate the electricity market clearing
Micro-grids process among micro-grids considering the environmental impacts of fossil fuel powered generation units.
Electricity market Various types of distributed renewable energy resources (DRERs), plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and internet-
Bidding strategy
of-things (IoT)-enabled smart homes (SHs) are considered in the proposed concept. In addition, energy storage
Vehicle-to-grid services
devices (ESDs) are installed in SHs, micro-grids and distribution network to handle the negative impacts of
Energy storage devices
Emission operational uncertainties arising from DRERs and load demand. Scenario-based stochastic (SBS) method is
adopted to model the scenarios of uncertain parameters. In the proposed methodology, micro-grids build their
bids/offers for market participation by using the weighted fuzzy method with regard to the SHs optimal pro­
grams and aiming to minimizing operational and emission costs. SHs have PEVs and ESDs, and control their
controllable appliances via the IoT. The proposed methodology is formulated in linear form and is implemented
on a modified IEEE 33-node distribution network comprising three micro-grids. The simulation results prove that
the IoT infrastructure in SHs has led to their effective participation in the electricity market and subsequently
lowering their costs by 9.13 %. Besides, the results reflect that the provision of vehicle-to-grid services by PEVs
along with the optimal operation of ESDs not only lowers the market settlement price (MSP) by about 25 %
during the high-demand period, but also reduces daily operation costs and carbon emissions by 32.85 % and
27.65 %, respectively.

using micro-grids in electricity markets. A new methodology for coor­

dinated scheduling of micro-grids is provided in this study, and the re­
1. Introduction sults mirror that the participation of micro-grids in the energy markets
and ancillary services markets enhances the flexibility and reliability of
1.1. Background and literature review the operation. In [2], a two-stage model is developed to solve the
problem of coordinated scheduling of networked micro-grids in both
The continuous growth of electrical energy consumption in various day-ahead and real-time markets. At the first stage, the initial scheduling
industries has made it inevitable to install renewable and non-renewable of each micro-grid is solved, then, in the second stage, the initial
distributed energy resources at different levels of distribution systems. scheduling of micro-grids is updated by leveraging the potential of
This dispersion of generation resources leads to the complexity of flexible resources such as gas turbine and ESDs. DRPS are implemented
network control and operation. Therefore, regional control of genera­ to provide more flexibility for the operator and also to reduce peak load.
tion units in the form of micro-grids has become very popular in recent The results demonstrate a significant reduction in the daily cost of
years. Modern micro-grids have generation resources, ESDs and a micro-grids using the proposed model. In [3], a two-level model for
number of loads that are operated in a decentralized manner. Operation, reducing energy prices in the local electricity market among micro-grids
control and participation of these micro-grids in competitive electricity is presented. The proposed methodology tries to reduce the electricity
markets are critical issues that have attracted the attention of re­ prices in the local electricity market using the actor-critic reinforcement
searchers in recent years. In this light, [1] examines the advantages of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Ketabi),, (S.A. Mansouri).
Received 21 January 2023; Received in revised form 16 April 2023; Accepted 3 May 2023
Available online 12 May 2023
2352-152X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Nomenclature PLoad,Base
n,t,s Preferred load curve of SH (kW)
n,t,s Fix load curve of SH (kW)
PW,max Nominal power of wind turbine (kW)
DRER Distributed Renewable Energy Resource w

ESD Energy Storage Device PPV,max

pv Nominal power of solar panel (kW)
IoT Internet-of-Things PFn Node power factor
MSP Market Settlement Price πGT
g Gas turbine operation cost ($/kW)
PEV Plug-In Electric Vehicle πEm.GT
g Emission factor of gas turbine ($/kW)
SBS Scenario-Based Stochastic πEn Energy price ($/kW)
SH Smart Home
πRt Reward price of PEV participation ($/kW)
V2G Vehicle-to-Grid Buy
mg,j,t,s /Pmg,i,t,s Max Sell/Buy level in market purchase/sale bids
Sets rl Branch resistance (ohm)
e Energy storage device index ρs Scenario probability (%)
ev Electric vehicle index SOCEV,min /SOCEV,max Min/Max SOC of PEVs (%)
t t
g Gas turbine index SOCevEV,Initial
/SOCEV,Final Initial/Final SOC of PEVs (%)
i,j Market purchase/sale bids index
l Network branch capacity (kVA)
it Market iteration index
l Branch index UApp
x Utilization time of appliances (h)
mg Micro-grid index vt,s Wind speed (m/s)
n.m Node index ϑl,n Flow direction coefficient
pv Solar panel index wx Appliance comfort weight
s Scenario index Variables
t Time index
e,t,s Operation cost of EDSs ($)
w Wind turbine index
x,y Appliance index CGT
g,t,s Operation cost of gas turbine ($)
Ee,t,s Energy level of EDSs (kWh)
Scalar EGT Emission cost of gas turbines ($)
Δt Time step (h)
mg,s Normalized value of emission cost
ηCh /ηDch Charge/discharge efficiency of EDSs (%)
OCNormalize Normalized value of operation cost
ηPV Solar panel efficiency (%) mg,s
MVmg,t,s Marginal shadow price of micro-grid power balance
GSTD Sun irradiance at STD conditions (W/m2)
Ch,max Dis,max ($/kWh)
γ /γ Max charge/discharge rate of PEVs (%)
MVL Max violation level of preferred load curve (kW2) PApp
x,n,t,s Appliance power (kW)
πEm,Grid Emission factor of grid power ($/kW) PCh Dch
e,t,s /Pe,t,s Charge/Discharge power of EDSs (kW)

πEES EDS operation cost ($/kW) PEV,Ch EV,Dis

ev,t,s /Pev,t,s Charge/Discharge power of PEVs (kW)
Sbase Base power (kVA) PNet
n,t,s Net load of SH (kW)
θmin /θmax Min/Max voltage angle (rad) PGT GT
g,t,s /Qg,t,s Active/Reactive power generation of gas turbine (kW/
V min /V max Min/Max voltage magnitude (p.u) kVAR)
vci /vco /vr Cut-in/Cut-out/Rated wind speed (m/s) Pline /Qline
l,t,s l,t,s Active/Reactive power flow of network branches (kW/
ω1 /ω2 Objectives weight factors kVAR)
Ploss Active power loss (kW)
Parameters l,t,s

αx /βx Appliance time window (h) PMarket

mg,t,s Market power exchange (kW)
g Reactive power rate of gas turbine (%) PPV
pv,t,s Power generation of solar panel (kW)
ev PEV capacity (kWh) PW
w,t,s Power generation of wind turbine (kW)
x Appliance energy (kWh) SOCEV ev,t,sc SOC level of PEVs (%)
e Initial energy of PEVs (kWh) θn,t,s Voltage angle (rad)
mg,s /ECmg,s Min/Max emission cost of micro-grids ($)
max UCLn Comfort level of SHs (%)
e /Ee
Min/Max energy of EDS (kWh) Vn,t,s Voltage magnitude (p.u)
Gt,s Sun irradiance (W/m2)
Binary variables
Gl /Bl Conductance/susceptance of network branches (p.u) Allow
Ix,n,t,s Status of slave appliance over master appliance
mg,s /OC mg,s Min/Max operation cost of micro-grids ($)
Ix,n,t,s Status of appliances
PLoad Load
n,t,s /Qn,t,s Active/Reactive load of nodes EV,Ch EV,Dis
Iev,t,sc /Iev,t,sc Charge/Discharge status of PEVs
e /PDch,Max
e Max charge/discharge level of EDS (kWh)
Ch Dch
Ie,t,s /Ie,t,s Charge/Discharge status of EDSs
mg,t,s /PExch,Max
mg,t,s Min/Max exchange level of micro-grid (kWh)
Sell Buy
PGrid Grid Img,j,t,s /Img,j,t,s Status of market sale/purchase bids
t,s /Qt,s Active/Reactive power exchange with main grid (kW/
kVAR) Iy,n,t,s Start flag status of appliances
g /PGT,max
g Min/Max generation level of gas turbine (kW)

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

learning algorithm. Impacts of energy interactions among micro-grids to the environmental benefits. In this research, the provision of V2G
are investigated and the outputs of the simulation confirm the effec­ services by PEVs in active distribution networks is investigated. The
tiveness of the proposed methodology on reducing electricity prices. In numerical results of this research show the high impact of intelligent
[4], the effects of coordinated scheduling of micro-grids on improving control of electric vehicle charging/discharging program on improving
power system efficiency, increasing stability, and improving system reliability and reducing OCs. In [12], an incentive-based DRP model is
reliability have been comprehensively reviewed. This research reveals presented to improve the charging curve of PEVs. The uncertainties of
that the implementation of DRPs can dramatically increase the positive the load, DRERs, price and charging rate of PEVs are modeled using the
effects of the micro-grid on efficiency, stability and reliability of the point estimation method and the simulation outputs indicate that the
system. In addition, this research shows that the coordinated scheduling provision of V2G services by PEVs reduces system costs up to 19.36 %.
of micro-grids leads to the improvement of network security against The increase of uncertainties resulting from the significant increase
cyber-attacks. In [5], the impact of ESDs and DRPs on the electricity of DRERs in distribution systems has faced challenges to the stability and
market has been investigated. For this purpose, a multi-stage model is reliability of operation. In this way, researchers have presented various
developed to determine the optimal scheduling of networked micro- techniques to include these uncertainties in micro-grid scheduling. For
grids. In stage 1, the individual optimal program of each micro-grid is example, in [13], a stochastic technique was used to include un­
determined, whereas in stage 2, the market settlement process is carried certainties resulting from demand and DRERs, where DRPs were
out according to the proposals made by micro-grids. The simulation implemented to modify the demand pattern of the system. The sched­
results substantiate the impact of the proposed methodology on the uling problem is solved by the Hybrid genetic ant colony algorithm
reduction of operating costs (OCs) and emissions. Moreover, the simu­ considering both real-time pricing and time of use (ToU) pricing pro­
lation outputs reflect the impact of DRPs and ESDs on improving oper­ grams, and the numerical outputs show that the use of stochastic tech­
ational flexibility. In [6], a hierarchical strategy for energy exchange nique along with the implementation of DRPs not only lowers the daily
between micro-grids is presented, in which a dynamic pricing tariff is costs but also increased the stability and reliability of the system. In
used. The objective function considered includes the minimization of the [14], a new model for the participation of micro-grids in the retail
system cost, where the penalty function is used to maintain coordination market is introduced, where the chance-constrained technique is used to
between micro-grids. The results obtained from the simulation indicate manage the uncertainties of the electricity price. Micro-grids have the
the possibility of reducing the cost of the whole system up to 3.5 %. A possibility of peer-to-peer (P2P) power exchange where their objective
two-stage optimization model is presented in [7], in which energy and function is the profit maximization. The alternating direction method of
ancillary services markets are investigated in the presence of inter­ multipliers (ADMM) algorithm is adopted to solve the proposed meth­
connected micro-grids. The main goal of the proposed methodology is to odology and the outputs confirm that the proposed methodology re­
create interaction between micro-grids and smart distribution networks. duces the negative effects of price uncertainties on the electricity
The optimal scheduling of micro-grids is done in the first stage aiming at market. In [15], the advantages of combining ESDs with wind and solar
cost minimization. Then, the coordination between micro-grids and the renewable sources have been investigated. In this research, the sched­
distribution system is guaranteed in the second stage, with the aim of uling of micro-grids was done based on a cooperative game theory
minimizing losses and voltage security The results confirm the where artificial neural network (ANN) is used to predict the uncertain
improvement of economic and technical indicators using the presented parameters of operation. The implementation of the proposed method­
two-level model. ology on a 33-bus network consisting of several micro-grids confirms its
Climate change caused by the emission of pollution has made the effect on the reduction of the daily costs of micro-grids. In [16], a risk-
replacement of fossil fuel vehicles with renewable-based vehicles inev­ averse model is used to reduce the impact of uncertainty on energy
itable. Renewable-based vehicles not only lead to a significant reduction market transactions, where the scheduling of micro-grids is done
in pollution emissions but also can significantly improve operational through a three-level model. This methodology is formulated as a mixed-
flexibility by adopting intelligent strategies. In [8], the behavior of integer quadratic programming problem (MIQCP) and implemented on
micro-grids containing a large number of PEVs has been investigated. In a 69-node network consisting of five micro-grids. The simulation results
this research, the authors presented a multi-stage framework for the show that adopting a risk-averse strategy leads to reducing the adverse
scheduling of interconnected micro-grids where a robust method was effects of uncertainties on micro-grid scheduling. In addition, the results
used to control uncertainties. In the first stage, the micro-grids plan the confirm a significant reduction in daily costs due to the simultaneous
operation of their components, and then in the second stage, the micro- presence of ESDs and DRPs. A linear model for energy management of
grids send the purchase and sale offers to the retail market, where the interconnected micro-grids is introduced in [17], in which micro-grids
MSP is calculated. Numerical outputs of the simulation prove that the are programmed based on adjusted price signals. The proposed meth­
intelligent control of PEVs' charging program has had a significant effect odology is solved by the ADMM algorithm and in an iteration-based
on reducing the MSP in the retail market. process where the micro-grid program is updated in each iteration
In [9], a decentralized model for solving the operational planning based on price signals and then sent to the distribution system operator.
problem of micro-grids in a stochastic environment is presented. In the Note that price signals are built based on mismatches between supply
proposed concept, micro-grids consist of three infrastructures: elec­ and demand. The simulation outputs show the speed and accuracy of the
tricity, gas and hydrogen. Electrical and thermal storage systems and proposed method for micro-grids scheduling. In [18], the scheduling of
PEVs are considered in the model where the Latin Hypercube Sampling micro-grids within an active distribution system is carried out by
method is used to manage uncertainty. The results prove the high speed considering dynamic pricing tariffs, where the robust optimization
of convergence of the proposed methodology as well as its effect on method is adopted to neutralize the effects of uncertainties on operation.
increasing the profit of micro-grids. In [10], a cooperative strategy for The simulation results reflect that this robust optimization technique
managing the electricity market among networked micro-grids is pre­ significantly increases operational security despite the relative increase
sented, taking into account PEVs and DRERs. The effect of DRPs and in daily costs.
online network reconfiguration on the electricity market is investigated Equipping a large range of end-users with communication and smart
and the results reveal that the use of EV batteries reduces the MSP in metering devices in recent years has facilitated the implementation of
high-demand period by 9.33 %. Also, the results reflect that online DRPs and thereby led to increased productivity and reduced OCs in
network reconfiguration can reduce the daily cost of micro-grids in the distributed systems. In [19], DRPs are used to improve the economic and
electricity market by 9.2 %. It is pointed out in [11] that with the productivity indicators of a reconfigurable distribution system consist­
intelligent control of the charging/discharging program of PEVs, many ing of several micro-grids. The Artificial Bee Colony algorithm was used
technical and economic benefits can be brought to the system in addition to solve the day-ahead operation problem and the results prove the

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Table 1
Comparison of the proposed strategy with recent studies.
Refs. Objectives Multi-level IoT-enabled PEV DRP Market clearing Renewable Uncertainty Optimal power
modelling users process flow
G2V V2G Wind PV

[26] Operating cost ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

[20] Operating cost ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[27] Operating cost ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯
[28] Operating cost ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯
[29] Profit ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯
[6] Operating cost ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯
[14] Operating cost ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[30] Operating cost ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯
[31] Operating cost ✓ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[32] Operating cost ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ⨯
[33] Operating cost ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ⨯ ⨯
Emission comfort
[34] Operating cost ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ✓ ⨯ ✓
Social welfare
Proposed Operating cost ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
strategy Emission
Social Welfare

impact of this methodology on increasing the speed of solving, reducing scheduling of SHs on the bidding strategy of micro-grids and the clearing
costs and reducing system losses. In [20], a linear model is proposed to price of the electricity market has not been well addressed. Therefore, to
solve the scheduling problem of micro-grids integrated with SHs, where bridge the above-mentioned gaps, we present a multi-level model to
uncertainties and DRPs are also considered. In this research, a two-level investigate the impact of optimal scheduling of SHs, ESDs and provision
methodology for scheduling of SHs and micro-grids is presented, which of V2G services on the bidding strategy of micro-grids and the clearing
is formulated in a linear format. The implementation of various case process of the electricity market. The main innovations of our article are
studies demonstrates the impact of DRP and ESDs on reducing the as follows:
negative effects of uncertainties on operation, reducing daily costs and
improving reliability. Also, the results confirm that the proposed • Developing an eco-environmental three-level strategy to clear the
methodology ensures the comfortable lifestyle of SH residents. In [21], electricity market among micro-grids taking the schedules of SHs and
the wind-driven bacterial foraging algorithm is used for energy man­ PEVs into account
agement of SHs. In the proposed concept, SHs participate in DRP by • Significant reduction of carbon emissions by providing a dual-
receiving price signals, where their objective function includes oper­ objective model for electricity market management
ating cost, welfare index, and PAR. The simulation results show that • Enhancing technical and economic metrics by using demand-side
participation in DRP not only significantly reduced the PAR index, but management measures including SH flexible scheduling and provi­
also lowered the daily costs of SHs. In [22], a novel hybrid method sion of V2G services
consisting of two artificial intelligence techniques including NSGA-II • Achieving more cost-effective bidding strategies with optimal
and SVR is introduced for optimal scheduling of SHs considering scheduling of ESDs within SHs and micro-grids
DRPs, where the objective function of SHs includes electricity bill cost • Increasing scheduling security by considering uncertainties caused
and comfort index. The simulation results show the great effect of the by DRERs and load demand
proposed hybrid methodology on reducing the time of solving the
optimization problem. Moreover, the results confirm the effect of DRPs 2. Proposed multi-level strategy
on reducing the SH bill by 51.4 %. In [23], a linear model is proposed to
improve the power factor of the network using incentive-based DRP The main steps required to implement the proposed algorithm are
implementation. The results of this research show a significant shown in Fig. 1. In the first part, the input information for simulation is
improvement in the network power factor during peak periods due to collected. This information includes controllable SH appliances' speci­
the participation of smart subscribers in DRP. In [24], an optimal fications, distribution network specifications, and scenarios of loads,
strategy for the energy management of SHs with solar panels, ESDs and wind speed and solar radiation. First, it should be mentioned that the
PEVs is presented and the results demonstrate that the participation of scenario-based stochastic method is adopted to include uncertainties in
SHs in DRP along with the optimal charge/discharge of ESDs and PEVs the proposed strategy. In this method, the problem is solved by
leads to a reduction of about 30 % of their daily expenses. considering a number of possible scenarios for each stochastic param­
eter. Note that wind speed, solar radiation and load demand are
1.2. Research gap and contributions considered to be stochastic parameters in this paper. To implement the
scenario-based method, wind, radiation, and demand scenarios are
Table 1 is presented to compare this paper with recent studies. generated by Weibull, beta, and normal distribution functions, respec­
Examining recent research reveals that there is a big gap in investigating tively [25]. Note that 1000 combined scenarios are formed and then the
the impact of SHs and PEVs on the technical and economic aspects of k-means method is applied to reduce them to 10. In the second part
micro-grids and distribution systems. Also, by reviewing the above (Level 1), the proposed algorithm enters the first optimization loop. In
literature, it can be seen that the impact of V2G services and optimal this loop, the optimal scheduling of each SH is solved in a decentralized

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 1. Implementation process of the proposed three-level strategy.

framework. The solution process is such that after determining the micro-grid since these extreme points are used to normalize the final
minimum satisfaction index (SI), the operation status of SH appliances, objective function. Ultimately, the normalized objective function of each
ESDs, EV batteries and power exchange with grid is determined where micro-grid is used to specify purchase and sale bids. In the last part
the net load of the SH is specified. In the third part (Level 2), the optimal (Level 3), the distribution network operator specifies the MSP according
scheduling of micro-grids to specify purchase and sale bids is carried out to the purchase and sale bids sent by the micro-grids, in which the social
taking the programs obtained for SHs into account. The scheduling welfare is maximized.
problem of micro-grids is solved in a dual-objective form where OCs and
emission are minimized simultaneously. To this end, it is needed to
calculate extreme points of the operating cost and emission for each

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Table 2 2.1. Mathematical formulation

General details on studied cases.
CS Problem Objectives Uncertainty Customers ESDs option We used the linear programming formulation to model the proposed
modelling modelling modelling three-level strategy in this article. Three main objective functions
1 Single- Cost Deterministic Without Without ESDs related to levels 1 to three as well as technical constraints of the problem
objective IoT can be found below:
2 Multi- Cost & Deterministic Without Without ESDs
objective emission IoT 2.1.1. Level 1 (SH scheduling)
3 Multi- Cost & Stochastic Without Without ESDs
objective emission IoT
The electricity bill of SHs is minimized using Eq. (1). As per this
4 Multi- Cost & Stochastic With IoT Without ESDs equation, the objective function of SH comprises three main parts: en­
objective emission ergy purchase cost, battery degradation cost and profit due to the pro­
5 Multi- Cost & Stochastic With IoT Considering vision of V2G services.
objective emission ESDs in SHs
[ ]
6 Multi- Cost & Stochastic With IoT Considering ∑ ∑( ) ∑∑ ∑( )
objective emission ESDs in SHs min OCn = ρs πEn
t P Net
n,t,s + C EES
e,t,s − π R EV,Dis
t ev,t,s (1)
and providing s t t e∈Δen ev∈Δev
V2G services
7 Multi- Cost & Stochastic With IoT Considering
objective emission ESDs in SHs
2.1.2. Level 2 (micro-grid bidding strategy)
and network, In the second level, micro-grids are built their purchase/sale bids. To
and providing this end, they have to schedule their service area taking SH programs
V2G services into account. Micro-grids in level 2 builds 10 bids per hour. The
scheduling problem of micro-grids is modeled in dual-objective form by
using the objective functions provided in Eqs. (2) and (3). In Eqs. (2) and
Table 3 (3), respectively, the operating cost (OC) and emission are minimized.
Required parameters for simulation [37]. Let CGT EES En
g,t,s be the OC of gas turbines; Ce,t,s and π t respectively are the OC of

Gas turbines ESDs and price of power exchange with the grid. Cost and emission
objective functions are normalized via Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively. Eq.
Unit Location Active power Reactive power Owner
number capacity (kW) rate (%) (6) specifies the optimum solution for the dual-objective scheduling
problem based-on fuzzy weighted method [35]. In this equation a
1 5 250 30 Distribution
system weighted factor (ω1 /ω2 ) is assigned to each objective.
2 10 250 30 Micro-grid 1 The power balance condition of each micro-grid is modeled by Eq.
3 31 300 30 Micro-grid 2 (7). It should be pointed out that the marginal price related to bids is
specified using the shadow price of Eq. (7). In Eqs. (8) to (10), the
mathematical model for determining the purchase and sale bids is pre­
Renewable resources sented. The amount of power exchange with the grid is specified by Eq.
Unit Location Power capacity Type Owner (8). PExch,Min
mg,t,s and PExch,Max
mg,t,s represent the maximum amount of sell (a
number (kW) negative value) and purchase (a positive value), respectively. Finally, In
5 7 150 Solar panel Distribution Eqs. (9) and (10), micro-grid bids are assigned to purchase and sell sets
system based on their sign [36].
6 12 200 Solar panel Micro-grid 2
1 13 400 Wind Micro-grid 2
∑∑ ∑∑ ∑( )
min OCmg,s = CGT
g,t,s + CEES
e,t,s + πEn Market
t Pmg,t,s (2)
t g∈Δgmg t e∈Δemg t
2 15 300 Wind Micro-grid 2
∑∑ ∑( )
3 19 500 Wind Micro-grid 1 min ECmg,s = GT
Eg,t,s + πEm,Grid PMarket (3)
turbine t g∈Δgmg t
7 23 150 Solar panel Micro-grid 1
4 28 500 Wind Micro-grid 3 max
turbine OCmg,s − OCmg,s
OCmg,s = max − OCmin
OCmg,s mg,s

ECmg,s − ECmg,s
Table 4 Normalize
ECmg,s = max − EC min
Information on IoT-enabled home appliances [20]. ECmg,s mg,s

Appliance Operation time Activity period Required power

window (h) (kWh)
max Zmg,s = ω1 OCmg,s Normalize
+ ω2 ECmg,s (6)

Start End ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑( )
(h) (h) PGT
g,t,s + PPV
pv,t,s PW
w,t,s + PDch Ch Market
e,t,s − Pes,t,s + Pmg,t,s
g∈Δmg pv∈Δpv w∈Δw e∈Δemg
Clothes dryer 11:00 22:00 1 1.8
mg mg

Dishwasher 12:00 22:00 2 1.4 = PLoad
n,t,s , MVmg,t,s (7)
Electric kettle 6:00 10:00 1 1 n∈Δnmg
Iron 5:00 9:00 1 1.1
Microwave 11:00 22:00 2 1.8 ( )
it − 1 ( Exch,Max )
Rice cooker 10:00 15:00 2 0.6 PMarket Exch,Min
mg,t,s,it = Pmg,t,s + Pmg,t,s − PExch,Min
mg,t,s (8)
Toaster 6:00 10:00 1 0.8 itMax − 1
Vacuum cleaner 9:00 19:00 1 0.65

Washing 9:00 17:00 2 1 ⎨P̂ Buy Market
machine mg,i=it,t,s = Pmg,t,s,iter
if PMarket
mg,t,s,it ≥ 0→ (9)
⎩π Buy
mg,i=it,t,s = MVmg,t,s

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

a) solar irradiance b) wind speed

c) Hourly energy price d) Demand profile

Fig. 2. Scenarios of input parameters [37].

Fig. 3. Overview of modified IEEE 33-node distribution network.

Table 5
Numerical results for CS1.
Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1345.39 0 0 1345.39 694.38 2605.06 100

2 − 445.46 386.58 0 − 58.88 436.94 1363.12 100
3 152.25 376.02 0 528.27 473.11 1857.88 100
Sum 1052.18 762.6 0 1814.78 1604.43 5826.06 –

⎧ 2.1.3. Level 3 (market clearing by distribution network operator)

⎨P̂ Sell Market
Market clearing is done using Eqs. (11) to (15) by the distribution
mg,j=iter,t,s = ∣Pmg,t,s,it ∣
if PMarket ≤ 0→ (10)
network operator. In this sense, the objective function of the third level
⎩ πSell = MVmg,t,s
is provided in Eq. (11), which is social welfare maximization [37]. Eq.

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Table 6
Numerical results for CS2.
Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1345.39 0 0 1345.39 694.38 2605.06 100

2 − 175.46 121.58 0 − 53.88 352.2 1392.07 100
3 473.5 226.44 0 699.94 356.16 1905.07 100
Sum 1643.43 348.02 0 1991.45 1402.74 5902.2 –

Fig. 4. Pareto-curve obtained for CS2.

(12) specifies the final amount of power exchange of each micro-grid appliances should be in a specified range (GapMax
x,y ). Total load demand of
according to its bids. Eqs. (13) and (14) restrict the power exchange of
IoT-enabled appliances is calculated by using Eq. (23). PLoad,Fix
n,t,s is the
each micro-grid to its bids. Eq. (15) prohibits the simultaneous purchase
fixed load of SH. Eq. (24) compute the SI of SH whereas Eq. (25) restricts
and sale of power in each micro-grid.
the minimum level (85 %) of the SI. MDL represents the maximum level
∑ ∑∑∑( Buy ) ∑∑∑( Sell ) of occupants' dissatisfaction.
Max SW = ρs πmg,i,t,s PBuy
mg,i,t,s − π mg,j,t,s PSell
ExApp App
s t mg i t mg j
] PApp
x,n,t,s = Ix,n,t,s
∑( ) UxApp
− π En Grid
t Pt,s

t App
Ix,n,t,s = UxApp
(11) t∈[αx ,βx ]

∑ ∑ Buy ∑
mg,j,t,s − Pmg,i,t,s = PMarket (12) App
∣Ix,n,t,s App
− Ix,n,t− (18)
mg,t,s 1,s ∣ ≤2
j i
t∈[αx ,βx ]

( ) ∑
PSell ̂ Sell Sell (13)
mg,j,t,s ≤ P mg,j,t,s Img,j,t,s
Iy,n,t,s − 1 M≤ App
Ix,n,t,s − UxApp + ε ≤ Iy,n,t,s
M (19)
t∈[αx ,βx ]

PBuy ̂ Buy Buy

mg,i,t,s ≤ P mg,i,t,s Img,i,t,s (14)
0 ≤ Ix,n,t,s Allow
≤ Ix,n,t,s (20)
∑ ∑ Buy
Img,j,t,s + Img,i,t,s ≤ 1 (15)
j i
Ix,n,t,s APP
≥ Ix,n,t,s APP
− Ix,n,t− 1,s (21)
∑ ∑
2.1.4. Technical constraints Start
Iy,n,t,s ord(t) − Start
Ix,n,t,s ord(t) ≤ GapMax App
x,y + Ux (22)
In this subsection, all operational constraints are provided. In this t t

way, SHs are operated according to the Eqs. (16)–(25) [37]. Eq. (16) ∑
specifies the power consumption of SH appliances according to their PLoad
n,t,s = PApp
x,n,t,s (23)
activity period (UApp
x ) and their hourly required power (EApp
x ). Binary
App ⎛ ∑∑ ( Load )2 ⎞
variable Ix,n,t,s identifies the activity status of appliance x per hour. The wx Pn,t,s − PLoad,Base
∑ ⎜
full operation of each appliance is guaranteed by Eq. (17) whereas its
n,t,s ⎟
UCLn = ρs ⎜
⎝1 −
t x ⎟ × 100
⎠ (24)
continuity of operation is guaranteed by Eq. (18). Eq. (19) models the s
relationship between master and slave appliances. The master and slave
appliances are respectively marked with the indices x and y. Constraint
(20) prevents the start of the slave appliance before the master appliance UCLn ≥ UCLMin (25)
is finished. The start time of each appliance is specified via Eq. (21). As The operation of PEVs is according to Eqs. (26) to (32) [38]. Power
per Eq. (22), the time gap between the activity of master and slave injection and extraction into/from the EV battery is restricted by Eq.

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 5. Power generation of gas turbines in CS1 and CS2.

(26). γCh,max and γ Dis,max , respectively, identify the charge and discharge EV,Ch
0 ≤ Iev,t,sc EV,Dis
+ Iev,t,sc ≤1 (28)
status of the vehicle battery. Eq. (27) expresses the impossibility of
charging the battery if there is no vehicle in the parking lot. Eq. (28)
formulates the technical limitation of simultaneous injection and ηCh PEV,Ch
ev,t,sc −

EV EV ηDis
extraction of power in the vehicle battery. Eq. (29) computes the hourly SOCev,t,sc = SOCev,t− 1,sc + Δt
rate the energy of the vehicle battery according to the power injection
and extraction in it.CapEV ev denotes the capacity of vehicle battery. The
SOCev,t=T EV,Initial
a ,sc = SOCev (30)
initial energy level of the vehicle battery (SOCEV,Initial
ev ) at the time of
entering the parking lot is specified according to the SOCEV ev,t=Ta ,sc
SOCev,t=T EV,Final
d ,sc = SOCev (31)
parameter, Eq. (30). As per Eq. (31), the energy level of the vehicle
battery at the time of leaving the parking lot (SOCEV ev,t=T d ,sc
) should be SOCtEV,min ≤ SOCev,t,sc
≤ SOCtEV,max (32)
equal to SOCEV,Final
ev (95 %). Ultimately, Eq. (32) is used to control the Eq. (33) computes the net load of the SH considering power gener­
energy level of the vehicle battery in the entire operating period. ation of solar panel (PPV
pv,t,s ), charge and discharge of ESDs (Pe,t,s − Pe,t,s )
Ch Dch
⎧ ⎡ ⎞
⎨ 0 ≤ PEV,Ch ≤ γ Ch,max CapEV I EV,Ch and PEVs (PEV,Ch EV,Dch
ev,t,s − Pev,t,s ), the load demand of IoT-enabled appliances
ev,t,sc ev ev,t,sc
⎣ a d⎠
⎩ 0 ≤ PEV,Dis Dis,max
CapEV EV,Dis
t ∈ T ,T (PApp Load,Fix
x,n,t,s ) and fixed load (Pn,t,s ) of the home.
ev,t,sc ≤ γ ev Iev,t,sc
∑ ∑ ∑( )
⎧ PNet Load,Fix
n,t,s = Pn,t,s + PApp
x,n,t,s − PPV
pv,t,s + PCh Dch
e,t,s − Pe,t,s
⎨ PEV,Ch = 0 [ ) x pv∈Δn
pv e∈Δen
∈ T a, Td
t∕ (27) ∑( ) (33)
⎩ PEV,Dis
ev,t,sc = 0 PEV,Ch EV,Dch
+ ev,t,s − Pev,t,s

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 6. Exchanged power by Micro-grids in CS1 and CS2.

ESDs located in SHs, micro-grids and distribution network are

operated according to Eqs. (34) to (40) [39]. Eq. (34) imposes a limit on
the energy stored in ESDs. In Eq. (35), the hourly energy level of ESDs is
computed. Eqs. (36) and (37) limit the charge and discharge power
respectively. The impossibility of simultaneous charging and discharg­
ing of ESDs is shown by Eq. (38). Eq. (39) sets the energy level at a
specific value at the start and end of operation. Eq. (40) determines the
cost of battery destruction according to its charge and discharge rate.
Fig. 7. Power generation of DRERs in CS2 and CS3.

Table 7
Numerical results for CS3.
Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1591.11 0 0 1591.11 821.2 2950.6 100

2 − 144.79 121.58 0 − 23.21 405.93 1562.68 100
3 411.84 226.44 0 638.28 392.72 2100.61 100
Sum 1858.16 348.02 0 2206.18 1619.85 6613.89 –

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 8. Exchanged power by micro-grids in CS2 and CS3.

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 9. MSP in CS2 and CS3.

Table 8
Numerical results for CS4.
Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1451.98 0 0 1451.98 758.43 2526.42 89.54

2 − 166.86 121.58 0 − 45.28 388.35 1269.22 91.22
3 372.11 226.44 0 598.55 362.68 1730.06 90.78
Sum 1657.23 348.02 0 2005.25 1509.46 5525.7 –

Fig. 10. Voltage curve in CS3 and CS4 at peak hour (21:00).

EeMin ≤ Ee,t,s ≤ EeMax (34) Ch

0 ≤ Ie,t,s Dch
+ Ie,t,s ≤1 (38)
( )
PDch Ee,t=0,s = Ee,t=24,s = EeInitial (39)
Ee,t,s = Ee,t− 1,s + ηCh PCh
e,t,s − Δt
( )
Ce,t,s = πEES PCh Dch
e,t,s + Pe,t,s (40)
0≤ PCh
e,t,s ≤ PCh,Max
Ie,t,s (36)
In the Eqs. (41) to (46) the operational restrictions of distributed
0 ≤ PDch Dch,Max Dch
e,t,s ≤ Pe Ie,t,s (37) energy resources are stated [40]. Eq. (41) is provided the wind power
generation restrictions according to the wind speed. This equation

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 11. Activity time of IoT-enabled appliances in CS3 and CS4.

Fig. 12. MSP in CS3 and CS4.

comprises a multi-part mathematical function that specifies the gener­ the hourly solar radiation intensity. The active power of the gas turbine
ation rate of the wind turbine according to the hourly wind speed. In Eq. is confined by Eq. (43). Besides, the hourly reactive power generation is
(42), the generation rate of the solar panel is computed with regard to limited by Eq. (44). Eqs. (45) and (46), respectively, compute the

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Table 9
Numerical results for CS5 to CS7.

Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1325.02 0 0 1325.02 700.46 2314.81 87.44

2 − 192.29 121.58 0 − 70.71 371.53 1145.1 89.38
3 336.22 226.44 0 562.66 334.93 1563.28 87.41
Sum 1468.95 348.02 0 1816.97 1406.92 5023.19 –


Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1209.16 0 0 1209.16 646.92 2213.51 87.44

2 − 221.59 121.58 0 − 100.01 355.44 1044.57 89.38
3 303.79 226.44 0 530.23 309.31 1443.85 85
Sum 1291.36 348.02 0 1639.38 1311.67 4701.93 –


Micro-grid Costs ($) SHs

Power transaction Gas turbines ESDs Total OC Total EC Electricity bill ($) SI (%)

1 1055.06 0 21.36 1076.42 532.78 2160.92 87.44

2 − 366.16 121.58 15.85 − 228.73 304.51 994.65 89.38
3 259.3 226.44 10.55 496.29 254.72 1405.73 85
Sum 948.2 348.02 47.76 1343.98 1092.01 4561.3 –

operating cost and emission cost of the gas turbine. ( ) ( )

⎧ base
= Bl Vn,t,s bus
− Vm,t,s − Gl θbus bus
n,t,s − θm,t,s
⎪ 0 , vt,s < vci Or vt,s ≥ vco S

⎨ ( )
v − v ( )2 ( )2 ( )2
t,s ci
w,t,s =
w , vci ≤ vt,s < vr Pline + Qline ≤ Slmax (49)

⎪ vr − vci l,t,s l,t,s

⎩ W,max
Pw , vr ≤ vt,s < vco [( )2 ( )2 ]
l,t,s = rl Pline
l,t,s + Qline
l,t,s (50)
Gt,s PV,max
pv,t,s = η
P (42)
V min ≤ Vn,t,s
≤ V max (51)
g ≤ PGT
g,t,s ≤ PGT,max
g (43)
θmin ≤ θbus
n,t,s ≤ θ
− α max GT
g Pg,t,s ≤ QGT
g,t,s ≤αmax GT
g Pg,t,s (44) ⃒
⃒ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
t,s ⃒ + PGT
g,t,s + PW
w,t,s + PPV
pv,t,s + PDch
GT GT GT n=1
Cg,t,s =π g Pg,t,s
g∈Δn w∈Δw
pv∈Δn e∈Δen
( )
∑ ∑ Ploss
Net Ch line l,t,s
Eg,t,s = πEm.GT
g,t,s (46) = Pn,t,s + Pe,t,s + ϑl,n Pl,t,s +
e∈Δe n
l l∈Δn
In Eqs. (47) to (54), the formulation of linear AC power flow program ⃒ ∑ ∑( )
is shown [41]. Eqs. (47) and (48) model the relationship between the QGrid

ϑl,n Qline (54)
t,s ⃒ + g,t,s = PFn Pn,t,s + l,t,s
active (Pline
l,t,s ) and reactive (Ql,t,s ) powers passing through the lines taking
line n=1 g
g∈Δn l∈Δln

the size and angle of the voltage into account. Due to the fact that
voltage and network resistance values are in per unit basis, the active 3. Simulation results
and reactive powers passing through the lines are also calculated per
unit basis. In the Eq. (49), the thermal capacity of lines is modeled. Note 3.1. Initialization
that this equation is transformed to the linear form utilizing the piece­
wise linearization technique. In Eq. (50), the power transmission losses The results obtained from implementing the proposed three-level
are computed. Note that the piecewise method is adopted to linearize strategy on the test system are provided in this sub-section. The
the quadratic terms of Eqs. (49) and (50) [20]. Limitation of size and CPLEX solver is utilized to solve the problem in the GAMS as the pro­
angle of voltage are respectively expressed in Eqs. (51) and (52). Eq. posed strategy is formulated in the mixed-integer linear programming
(53) is provided to maintain the nodal balance of active power in the (MILP) format. Note that the CPLEX solver has a high speed for solving
network. Similarly, Eq. (54) is presented to maintain the nodal balance MILP optimization problems. The simulation is run on a system with a
of reactive power. Core i7 3.4 GHz processor with 12 GB internal memory. The general
( ) details of studied cases (CS) are provided in Table 2. As per this table, 7
Pline ( )
l,t,s bus
= Gl Vn,t,s bus
− Vm,t,s + Bl θn,t,s − θm,t,s (47) cases have been designed so that the effect of multi-objective problem
S base
modelling, operational uncertainties, IoT-based control of home

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 13. State of charge for a ESDs at CS5.

appliances, ESDs, and V2G services on the performance of the proposed displayed in Fig. 2a–d. It should be pointed out that the electricity price
strategy can be investigated. Table 3 shows the input parameters of the curve presented in Fig. 2c is the average electricity price of the last 10
simulation. Information on IoT-enabled home appliances are given in days, based on which SHs plan their operation.
Table 4. Each SH has a 3-kW solar panel and a 10-kWh ESD, and its fixed
load peak demand is 3 kW. Besides, scenarios of input parameters are

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 14. PEVs program in CS5 and CS6.

Fig. 15. Voltage curve in CS5 and CS6 at peak hour (21:00).

Fig. 16. MSP in CS 4 to CS7.

3.2. Studied test system respectively 3.715 MW and 2.3 MVAR. Information on node and
branches are as [42]. As Fig. 3 reflects, the network consists of three
The test system on which CSs are implemented is displayed in Fig. 3. decentralized micro-grids and a part of it is operated under the super­
This system is a modified 33-node distribution network comprising three vision of the distribution network operator. Each micro-grid, in addition
micro-grids. The peak levels of active and reactive powers are to gas turbines, has a number of DRERs integrated with ESDs, which

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

Fig. 17. Voltage curve in CS6 and CS7 at peak hour (21:00).

cover a significant part of the electrical needs of its area. End-users power exchange is similar in CS1 and CS2.
connected to micro-grids include regular users and IoT-enabled users.
Moreover, the distribution network is able to exchange power with the 3.4. Results of CS3
upstream network through bus 1. The number of IoT-enabled users at
their connection point is shown in Fig. 1. Totally, there are 344 IoT- CS3 is designed to check the effect of operational uncertainties on the
enabled users and 177 PEVs in the network. The battery capacity of numerical results of the proposed three-layer strategy where a stochastic
each PEV is considered to be 70 kWh. technique is used to incorporate the wind, solar and load uncertainties
into the problem. Table 7 tabulates the numerical results of CS3,
3.3. Results of CS1 and CS2 comparing them with CS2 shows the increase in OC of micro-grids and
also the electricity bill of SHs in CS3. Table 7 reveals that the micro-grids
The numerical results of single-objective and dual-objective problem in CS3 have purchased more power than CS2, which is caused by the
solving are respectively tabulated in Tables 5 and 6. It is clear from the fluctuations of load and output of DRERs. In other words, the micro-grid
numerical results that by solving the problem in a dual-objective format, operator manages the risk of production and consumption imbalance by
the OCs of micro-grids 2 to 3 are respectively increased by 8.49 % and increasing purchases from the grid. By comparing the results of CS3 and
32.56 % while their emission cost are decreased significantly. As can be CS2, it can be understood that micro-grid 1 has the highest increase in
observed from the tables, the operating costs of micro-grid 1 does not OC in CS3, which is due to the renewable nature of all its generation
change in in CS2 compared to CS1 as this micro-grid doesn't have gas resources. On the other hand, it can be seen that micro-grid 3 had the
turbine. Totally, in CS2, micro-grids tried to buy more power from grid lowest increase in OC in CS3 over CS2, which is due to the smaller ca­
since its emission penalty is lower than gas turbines. Note that the reason pacity of its DRERs compared to micro-grids 1 and 2. Table 7 also shows
for the lower penalty factor of exchange with the grid compared to gas that the decrease in the level of production of DRERs in CS3 has led to an
turbines is the generation of a significant part of the grid power by increase in carbon emissions in all the network and as a result, a 15.47 %
DRERs. Moreover, a close examination of Tables 5 and 6 reveal that the increase in the total EC compared to CS2.
daily costs of SHs belonging to micro-grids 2 and 3 in CS2 have a relative Fig. 7 displays the generation rate of DRERs in CS2 and CS3, based on
increase since they bought power at a higher price than CS1. According which the generation rate of DRERs has decreased in different hours in
to the tables, it is clear that the minimum level of SI of SHs has been met CS3. Fig. 8 displays the power exchange rate of micro-grids 1 to 3 with
in all micro-grids. Note that in CS1 and CS2, no changes are allowed to the main grid in CS2 and CS3, which reflects the increase in the purchase
the default consumption curve due to the absence of IoT facilities. A level in all micro-grids in CS3, especially in the high-demand period
Pareto curve is provided in Fig. 4 to compare OC and EC between CS1 (19:00 to 22:00). The reason for the higher power exchange rate in CS3
and CS2. As per this figure, OC in CS2 increased by about 9.73 % compared to CS2 is the relative increase in load demand of end-users as
compared to its optimal value (obtained in CS1), while EC decreased by well as the decrease in radiation intensity and wind speed. Fig. 9 pre­
more than 12.57 %. sents the MSP curves in CS2 and CS3, the evaluation of which confirms
Fig. 5 indicates gas turbines production rate in each micro-grids, an increase in the MSP level in CS3 in all 24 h, especially the high-
according to which the production capacity of gas turbines has demand period (19:00 to 22:00). This figure confirms that the MSP in­
decreased in CS2 due to environmental restrictions. In Fig. 6, the creases as the purchase of power from the grid increases.
amounts of power purchase from border lines in each micro-grid are
compared in CS1 and CS2. The analysis of Fig. 6 reflects that the power 3.5. Results of CS4
exchange rate of micro-grids 1 and 2 with the grid has increased in CS2
over CS1 to compensate for the deficit of gas turbine production. It can Unlike CS1 to CS3, in CS4 the proposed strategy is solved by taking
also be seen that due to the absence of gas turbines in micro-grid 1, its IoT facilities into account. The presence of IoT makes a large number of

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

end-users able to actively help the network in controlling the load de­
mand curve. Table 8 displays the numerical results obtained from
simulating CS4, according to which equipping end-users with IoT fa­
cilities has reduced the electricity bills of SHs by about 16.45 % in CS4
over CS3, due to the much greater flexibility of SHs to plan their ap­
pliances. On the other hand, the analysis of the numerical results clears
that the SI of SHs in CS4 has decreased by about 10 % over CS3, which is
due to shifting the operation time of some appliances to periods far from
the preferred interval of the residents. However, this reduction of SI in
CS4 is insignificant compared to the economic benefits of IoT facilities.
In Fig. 10, the network voltage curve is depicted to study the effect of
changing the operation pattern of IoT-enabled appliances on security
metrics. It can be seen that the change in the operating pattern of IoT-
enabled appliances has led to the improvement of the voltage level in
the high-demand period. Moreover, in Fig. 11, the activity time of the
IoT-enabled appliances of a SHs located in micro-grids are compared at
CS3 and CS4, which detailed evaluation reveals the shift of the activity
time of some appliances to periods outside the preferred interval of
residents in CS4. As can be seen from Fig. 11, the operating time of the
clothes dryer, microwave, and washing machine in CS4 have moved
away from the preferred interval of the residents, where instead of the
high-demand period, they are activated in the medium-demand period.
Fig. 12 is plotted in order to investigate the impact of IoT facilities on
MSP, where the analysis of the curves confirms the significant reduction
of MSP during the high-demand period in CS4 over CS3.

3.6. Results of CS5 to CS7

CS5 to CS7 investigate the effects of ESDs placed in main grid, micro-
grids, SHs and PEVs on numerical simulation results. The numerical
results related to the mentioned cases are tabulated in Table 9. By
comparing the results of CS5 with CS4, it is clear that the presence of
ESDs in SHs has reduced their electricity bills as well as the OCs of micro-
grids, which is due to the price-oriented performance of ESDs. Numer­
ical results confirm the decrease of 9.09 % of total electricity bill of SHs
in CS5 compared to CS4. Fig. 13 shows the performance schedule of
ESDs of SHs in different micro-grids, based on which the ESDs are
charged in low-demand periods whereas discharged in high-demand
periods. These programs prove that the performance of ESDs is fully
compatible with the price, since the electricity price is high in high-
demand periods and low in low-demand periods.
In CS6, in addition to ESDs of SHs, EV batteries are also actively
included in the operation. In other words, in this case, PEVs provide V2G
services according to the price pulse. The numerical results of Table 9
indicate a 6.39 % reduction in the electricity bill of SHs in CS6 compared
to CS5, which is due to the provision of V2G services by EV users. It
should be noted that the owners of the PEVs are residents of SHs. In
addition, the results reflect that the provision of V2G services has low­
ered the OC of micro-grids in CS6 over CS5, which is due to the reduction
of power purchase by micro-grids in the high-demand period. Fig. 14
depicts the performance curve of an EV battery in CS6, based on which
the EV user discharges the battery during the high-demand period to
reduce the level of the net-load curve of the system in addition to getting
a reward. On the other hand, it can be seen that the EV user charged the
battery in the early hours of the day when the net-load curve of the
network is at its lowest level. In addition to economic advantages, such a
performance significantly improves the technical and security metrics of
the network. In this regard, Fig. 15 illustrates that the provision of V2G
services has significantly increased the voltage level of the high-demand
period in CS6 over CS5.
In CS7, ESDs located in micro-grids and the main grid are enabled in
the operation. The results of Table 9 clear that these components have
effectively changed the operation results in CS7 compared to other
Fig. 18. Pareto front curves obtained for CS3 to CS7. cases, the reason for this is the increase in operation flexibility due to the
high capacity of the grid-scale ESDs. The numerical results reflect a
decrease of 18.01 % and 16.74 % respectively in OC and EC of the

S. Fatemi et al. Journal of Energy Storage 67 (2023) 107632

system in CS7 compared to CS6. This is due to the purchase of less power Acknowledgments
in the high-demand period as well as the lower generation rate of gas
turbines in CS7 compared to other cases. Fig. 16 displays the tremendous This research has also benefited from the funding of the program
impact of the grid-scale ESDs on reducing the MSP curve, especially in Strategic projects oriented to the ecological transition and digital tran­
the high-demand period. In addition, the network voltage curve in CS6 sition with NextGenerationEU/PRTR funds of the Spanish Ministry of
and CS7 is compared in Fig. 17, whose analysis mirrors the significant Science and Innovation/State Research Agency (project ‘‘Local markets
effect of the grid-scale ESDs on improving the voltage level in the high- for energy communities: designing efficient markets and assessing the
demand period. Totally, the results confirm the impact of ESDs at all integration from the electricity system perspective (OptiREC)’’, with
levels, including the network, micro-grids, SHs and PEVs, on improving reference number TED2021-131365B-C43.
the technical, economic and environmental criteria of the competitive
electricity markets. References
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