IGCSE Islamiyat Notes

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O-Level Islamiyat Notes Paper 1 & Paper 2 Dr Iftikhar-Ul-Ha (0333-4257013) Visiting Teacher Beaconhouse Lahore Grammar School Bridge Education System Aitchison sicas The City School Preface My“ 0 Level Notas on Islamiyat and Pakistan Studies * are the result of my rich teaching ‘experience, my constant interaction withthe CIE and the resulsof my biiant students many of whom managed to be enlisted among the HIGH ACHIEVERSIDISTINGTION HOLDERS. in both the subjects. These notes wil be updated every year in view of the changes in the style and Content of the questons inthe CIE examinations. Soon some sort of" Practice Books" wil also be published to make these subjects as interesting as possible [Almost all the topics have been covera in Queston-Answer format eo tht students may nat only lean these answers but also fe! inking skits stimulated that wi induce curosy and ‘minimize the element of rote learing [when students are capable of “making “new questions, I fee! my mission accomplished. Students. 9s well as teachers shoul fe! re in contacting me as and when require, ‘Wishing all my students best and praying forthe excellont grades. Good Luck Dr. hart - Hag ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No 5.__[Firt flame Commun Paper2 opie Prat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks for passages chosen out of the given three passages. In (a) parts, describe the main themes contained in the passages while comparing each passage 1m of God's uniqueness, meisy and jel of Tawhid and.jains them 0 ‘By br ikharar rag 7 aaa as7OS Piat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks for (b) parts of the two passages chosen out of the given three passages. parts, describe the ‘main themes contained in the passages whi each passage with some other passages on the same thet lain the importance or relevance of the themes for Al~ An’aam (6:101-103) (a) Theme: Unfatnomabie depth, 2s endorsed elsevmre in the Quran’ “Yor Go is He Who understands the fest mysteries (2263) ‘This passage is comparable to Surah 112 that describes human inabilty to comprehend God's nature by declaring “There is no jk unta Hi (b) Importance of the theme: “This passage is important for Muslims to clearly unders 2 Teas Prat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks for (b) parts of the two passages chosen out Darts, describe the Surah Fussi (a) Theme: (b) Importance of the theme: ‘Thome ofthis passage urges Muslims to observe various objets of nature th God's presence, majesty and glory. Sines humans cannot afford to see God physical), By Oran ° oasaRS7OIS P1at Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks for (b) parts of the two OD BE ne go SAUD SARE RE oe A OY a oe a SN I eho Surah al-Shura (42:4-5) (a) Theme: “The two verses are from Sura its theme i Tawhid deserted in {Quran declares this weakness of humans ae, man that wrongs his own sou” (10-44), {b) Importance of the theme: ‘Thome of this message strengthens the By Or haar 70 TsO Prat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for ( parts and 4 marks for (b) parts of the two passages chosen out of the given three passages. In (a) parts, describe the main themes contained in the passages while comparing each passage with Importance of the theme: ‘Theme ofthis passage purfios Musim’s bel in Tawhid and that is why the passage named aliknis (the purly of oo TasaSTO Theme 6 [Alan's relavonship withthe crated world mPa a teas Al-fFateha ( surah 1) ‘opening captor ofthe Quran and its theme 's Gots relation wih His created By Deora 2 Dass (b) Importance of the theme: 92 of the Quran. Musims ae old to worship God by following the "Right Path” Contained in the Quran and Sunnah and invoke God's mercy because, according to the Quran: "He has inscribed for Himeel the ‘yor ithorrg 2 was Piat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 passages chosen out of the given three passé ‘main themes contained in the passages whi some other passages on the same themes. In (b) parts, explain the importance or relevance of the themes for daily ving of the Muslims. Theme 7. yD Aa oo 2:21.21 (Al-Bagarah) (@) Theme: (b) Importance of the theme: “The passage conveys the message of identifying God by way the natural environment ‘elore the Creator of all. They prouk ‘essing asi fequenty mentioned n Surah 85: "Th By Dear = DSTO Prat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks some other passages on the same ther Importance or relevance of the themes for dail (b) parts, explain the of the Must Theme 8 os BD aD ‘Surah al-Alag (96:1-5) (a) Theme: soneaie Goss ek sogre By Drifihararhag e o3ssa2570S Piat ‘some other passages on the same themes. In (b) parts, explain the importance or relevance of the themes for daily living of the Muslims. Theme 9 Surah al-Zilzal (99) (@) Theme: {b) Importance of the theme: “This passage asks Muslims to have song fal in Gos's power and develop @ genuine fear of accountabity etore Him. With such bee, Muslims wil loan about BD Tibaraaa 7 asa In (b) parts, expl 9 of the Muslims. importance or Theme 10 = a A ay SIE la Ani gl ‘Surah al-Nas (114) (a) Theme: Fight against the intemal es basal sa) By Deiaraag e TS Prat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks for passages chosen out of the given three ‘main themes contained in the passages. some other passages on the same th importance or relevance of the themes for dai parts of the two ing of the Muslims. Theme 14 Allah's messengers: ‘Al Bagarah (2: 30-37) (a) Theme: ‘Thome of the passage Is God's relation wth His messengers. it deserves the story of creation of Adam and his especialy eleva (710, aba The Quen wu tho story of cretion of Hazrat Adam and EvelHanma togethar with By Dara co 0333257015 (b) Importance of the theme: Prat Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks of the given three ied in the passages parts of the two importance or relevance of the themes for dal ‘Thome 12 [vor Ritharatrng ro oss aasTOIS (b) Importance of the theme: ‘This passage teaches Musims to reject Shirk i.e. associating partners with God, and to commands of One God Piai Total Marks 8, 4 marks for (a) parts and 4 marks for (b) parts of the two passages chosen out of the given three ‘main themes contained in the passages ‘some other passages on the same ther importance or relevance of the themes for dai Theme 13 him meacuously by iting him alive tothe heavens when his communty was {b) Importance of the theme: ‘This passage teaches Musims to beleve in One Supreme God who possesses Incaleulable powers. They aro required lo beteve that, tke other meseengers Jesus ws also @ ‘man chosen by God. He was granted mircleus by the Quran 2s; “Those who reject ‘eat and dum and midst of aarkness profound "(6:39 -Ae‘am) tiuslms also learn that al humans including the rejects of Truth wil sand accountable belors God in the divine cout of justice onthe Day of udgement a Le importance or relevance of the themes for daily living of the Muslims. Theme 14 [eroritiacaiiag 2 TasaaTOS (b) Importance of the theme: ‘The theme of this passage teaches Muslims the importance of fath in God's help. The Holy Prophet was reassured by God in the midst of mockery ln Makkah. Muslims laday should 180 fo towards the ie of -Bagarah) Life ofthe Prophet provides several examples of helping the needy He married many widowed woman and never returned a peitonerboggar ‘who asked for Some food or ay kind ot help By De aria = aaaaIETOD some other passages on the same the importance or relevance of the themes for Theme 15 Sura Al Kauthar (108) (@) Theme: “Theme of the passage is God's special love and care forthe Holy Prophet in times of “cuties. The Prophet was mocked by the Makkans on the death of bis two sons Irom Hazrat Te (a) Using passages you have studied, write about the main teachings about God in the Qur'an. (b) How might these teachings affect a Musil ‘Ans (a) “The Quran frequently mentions Ged, both in terms of His unique person and his supreme Nox sleep” (2255), Lordi in possession of 3h belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth (3189, A-Imran, Many Quranic passages also mentien the active Ss bis ofje strbutes, therefore taught His angels to voke His mercy for humans. Another Quran vee relerates and hase around lay the praises of the Lor, and beeen Him and ask forgveness for those (nomans) who bale” (407 alums [evo Rather sa 3 0333-25703 (a) From the Qur'anic passages you have studied, outline the relationship between God and two of His messengers who were sent b Muhammad. why God sends his revelations through messengers. ‘The Holy Quran naralss stores of many of the prophetic messengers. Various Quran ‘Surahs mention various messengers fram Hazrat Adam to the Holy Prophet Muhammad 2. ‘thus, replete wih the stores of God's messengers’ with reference to God's intnem S By De ibarala = SATO By DriRihararraa 30 Tes aasTO (2) From passages you have studied from the Qur'an, write about God's relationship with humankind, Explain the significance of the Qur’an being revealed to humankind. Ans (a) the Right Path that qvarantoes God's pleasure, mercy and good wil and this refers to the code of conduct conned in the Quran and Sunnah, By acting upon tis code of divine guidance, humane ean hope to be “Who created man from a dot of congealed bood...and taught man that which he dd not know” “This implies ys spheres ast sas, “Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy’. rtangements for man's physical growh, and "beavens" implies spa ho made these arrangements for humans, the Quran commands Ses, hs expects fom human hat hey should akronlge Hs pover an entowmen never commiting sik or plyheism, point to this human weakness and teach them to rely on God 14 repeats Goss attroutes as "The Lord of mankind, King of mankind” God of mankina in order to strengthen humans rolaton with God against. ‘also wams humans ofthe modus operanct of Satan who “whispers and humans need to be alvays alert agains their eal enemy whose mission isto because, according to the Quran “Satan isan avowed enemy to man’ (12:5, Yousal). Ispense justice to the degree of absolute perfection The objecve isto reward of the doeds in the Hereatr. teach humans fo identty and adore the "Lord ofthe Worlds, be grataul ‘Ans (b) ‘The Holy Quran isthe last divine message revealed on the last messenger of God, Hazrat Muhammad 242. I contains guidance for all ages and communities starting tram the cor of Hazrat Muhammad 2 inthe 7° century. from wrong as is decaredin many ofits vorsos "Blessed ie He Who eent down the Crteron 18 humane in matters | interaction 20 that 3 ih humane can contact (7.203, ahaa, ContextiCircumstances of the revelation of Surah 93 (al-Duha) and Surah 114 then he nad recovered. Hemet Ayesha asked tim, “il you not mae tis puble™ He rep By br aratrag 8 Crore} Surah 112 & Surah 108 ‘Surah 412 (al-tkhlas) was revealed during the early Makkan period ofthe prophetic mission of th ‘Surah 108 (al-Kawthar) is also an cary Makkan Surah that was revealed in a special context. One aspect of Featiman. Along with this, God aso promised destruction of his insullrs. Both glad tings soon proved tre, [evo tharaing ™ was3S7O P1a2 ‘Write an account of the ways in which the Qur Prophet between the years 610 and 632. ‘What does the Prophet's first experience of revi nature of prophethood in Islam? ‘The Prophet, being an unetered man, exoressea his mabily to read. Hazrat Vitroel repeated the command twice and hugged rah 747-2, eb Muddathth), “And admonish your nearest kinsmen.” (26214, al-Shu'ara) and “Expound ‘openly by whal You have. boon commanded." (15:90, the completion of al fundamental teachings of Islam, though the Prophet ved for another 80 days rectly nseribed in Nis heat and occasionally, they were recelved in his creams, Ans (b) ‘The event ofthe Prophets frst experonce of receiving revelation explains some aspects of By brifieharatrng 36 Tasso 1 Q2 Compilation of the Holy Quran jive an account of how the Qur’an developed into book form. )What is the significance to Muslims today of having the Quran form of a book? (4) or (b)(l) Explain why the first community of Muslims thought it was necessary to compile the Quran. 14 ‘Ans.(a) (Quran gradually developed into book form through three distinct stages. preserved during the Prophet's Ife when a team of serbes noted doun every revelton. ther sheets and palm leaves. Many companions ‘Tho Prophet himself rected the Qutan before angel had not been compiled during the Ife of the Prophet. Circumstances changed sfier his death when hundreds of memarzers of Quran were Kile in the batlo of Yamama during Hazrat Abu Bakrs Calphate, Hazrat Umar. sensing danger, adsraseed Hazrat ‘ABU Bake, Tea W as aISTO uring the Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (644-656 AD), the Musi empire had expanded 8 bin Malik reported that Hazrat jon wae he winsted dps among fed" imperect copies of consequences, threatening fefon fo stancarsie the Qur retain -onmands the afrcing Muslims to perform Hai! Pigrimage to Makkah "Pigrimage thereto (Makrah) isa duy man owe to Gad - those who can alo the journey Avena) Important message, “Worstiprone But od: ba! wih Kes yeur parents ang eaves and aphans an hose The Quran provides guanc about the amily avs an th moor mas an the puritans Several cher eros cal wih the mates concerning dower money, gh of wives and deta cf vores For crime and punishment, this verse sums up the basic Isami teachings in a concise way, ‘We 1 @2 (Compulsory Question) ‘The Quran as a Reflection on Nature and Creation 1. being the last divine message, contains guidance not only for the rules of lie P1 @2 (Compulsory Question) ‘a Source of Islamic Law (legal 1e help of examples how Quran provides guidan sof Islam. ance of the Quran being revealed to humanki ‘yor harris @ Tass aas7OIS ‘Ans (b) ‘The Holy Quran is the ast dvine message revealed on the last messenger of God, Hazrat Muhammad. It contains guidance forall ages and communities. Ciilerion to cstingush th By Deora 2 as aasTOIS 1.2 (Compulsory Qu ‘The Quran and Sunnah Q(a)How are the Qura or Describe how the two main sources of Islamic legal thinking ai [19] or ite about the way in which the two primary sources of Islamic legal ig are used. Or ‘The Sunnah is often used with the Quran as a pri law. Describe the ways in which they are used toget Q(b)"The Quran is not as relevant to Muslims now as it was ‘Give two reasons to agree or disagree with this statement. human clevernges fo evade the Chany Tax, he tuctd, ope should be gathered together nor should the jin property bes Ge hums [bros tihar arto = SATO ra lny clever F quality commodtios (cates, graing etc) in is was one ofthe earlest forms of usury intoxicants and gambling... re an ida). Mt Powever, mentions no in such a case wil be: tity she- ‘camels of three years each, thirty she-camels of four years each ans forty she-camels of five years f8ch; in adcibon tot they may agree on any cash amount (Jami Thm. ‘Ans (b) According 9 Muslin universal and etomal code of conduct. Among all has real gous He accoraig to jowod, the whole world may enjay harmony and tangul Ne verse, “And this Is a Bock which We Mave revealed a bless 155, abn), Thus Muslims have suficiont ighieous" = Dass AIETOS Jima and Qiyas P1a2 (Compulsory Question) History and importance of the Quran. in 2 parts: with lima and Qiyas (secondary sources of legal ing) Juran in relation with ljma' and Qlyas” is to be studied whereas lation with ljma' and Qiyas” is to be studied. the third source of Islamic logal thinking, and is used when the primary sources nswer to @ new Staton. Literal DSASTOD Pta2 (Compulsory Question) making) Note: In P1, “Quran in relation with lima’ and Qiyas” is to be studied whereas for P2, in relation with lima’ and Qiyas" is to be studied. Quran and Qiyas, ‘By or ikharathe a DasaasTO P4, 3/4: Arabia before Islam Arabia was sunk in all ‘By Or ikhororHea s as AaSTOS ‘Ans (a) ‘The Holy Prophet was born as orphan child of Haaat Amina bint Wahab and Abdullah bin Al Mu ‘ine that him i abode had a pleasant effect on his health as he developed a srong physique, He familar wth the pure Arabic tong heart had been washed ty the hotest water ftom paradies to make him immune against Satan forever ‘matters, He would often say, Son.” Abdul Mutalo Ged S78 AD and gave Hazrat Muhammad i care of Abu Talis bin Abdul TST possible reason was thatthe names of is four mar signatories were Faz, Fazal, Muffazal and “This way he averted a possible Makkan life and retire tothe cave Byorienaranae 0 Teas ASTOR (2) Give an account of the Prophet's first experience of receiving revelation. (19) ficance of the actions of the angel and Waraga Ibn Nawfal in this event. 14 ‘Ans (a) ‘The Holy Prophet 2, by the age of fry, began to have certain spiral experiences and ‘would visit frequently a cave isthe mount of Hira (near Makkah) to spend hours in mediation and worship. He would logue took place between them. Jbreel sad, "Read": Muhammad = replied, | cannot read" He then squeezed the Holy Prophets ches ‘The Holy Prophet 2 lator ‘would collapse. When asked him to "ead" fr the tite, the Holy Prophet 4s asked hin, “What shal | ead” Now Jiao! rected the ist five verses of Surah l-Alag, which the Holy Prophet sh repected ator hi: “Read inthe name of your Lord Who, created, ‘tue to your word, you ai the needy, you supper the weak, and you respond ta dstressoc" , By Deana a Taso ‘The Holy Prophet; was no ordinary moral. Not only was his was reassured by these words and tis news visibly shocked the Prophet ‘Ans (b) Importance of Wargah Bin Nauti he challenges that awaited the Holy Prophet 2 by warning him about his exile trom Maka, Thus Wargat's action greatly consoled and comforted the Holy Prophet 2, Importance of Jibraet: reel performed time the last messenger of The Quran refers otis ln l-Duna “And He (God) ound you wandering and gave you guidance" (98:7, tuna), to tea sah 83 mentions tis statue of Hazrat Jorac a: “itis taught to him By one (angel of strong facltios” (53:3, ab-Najm). or ‘Ans (b) Explain the importance of this event. 4 intairing and ‘ase ordinary dues. ‘elaionsia yah humans. 2 Tsar n account of the way in which the Prophet started to preac! i first few years after he first received the revelation. (19) iS it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret? (4) Ans (a) ‘The Prophet received his frst revelation, 961-5, al 1 cave of Hira in 610 AD lendorsed by a Hadith reported by Ibn Said onthe authriy’ of Hazrat Abdulah bin Abbas ‘The Prophet 4 would remain anslous and restless during this intanat Between revelations loteval A Hadith of between the earth and the sky. | was very alfa of him, ané knell on the ground. | went home saying, which you are commanded, ans Turn away from polythests" 1 Prophot 2 decided to preaéh publicly. One day he ascended eee —_—— ByOriRharui aa 3 BST address the oites at public gatherings and assembles. Ans (b) ‘There were many reasons for the Prophet 4 to preach secretly inthe early years, 610- "Nor does he (the Prophet 2) say anything of his own (revelation) sent down to him? (58:34, ahNaj), So, ican be seen that various revelations makes various stages of pacing. The Prophet 2 Bybr ikhararhag = 3334257015 (a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet himself ‘during his time in Makkah after his call to prophethood. 10) (b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslim today? io Ans (a) ‘The Holy Prophet began to preach openly ater receiving the Divine command, °O you wrapped i cloak! Rise ang warn aN from preaching the new faith. Abu Talib was the source of tribal prot Prophet but ho was stonaly impressed by the fm stance faken by the Prophet about his ‘xdained mission. 1 Prophat were Umaya bin Kha "bin Wail Acwod bin Abd arAsad, Munadh bn Nope Leaders of the Quraish had secret meetings saveral times to devise an effective. ststegy to dissuade the Prophet from preach He found it fut o spread Islam in Makkah ater S19AD. So, he vised Tan G20AD and ted to preach to Bani Thagee! of Taf but these peope proves‘even more hostle and the Propet left = DasaISTO the town wth an injured body and a heavy heart, His dificuties would not end before his migration to Madinah, Ans (b) Life ofthe Holy Prophet isan etemal source of guidance for Muslims of all the ages. His ‘ulate success whie pursuing any noble mission. An old Makan woman had been @ source of continued disco Prophet However, when he came to had recovered. She was so impressed ‘tom Goa (4240, a-ha) aeAaTO Q.(2)Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam in Makkah, (19) isin their everyday lives today? / 1n from these stories? | How are ow? (4 ‘Ans (a) The Prophet started {ellows began to increase. was made to le on the buming sand and was he became unconscious. His parents were alsa humilated. His mother, Sumaye, mat by his uncle and was forced to inhale smoke. Hazrat Nahclya and Hazrat Umm ‘Umais were also slaves who, patent, sufered severest terture on their conversion to lam, @ ‘yor ikharatree a Saas Hazrat Harth bin Abi Hala, a son of Hazrat Khadija from revious husband, was also kilad by Ans (b) ‘The early converts in Makkah set oxamples of endurance, unshaken faith, sincerity, ‘Byor ikhorrne = DsssS7OI (2) Describe the main events relating to the first migration ‘Muslims to Abyssinia. (b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4] Ans (a) ‘Abyssinia, an Alfican state west of 3 Ashvamah, whe held the tte of Najash or the Negus, was a rethood (615 AD), a group of twelve men an four women left Makkah. They included Hazrat ‘Uthman ang his wife Hazrat Rugeyya bint Munanad mn safe haven in Abyssinia under the fterwards, @ second batch of emigrant let Makkah, ing Negus about the escape of the fellow Makkans. The emigrans, hey blamed, hed renounced tek Feligion not for the sake of Crista but for @ “new ronson idols, ste carion and committed all sorts af iustce: brother wronged his roth the strong ‘exploited the weak. In these circumstances a noble man (Hazrat Muhammad 2) called us to Islam, taught us to renounce idol worship, be thf, abstain rom blood shed vou foieaton, offer prayers, observe fasts and pay the charly. We abanconed land for this, were deemed guily and our people turned against us." Then he re By De araag was aasTO ‘The Nogus and his generals wore deeply moved and they fot their hears softened by the ‘Ans (b) |stam. That also shows the signicance of this migration, By br hararrng e O333-4257015 “The Quraish were infuriated over the progress of slam, and especialy after the emigration of some Muss to Abs By Dr ibarhaa a Tas aaSTO ‘Ans (b) ‘The boycott proved fo ba a tung point Bybr Rikharhae @ Ba3AS7O Main Points + 820AD +60 miles & South East of Makah + Banu Thagoet| ‘Accompanied by Zaid-bin Harta Harsh reaction of the tba chlo! Both ware woundes maj town inthe Haz. asso Lesson: from. Main points His sls to find new places to preach Strong faith in Goo 1 Patience and forbearance Mercy for alt Hope of success against a odes Details: ‘The Prophet conduct regarng his visto A-Ta guided Muslims in many ways. He never forevi and belleve that patience alays pays of yor iioaraha TESST mi 6s - (0333-4257013 Tere opin econpried by Jrae eluate te huaens an ws show Parade Ans (b) CaaS aaETOS (2) Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of ‘Aqaba and the (b) How were these pledges important for the future community of Mi Ans (a) to one another, "Know surely that this isthe Prophet 2 of whom the Jews have wamed us “They came tothe Prophet 2 and accepted Islam. They returned with promise to reach stam Prophet 1 at ab"Aqaba. The Prophet

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