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Name: Pascual,Bliss Subject:Ana Physio Lab

Yr: 1st yr Date: Aug 15 2023

Activity 4 - Respiratory rate

Overview: -Inhalation & Exhalation

-Inhale Oxygen , Exhale Carbon Dioxide

Materials: Respirometer


1. Sit down and try to relax.

2. It's best to take your respiratory rate while sitting up in a chair or in bed.
3. Measure your breathing rate by counting the number of times your chest or
abdomen rises over the course of one minute.
4. Record this number.

You can measure your breathing rate by counting the number of breaths you take over
the course of one minute while you're at rest.


other piece of paper

Learning Insights: The respiratory rate is the number of breaths someone takes every
minute. It is one of the main vital signs, along with blood pressure, pulse,
and temperature.

When a person inhales, oxygen enters their lungs and travels to the organs. When they
exhale, carbon dioxide leaves the body. A normal respiratory rate plays a critical role in
keeping the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide even in the body.

This article looks at the normal respiratory rates in adults and children. It also
discusses the causes of high or low respiratory rates and when a person should
contact a doctor.

Age Breaths per minute

birth to 1 year old 30–60

1–3 years old 24–40

3–6 years old 22–34

6–12 years old 18–30

12–18 years old 12–16

over 18 years old 12–20

Citation: Normal respiration rate: For adults and all ages, and how to measure

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