Hedonites 2023

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HEDONITES OF SLA « PRINCE wosts OFTHE DAR saat Th diapers ach hsv age aso -folring whic se epoNTiS OF cre myth keyed yan can sete sian 4 4n natn Kwon Ce ther one. This does tbe uniting regan ities for samt pick af th te vt re rules, 2 ARMY RULES your army (cor SLAANESH unit ofthe subfaction you Pic allegiance already has searscrol, itcannot gainanot hot preclude you from includ ‘army, but you cannot use the al its subfaction. + Iyvapens (pg 80:81) + PRETENDERS (pg 82-83) + Gopsrxxens (pg 84-85) TEMPTATIONS OF SLAANESH Wherever the Hedonites of Slaanesh roam, reality is unmade, Those who stand against them are assailed by sitillating phantasms and mind-bending illusions until they become slaves to their own base urges. tthe start ofeach battle round, after determining ‘who will take the first gain a pool of 6 dice, These are your ce. Each time ‘our opponent makes failed hit roll, a failed ‘wound er tha the success wound roll or save roll is ‘and modifiers, ALLEGIANCE ANESH BATTLE TRajy, ABILITIES LEGIONS OF CHAOS saree my dedettd toon fhe Chto Gag marches to war, itis often accompanied by horde, sian cape beings with sina goal, ‘A Hedonites of Slaanesh army cannot include allied units do not ‘apply to them, This medi ‘iat coalition units can be ‘given one of your army's enhancements, as long as they have the correct keywords or are of the correct ‘unit type needed to receive it. ts are not allied units, ‘ 1C KILLERS \R zsh revel in slaughter, the thrill spsiaanes! : eset nan electrifed fens as atthe tart of your combat phase, idly HEDONITES OF SLAANESH in 1" of that unit. If fn a my unit within 1” of 1 enetaneend ofthat phase, you gain 1 0, un each wound and mortal wound fe point for Ji Pade by that friendly wnt that Mi ed to that enemy unit. eat tur ck 1 frien IN DEPRAVITY REVEL IN sf Slaanesh, sufering~ be it their rote Hed thers— is a formidable source of own ent that smothers a battlefield, these unholy hosts become, tha! ‘The more torm ver and stronger theft sadly HEDONITES OF SLAANESH units gain ey ased on the number of depravity points sp youhae. These abilities are cumulative Tantalising Torment: As the fi ‘echo across the battlefield, Hedo’ atrance-like state, darting grace tae their enemies’ clumsy strikes Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target friendly HEDONITES OF SLAANESH units. Sadistic Spite: As the fighting devolves into horrendous carnival of slaughter, the cruellest whinis. Oblivious Indulgence: Lost to the sensory thls of battle, Hedonitesigno 36+ grievous wounds in their desperation to Kill. Friendly HEpontrEs oF SLAANESH units haveawardofSt s ION With votenco ny ANE ‘made thin eng You can s an summon H Youn DONtTe DAEMON unstothebangey St h depravity points (typ 9 ¥ depravity pointsat ne oe? phase, you can SLAANESH Hero, 1 Keeper of Secrets 1 Fiends unit with 3 models 1 BLADEBRINGER 1 Contorted Epitome 1 Seekers unit with 5 models 1 CHARIOT OF SLAANESH 1 Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh 1 Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh 1 Daemonettes unit with 10 models BeisDacmionettcs nit with TO TOTS a nd excess ne DAEMONS OUgh 10 dra pals Of rea ‘0 draw forth sta eal can be 18 IN VADERS BATTLE TRAITS E K PRINCE ADS OF THE ns ch Hey iow these figureheads fo Be fs laanesh’s minions: FIGUREHE: Anders Fanning otf! ARMY RULES jenors are treated a8 Hetahe mode picked 1 even Mon rll ce each ime 1 vapens HERO (0 cary Ut @ pick 1 other eligible id to also carry out allriendly INVADERS Ht ee be your general you pick a friendly INV. heroic action, On a2+, you can Tavapers Hiro on the batlefie that heroic action. COMMAND TRAITS Best ofthe Best: This warlord has to beat the apex oftheir craft at all times, and they wil fight all the hander ifanother threatens tocclipse them. ‘Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic ofthis genera’s ‘command point. Glory Hog: This warlord wants nothing more than to revel in the defeat of their enemies, Atthe end of the combat phase, if any enemy units were destroyed Inthat phase and this generalis 6 ‘on the battlefield, you receive 1 ESCALATING HAVOC invaders wreak havoc in their attempts to oud ‘another in Slaanesh’s name, = ‘Thisis a heroic action that you can carry out wi, [friendly INVADERS HERO instead of picking 1 from the table in the core rules. Ifyou do so, ik eligible command trait from the list below thatthe Invapens Hero does not already have That ies, is considered to have that command trait until he ‘end of the turn. OBSESSIONS OF THE INVADER INVADERS HERO only. Hurle bscenities: The wick ofthis warlord can drive 10 a reckless rage, At the sort of the combat phase, you cas pick 1 enemy unit within his general, Until the end ofthat phase, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit, but subtract 1 from save roll for attacks that target that unit. a(EEACTS OF POWER A te: This oN ice plants een weds galomania ose : me who holds it, hem charisma while also to ever greater 1h ding ee them on esa f kof the number 0 s a hit rolls of 6 and syed wound rolls of 6 somcks made by the bearer frat ura Atthe end of the fatesbock phase, if the total foemore andthe bearer is ‘pihebattlefield, ou gain 1 depeavity point. SPELL LORES INVADERS Wizarp (including Unique units) only. SACRED sports OF INVADERS. Heng WAR © only, Icon of Infinite Excess; Slaanesh’s most op drives both followe of the Dark Prince fits of violence. lent standard TS and enemies into orgiastic ‘Once per battle, at the start ofthe combat phase, You can say that the bearer will plant the Icon of Infinite Excess. If you do so, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of weapons used by friendly HEDONITES OF SLAANESH units on the battlefield until the end of that phas: LORE OF THE DESPOILER Pavane of Slaanesh: The wizard the tune to a darkling Tf successfully cast, ny unit within range ‘caster, and roll At the start of th Pick 1 enemy Hi the bearer and rolls greater Bravery char 1 combat phase, HERO within 3° of roll 36. 1f the han that Hexo's acteristic, subteact 1 from the Attacks characteristic of that Hero's melee weapons (io @ minimum of 1) until the end of that phase Hysterical Frenzy: The caters victims are engulfed by a torrent of unreasoning emotion, causing them to claw at themselves in bois rapture. Hysterical remy ea pal ue casting value o} iS esac ices pick 1 enemy unit within tnd visbleto the castes a anumber of dice equa’) chi it’s Bravery char Foreach 6 that unit ARMY RULES PRETEN DERS BATTLE TRAITS RONE EIR TO rem pf tre es Pretend Mparcarsted bya poneciuland of saaerc individual. In many cases this w charicmeecretsoran especially vain and amples Keeper of Secrets ‘mortal champion. be your general isa Hie mode go you cee 3command plats cats 1 if they are on the battlefield atthe start ofthe hero phase COMMAND TRAITS WARLORD SUPREME Pretender warlords must constantly prove hey authority in order to deter any challengers ied might otherwise rise from the ranks, Ifthe model picked to be your general isa PRETENDERS HERO, they can issue the same command up to3 timesin the same phase. ft do so, each command must be received by fie PaevENDERS unit. No command points are pen the second and third times your general issues ha ‘command in that phase. ASPECTS OF THE PERFECT LIEGE PReTenpeRs HERO only. Strongest Alone: This warlord ‘fights most fiercely on their ‘own lest their followers sully their greatness with their lesser presence, islost. ‘Monarch of Lies: With a Slicker oftheir hooded eyes, this warlord can learn the secrets of those around them and whisper unsettling truths that distract their foes ata critical moment. Rolla dice each time an enemy unit receives a command within 6" ofthis general. On a 5+, that command is not received (it still counts as having been used) and the command point that was spent to issue that command Str of Godhood: This 50 sure of their own iat they draw physical strensh from their self-blif Tift eneral issues a command to a different friendly. Heponrres oF SLAANEsH Unit, until the end ofthe turn, improve the Rend characteristic of this general’s melee weapons by 1 and add 1 to the Damage characteristic ofthis general’ melee weapons, sxTEEACTS OF POWER REG. ae par rE RIGHT PS TENDERS Heng Ste HER yy _ of Dark Secrets: This Scey i crown of eptre of Domi oe rmeals lsh truths fo Bearer ofthis pee The a Ky deer Each lends power canst ts bleweledcepre estan K em artcular foe, but the Minds of ther fogs, yee and ce ith ornate bs) c i Wi f rr Peering tiem seternal —Atthe tart ofthe th wana grace q pre ude to siaanesh. rolla di combat phase, *7780Us bla this servi | i " ice for each enemy uni “724d itan i pte thre 5 within 3" of the be it retaliate apne ei canctortnice, Sibtanetee tunel se, pick to that unit until tl Pick 1 of rel Fortherestof the that phase, nee seapons teatenile pate while that unit is within Tee anenemy modi ofthe bearer, the Attacks Samy am ack made wih ha } guracteristic ofthat unit's melee Teresa atl weapons is 1. flange ee that model is SPELL LORES LORE OF THE MAGNIFICENT PRETENDERS WiZARD (including Unique units) only. stasmagoria: The sorcerer Born of Damnation: The sorcerer ons illusory creatures creates a small portal through ‘across the battlefield, which the raw power ofthe Dark gand bewildering the __Princecan flow. orn of Damnation isaspell that hasa casting value of. If successfully cast, rll 6 dice. For each 4+, youreccive depravity point. gvalue of Sanda "Tf successfully casts yy unit within range to the caster. Until hero phase, each time is picked to fight, you HEDONITES GODSEEKERS BATTLE TRAITS VALCADE sapere ‘are thundering redonists galloping iding atop whirl- ‘THUNDE! Hosts of Slaaneshi odes cavalcades of erue-¢yed hedon forth on Steeds of laanesh or 7 bladed chariots ARMY RULES rolls for friendly. You can re-roll charge iti le they Gopsesxers units whi 12" ofa friendly GODSEEKERS HERO. ‘The strike-irst effect applies to COMMAND TRAITS After this general makes a charge MANIACAL HUNTERS Trilling and shrieking, laughing and groaning, Godseekers sweep down on ther prey in a ld mg, At the start of each battle round, before the payer receive their starting command points, you can move up to D3 friendly GODSEEKERS units that are } 3 ‘more than 3° from all enemy units up to De" (es separately for each unit). Those units must finish the move more than 3" from all enemy units TRAITS OF THE SEEKER SUPREME GopseEKeRs HeRo only. Into the Fray: The first blow Speed-chaser: To be slow is Hunt me: This warlord struck is the sweetest, and this to die! This warlord must keep is ar cornering their warlord makes sure theyslake moving, reaching a deadly victi ‘m, the sense of ther desire fr violence with velocity that leaves a trail of ecsta feel at bringing their force and skill. corpses in their wake. prey + beyond compare, Mowstex only. Enemy units this general if they made a charge ‘move, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 1" ofthis general and roll a number of dice equal to the charge roll for that charge move, For each 4+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. within 3” of this general cannot make pile-in moves if this general made a charge move in the same turn. In addition, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this general’s melee weapons if they made a charge move in the same turn, T REASURES orry SODSEEKERS ies HUI ofthe Dark na his Threnody Votce only, ‘cameo magically swallo icebox: it i Saanes Tae ites: and held in ne Gi alia surge of inspiration aret 10 let fly a moun hi ee agra urge of inspiration melody that can lulhe nful ee: pay andere into a stupor, ne spe athe IP across their ra pattle, at the start of tir enem or hase ‘you can say ae er battle, at the sta meth aday ; Y e 1 oaparervilgize upon th Combat phate You cant Thebear tates you do so, until et anseY _thebeateriseig hg gee jofthatturn, thebearer end setae doso,untilthe combat pent Seeconmands 0 friendly from the iene abinct within any pty aracteristic of and they can m 7 can move an extra 3° when they, gmvontT#s OF SLAANESH units of mel : lee weapon: vrout any command points units within canes by enemy ting spent. Tiinimaeteey) 1 bearer (toa SPELL LORES LORE OF THE PURSUE! R GopseeKeRs WizArp (including Unique units) only. ny of Damnation: The Slothful Stupor: No natural ‘malaise is this but a deep spiritual ennui that saps all sense ‘of purpose and enthusiasm. ‘Damnation isaspell SlthfulStporisa pel that casting value of 5 anda hhasa casting value of anda Tfsuccessfully cast, TANBE cof 12, If successfullyc#8t Bee ticnonrresor — pick Lenny unit within range ard visible othe caster. Unt ‘unit wholly within visible tothe caster Nore next hero phase, if hes a normal move, in 9” of any ose units cannot ploy command. MATCHED PLAY MAT’ Ifthe battlepack you are can pick from the following lists 25% GRAND STRATEGIES says th 7 yell as those “After you have picked your am CHED PLAY at you must pick gral re found in the battlepack you are using. nd strategies and battle tactics for yo UF army, You e grand strategies below and pick 1 ofthe grand strategies record it on your a MY roster, GRAND VANITIES Hedonites of Slaanesh army only. Coveted Riches: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy ifthere are no enemy units that have artefacts of power on the battlefield and there are | or more friendly units that have artefacts of power on the battlefield. Arch-tempter: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy ifyou offered a Temptation Dice to your opponent for the same enemy unit 6 or more times during the battle. Selfish Desire: When the battle ends, this grand strategy ifyou did not summon ee using the Summon Slaaneshi Daemons batle as lt (pg 79) during the battle. Glutton for Depravity: When the battle : lee complete this grand strategy if you have Pens unspent depravity points, sfTLE TACTICS B x hero phase, You can pick 1 battle tactic fr fs nt can pick 1 om the A oppo il the end of that turn to Complete the atte tactic yo o8 Mel yee I hole Saget ai * NOW cannot pick the PHN wha oe Me battle tact METHODS OF ToRTURE Hedonits of Saanesh army ony ‘thousand Cuts: Pick 1 enemy unit. You Excessive Carnage bya tactic if wounds caused by attacks c pas diferent teadly anteeneh’ sadeby hat unit during this turn, atocted 10 ing Blur: Pick 1 enemy Heo that has. ada a ediait You complete thls tact wnt is destroyed in the combat phase ofthis i its picked to ight 5 ete this tac! ou rand Feast: You comple ; a ‘tor more depravity points from horic Killers battle trait (pg 79) during this t. Pick 1 enemy it | cog ee ta ge Pick that unit using the Buphe Kile rattle trait (pg 79) is oe (PE 79) and that units, Aestroyed during Realm-racers: You. cor different friendly Hey make charge move mplete this tactic if3 or more >DONITES OF SLAANESH Units of7" or more during this turn, Depraved Unity: Pick 1 objective that you do not control, You complete this tactic if you contol that objective at the end ofthis turn and atleast friendly HEDONrrEs OF SLAANESH Monta unit and 1 friendly Heponrres oF SLAANESH DAEMON ‘unit are contesting that objective. pER OF SECRETS Auacks To Hit To Woung KEE WEAPONS ange Atta 7 ay mal rare Attacks To Hit_ To Wound Rend 1 — ! 2 + By MELEE WEAPON 1 * : ne Ritual Kaif or Si i ‘ Elegant Greatblade “ impaling Clas = DAMAGE TABLE = : 5 Move ‘Wounds Suffered ty os “ 9.10 i naa ri 13+ vhips A living whip can be used Delicate Precision, 4 Living Whip: A living whip can Delicate Precision: 4k toentangleanenemys weapon attack its foes wh " exquisitely measured bine + of Secrets is armed with A Keeper = tblade, Impaling an Elegont Great 4 a Giantind 1of the following WeAPO” 4 e141¢ unit igarmed witha Living Whip, ons: Living Whip; Ritwal Knifes 1 the start of the combat phase, you Ifthe Unmodified wound ro rs pio unitandolladie,Ona2saubiract | causes numberof mong hte ep fo uobiad ele 1) until the end of that phase. The sam s (do not make a save wip hero phase unit cannot be affected by this abilit s more than once per phase. ark Temptations: Few can. resist pasinal dager i nbat phase, if any friendly any itand roll adice. Ona 2+, that m unit suffers a number of mortal equal to the roll. hether that unit resists o esis -mptation. [fit resists, that un D3 mortal wounds. fit given, Excess of Violence: With the i gain D3 depravity points Sinistrous Hand: Reaching out w eee phere ofSeerets bladed talons, the Keeper, of Secrets Cacophonic Choir: The Keeperof redachagresion "Heart fromitsdyingvictmschesr SeueRhioni Choi The Keped andconsumes the stil-beating organ, chorus of magical und ‘nce per battle, nthe comb phase, ifanyfrendlyunitswihthieseiae, Uthsunitis armed with a Sinst ous __Cacophonic Choir ia spell that his Tagetateteld youcan pick’ ‘Heda theend ofthe combat phase, gcactrhcigr te eden Uieren fend Hoon ns ifany enemy models were slain by If successfully cast, rll 2D6. Bach SLAANESH unit thats whol ace Trains caused by this unit’ attacks in enemy unit ‘within range thathas# Htatiendlyanitwithihiabiiny — *tPbase youcan heal up to Sones ng Bravery characteristic fest Barna Orthetisttime Uocaed to thisunititanyenemrenns? eaery characteristic et eauPie Maturitas sgt, HEROES veredainbyenscne seg rately foreach unit. Teraetimeinthatphase Thesis, YY thls unitsattacks in that phase, you MNRAS othatunitwhent — *MbEAlupiogncrne at PS MAMstoraecondtine this unt eg round alocated to Shining Aesth miter ‘rsd seld can tamale Goes and mapa pt Tf this unit is ‘armed with a. Aegis, ithas a Ward of 54. ces wee MISSILE WEAPONS Living Whip MELEE WEAPONS . D Soulpiercer Range - 3 Impaling Claws >) A | Wounds Suffered 0-8 9.10 ne 1+ Shalaxi Helbane is armed Liv with Soulpiercer, Impaling ng Whi Claws and 1 of the following iP: A living whip, HP: A living whip can be use enemy’ weapons, fo entangle 5 Irresistible Challenge: Foy weapon options: Living = Wthis unit theses eabon ; é s armed witha he socros chal dan Whip: or Shining Aegis Whip atthe tart ofthe pails Mebane ortho WIZARD: This unite within ofthiuntanaey ee : attempt to cast 2 spells in your Ona 2h, subtract ren roladice, Atty hero phase and attempt to d pesubtract | from the Attacks aaatt ofthe enemy char eater harsterticofhatunisnece | WEGREEL! Cy oii weapons (to a minimum oft) until ny ot pita more than fro weneamiioamald amie aban car beatecedhytisabtymee tag itn dna ate Per challenge thy ese tat ane Shite nace ate ied ee Gunns nes a? 1 ee ee 1 (ee t Impossibly Swit: Secker Chariots surge across the batlefeld with unnatural swifiness ‘This unit can retreat and stil charge fater in the turn. )AEMON: ‘oF SLAANESH, DAE! SEEKER CHARIOT DAEMONETTE, ‘Matiating Blades: A Seeker Chariot inflits carnage when it ploughs into the foe. After this unit finishes a charge move, roll a dice for each enemy unit within {ofthis unit. Ona 2s, that enemy unit sulers D3 mortal wounds SLAANESH Srp Cnr tint sist PUTCO MCR RCE aC) eee UCR oe ats since uniting their powers Due ene PETE Tae ch coe Pesci Rye COn nC eet rteteet tics ee trata The Vengeful Allegiance fights as a symbiotic force and illusions while the gaunt giant MELEE WEAPONS Axe of Dominion Scourging Whip Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance, is armed with an Axe of Dominion and Scourging Whip. WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase WARMASTER: If this unit is included in a Hedonites of Slaanesh army, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be the army’s general. os 8 3 VENGEFUL WARSCROLL SYLL’ESSKE Wa keh ea kor Range Attacks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage ay 4 3+ a+ 2 D3 3 8 3+ 3+ 1 2 Deadly Symbiosis: In battle, the hosts of Syll’Esske seek to emulate the symbiosis pelling one another of their master, com depraved violence to escalating acts of r of friendly HEDONITES If the numbe! holly OF SLAANESH MortTaAL units w! within 18" of this unit is equal to the number of other friendly HEDONITES OF SLAANESH DAEMON units wholly within 18" of this unit, add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made w ith melee weapons by friendly HEDONITES OF SLAANESH units wholly within 18" of this unit. Lithe and Swift: Spurring one another on, Syll and their consort stride across the battlefield with uncanny swiftness. This unit can run and still charge later in the turn. ‘The Vengeful Allegiance: The twin halves of the Vengeful Allegiance fight with a deadly unity; no sooner has a foe blocked one attack than another come. cleaving into their flank If the unmodified save roll for an attack made with a melee weapon that targets this unit is 6, the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved Subvert: Syll torments the foe with whispers and visions, distracting them from their duties. Subvert is a spell that has a castin: of 7 and a range of 18". If successf cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit cannot issue or receive commands until value your next hero phase KEYWORDS Cxaos, HEDONITES OF SLAANESH, DAEMON, DAEMONETTE, SLAANESH, HERO, W1zARD, HERALD OF SLAANESH, SYLLESSKE 102 of devastati : eee pe Spelleaster Syil weaving a maddening pattern of enchantments es apart with mighty sweeps of the Axe of Dominion. MELEE WEAPONS Piercing Claws Coiled Tentacles A Contorted Epitome is armed with Piercing Claws and Coiled Tentacles. WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase. AContorted Epitome Per erect Pera PA ee aco tetas Peace cd CONTOR WARSCROLL Range Attacks To Hit 1" 9 3+ 3" 2 3+ Gift of Power: The Heralds that guard a Contorted Epitome can use its power to enhance their own spells, You can re-roll casting rolls for this unit Horrible Fascination: When a warrior stares into a Contorted Epitome's mirror, they see all their hopes and fears reflected there and cannot tear their eyes away. Enemy units within 3" of any friendly units with this ability cannot issue or receive commands. In addition, enemy units within 3" of any friendly units with this ability cannot retreat. TED EPITOME ToWound Rend Damage 4+ 1 1 4+ 2 2 Swallow Energy: A Contorted Epitome steals the most intense and excessive energies, channelling them back to Slaanesh’s Temple of Twisted Mirrors ‘This unit has a ward of 2+ against mortal wounds Overwhelming Acquiescence: The Herald engulfs the foe in an arcane haze of dreams and unattainable desires Overwhelming Acquiescence is a spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 24”. If successfully cast, pick up to D3 different enemy units within range and visible to the caster. Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks that target those units until your next hero phase. Preise PA Cos Peers een Cuaos, HEDONITE KEYWORDS WIZARD, HERALD OF SLAANE 5 OF SLAANESH, DAEMON, DAEMONETTE, SLAANESH, HERO, | H, CONTORTED EPITOME i s victims e shimmering depths of its mirror, Equal parts cursed artefact and daemonic entity, a Contorted Epitome ensnares victims in the shimmering aepths of if offering them a tantalising glimpse of their innermost desires - 103 as its tentacles close around their throat MELEE WEAPONS Flensing Whips Piercing Clays te Poisoned Tongues i A Bladebringer, Herald on Exalte, : : 5 Poe Chariot, isarmed with Fensing Whips, Souteon ‘ = nsing Whips, —panBO"BEts: The ot : a! WIZARD: Thisunitcanatenptio Herbal hr ee ‘ ‘ast | spel in your hero phase a Pe Nesey : P phase and This unitean ee sista attempt to unbind | spell in the enem Yup tod tan Bt the stm omen ee i MOUNT: This units Ealed Charong esnedbyatemmtn mat Pick tenets hare Poisoned Tongues. Spent the second tine ten Peis (CREW? This unit’ Exalted Chariot inthat phase ‘oem unt Sea hasa Daemonette crew armed with Met mort wound Acaiecnce: The He ‘atiainale dss Piercing Claws. den the Maucesuly cv, pce eee unit within ange advise the caster. Add owed ala for ene colackeseg that taget that tut your ent = — ie RR hero phase. a Pn :DONITES OF SLAANESI, DAEMON, DAEMONETTE, SLAANESiE He a BRALD OF SLAAMRORL RE oNETT,StAANst, Hino, Torey, Sertat XALTED CHARIOT MELEE WEAPONS Range __Attacks“ToHit To Wo lensing Whips x a Piercing Claws r ew Ct ieee ls 1 a Evaied Chariots driven yan Biter rent: Chafing unde he otf Ext ek Heung Whe, he Heald peri he Ale OO she ling nip with renewed nd MOUNT ThisunitsSteedsofShanedh pial foo ye armed with Poisoned Tongues : ao eee Roll a dice each time this unit ro oman roma nd jek EXALTED CHARIOT at the Damage his unit’ Flensing of that to, (CREW: This unithasa Daemonette Cee Srmed with BescingCl3- ‘apenas xcens of Blades: An Exalle ariel Shreiticott te erenosarase MH" ipl ee ploughs into he afer tisanit ntes BAT ee as ao and vole number oC un gol ox at ca ea Foread js greater tha stove. Fore aur penermremenetrots th AM OAM Wizann, tiexasD or 1D} ering les Tht antirfeed tse Daemon os Each odin a Daemons ‘sarod with Pring Cle CHAMPION: | mal intisune tanbean Aller Add the ‘Auch characte of hat des oe es MUSICIAN: 1ineery 10 model in thistitcanbes Horner Soaten terol fed batshock sion Snipes any Horsoge Ne ria ee EO Auaeks ToHIt To Wound Reng ; i 4s 1 Lightoing Reflexes: Via, with lightning speed, steppe Mone the way ofthe enemys disdainfl ease Range Pate I change later This unit has a ward of5, nthe, Acquilescence: The Heral foe nan ar rs bid their emg ty ray and ne haze ofdreaget 5: Viclade a one ener he pectin pass wes ou DEE Acquiescence sa spel tha wahin 2 ofthis uniethathas ot yet case. Add ound al ray inh wunitand that target that unit unt yore tBabuowerraosrunican Roeeons AEMONETTI ange Adade Toi Wound Read page 1 2 t 1 STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every S models in this unit can be either a Banner Bearer or an Icon Bearer. nd Swift: Daemonetes ross the battlefield with sible swifnes unit can run and tl charge te Banner Bearer: Add 1 to un rolls and charge rolls for this unitfit includes any Banner Bearers, ‘eon Bearer If this unit receives the Rally command while it includes any ‘con Beaters, when you roll adice for 8 slain model from this unit, you can feturn I slain model to this unit on a 5+ Instead of 6 “*MANESH, DAEMON, DAEMONETTE, SLAANESH, MELEE WEAPONS Deadly Pincers Range is {with Deadly Pin Deadly Veng nee Pasty Venom: A Het up Fach model ina Fi Barbed Stinger y Neg ep CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit Nt me 1n be a Blissbringer. Add 1 to the ‘arget of an attack Atacks characteristic of that model's Chat’! Sttger has Woungy rr that attack the target ofan atta a Barbed Stinger has sharacteristicof23, Soporisc Musk eit rols for atch the target ofan attack made a Barbed Stinger has a Wou oe characteristic o4 or more, that has a Damage charatersicotD6 for thatattack os rete es ae ene a a é ia peri ee SAO DONITES OF SLA, SH, DAEMON, SLAANESH, FiENDS Rasen SEEKERS __ Poisoned Tongue Each model in a Seekers unit is armed. with Piercing Claws. MOUNTS This unit’s Steeds of Slaanesh STANDARD BEARER: incvery Soul Hunters Slane rovards is 5 models inthis unit canbe either a ingen Banner Bearer or an Icon Bearer ‘Seekers with no they slay lesser fos Atte end ofthe combat phase ‘Banner Bearer: Add 1 to run rollsand Alert cea, Meier ticentn et reece eae CIRATIONS dejo this cot Sor nena rounds caused by this units atacks canbea Heartsecker. Add | 10 the it receivesthe _{nthat phase, ad 1 fo the Attacks ‘Attacks characteristic ofthat model's Icon Bearer: If¢hi ata na Pe ae Bal commen yor de ot fon sailver Speed: SeckerofSloaneh inthisunitean bea Hornblower. yequrn 1 slain mo eine ‘laws for thee Youcan re-roll failed battleshock instead of 6 Poimies tests for this unit ifit includes You canll206 i any Hornblowers. ou ake neanunandt sent MELEE WEAPONS ‘Wailing Greatblade laying Scourge sacrificial Dagger GLUTO No s ORS per eetaer anes COLLION ‘Wound Rend ge Ataeks THC To Wo ay a Fi ge Aid To HH To Wows Rend Daag z 3 3+ 4 2 i 1 i os 4 ! (ieee ‘Wounds Suffered Glutos Oscollion, Lord of Gluttony, is farmed with the Leerstave of Lot sha. WIZARD: This unitcan attempt to lls in your hero phase and to unbind 2 spellsin the enemy hero phate MOUNT? This wnt’ palanguin drawn by palanquin bearers armed with Crushing Claws ‘CREW: This unit's palanguin has « ‘rew armed witha Wailing Greatblade, Flaying Scourge and Sacrificial Dagger. 8 & f Blessings ofthe Dark Prince: lio: priestess Dolece graces her master with Siaanesh’s divine protection. This unit has award of + Fog of Temptation: Those who inhale thescented mis emanating from Glutos’ palanguin are wracked with agonising hunger spasm Subtract 1 from hitolls for attacks made by enemy units within 12° of this unit The Grand Gourmand: Glutos sees battles a grand banguet in which his darkest appetites may be given fre rein This unit gains an ability each battle round, s shoven below. These abilities arecumulative, Bate Rownd 1 Apri Add 0 the Bravery character of ely is whitey at welly with of this unit. eee Battle Round 2- Starter: This unit can ‘un and still charg later in the turn, Battle Round 3 Main Course: Do not take batteshock tests fr friendly HuDONITES OF SLAANESH MontAL EPS while they are wholy within 1° tempt to cas ext spllinyon i Phucand tempt to ubind Teas satis pee ae tar ter a Gorgeon Excess The lower ae ng dv ra fish ; me other depraved pe heat of bate ‘ your hero phase, you ‘ly HeDoxrres oF si REAL unit wholly within Ifyou do so, unt your cach time that unit fis atacks have been can heal up toa number ocated to that unit equal, wounds and mortal Uy those attacks that 0-enemy unit (upto2 nts With snap of paralysis prey with ge of immeasurable hunger Crippling Famishmen isa pelt gave? ange! sacesflly cs pk ee nit within ange and visible te tl your next hero pase abe and halve un ole and care ls be that eit Range Attacks Telit To Wound found Rend Dam ae eee Pespeleertes ea pone ener ei a ted ra ONETES OF SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANESH, HERO, LORD OF HUBRIS ; van the enemy, mocking) demanding ta ie) ake Ina cust is Wa Lord of Hubris strides alone towards the enemy, isl am A a i ie efit oer wa best shot - whilst also preparing 4 ripe ved open from throat to bell pyres SIGVALD renrr Roane eu 5 ToHit ToWound Ren SEE WEAPONS EE ae Fa med Gmipsia aman ck Tm ag irl Stingers ne ng, taitaiccmrgmeinte orl tm powered by Vainglory:Sigvald isthe The Mirror Shield: This artefact of tome of vainglory, one ofSlaanesh’s superiority that few can stand before his prideful assaults Ada 3 to charge rolls for this unit. In addition, the Attacks characteristic of Shardslash is either 5 or equal tothe Hor this unit in unmodified charge the same turn, whichever is higher: ery h Pecrearene pista eee seer ew. = — — peer ener taney Prine anes VALD Rasen LORD OF PA Range Attacks To F as 5 (To Wound Rend Damage 34 1 2 A lLord of Pain isarmed witha ‘Share the Pain: Lords of Pain have Paragon of P Soulpiereer Mace. ‘mastered every kind oftorment and in awe by Slaanesh’s mortal supp fare adept at enduring the most terible empowering those who fight side by side af agonies— as well as gifting the same with hem where the batle is thickest. Sensation to thet foes Add 1 to hit rolls and wound ralls fr This unithasa ward of 4+. In addition, friendly Hepontres oF SAANESt each timea wound or mortal wound Me ts wholly within 12 of ound" Moat units wholly within 12 caused by an attack made with amelee this unit while this unit is contesting weapon is negated by this ability,the an objective. attacking unit suffers | mortal wound, rae MELEE WEAPONS Haze Staff Shadow-cloaked Claws A Shardspeaker of Slaanesh is armed with a Haze Staf. WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast | spell in your hero phase and i ct coroner fener pore erent z rec Pea DON Each model in a Blissbarb Archers unit is armed with a Blissbarb Bow and Sybarite Blade. CHAMPION; | model in this unit «can bea High Tempter. Add 1 to th Attacks characteristic of that model’s Blissbarb Bow, © . AKER OF SLANE: SET SybariteBlade U this unit this unit successfully cay that snot unbou hero phase tg 8 Weapon p cloaked leabove and attack with that mete Eee Son thisutthesawedaray ter sane umilyournesthero phase °''* — chatacerinicu Tlsed Miro: A Twisted Mir tes seein of any who i immobilising those who fall viene its illusions a oni Youcan pick l enemy uni witha ofthis unitand olla dee Ont, subtract I fom save rolls foals that gett it etl yor neto phase The same unt annot beast by this ability more than once per fe S OF SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANESH, HERO, Wizano, RUS otd RB ARCHERS Range Attacks To Blssbarb Archers in Lghtooed Kil tan dele ae orang ly acs BLISSBREW HOMONCULUS: every 11 model his unit must bes issbrew Homonculus. A Blissbrew a lua armed wth Sart an rolls for le weapons the bated Homonculu this witcan run an stillsboot tein Blade, Add 1 to wou attacks made with missi by this unit while it includes any Blissbrew Homoncull therurn es NBRINGERS HT Weand RED Aaa To Tew ate LEE WEAPONS : 5 : 1 eke mie witha es ON: this to save rolls for attacks that target Dolan tory or wholly within. 12" of wrt -do not control ~ ‘objective that yo Sei rele Citaos, HepontTes oF SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANES SH PAINBRINGERS WARSCROLL SYMBARESH TWI LS nge Attacks To i Vound Rend Damage 1 2 3 a 1 2 Bach model ina Symbaresh Twinsouls Ego-driven Excess: These warriors sh Reflexes: As the daemons Maiesaoned wth Mercless Blade. euseto be outdone by ter comrades rocecuh Relenes Aste damon, GHAMMON-Imodlnihisun he Horthodexechngueea peed increases tenfold, making fan be an Egopomp. Addl tothe ttle foes hem almost impossible oh Attacks characteristicofthat model's Subtract | from the Attacks This unit has a ward of + while tis ene charset of melee weapons used by within of aveneoy ae Gan sa ioe ae of 1) while hearewithin of any fend orn ‘with this ability, : oY HELL MELEE WEAPONS Claw spear Each model in a Helstriers with Claw-spears unit is armed with a Clay spear. : MOUNT: This units Steeds ofSlaanesh ate each armed with Polsa % CHAMPION: | model inthis unit bea Helly Add the Atak haracteristic of that models Claw MUSICIAN: |i dels ith peer ier etty xem) perverts peer SUT Sew Seo Sey Range Atiacks To nit STANDARD BEARER: | in ey desi this unit can be ether anner Bearer: Add 1 to run olla ge rls for his unit if ince any Hanner Bearers. Icon Bearer: f this his unit receives the Rally command while it includes any Icon Hearers, when you roll a dice for a slain model from this unit, you can Feturn 1 slain model this unit on a 5+ SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANES! SU os HELLSTRIDERS Une S To Wound Rend” Damage Jagged Weapon limb Th pea ike arm of thew Helbtiders es deadly Heltiders re he thick of melee a they are in the charge Af this unit within 3 of am ie care phase ad tothe Attacks and Damage inthe ite Claw-spears rnbat phase. Hy HELLSTRIDERS, | ‘MUSICIAN; 1 in every 5 models in this tunit can be a Hornblower. You can re- {oll failed battleshock tests for this unit ifitinchudes any Hocnblowers. Ce ee Seeds ints reer rier Barer iat | Beoaod | Caos, HEDONITES OF SLAANESH, HELLSTRIDERS WIT! feturn | slain model to this unit on a 5+ instead of a6. "1 HELLSCOURGES. a “Range Aude Toit To rS 3 aa Polsoned Tongue r 2s Pinos Atidsiriderswith “STANDARD BEARER: incvery Hooked Tends These Helisiders Hellcourges unit iar with Smodgeinthisunitcanbeethers wield Helucoures, whose fercous atelcourge Banner Beasecorantcon Bearer barb tear through the fee fos MOUNT: This unit's Steeds of Slaanesh Banner Bearer: Add | to run rolls and Hie a fare each armedwith Poisoned Tongue. charge rolls for this unit fit includes Enemy ‘models with a Wounds CHAMPION: 1 model in this r jective whe they are within of ‘unit can be a Hellreaver. Add 1 to con Bearer: \f this unit receives the any friendly units with this ability, the Attacks characteristic of that Rally command while it includes any model's Hellscourge. ‘con Bearers, when you roll a dice for in model from hs unit youn MORTAL, SLAANESH, HELLSTRIDERS, MELEE WEAPONS nner perreneerrent as BLISSBARB SEE ‘Sybarite Blade Poisoned Tongue Each model ina Blissbarb Seekers unit ‘MOUNT: This units Exahted Steeds ofSlsanesh are each armed with 2 Poisoned Tongue CHAMPION: model in this unit Gabe Heh Temper.Add the acteristic ofthat mode!s hae ode! Cutaos, Hepontres oF SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANES! reece Flawless Accuracy: Blssbarb Seekers revel in delivering highly accurate arro five even at high speeds ‘This unit can run and still shoot the tura, To Hit To Wound” Rend py, + ma LADE SEEKERS Wound Rend Damage Wound Rend Damage wounds caused by attacks male with missile w entre allocated to from save rols for attacks th that unit unt the end ofthat The same unit cannot be aes ability more than once pe Se hoes MELEE ES whee Razor-sharp Claw a : To Woun: ilded Weapon 2 cate lin a Slaangor Fiendbl 2 : nit is armed with Razorsharp Cane, SIsethter at Any Con Each mode wher hen Obsessive Violence: Th CHAMPION: | model in th s iaea bea Slake-horn. Th rn. That mode with a Razor-sharp ¢ Weapon in: sarmed ty aw and Gild eof any phase, i oF mortal wounde ners than 9 at phase, and this uni i Sere ens Peery Perea Pree pers rc Peery Panett DONITES OF SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANES! LAANGOR FIENDBLOODS Dusen THE DREAD PAGEANT ___ MELEE \ ‘Attacks ToHit ToWound Rend Damage ‘Crushing Claw and Gilded Weapon 4 4 3 2 2 Slickblade Glaive 3 3 + 2 1 Agonising Spear r 4 2 + 1 2 Blissbarb Bow i eeees t+ 4 1 ‘The models in the Dread Pageant ‘Artofthe Myrmidesh: Vasilachas Deadliest Procession: Vasillac and his areVasilacthe Gified,Slakeslash, adapted the Dance ofthe Wailing Blade fellow Sybarites area lethal combination Glissete and Hadzu. Vasillac the Gifted to his own fighting style, “of experience and martial prowess. i CS ea ama rsillac the Gifted hasawward of4¢. Once perbattl, a the end ofthe charge Slakeslshisarmed with Crashing Yslec BSCS phase yucan say tha thisunit wl Claw and Gilded Weapon. Glisseteis {raw on their combined experience ‘armed with a Slickblade Glaive. Hadzu Ifyou do so, the strike-first effect is armed with a Blissbarb Bow. applies to this unit in the allowing ‘VASILLAC THE GIFTED: Vasillac the ‘combat phase. Gifted has a Wounds characteristic of 3. Aa SLAKESLASH: Slakeslash has @ Co eavenren ‘Wounds characteristic of 3. the Dread Pageant hav brought terrible sufferin ‘Tue DREAD PAGEANT. TES OF SLAANESH, MORTAL, SLAANESH, ‘CHaos, HEDoN! Staanesn WIZARDS can attempt PREDATORY, This endless Tt ean be moved up 108° and ioc WHEELS OF EXCRUCIATION AU has mon hat has any’ each ell that For each f nits unmodified Save Fvacteristc that unit sufers 1 santa. This ability has no elect 0 Hinpotres oF SLAANESH UD Peace ene MESMERISING M SUMMONING: This endles spel issummoned with aspellthat has a ‘casting value of 6 and a range of 18° If sucessfully cast, setup this endless spel wholy within range and visible tothe cate, and more than I" from ailmodels, other endles spells and invocations. Only Hbowtres or SLAANESH WizanDs can attempt to ‘summon this endless spell. Irresistible Lure: The mirror lures ‘mortals asa candle draws moths ois light. Those strong enough 0 turn away feel knives of anguish and loss driven nother heats ‘eet iin often thatunit sufers D3 mortal won sls ihe that moves his Sade spel thon twasathcetans themove Tisai ha neater into its Depths: A ig Mirror can enthral, fering gifs of hose who look upon tor ing their essence show deepest desires. At the end ofthe movement pase rl dhe foreach anitwahine ofthis endless spell For each that uni onimanding payer mst chose whether that unt ‘gazes into the mirror Sctetstenpatien its srounds it gazes int the iron Player wo summoned this eds spell gain D3 depraiy points TB Ability has no fect on Hosts" Staawest its DR PR Cte te ADFUL VISAGE SUMMONING: 1 issummoned ve Gibbering, howling Itsuccest uccesflly cas set pt and shrleing wih uh : spall wholly within range ano lense the flesh of hovenearhy. Sancayyeaeeeta ie thease an moet eae Sane enemies whe a won molaeeeee cen, AtGbies nd themselves nega byt AMDACcan attemptt the Commanding o Subtract | from the Br PREDATORY Thvensenspis ‘iano sey, MEMtnR ene ty are allocated to tha Unit the strike last effect that unit until the end of th -ombat phase Seo sthe Dread Vagos ponremeticens sored Staneshs own face sererrneneatr tts pet ere That percent poemeronceper pee paver tinny presererrinoerschs poser terete esr era Perna ate FANE OF SLAANESH FACTION TERRAIN: Only Hedonites Power of laanesh: A Fane of Slaanesh Damned Conduit 5 fof Slaanesh armiescan inchide this channcls arcane power tothe Dark mn make faction terrain feature. Prince’ sorcerer while filling heir foes to guin martial prowes. with dread. SET-UP: After territories are Atthe staff our hero phat, ou Gelermined, you can setup this action Ifyou spend depravity points to in pick Hendy Hepawtres oF {crainfeatarewholly withinyour susmonaHeponivEsor aaxtsn_— SLaAaNtsn Mano wihine ofthis {erstoryand morethan3fromall DA1won unittothebattefeld, youcan _terainfeturetomakea wcrc. yon (Gojectivesandother eran atures If setup that uit wally within 12"ofthis doo, that Heno ster mal wound Bothplayerseanset upfacion terran terrain fexureandmarethan9” rom andyou mus rlladce Ona ald Perea cating they mst coll slenemy units intext of wily within to wound lor attacks ae yh Mrandthewinnerchooses whosets up 12"ofallupontres orStaawesn xo wntilyournext her phase ther faction terain features frst eno and more than 9 from all a eo you picked hasan artefact enemy ints power intend of suflring eral IMPASSABLE: You cannot moves Arun they con sci tt artefact rode overthis terrain ture unless it ipower they dso hata ‘ean fly, and you cannot move a mode! af power can no longer be used anc SOEPTIER oo ister ftrcorstuns pees ea Slaanesh gather in th ‘model on this terrain feature even if ‘wound rolls for attacks made by that . te eet lied wanbereh - farce en wel Vise see herein oe aed eee en ehin mete Joadable PDE format. To check i there are alone community.com. Pitched Battle progr” 2 ith an earlier date or no date, of cater ett al pitt cof pattlline Battleline A Battleline ARMY RULES — ‘ Leader Single radebriget Hera on Leader Single Eel religee 5 dering, Herald on Hel : a ans singe ; 50 Leader Single [Contrted Epitome 58 Leader Single, Unigue Talon of Saanesh L =e ; a Leader Single of Sinanesh i 135 Leader Single tortor 7 135 Leader Single aa Leader Single’ shardapeaker 6 Sanne 1 125 one Prince of Slaanesh 1 205 Leader Single, Unique |r, the Vengeful GSES 215 ae ingle Unig Sjness, the Voie of laanesh 1 270 Leader ngle, Unique | the Masque 1 140 Leader ingle, Unique | Vcelesdr, Herald of Slaanesh 40 Leader Single 480, Leader, Behemoth Single, Unigue 400 Leader, Behemoth Single 420° Leader Behemoth Single, Unique! «tleline if general ee ‘adebringer, Herald on #5 Exalted Chariot 130 Battleline if generale Bladebringer, Herald on Heller Battleline if general is HEDONITES oF SLAANESH MoRTAL Battleline if general is HEponrtes oF = SLAANESH MORTAL Battleline if general is a Lord of Pain or a Lord of Hubris Battleline if general isa Bladebringer, Herald on Seeker Chariot Battleline if general is a Lord of Pain ora Lord of Hubris

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