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(Scene 1: Soft music plays in the background as Ms. Irene, our dedicated teacher, slowly awakens.

(Ms. Irene stretches and yawns, then gracefully rises from her bed.)

Lyrics: Rise with the sun, a new day's begun,

I’m off to school where dreams meet the sun,

With a heart full of grace, I'll embrace,

The chance to inspire, in my happy place.

Narrator: (V.O.) (Softly) In a far-flung village, where dreams stretched as far as the surrounding mountains, dwelled
Ms. Irene, the teacher with a heart so pure.

While singing the lyrics this is what she will do. (Ms. Irene starts her morning routine, wears her uniform, comb her
hair with a gentle touch, and pack her bag.)

Narrator: (V.O.) (Joyfully) Each dawn, she greeted the day with eagerness, ready to face the challenges of her every
day journey as a teacher.

(With her bag in hand, Ms. Irene departs.)

(Scene 2: Ms. Irene waits for a habal-habal motorcycle.)

Narrator: (V.O.) (With anticipation) The everyday journey to school unfolded as an adventure in itself.

(The habal-habal, driven by Romie Jay, arrives with a warm smile.)

Romie Jay sings:

Through winding roads and rivers wide,

Ms. Irene, we'll reach the other side,

In the village we'll arrive, our hearts aglow,

Wherever we go.

Ms. Irene: (With heartfelt gratitude)

Onward we go, through valleys and hills,

My spirits fulfilled,

Through nature's embrace, we'll travel afar,

Guided by hope, like a twinkling star.

(Scene 3: The classroom. Ms. Irene imparts knowledge to her attentive students.)

Narrator: (V.O.) (Proudly) Within Ms. Irene's classroom, a haven of dreams took flight.

(One student, Fritzie Anne, appears distracted and distant.)

Ms. Irene: (Patiently) Fritzie, are you with us?

(Fritz remains busy with her drawing)

(Ms. Irene's frustration is seen as she tries to captivate Fritz's mind.)

Narrator: (V.O.) (Concerned) Yet, on this day, a single soul's indifference weighed heavily upon Ms. Irene's heart.

Ms. Irene: (With simmering emotion) What is that you’re doing?

(Ms. Irene see a drawing of her own face, etched with melancholy.)

Fritz singing: This canvas, Ms. Irene,

Is a gift from my heart,

In your wisdom, I've found my start.

(Ms. Irenes's anger changes into tearful joy as she addresses the class.)

Irene sings: Fritzie Anne, your gesture, so sweet,

In your art, our connection's complete,

My dear students, in each of your ways,

You brighten my life, like sun's golden rays.

(As tears glisten in Ms. Irene's eyes, her students gather close.)

Scene 4:

Narrator: (V.O.) (Touched) In that moment of vulnerability, Ms. Irene's students became her guardians of hope.

Narrator: (V.O.) (Reflectively) As twilight embraced the day's end, Ms. Irene embarked on her journey homeward,
her heart rekindled with love.

Ms. Irene: (Extending money) Romie Jay, here's my fare for today's voyage.

Romie Jay: (With a heartening smile) Not today, Ms. Irene. It's Teacher's Day, a tribute to your sacrifices.

Ms. Irene: (Touched) Thank you, Romie Jay.

(They share a warm smile as they journey homeward.)


Narrator: (V.O.) (With hope) In this secluded village, where dreams reached as high as the surrounding peaks, Ms.
Irene's heart danced eternally with her students.

[End of Play]

In the classroom's embrace, we’ll light your path,

With wisdom shared, you’ll never be in the dark,

Our dedication and care, is a work of art,

In learning's journey, we leave a lasting mark.

Chorus: Together for teachers, in this grand array,

As celebrate on this special day,

With respect and love, we proudly say,

We love this passion in every way

So let's dance and sing, in joy we play,

We’ll be by your side, come what may,

In unity, we cherish, thee,

Together for teachers, forever we'll be.

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