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The Second War

By ColinN.I

ne day there is a teenager called Jones,he really loved listening to metal rock music
especially to Slipknot band.Slipknot is a metal rock band that used a scary mask,he
loved Behemoth band to,Behemoth is a Black metal Band that has an satanic
meaning.Jones still know if its good or not he only listen to one song from Behemoth.
He has no friends in his school all his friend hate him.But he always be kindfull with the
teacher in the school.One morning,Jones are preapering his things for school he ate his
breakfast so fast and he said goodbye to his parent,when he want to go outside his mom
suddenly stop him and said “Jones do not listen to Metal Rock music,go it?” “Remember,if
you listen to that devil thing called slipknot your emotion will go bad!” said dad. “Slipknot is
not a devil dad, how many times do I have to said?,anyway bye dad,mom” said Jones

When he Arrived at school he alredy got bullied by one guy that called Benedict,Benedict
really loved Behemoth he love Satanic to.”Hey! Jones fans weirdo band slipknot!” Jones
dosnt care what he said.Benedict always get fight with all people including his parent. After
School Jones sitting in his Computer,Suddenly there is a portal that opened and there is a
voice from that portal ”Jones we need your help for the war between two band,we know you
really loved Slipknot” The portal said.”wait I don’t understand what are you talking about?”
“uhhhh we don’t have anymore time hurry up!”the portal said.The portal pull Jones and went
to a strange place that all is cloud and bright light.”Welcome to the heaven,Jones” said
mysterious man.”Oh my God you are Joey Joardison,my idol.” Said jones.That kind of thing
is happened in Benedict house to,but Benedict has more scary and bloody portal that bring
him to the hell. Jones met with the other member of Slipknot,they alredy explained what is
happening to jones,

There is a Hidden treasure if there is a group of people who take that treasure it will become
the strongest group forever.That treasure is Zeus Treasure if it in the wrong hand it will be
danger that why slipknot want to stop Behemoth.Jones so surprised that slipknot is fighting
with Behemoth.”wait,Behemoth? So it must be Benedict,uhh its never gonna Happen.” Said
Jones.All the fans of slipknot and Behemoth from all of the world to preapear for the war.

They all has been travelled to another dimension,a place that full of fire and darkness.Zeus
Died in that place that’s why he left the treasure in there.When they arrived at that place
Slipknot met Behemoth “Hahahaha Finnally you arrived now lets start the War!”Said adam
vocalist of Behemoth.They All fighting with so many people died in the middle of war corey
taylor vocalist of Slipknot shoud to Jones “Jones!! Remember! There is a powerful skill
inside your heart!” but Jones is to Busy for the figth so He cant hear it Suddenly Jones met
Benedict “Jones what are you doing here?,im here to help behemoth” ask Benedict and Jones
answered”Im here to help Slipknot!” they fight and Jones lose.ButBehemoth is losing the
war,but suddenly there is a giant monster that have a big horn and scary face,his name is
Lucifer ,Lucifer and Behemoth Make a deal they worked together and the treasure will divide
become 2.Behemoth called Lucifer for help,Lucifer attack slipknot and Lucifer got the
treasure,But Behemoth will not expect what will happen.”Yess Finnally we got the most
powerfull skill!!”said Behemoth
“wait,we? Its only me! Im now dosnt need you all anymore hahahaha”said Lucifer.

Behemoth has been betrayed by Lucifer,Lucifer kill the Behemoth fans including
Benedict,when Jones Saw Benedict was attack by Lucifer Jones Become so mad and Jones
eye become gold,there is a wings come from his back and a shining light that power is corey
taylor talking about that power is Gabriel Angel power,he attack Lucifer and Saved

Benedict really surprised and say sorry to Jones that he always bully Jones and suddenly
Mighty Thor God of thunder come helps Slipknot to protect the treasure.Now Behemoth and
Slipknot together they work together and fight for Lucifer to defeat him and take back the
treasure they fight together.So many People died in the war in the end Thor is fighting with
Lucifer byhimself Thor almost die,But Thor has his last power that is the lightning
thunder.Thor Attack to the Lucifer and Finnaly Lucifer died.And now thor is going back to
his world and Behemoth from now on repent from satanis and become a normal Metal band
Jones and Benedict now is a best friend Behemoth and Slipknot now is making they new
album together.

Note:This story is belong from my real life,I have no friend in school and got bullied and I
really love slipknot and Metal rock

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