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1. Give 2 astronomical scenarios or concepts in the movie that is based on facts and other 2 that

is considered as scientific fallacy. Support your answer for each.


Discovery of the “Comet Dibiasky”

 While carrying out standard telescopic scans to look for supernovae, Ph.D. candidate Kate
Dibiasky finds a comet that might be up to 9 km (5.6 mi) large.

Planet Extinction

 In exactly six months and fourteen days, a truly enormous comet will destroy Earth,
according to Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio), who has indisputable proof of this.


Invention of BEADS (BASH, Explore, and Acquired Drones)

 In developing phase-fission reactions and nanotechnology, it was totally a failure to splinter

the comet into smaller pieces with breathtaking accuracy by the CERN particle accelerator.

Benefit of the “Comet Dibiasky”

 By the discovery of Astrologists, a critical material contains $32 trillion of this enormous
comet was precisely a damaged and not a solution on multitudes of problems.

2. Why do you think the movie used comets as the cause of Earth’s destruction and not the


The science underlying this decision, according to Dr. Mainzer, is rather straightforward and is based on
the quantities of size, velocity, and energy required to produce such a catastrophic catastrophe.
Although comets and asteroids have differing compositions and orbital velocities, comets are formed of
a separate substance.
3. How is ‘SCIENCE DENIALISM’ by the Government, public, media, and celebrity portrayed in the
movie? Provide 3 scenarios from the movie.
 The president is being warned of their imminent fate by the astronomers.
 In public, the astronomers were also being criticized by some people.
 The astronomers manage to secure an item in a significant newspaper and are made fun of
on morning TV, with one exuberant presenter speculating about extraterrestrials and
wishing that the comet would kill his ex-wife.

4. How is the use of telescopes and radio and space-based astronomy contribute in advancing our

understanding of the universe in general and Earth in particular?

Telescopes, radio, and space-based astronomy have opened our eyes to the universe. It provides us
evidences of billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars like our sun and also the invention of
the telescope have played an important role in advancing our understanding of Earth's place in the

5. Give your overall reflection on the movie by relating it to the ongoing and pressing issues we

are facing today. Additionally, highlight your role as member of the youth sector and as future

educators, how can you advocate the understanding of astronomical science to the public?

Minimum of 3 paragraphs.

“The truth is way more depressing. They’re not even smart enough to be as evil as you’re giving them
credit for.” -Kate Dibiasky

Watching the movie (Don’t Look Up) on how Dr. Randall Mindy and Kate Dibiasky go through challenges
and how they portrayed themselves was very inspiring especially to us future educators. Their
consistency on their mission and duty as a brave astronomers proved that keep on trying is never a bad
choice. Both really did leave a remarkable discovery in science (Comet Dibiasky). But despite of that, Dr.
Randall Mindy and Kate Dibiasky discovery was still not enough to address the ongoing and pressing
issues we are facing today like “Science Denialism”. There are still a few of people who still not believed
on what science can explode.

In speaking of “Science Denialism” we are facing today in the field of science, it is common for us that
not everyone could deal with it. Maybe just because most of us have certain beliefs in life whether on
the influence by others or the benefits we can get. But still, that would be not an excuse. Each one of us
must open our eyes to the reality whether you are a man or a woman because I believe that we all have
different abilities and capabilities. Everyone had a chance to be a part on the field of science and choose
our own perspective of a certain thing.
Though the movie end tragically, but still we can apply the moral lesson to bypass scientific fact and
ignore the threat of our own self-destruction for rich people's short-term gain.


Film Review: “Don’t Look up” — a Pitch-Dark Satire That Dares to Be Impudently Pessimistic. (2022,
January 4). Al Krulick. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from

Hollywood Can Take on Science Denial: Don’t Look up Is a Great Example. (2021, December 30). Rebecca
Oppenheimer. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from

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