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Lesson 35 General Rules of Road Genera Rules of Rood Use aed Conduit LESSON 3.5 GENERAL RULES OF ROAD USE AND CONDUCT Concept ‘The traffic rules in the Philippines a ereral rues of road use and condu (general prohibitions and restrictions, cr R.A, 4136 comprehensively discus: in the Philippines. re based entirely on the Act which also include the hapter IV, Articles I to V of the traffic rules observed 2nd Other Rules on speed hile on ah re il leon Any_person way shall drive the same at 2 Terrae on) eet Set ot reer nem 2 ce having due re pes tn | ah ofthe amet Bnd of any cer ean ea, 2st and 0 per iahney at such specs ng Stan sin not 28 enact te - thevehice to sop wider? 2. Max ee th sang pal Speeds, Subject to the Provisions Mie el need te lea SE any mete Passenger rs Motor 2.00 op coy od gue Wh mot ! won hang aaa ewes MST © On city and emunicipal strane’ $2 Sesionat neil dagraceeh Sete he, fhm, aan Hct RAR tea aoa Zones, passing oe eis unig 9 Sheol 29 rer iar dangerous crane 2 Satonay, 74.20 4, i oe 2. Excaption to the speed limi The, ts of sped hereinabove prescribed shall not a a. A physician or his driver when the former responds to She diver = hsp antl on he wy toad from the place of accent or ter emereeney i Sc aa seal ni or eny other emergency similar place. jcle belonging to the Armed of a motor vehi i in times of rc, Fe ee tor il pu insurrection or invasion. . The driver of avec, when in pursuit of cil ois yng to overate a f. A law-enforcement i Violator of TIE pacing 2 tr ven of a g. The driver aaa be fre department Pres or UMecesr fot ving construed ; divers aforementioned. Be Speed Limits through 3. Uniform Speed onty shall enact or enforce No provincal, ty or municPal TY Tramum alowable ovina any ornence or reson SBSGN fe" heeds other than those PO Wey ge 8 coment. Late Peering on a tafe Woy Poston att trv HE ing F while on parked. e or his passengers are course of action is aifferent of ‘life, less the security roti a ses iP ona a ined in son operating a motor Nor property OF Perewey shall pass to i fiance herew" le the same ie wt oir the Fight when meeting Te the left ingore tote right of taston, and when mg site rn te rv the enter of te asetin as Lesson 9 ~ General Rules of Read (Ise and Conduct On the other hand, motor vehicles should be parked only on designated areas and so property parked without encroaching the Parking stall or space of another vehicle, For clearer understanding of the above provisions, refer to figures 3, 4.1 and 42, a) Proper Fostionng wile Traversing opened vie vee 3s waver ‘dangerously at the ‘Separate lines, Suan” MS, ros hae 2 : Cars 7 and 'Swronaly parked eo 35 ~ General Rules of Rose Use and Condct i ing another vehicle, ©. Overtaking and Passing. In oétaking aothes vehicle, 2 drver should pass ata safe distance to te lt of the vie being overtaken and shall esume cing onthe raht side ofthe Toad only after passing clear of the vert Clearer understanding see figure 5 below. pee tee (ae . (Die “Cy rage rok as oie vg te eft ane. —> Genera Rule Vehicle i can overt pe 2. Exception. 07 the highways wit We Tay be Where traffic goes in one recon, 4136). See Figure 6. overtaken on the right (See: 38, Rs oe ane ing Overtaking 0n 8 Fest outer) in ead, venide 1 should Nehicle 1 can use the Fant ces hice 2" Vehicle 2 here stOud PO cng, ADDIE Ping the IRE Se ine other inner are ve mStation stone vee 5 eM ition of Me amacrine vs wr Use and Conduct F Road Us Condi Lesson 5.5 - General Rules of Road Us = ‘Vehicle about ‘overtaken must give way there th ‘ overtaking vehicle has fuly passed by (Sec, 40, R.A 4136), 3. Restrictions on Overtaking and Passing. To avoid eeuient or any unusual incidents, overtaking and passing on ‘he folowing paces are restricted (Sec 4, RA. 4136) . Seren, SH side of the center tine-of a highway in Greens) another vehicle proceeding in the come Gfration,uless such left side is clearly vise, ard ic res of oncoming Waffc for a suffkient distance areca ss Peryitsalety overtaking, Refer ao to hg aa Cap--+t Bite areas boca ; Gone Oe rw ne See highway is obstructed ‘within a distance of five hundred fet ah enon Seas Ne Paes ‘essing, nor at any intersection uh intersection or crossing is al OF a trafic officer, Farsi te Re geri yea eins indicated by the Placing of official Fist General Re fy ei ee Woting on Seti, Ss nding ae ore Vetice 2 shal vied te 8. oom ee. Trae Hihways ‘approaching within business o* © Tan“ passing oF overtaking zone," Fa vehicle 0" @ eae thei TVG) Pg i ©. In case of iver shall We'ithin. Predane (ah, Ts perp Testo the egal or customary estienta asi ga requ 8 rs or passin reno ate) whch aloe Vehicle to pedestrians, crossing ¢ wre re isn Sea, i except at interseir sig of way 10 vei 4, Rules on Right of wa, peace ofcer oa tate Sh ae Ye Sections 43. 1 YTB igh" Drovides othe ls on gu ase Fahtot ay! RA 9138 Pedestrians sal oo vm wae a. In C2S0 of twa vehicles approach; an eae vehi etl 30, te venide the actin atthe same time driven yt entering an dive, aeaia, bring the et hal Yl the ghee Sane ers any vehicle traveli (gee fa fll top sear a sted of However, the driver of However, if itis 023 ut ing at an rs mies P pene: $2). Se gure 7 Mt Peed forfets this fox een Oe B, Inthe case ofa vetine 3. i 42,4), See faure tered the intersetion, es diver a But has not yet leld the right of So eee a oe ik — Berton 7am beget Reed lesa Coral Lesson 5.5 ~ General Rules of Road Use and Conduct => f i tit Figure 8 crossialkacros its pa 7°58iN} onthe Ven Right of Way Rule on ey Vehicle 1 should yield the right of Way Y= S traversing on the main hight 2. Exceptions to Tues do not apply in = meta Figue 8 7 nesectons ay jicle 2 because the latter the Right of Way Rule. Rightofway the case from a private road or drive, The jee entering i one cedey pas rr of al ences vulzng the hi ighway (Gee. 43), See figute 10. CDSs Right of Way RUC Hele 1 should yield the. m2 ‘approaching fo! The anver ofa etie ight of way t0 igure 10 setons Pate Dena, eer the formers on Prva erie 2 De Ka of Wa 0 Ne eaay. on a nh re department ¥ all yield the idles and alice 0 i ° Lesson 33 ~GeneralRules of Read (lsc and Conduct ambulances when such vehicles are operated on official business and the rivers thereof sound audible signal of thelr approach, The driver of a vehicle entering a “through highway" or 2 ‘stop intersection” shall yield the right of way to all Yehices approaching in ether direction on such “through highway.” 2, Hand Signal, The re peri fete Jando 37 beyond the left side of 1 r ON Se $4). Seegues tte He sal ‘auired signal shall be given by Figure 12 ight ‘Standard Hand Signal when Turing tothe Ria Fou 2 sop sand PNT 3 right Tum Tes ato 8 dane . Making a obs four folowing are the ea aeons 38 pe turn righ ius Strat see fge 140 to tum right 2. Signal your intent ra at least ‘signal light or art oes ke e road. Sr lt ag crated ce a right ad trafic oe re that NO © NEVER make 2 "Ot iy a red Wat OO cu GLA an intersection tg a full stOP turn QNLY after Com Ot, fron! Vehicle is coming ith yur ting 09 fe, before yOu ot

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