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Amit Roy

Ó +91-8900067947 | | ¯ LinkedIn | ‡ github | / LeetCode | Kolkata, India

Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad Prayagraj, UP
Master of Technology August 2022 – May 2024
• GPA: 8.55 / 10

Techno Engineering College Banipur North 24 Pargana, West Bengal

Bachelor of Technology August 2018 – June 2022
• GPA: 9.10 / 10

Natuk Vivekananda Vidyamandir Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal

Higher Secondary June 2016 – June 2018
• Percentage: 83.40

Natuk Vivekananda Vidyamandir Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal

Secondary January 2015 – May 2016
• Percentage: 80.00

Professional Experience
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant August 2022 – Present
Indian Institute of Information Technology Prayagraj, UP
• Impact: Improved Data Structures and Algorithms scores by 15% and Database Management System performance by

5% compared to other sections, through tutoring and practical sessions.

Automatic Flood Event Detection Using Satellite Images (GitHub)
• Pioneered flood detection by fusing classical indices with CNNs, achieving an impressive accuracy of 98.2%.

• Enhanced flood detection accuracy from 84.3% to 98.2% by including SWIR with Blue, Green, and NIR bands to mitigate

cloud interference.
• Optimized model training time with Transfer Learning (ResNet) in just 55 epochs, a drastic reduction from the typical

Tech-Stack : CNN Architectures, Transfer Learning, SNAP, NumPy, Python, Logistic Regression.
Equity Market Trajectory Forecasting (GitHub)
• Improved forecasting accuracy by transitioning from LSTM to GRU, reducing training time by 60 seconds(506s to 446s)

• Reduced Mean Squared Error (MSE) from 0.0119 to 0.0023 and boosted R2 score from 0.6409 to 0.9306.

• Increased resource efficiency by adopting the GRU model, reducing model weight by 23.7 % (2167 KB to 1652 KB).

Tech-Stack : yfinance, LSTM model, GRU model, Pandas, Python, Linear Regression.
Agronomic Anomaly Detection (GitHub)
• Enhanced model robustness with VGGNet architecture, enabling classification of 15 disease classes.

• Addressed overfitting with dropout layers and data augmentation, boosting accuracy from 62% to an impressive 98.7%.

• Implemented prefetching and caching, cutting training time from 31.40 to 26.18 minutes for 50 epochs, optimizing

Tech-Stack : Neural Network, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, Python.

Technical Skills
– Proficient: C++, C.
– Familiar: SQL, Python.
Tools : VS Code, Google Collab, Dev C++, GitHub.
Courses : DSA, OOP, OOD, DBMS, OS, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Socket Programming.

• Ranked 474 out of 42,000 participants in Round 2 of CodeKAZE 2023 competition.
• Accomplished solving over 1000 DSA questions across various coding platforms within 1 year.
• Achieved a 97th percentile in the GATE examination in 2022.
• Top 10 % performer in TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test) Test and qualified for Ninja Toppers Test in 2021.
• Awarded the prestigious SVMCM Scholarship for 6 consecutive years in recognition of academic excellence.

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