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BUS-360 Business Ethics


Buying Green: Consumer Behavior

Question 1. Beyond green consumption, what other types of products might bring about
similar kinds of moral licensing effects? Can you think of instances in your own life when
your purchase choices have licensed you to make decisions that were less than ethically
ideal? Explain.
Solution: I think teenagers now in my town and city are not morally good. When they keep
buying alcoholic drinks and drinks outside, they start doing things which are not good for others
specially today we are facing a pandemic. They disobey the protocol like having curfews and not
going outside and like they make noise in the streets that make their neighbors disturbed and
because of them so many people face problems on every single day.
Question 2. Do you think these moral licensing effects are common across all kinds of green
consumers? Or are there other factors (i.e. demographics, psychographics) that might
either exacerbate or weaken the effects? Why or why not?
Solution: I do not think that moral licensing is common in all types of green consumers. There
are some people who are doing these types of things because they have personal problems, or
they have problems of their own or let us say they have some psychological problems, or they
can be affected by any other factor.
Question 3. The authors of the study, Mazar and Zhong, initially thought green
consumption would have a positive spillover effect and encourage positive behaviors. Why
do you think they found the opposite?
Solution: They were morally good; they were more ethical than anyone else but then they were
shocked by seeing the other side of them when they notice that these people can cheat very easily
and always looking for their own profit and interest. They found their other side because they
study those people and their behaviors and then all of them get shocked.
Question 4. What steps do you think can be taken to help minimize or mitigate these types
of moral licensing effects among green consumers? Explain.
Solution: I think if they become a part of a good environment and surround themselves with
good people and learn good things then they can change themselves. But as a society this is also
our responsibility to turn them towards the good side of the world and tell them how to behave
well and to be more ethical and to be a good member of a society.

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Question 5. If you were the brand manager for a green product, for example an organic
food item or an energy-efficient appliance, how would you go about marketing the product
knowing these licensing effects were possible?
Solution: If I were the brand manager of the green products, I will take some serious steps to
change their behaviors and tell them how to behave morally and ethically right and on the other
side I will take steps to show peoples that these green products can’t harm your behavior and
anything else and then I will start giving them some flat offers on my products to attract them.

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