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Name: Anne bith Precioso Course & Yr.

: BEED 1-2
Subject: The Contemporary World Date: May 20, 2023


List down the things that you need to do to begin work on addressing food
 Conduct research
 Reduce food waste
 Partner with other organization
 Engage the community
 Develop programs
 Improve existing infrastructural programs
 Improve trade policies
 Advocate for policy change
 Evaluate and adjust
 Work towards defeating climate change
 Ensuring people have access to the food they need
Name: Anne bith Precioso Course & Yr.: BEED 1-2
Subject: The Contemporary World Date: May 20, 2023


Identify the following:

1. Global Piracy
- piracy takes place outside the normal jurisdiction of a state, without state
authority, and is private, not political, though acts of unlawful warfare, acts of
insurgents and revolutionaries, mutiny, and slave trading have been defined
as piracy by national laws of various countries or by special treaties.

2. The Role and the Influence of the Mass Media

- Mass media encompasses much more than just news, although it is
sometimes misunderstood in this way. It can be used for various purposes:
Advocacy, both for business and social concerns. This can include
advertising, marketing, propaganda, public relations and political
communication. Media influence is the actual force exerted by a media
message, resulting in either a change or reinforcement in audience or
individual beliefs. In addition to that, it also operates to analyze and observe
our surroundings and provide information in the form of news accordingly.

3. Print Media
- From helping with basic reading skills to providing information on
political, economic, cultural and sports topics, the ever-changing contents of
newspapers. Printed media has had a major impact on how people view
politics and world events. Many people will blindly follow what is printed in the
newspaper about specific areas and events. Even if it is one small story
people tend to believe that is how the whole area should be perceived. n
addition to the sensory aspects, print media is widely considered more
credible than digital media. People who subscribe to magazines and
newspapers do so for a reason — they believe the information contained in
the publication is accurate, credible and provides them with some benefit.

4. Broadcast Media
- purpose of broadcasting media is to broadcast and communicate with
the public. It lets the masses know about everything that happens. It provides
valuable information, for example speeches, documentaries, interviews,
advertisements, daily news, financial markets and much more. Different
examples of broadcast media can be television news, audio production, video,
and print media production, television and radio programs, etc. It provides the
recorded content, digital and written content, or live recording on radio,
television, or any other means through satellite signals.
Name: Anne bith Precioso Course & Yr.: BEED 1-2
Subject: The Contemporary World Date: May 20, 2023

How are you going to help your community improve their capacity to reduce
poverty and increase food security?

Reducing poverty and increasing food security are complex issues

that require a multifaceted approach. Here are some strategies that
can help:

1. Increase access to education: Education is one of the most

effective ways to reduce poverty and increase food security. It can
help individuals develop the skills and knowledge they need to
secure better-paying jobs and make informed decisions about their
health and nutrition.

2. Improve access to healthcare: Access to healthcare is critical for

reducing poverty and improving food security. When people are
healthy, they are more likely to be able to work and provide for their
families. Good healthcare can also help prevent and treat

3. Implement food assistance programs: Food assistance programs

such as food banks, food stamps, and school meal programs can
help ensure that low-income individuals and families have access to
nutritious food.

4. Promote sustainable agriculture: Sustainable agriculture practices

such as crop diversification, conservation agriculture, and
agroforestry can help increase food production, improve soil health,
and reduce the risk of crop failure due to climate change.

5. Empower women and girls: Empowering women and girls can

help reduce poverty and improve food security by increasing access
to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Women also
play a critical role in food production and can help ensure that their
families have access to nutritious food.

Remember that reducing poverty and increasing food security is a

long-term effort that requires ongoing commitment and collaboration
from individuals, organizations, and governments.

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