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Samar State University

Catbalogan City, Samar

Final Term Requirement

GE 11 -Ethics
2ndSemester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Submitted by:
Mara, Rexmon M.

Submitted to:
I. Identify the times when you were the happiest.
A. What were you doing?
 I am happy when I am socializing with other people, making friends, and
doing stuffs like watching my favorite movie or playing online games.
B. Were you with other people? Who?
 Yes, I am delighted when I’m with my family, friends, and with my special
C. What other factors contributed to your happiness?
 The factors that contributed to my happiness are just simply, those are
foods, movies, travel with friends, studies, small achievements, and most
importantly I am blissful when I am being true to my self.
II. Identify the times when you were proud?
A. Why were you proud?
 Honestly it is seldom to happen to me since I always chose to stay
humble. Being proud is something what we feel or a extreme feeling of
pride. For instance I fell proud when I finished a task that in the first place I
never imagined nor expected it to be done.
B. Did other people share your pride? Who?
 Yes. The people who are important to me always share my pride.
C. What other factors contributed to your feelings of pride?
 The factors that contributed to my feelings of pride are my achievements
in life bigger or not still for me it is an achievement. My family, friends, and

III. Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied?
A. What need or desire was fulfilled?
 The need or desire was fulfilled was when I did passed my interview in
school, school works, examinations, and to have new things like shoes or
B. How and why did the experience give your life meaning?
 For me failing. Failing at some point made me realized that in this world it
is not always cup cakes and rainbows but life is full of challenges to
overcome. Sometimes we need to fail for us to learn and to know things
better. Failing doesn’t mean you need to stop, failing means to continue,
to look forward and move forward. And that is how my failing experienced
taught me.
C. What other factors contributed to your feelings of contentment?
 Other factors that contributed to my feelings of contentment are my family,
friends, foods, things, and most especially my self.

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