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Discrete Mathematics, Fall 2008, Quiz II

Show all problem solving steps. Raise your hand if you need extra paper. Please choose any 100 points from all 130 points to answer. 1. (20 points) fn is the nth Fibonacci number.
2 (a) Show that fn+1 fn1 fn = (1)n when n is a positive integer. 2 (b) Show that f0 f1 + f1 f2 + + f2n1 f2n = f2n when n is a positive integer.

2. (20 points) (a) A palindrome is a string whose reversal is identical to the string. How many bit strings of length n are palindromes? In how many ways can a photographer at a wedding arrange 6 people in a row from a group of 10 people, where the bride and the groom are among these 10 people, if (b) the bride must be in the picture? (c) both the bride and groom must be in the picture? (d) exactly one of the bride and the groom is in the picture? 3. (10 points) Show that among any n + 1 positive integers not exceeding 2n there must be an integer that divides one of the other integers. 4. (20 points) (a) How many ordered pairs of integers (a,b) are needed to guarantee that there are two ordered pairs (a1 , b1 ) and (a2 , b2 ) such that a1 mod 5 = a2 mod 5 and b1 mod 5 = b2 mod 5 ? (b) There are 51 houses on a street. Each house has an address between 1000 and 1099, inclusive. Show that at least two houses have addresses that are consecutive integers. 5. (10 points) (a) How many bit strings contain exactly ve 0s and 14 1s if every 0 must be immediately followed by two 1s ? (b) How many ways are there to select 12 countries in the United Nations to serve on a council if 3 are selected from a block of 45, 4 are selected from a block of 57, and the others 1

are selected from the remaining 69 countries? 6. (10 points) Let n and k be integers with 1 k n. Show that


n k

n k1

2n + 2 2n /2 . n+1 n

7. (15 points) (i) How many solutions are there to the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 21, where xi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is a nonnegative integer such that (a) 0 x1 10? (b) 0 x1 3, 1 x2 < 4 and x3 15? (ii) How many dierent strings can be made from the letters in ABRACADABRA, using all the letters? 8. (15 points) A string that contains only 0s, 1s, and 2s is called a ternary string. (a) Find a recurrence relation for the number of ternary strings that do not contain two consecutive 0s. (b) What are the initial conditions? (c) How many ternary strings of length 6 do not contain two consecutive 0s? 9. (10 points) Find the solution of the recurrence relation an = 4an1 3an2 + 2n + n + 3 with a0 = 1 and a1 = 4.

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