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Scope Statement

Scope Statement

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

Table of Contents

A. Executive Summary 3

B. Business Objectives 3

C. Project Description 5

D. Project Approach 11

E. Project Estimates 13

F. Project Controls 17

G. WBS 19

H. Project references 28

I. Authorizations 29

J. Scope Statement Approval Form/Signatures 30

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

A. Executive Summary
The scope of the project includes the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of a
wind farm in Catalonia region of Spain for Som Energia. The project is planned to begin in January
23rd of October 2019 and the installation will be operative in 16 months. The wind farm will provide
sustainable energy for approximately 6,000 homes and its lifecycle and insurance is for 25 years.
Som Energia is a power production company which is particularly active in the renewable energy
field and starting good collaboration with this company could result in a good future prospect for
Futura Energy. The strategic goal of this project is to develop a key partnership with Som Energia
and gain notoriety and shares of the Spanish renewable energy market. The scope of the project
is to get access to the market.
The forecasted budget is of 30 million euros for a total duration of 16 months, in this amount is
included, the compensation for the company. Futura Energy will not have to invest in this project,
but just have to use the budget invested by Som Energia in a competitive way, in order to provide
a good product but also to gain the right compensation for the work done. The service includes
the mechanical, electrical and civil design of the wind farm, procurement of the construction
material, civil works to construct the site, the erection of the wind turbines and construction of the
facilities to manage the windfarm and its connection with grid. The project delivery method is
Once the construction is completed, the wind farm would be handed over to Som Energia who is
the customer. The project also includes the training of the Som Energia technical staff for the
proper operation of the wind farm.
With regard to the regulations the equipment of the park must respect the environmental laws and
must be placed in a site that is far from houses in order to not be dangerous for local people. As
for the new wind farms, there are two aspects of EU directives to be kept in particular consideration
depending on the site of the plant:
1) at the Natura 2000 (Nature Protection Areas in EU) sites and surrounding areas: each new
wind farm which may have effects on one or more Natura 2000 sites must be subject to an
evaluation or gradual impact and, if necessary, provide for the application of the necessary
guarantees procedural protection of the types of species and habitats of community interest
2) anywhere in the EU: the two directives also stipulate that member states protect species of
community interest in their natural area of distribution throughout the EU (Article 5 of the Birds
Directive and Article 12 of the Habitats Directive referred to above). Therefore, each new wind
farm must also take into consideration the possible impacts on species of community interest
(covered by the two directives).
The project will be carried out in accordance with the previous guidelines, otherwise there is a risk
that it will not be completed, due to a failure in obtaining the necessary permits.

B. Business Objectives
1. Business Need/Opportunity/Objectives

Our business objective is to enter the Spanish market with an important work able to guarantee a
good profit. The opportunity to build the wind park is due to an established partnership with Som
Energia. The park should have an energy production of ten megawatt. Therefore 20 turbines are
needed with a production of 500KW for each one. It is near to Barcelona, a very crowded city
which is not fully delivered by green energy. Futura Energy’s aim is to use less fossil energy

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Scope Statement

For the project we need different functional units to do the workload. In final, there will be a
company to build the wind park organized. Futura energy is just acting in the planning and
administrative way. Therefore, the workload can increase or decrease quickly. At the end of the
project there will be stuff reduction till Futura Energy has a new project to plan on.
The main goals are the following ones:

No. Goals Objectives Business Outcomes

1. ● Respect deadline of 16 months and ● Develop a good
Business business constraints of the project such business relationship
Partner as the total capital used that must be with “Som Energia”: by
Developm maximum 30 million euros the end of 2030 they
ent will have commissioned
● Make a professional job and win the
us 2 other projects.
confidence of 15% of Spanish
customers in 8 years

2. ● Build a pioneer installation whose ● 15% increase in profit,

Growth in effectiveness is 10% higher than the in 20 years
the others in the market
renewable ● 15% increase in
energy ● Design and built 20 solar/wind plants in customers in 20 years.
market spain, by 2030.

3. ● Create a facility that provides electrical ● Gain access to the

Spain energy for 6000 households for 25 Spanish renewable
Market years in an unexploited place. energy marketplace, by
Access the end of the project.
● Knowledge gathering in
the field of wind farm
implementation in the
region of Catalunya

2. Product Description (Solution)

After considering different turbines from Siemens, Vestas and Enercon, the turbine for building
the wind farm will be the Enercon E40-500, which has a great performance for the environmental
conditions given. The turbines will be ordered at Enercon, the price for one is one million euros.
With this solution is insured high quality turbines and a long-lasting wind park.
With this project we are able to lead a movement away from fossil energy for Barcelona or
furthermore the region of Catalunya. The project will be successful if Som Energia gives our
company new projects and we can make a customer increase of 15% in the next 20 years.

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3. Deliverables

Deliverables included:
● Connection to the electrical grid
● Recommendations on new automation
● Best possible solution for the project
● Project documentation
● Testing of the wind park

Deliverables excluded:
● Maintenance of the wind park
● Implementing of the wind park

C. Project Description
1. Scope

The project aims to design, procure, construct and commission a wind farm in Catalunya. It is
commissioned by “Som Energia” which must have done in advance the preliminary evaluation
about the geological compatibility of the site; for this reason, in this project will be carried out only
the mechanical, electrical and civil design, has commissioned it.

There would not be any governmental interference during the construction of the project because
the government permissions are up to the customer; on the other hand, everything concerned
about the supplier’s management will be completely carried out by Futura Energy. In this regard
Futura Energy will undertake to choose valid and operating equipment, in particular turbines, that
does not include studies on research and development in order to improve their quality in the
future. That would be another service that will maybe be provided in the future, the improvement
of the plant.

Looking into the technical management of the facility, the project includes training of client
personnel and connection to the national electrical grid. The management and maintenance of the
equipment and also the delivery of energy will be at the exclusive expense of the owner.

Activities in scope Activities out of scope

1. Mechanical Electrical and Civil Design 1. Preliminary evaluation of geographic site, a

solid and functional design of the installation

2. Drafting of contract with suppliers 2. Government permissions and having the

budget in time to accomplish the deadlines

3. Training client Personnel before 3. Maintenance of the facilities after handover


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Scope Statement

4. Connection to the Electrical Grid 4. Delivery of energy

5. Choose the best turbines after wind 5. Design of turbines and R&D studies to
analysis and buy them from suppliers. improve their quality.

2. Completion Criteria

To complete the project the different deliverables following in the table below must be done.

Deliveries Description Deadline

Project Defines the issue to be developed through the project. 25/09/2019
Project The purpose of the charter is to obtain formal approval on the 16/10/2019
charter general parameters and structure of the proposed project,
including objectives, milestones, organization, governance
structure, and stakeholders.
Project scope Scope statement outlines the project’s deliverables and 06/11/2019
statement identifies the constraints, assumptions, key success factors and
preliminary evaluation of the wind farm location. The used
turbines and transformers will be chosen as well.
Project draft The draft will allow a detailed overview of each part and phase 13/11/2019
of the project.
Project Gantt The purpose of a Gantt chart is to expose the time spent 20/11/2019
expected for different tasks or activities during a given overall
Project PERT PERT is a method to analyze the involved tasks in completing 27/11/2019
a given project, especially the time needed to complete each
task, and to identify the minimum time needed to complete the
total project.
Final Project Final version of the project 18/12/2019

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3. Risk Assessment

No. Risk Description Probability Impact Exact cost estimates with

(H/M/L) (H/M/L) contract and exact estimate
1. Lack of coordination and M H Aligning the objectives of all
organization stakeholders by doing many
stakeholder meetings and
creating well-structured scope
2. Unable to realize the M H Exact cost estimates with
project within the budget contract and exact calculation
3. Exclusion of crucial L M Comprehensive analysis of all
activities from project activities involved in all phases
scope of the project, by taking into
account reports of all team
4. Inaccurate cost forecasts L H Constant re-evaluation of main
costs and budget redistribution.
Update project sponsors of any
probable changes in the
needed budget.
5. Contractors and sub- M M Choose contractors who have
contractors lack experience worked with before, and/or have a
record of a successfully
completed wind power projects
6. Community acceptance H M Contact the local communities
early, providing clear information
about the project's specification
and impacts. Solve potential
issues early
7. Delay in the training of M H Extra days added to the training
local Crew phase to make sure this doesn’t
8. Competition in the same L H Plan early and block potential
geographical area competition by securing the area
and proceed to the licensing
procedure as soon as possible
9. Political changes in L H Be informed in advance of every
national energy policy, permission process, the political
legislation and permission considerations of the energy
process policy

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10. Transportation problems M M Design the transportation route,

due to the access route to improve the existing roads, and
the project site construct additional access road.
11. Seismic risk L H Due to its low probability of
occurrence, it was decided to
accept the seismic risk
12. Damage to the turbines M H All equipment is insured including
during the construction the turbines so that in case of any
phase damage the turbines can be
replaced or fixed
13. Failure of civil, mechanical L M There must be spare parts or
and electrical design repair

4. Constraints
The following table lists the conditional factors the project must respect:

No. Category Constraints

1. Product characteristics The wind park cannot generate more electricity than it is
designed for. There is a limit.

2. Time Our wind farm has to be finished in time because we have to

check that the park works as it should on 1/02/2021

3. Non-influenceable Delay in construction due to weather or less electricity than

weather properties expected generated due to low wind

4. Costs The costs of the project cannot get over the project limit.
Therefore, it is required to take care of it and calculate the
costs exactly.

5. Dependency Linkages

This project will start with the authorization of the customer, and the government allowance to
build it in the concrete location. As it is an electrical energy project will be part of the national
electrical grid of Spain as well as one of the energy production plants of Som Energia.
In the future we could do a maintenance or upgrade service to improve the production of the park.

Moreover, for the correct development of the project according to the established schedule, it is
important that the manufacturer of wind turbines to which we rely is able to meet our needs in
terms of time and quality. In order for these fundamental conditions to be met, a contract has been
signed with this company to regulate timing and costs.

Subsequently, it is the complete responsibility of Enercon to complete the construction project of

the wind turbines according to the specifications and methods indicated in the signed contract.

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6. Impacts

Impacts on the project can be caused by many different matters or furthermore changes. The most
effective impacts would be a necessary retraining of the people involved in the project, a change
in the way of managing the project or the company, an increase in planned costs for the turbines,
building phase or testing and a time delay which isn’t caused by the company itself.

7. Measures of Project Success

The project success can be measured in different ways. There are significant key figures for
different project levels but the most important level for our success measurement is the project
level. That means that the key figures are giving details about the project state while or after the
project done. The different key figures measured will be therefore schedule compliance, cost
compliance and fulfilling of the planned performance goals.
From the view of the stakeholders the economic level will need to be measured as well, that
includes the customer satisfaction and if all expectations of the stakeholders were met.

Since this project is crucial for the development of the company, we will measure the success
according to the following criteria:

● On-time delivery: The Project should be delivered on time as per the contract
● Respect Budget: The project must respect the budget as per the contract.
● Number of contracts with Som Energia: Since we want to take advantage of this project to
strengthen our collaboration with Som Energia, we will measure its success through the
number of contracts with this specific client in the upcoming years.
● Number of contracts in Spain: Another objective of the project is to enhance our visibility on
the national level, we are going to measure the success also through the numbers of new
contracts in Spain with different clients.
● Company income: The project must be profitable for the company; a success criterion will
be the margin we have on the revenues.
● Gain expertise: As already stated, we are a young company and we still need to gain
competences and sharpen our tools in the management of this sort of project. For this
reason, we will consider this project a success if the lesson learned will avoid the repetition
of problems in future projects.
● Safety: Safety is very important for Futura Energy. For this reason, we consider the
avoidance of major injuries as a success criterion.

8. Assumptions

There are a few assumptions need to be defined before the project activities take place.

1. The wind resource assessment is required to ensure that there is a good wind
potential where the wind park is going to build.
2. The community around the wind park needs to accept the wind park.
3. The project must be financiered with the provided budget.
4. The place where the wind park is going to be build up must be huge enough to
place 20 turbines.

If all the conditions listed above are fulfilled the project activities can take place.

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9. Critical Success Factors

There are many factors which decide if the project succeeds or fails. These factors are listed

● All the delivers will be accepted

● The wind park will be built in time
● The wind park will be connected to the network
● The environment will be adequate

10. Roles and Project Stakeholders

Role Name Definition
Project Som Energia
Provides executive team approval and sponsorship for the
project. Has budget ownership for the project and is the
major stakeholder and recipient for the project

Project Futura Energy Provides policy definition to the Project team. Resolves all
Owner policy issues with the appropriate policy owners in order
to provide a clear, decisive definition. Makes final
decisions and resolves conflicts or issues regarding
project expectations across organizational and functional
areas. The project owner and the project manager have a
direct link for all communication. The project manager will
work directly with the project owner on all policy

Project Nikos Balotis Provides overall management to the project. Accountable

Manager for establishing a Project Charter, developing and
managing the work plan, securing appropriate resources
and delegating the work and ensuring successful
completion of the project. All project team members report
to the project manager. Handles all project administrative
duties, interfaces to project sponsors and owners and has
overall accountability for the project.
Sarah Kühn
Steering Provide assistance in resolving issues that arise beyond
Enrico Arlango the project manager’s jurisdiction. Monitor project
Ana Maciel progress and provide necessary tools and support when
milestones are in jeopardy.

Stakeholder Francisco Alpiste Key provider of requirements and recipient of project

Penalba deliverable and associated benefits. Deliverable will
directly enhance the stakeholders’ business processes
and environment. Majority of stakeholders for this project

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will be agency heads, CIO’s and project management

Elena Weber
Team Working project team member who analyses, designs and
Sarah Kühn ultimately improves or replaces the business processes.
Enrico Arlango This includes collaborating with teams to develop high
Adriana Mascolo level process designs and models, understanding best
Laura Villageois practices for business processes and partnering with
team members to identify appropriate opportunities,
Amir Roshangah
challenging the old rules of the business and stimulating,
Ana Maciel create, thinking and identifying organizational impact
Nikos Balotis areas.


Name Role
Som Energia Project Sponsor
Futura Energy Project Owner
Nikos Balotis Project Manager
Sarah Kühn Steering Committee Member
Ana Maciel Steering Committee Member
Enrico Arlango Steering Committee Member
Elena Weber Team Member
Sarah Kühn Team Member
Enrico Arlango Team Member
Adriana Mascolo Team Member
Laura Villageois Team Member
Amir Roshangah Team Member
Ana Maciel Team Member
Nikos Balotis Team Member

D. Project Approach
Planned Approach

The project can be classified into five different phases: initiation, planning, execution, control and
closing. The description of each phase is following below.


Upon authorization of the wind farm project, a project charter will be drafted and finalized formally
identifying project goals, scope, project organization and providing a summary of objectives and
management. Furthermore, anticipation approach is adopted for the project therefore a project
kickoff meeting would be held where all stakeholders both internal and external would be involved.
This meeting would help to clarify the scope and ensure a complete understanding of the project’s
requirements. This would result in a formal start of the project.

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During the planning phase, the project management team will initiate the planning of the project
and hold an informal public consultation with residents and governing figures of Catalunya to
address issues and answer any questions. Site investigations and initiation of a pre-feasibility
report and feasibility analysis report will be done in house. Formalization of land leases and the
power purchase agreement with the Government will prompt the design phase. During the
planning stage, a project schedule will also be created so that progress on the project can be


During the design phase of execution, project engineers, designers and technologist will prepare
preliminary and detailed design specifications and drawings as per reports and site analysis which
will be reviewed at 50% and 75% completion to ensure requirements are being met and all quality
procedures are being followed by the design team.

After design phase, contract documents will be tendered for the bidding phase, upon which a
contractor will be selected. A contract statement of work will be drafted and finalized prompting
the mobilization phase.

From the beginning of this stage the relevant teams would be working to secure permits, bonds,
licenses and insurance required before the start of mobilization phase to prevent the project from
getting delayed.

During the mobilization phase, equipment and resources will be mobilized to prepare the site for
the site work phase. The delivery of the turbines and the transformers would also occur during this
phase. While the mobilization phase is taking place the training of the local crew would take place
so that they are ready for the site work.

In the site work phase all the civil engineering work would be completed and the erection of the
turbines would take place. These turbines would then be connected to the electrical system so
that they are ready to be used. Which would finish the site work phase.


This stage involves activation of the power system and verification that all the equipment and
infrastructure that make up the wind farm complies of specifications and code guaranteeing its
operability in terms of performance, reliability, safety and information traceability. Upon completion
of all tests of the power system and auxiliary equipment, a report will be documented stating all
requirements have been met and commercial commissioning is approved. During this stage it is
made sure that the work onsite also complies with the technical requirements set forth in the
contract documents.

In the managerial phase of the control stage maintenance documentation would be created and
user acceptance testing would be done to ensure that the user approves the project. There are
three activities in the control stage which would be done throughout the project these includes
initiating project status meetings, to ensure that the project is going on track, risk management, to
manage any uncertainty in the project, and updating and controlling project plan.

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Close out

Project closeout phase will conclude all activities of the project. The site will be cleaned and
construction equipment and materials will be taken off site. Access roads will be restored to their
original vegetative condition and erosion control will be implemented. The transition of the project
to client will be formalized with activities like inaugurating and handover marking the project’s

This phase will also include project “post-mortem” meeting, finalizing all subcontracts, archiving
project documentation, and performing a “lessons learned” report to formally close the project.

A warranty period will address any warranty issues to the power system and warranty service will
be provided for up to six months.

E. Project Estimates
1. Estimated Schedule

The milestones are important points the project needs to achieve in order to reach success and
make it real in a proper and practical way. The following points focus on the rapid and progressive
development of the wind farm.

Project Milestone Description Expected

0.Win the competition Win the competition Som Energia did to build a new 25/09/2019
wind farm.

1.Contract Signing a contract with the customer/investor in order Before

Finalization to start the project. 23/10/2020

2.Pre-mobilization Condition the emplacement, rent the machinery and 1/11/2019

and land conditioning the workers to have the place ready to start the building
and installing process.

3.Windflow analysis Analyze the meteorological conditions of the 1/11/2019

emplacement in order to locate the turbines in the best

4.Start the design Start planning the building. Choosing the turbines, 1/11/2019
transformers and how to locate and secure them.

5.Order the turbines As it takes a long time. We have to order them as soon 1/1/2020
as we know which ones we are taking.

6.Finishing the design Have the design of the installation, documentation and 1/4/2019
hiring of the building companies.

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7.First delivery of Receive the 10 first turbines and transformers. 1/4/2020


8.Installing the first Assembly and install them and start producing in a way 15/4/2020
delivery of turbines of testing.

9.Second delivery of Receive the other 10 turbines and transformers. 1/8/2020


10.Installing the Assembly and install them in order to complete the 15/8/2020
second delivery of installation.

11.Final test Do an overall test to check that the park works as it 1/1/2021

12.Start operating Start operating normally. 1/2/2021

2. Resource Requirements – Team and Support Resources

The listed items will be needed for the team to realize the project.

Item Description Quantity

Office room One big room to hold up 8 people and visitors, with access to 1

Work to hold up 8 people and maybe new workers, including Computer 10

Stations with equipment, and basic office equipment, partitions

Meeting a big working table for group meetings with a beamer, flip board 1
Toilet Gender separated 2
Kitchen fridge, microwave, oven, drinks automat 1

Software SAP, simulation programs, Open Office package, CAD, Photoshop 5

and enough licenses for each system, domain with emails and

In the following table the personal resources are listed.

Resource name Max. units

Board of Directors 1
Project Manager 1
Scope Manager 1

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Risk Assessor 1
Project Controller 1
Site Manager 1
Head Legal Department 1
Permit Manager 1
Contract Manager 1
Insurance Manager 1
Documentation Manager 1
Head Human Resources 1
Administration Manager 1
Customer Training manager 1
Head Finance Department 1
Head Civil 1
Surveyor 1
Feasibility Accessor 1
Site Construction Engineer 1
Civil Design Engineer 1
Head Mechanical 1
Engineering Feasibility Accessor (mech) 1
Mechanical Testing Engineer 1
Site Mechanical Engineer 1
Mechanical Design Engineer 1
Head Electrical 1
Engineering Feasibility Accessor (elec) 1
Electrical Testing Engineer 1
Site Electrical Engineer 1
Electrical Design Engineer 1
Electrical Tender manager 1
Electrical Procurement Manager 1
Mechanical Tender Manager 1
Mechanical Procurement Manager 1
Civil Tender Manger 1
Site mobilization Manager 1
Civil Procurement manager 1
GM Engineering 1
GM Procurement 1

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Head Civil Procurement 1

Procurement 1
Head Electrical Procurement 1
Worker 25
Engineer 10
Assistant 4

3. Estimated Cost

The estimated costs of the project are the ones shown in the table.

Initial Investment Estimated Cost

Machinery required 20,000,000
Land purchase 1,200,000
Foundation 2,700,000
Construction Material 1,400,000
Permits 10,000
Insurance 2,000,000
Advertising and Marketing 5,000
Office Furniture 1,500
Builders 1,000,000
Project realization 1,000.000
Total 29,116,500
Fixed costs Estimated Cost

Services (Internet, Water) 250
Salary 12,000
Total 12,250

4. Checkpoint/ Funding Schedule

The project checkpoints are internal phase reviews, needed to check if the work done until that
time is right. Our checkpoints are:

Project Charter control 14/10/19

Gantt control 18/11/19
Pert control 25/11/19
Scope Statement control 04/11/19
Draft control 11/11/19

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F. Project Controls
Typical project controls are steering committee meetings, monthly status reports, risk
management assessment and mitigation planning and monitoring, issue management, change
management, and communication management. They are itemized in the following points below.

1. Steering Committee Meetings

Numerous meetings are held on a weekly basis and involve the high-level decision-making
authorities of the project, in order to check that it is being carried out correctly and that it is on
time. Aside from the general guidance of the project and instructing the project/program manager,
steering committees are entrusted with the decisions that ultimately determine how the project will
look upon conclusion. Some common tasks and decisions steering committees deal with include:

● Selecting the right expertise to manage the project

● Checking, approving or rejecting any project management plans
● Dividing tasks and organizing the workload
● Monitoring progress
● Establishing how the project benefits are defined and measured
● Proposing solutions to any strategical shortcomings
● Reviewing any changes to the project management plan

2. Monthly Status Reports

The progress of the project will be monitored monthly, summarizing achievements and delays
occurring during the previous month. Pinpointing the causes for them and looking to find short-
and long-term solutions and improvements.

3. Risk Management

The project’s risks are closely monitored to ensure its safety, and if needed, mitigation actions can
be applied accordingly.
The strategy is to allocate the contingency funds to the relative WBE, when the risk is “closed” so
the uncertainty disappear it can be used because the risk occurred and it impacted the project, or
release to margin because the risk has not occurred.

4. Issue Management

Any issues regarding the project will be thoroughly recorded in an issue database. Specifying
issue details and actions taken, as well as people involved. Its current status and update reports
will be closely monitored by the team. All Issues will be informed in the project status report.
Special meetings for issue monitoring will be held once a month, where progress of the solutions
will be analyzed and discussed, seeking improvement and effectiveness.

5. Change Management

All change requests will be submitted and reviewed accordingly by the team and project manager.
Considering scope, costs, and alternatives. All change requests will need their appropriate

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Any change made in the Project Management Plan will be recorded in a change database. Further
tracking of the effects of these changes will also be recorded.

6. Communication Management

In order to ensure proper and effective communication, the following actions need to be taken:

The project team have weekly update meetings to review the work done and determine priorities.
In these meetings the project status is presented weekly, including progress, issues,
improvements and changes made during the week. Urgent matters are highlighted and discussed
with the appropriate team members.

The project status is presented to the project sponsors once every two weeks, highlighting
completed tasks and important decisions made during this time frame. In that moment the project
manager provides to the project sponsor reports about meeting minutes, developments done in
the two weeks before, problems and possible solutions about the project status.

All important documents and data that all people involved should have access too, will be uploaded
and daily updated in a private project web site.

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Futura Energy

1.Management 2.Design 3.Control 4.Closing

3.1.Internal 4.1.Delivery of
1.3.Scope 2.2.Technical 3.2.External
1.1.Initiation 1.2.Scheduling 2.1.Planning 2.3.Budgeting 2.4.Closing Changes Final
Management Design Control
Control Documentation

1.3.1.Develop 3.2.1.Milestone : 4.2.Final

1.1.1.Evaluation 1.2.1.Develop 2.1.1.Scope 2.2.1.Environme 2.3.1.Cost
Scope 2.4.1.Develop 3.1.1.Project Project Charter Documentation
and Gantt Planning ntal Analysis Analysis
Statement Final Draft Charter Control Sponsor Approval

1.3.2.Revise 4.3.Milestone :
1.2.2.Revise 2.1.2.Scope 2.2.2.Wind 3.1.2.Project 3.2.2.Milestone :
1.1.2.Develop Scope 2.3.2.Accounting 2.4.2.Revise Final Project Sponsor
Gantt Definition Energy Potential Charter Changes Gantt Sponsor
Project Charter Statement Draft Approval
Control Feedback
1.3.3.Scope 2.2.3.Soil
1.2.3.Gantt 2.1.3.Human
Statement Chemical and 3.1.3.Milestone : 3.2.3.Milestone :
1.1.3.Revise Internal Ressource 2.4.3.Milestone :
Internal Physical Project Charter Pert Sponsor
Project Charter Approval Planning Submit Final Draft
Approval Analysis Feedback Feedback

1.3.4.Milestone :
1.2.4.Milestone : 2.1.4.Activity 2.2.4.Grid 3.3.3.Milestone :
1.1.4.Project Submit Scope
Submit Gantt Definition Analysis 3.1.4.Gantt Scope Statement
Charter Internal Statement
Control Sponsor
1.2.5.Develop 2.1.5.Activity 2.2.5.Land Cost
1.1.5.Milestone : Pert Sequencing Consideration
Submit Project
Changes Control
1.2.6.Revise 2.2.6.Accessibilit
Pert y
3.1.6.Milestone :
Gantt Feedback
2.1.7.Schedule 2.2.7.Site
Development Confirmation
3.1.7.Pert Control
1.2.8.Milestone : 2.1.8.Feasibility
and Type of
Submit Pert Analysis
Changes Control
Modification and
3.1.9.Milestone :
Pert Feedback
2.1.10.Market 2.2.10.Civil
Analysis Implementation

2.2.11.Equipme 3.1.10.Scope
nt Statement Control
and Procedure
2.2.12.Turbines Statement
Installation Changes Control

3.1.12.Milestone :
2.2.13.Turbines Scope Statement
Foundations Feedback





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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

Level WBS Element Name Description of Work Deliverables Budget Resources

Code Term
1 1 Management / / All team
2 1.1 Initiation The work to initiate / 24h All team
the project. members
3 1.1.1 Evaluation and Working group / 6h All team
recommendations evaluate solution members
sets and make
3 1.1.2 Develop Project Team members Project Charter 10h All team
Charter develop the Project Draft members
3 1.1.3 Revise Project Team members / 4h All team
Charter revise the Project members
3 1.1.4 Project Charter Control manager / 4h Control
Internal Approval approves the manager
Project Charter
3 1.1.5 Milestone: Submit Delivery of the Project Charter 16/10/19 All team
Project Charter Project Charter as a members
final management
2 1.2 Scheduling Work necessary to / 28h Project
create a project Manager
3 1.2.1 Develop Gantt Team members Gantt Draft 6h All team
develop the Gantt members
3 1.2.2 Revise Gantt Team members / 4h Control
revise the Gantt Manager
3 1.2.3 Gantt Internal Control manager / 4h Control
Approval approves the Gantt Manager
3 1.2.4 Milestone: Submit Delivery of the Gantt 20/11/19 All team
Gantt Gantt members
3 1.2.5 Develop Pert Team members Pert Draft 6h All team
develop the Pert members
3 1.2.6 Revise Pert Team members / 4h All team
revise the Pert members
3 1.2.7 Pert Internal Control Manager / 4h Control
Approval approves the Pert Manager
3 1.2.8 Milestone: Submit Delivery of the Pert Pert 27/11/19 All team
Pert in the final members

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

2 1.3 Scope Is the activity / 18h Project

Management necessary to Manager
manage the
definition of scope
and the changes on
3 1.3.1 Develop Scope Team members Scope 10h All team
Statement develop the Scope Statement Draft members
3 1.3.2 Revise Scope Team members / 4h All team
Statement revise the Scope members
3 1.3.3 Scope Statement Control Manager / 4h Control
Internal Approval approves the Scope Manager
3 1.3.4 Milestone: Submit Delivery of the Scope 6/11/19 All team
Scope Statement Scope Statement Statement members

1 2 Design Develop all the / / Design team

tasks concerning
the technical aspect
of the project
2 2.1 Planning First phase of / / Design team
information and
3 2.1.1 Scope Planning Process necessary / 4h Design team
for creating a
project scope
management plan
3 2.1.2 Scope Definition Developing a / 4h Design team
detailed project
scope statement
3 2.1.3 Human Resource Identifying and 4h Design team
Planning documenting project
responsibilities and
3 2.1.4 Activity Definition Describe the Gantt 5h Design team
specific tasks that Pert
need to be
performed to
produce the various
3 2.1.5 Activity Sequencing Scheduling the / 2h Design team
tasks taking into
account the priority
and background

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

3 2.1.6 Activity Duration Number of work / 1h Design team

Estimating periods needed to
perform the
scheduled activities
3 2.1.7 Schedule Organize activity Project schedule 2h Design team
Development sequences,
durations and
requirements given
the constraints
3 2.1.8 Feasibility Analysis Determine the / 8h All team
viability of the
project through
economic, legal and
3 2.1.9 Risk Analysis Identify the potential / 8h Design team
risks and their
effects, but also
their priority and
response actions
3 2.1.10 Market Analysis Quantitative and / 8h Market team
assessment of the
market and
2 2.2 Technical Design Developing and / 20h Design team
drafting the system
and its technical
3 2.2.1 Environmental It is a process to / 16h Design team
Analysis identify all the
external and
internal elements,
which can affect the
3 2.2.2 Wind Energy Wind potential is / 8h External
Potential measured to company
calculate the
approximate power
3 2.2.3 Soil Chemical and Terrain evaluation in / 24h External
Physical Analysis order to design the company
foundations building

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

3 2.2.4 Grid Analysis To ensure a smooth / 8h Design team

transition to the
electricity network
3 2.2.5 Land Cost Purchase the best / 24h All the team
Consideration part of land.
Evaluate if renting is
3 2.2.6 Accessibility Evaluate the cost of / 2h All the team
transportation to the
location and
condition it if
3 2.2.7 Site Confirmation Select the best / 3h All the team
option according to
accessibility and
price criteria.
3 2.2.8 Number and Type Based on the power / 16h Design team
of Turbines of the wind and the
desired output
power choose the
3 2.2.9 Grid Modification For grid integration, / 24h Design team
and Fabrication new networks must
be created or
3 2.2.10 Civil Ensure the building / 8h Design team
Implementation of the wind farm
without undermining
the civilization.
3 2.2.11 Equipment According to the / 4h Design team
Transportation and accessibility, plan
Procedure the transportation of
the materials.
3 2.2.12 Turbine Installation Plan the assembly / 8h Design team
Procedure of the turbines in
the top of the
3 2.2.13 Turbines Describe how to / 16h Design team
Foundation build a solid base to
hold the turbines.
3 2.2.14 Grid Modification Checking the / 8h Design team
Review network
3 2.2.15 Civil Checking the civil / 4h Design team
Implementation implementation

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

3 2.2.16 Equipment Plan the needed / 8h Design team

Transportation machinery and how
Review to get it to the place.
3 2.2.17 Turbines Make an analysis / 4h Design team
Installation Review process to ensure
that the windmills
are well assembled.
2 2.3 Budgeting Preparing detailed / / Design team
financial statements
to show targeted
financial results
expected by the end
of the project
3 2.3.1 Cost Analysis A summary of all / 4h All the team
the human and
capital resources
needed to make the
3 2.3.2 Accounting Deal with finance / 8h Marketing
indicators and team
2 2.4 Closing Preparing final / / All team
documents of members
assembly and
3 2.4.1 Develop Final Draft Develop the Final Final Draft 40 h All team
Draft based on the members
final layout
3 2.4.2 Revise Final Draft Team members / 6h All team
revise the Final members
3 2.4.3 Milestone: Submit Delivery of the Final Final Draft 13/11/2019 All team
Final Draft Draft as a final members
design document
1 3 Control The work necessary / / Control
to measure Manager
performances and
check changes
2 3.1 Internal Changes Controlling factors / 38h Control
Control that create changes Manager
to make sure those
changes are

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

3 3.1.1 Project Charter The control / 4h Control

Control manager checks the Manager
first version of
Project Charter
developed by the
3 3.1.2 Project Charter The control / 5h Control
Changes Control manager check if Manager
the changes on the
Project Charter are
3 3.1.3 Milestone: Project The Control Project Charter 14/10/19 Control
Charter Feedback Manager approves Feedback Manager
the final version of
the Project Charter
3 3.1.4 Gantt Control The control / 4h Control
manager checks the Manager
first version of Gantt
developed by the
3 3.1.5 Gantt Changes The control / 5h Control
Control manager check if Manager
the changes on the
Gantt are beneficial
3 3.1.6 Milestone: Gantt The Control Gantt Feedback 18/11/19 Control
Feedback Manager approves Manager
the final version of
the Gantt
3 3.1.7 Pert Control The control / 4h Control
manager checks the Manager
first version of Pert
developed by the
3 3.1.8 Pert Changes The control / 5h Control
Control manager check if Manager
the changes on Pert
are beneficial
3 3.1.9 Milestone: Pert The Control Pert Feedback 25/11/19 Control
Feedback Manager approves Manager
the final version of
the Pert
3 3.1.10 Scope Statement The control / 5h Control
Control manager checks the Manager
first version of
Scope Statement
developed by the

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

3 3.1.11 Scope Statement The control / 6h Control

Changes Control manager check if Manager
the changes on the
Scope Statement
are beneficial
3 3.1.12 Milestone: Scope The Control Scope 4/11/19 Control
Statement Manager approves Statement Manager
Feedback the final version of Feedback
the Scope
2 3.2 External Control Sponsor gives / / Sponsor
feedback on the
final versions of
each management
document and the
final version of the
3 3.2.1 Milestone: Project The sponsor gives / 18/10/19 Sponsor
Charter Sponsor feedback on the
Feedback final version of the
Project Charter
3 3.2.2 Milestone: Gantt The sponsor gives / 22/11/19 Sponsor
Sponsor Feedback feedback on the
final version of the
3 3.2.3 Milestone: Pert The sponsor gives / 29/11/19 Sponsor
Sponsor Feedback feedback on the
final version of the
Pert Chart
3 3.2.4 Milestone: Scope The sponsor gives / 8/11/19 Sponsor
Statement Sponsor feedback on the
Feedback final version of the
Scope Statement
1 4 Closing Formalize all / / All team
activities across all members
the process groups
to formally close the
2 4.1 Delivery of Final Deliver the Final Final 18/12/19 All team
Documentation Documentation to Documentation members
the sponsor
2 4.2 Final The sponsor / 40h Sponsor
Documentation approves the Final
Approval Documentation
2 4.3 MILESTONE: The sponsor / 20/12/19 Sponsor
Project Sponsor approves the Final
Approval Documentation and
assigns a final mark

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

For the WBS there is a comment which is included below.

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

H. Project references
More information concerning this project can be found in the following documents and links:

Author and
Documen Versio
Date Organizati Location (link or path)
t Title n No.

Project Information
Charter 1D Officer Y:\CIOB\Template
Guide Branch

Tarifas de 2019
Electricid - -Oct-
Energía electricidad/#tarifa2.0
ad 16

Investor 2019
Informatio - -Oct-
Energia som/#quesom
n 16

Renewabl European
e Energy - Commissio
Sept energy/renewable-energy-directive/overview
Directive n

Wind 2019 Wind-

Turbines - -oct- Turbine-
Catalogue 16

Project 2013
scope -
- UCalgary
statement Mar- 001247
guide 13

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

I. Authorizations

The Scope Statement will be approved by:

The Project Manager
The Project Owner
The Project Sponsor

Project Changes will be approved by:

The Project Owner

Project deliverables will be approved/accepted by:

The Project Owner
The Project Sponsor
The key Stakeholders

Specific task responsibilities of project resources will be defined in the Project/work Plan.

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Scope Statement Futura Energy
Scope Statement

J. Scope Statement Approval Form/Signatures

Scope Statement Approval Form

Project Name: Futura Energy wind park

Project Manager:
The purpose of this document is to provide a vehicle for documenting the initial planning efforts
for the project. It is used to reach a satisfactory level of mutual agreement between the project
manager and the project sponsors on the objectives and scope of the project before significant
resources are committed and expenses incurred.

I have reviewed the information contained in this Scope Statement and agree.

Name Signature Date

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Scope Statement Futura Energy

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