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TMA02 Preparation B100 22J


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You may have questions, please post them in
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Purpose of this tutorial

▪ Progress so far and feedback from TMA01

▪ Time and study planning

▪ Prepare for TMA02

▪ Any other issues?


Successful Assessments

• What have you learned

about completing
• What worked well?
• What are you going to
do differently?

Time and Study Planning

• What gets in the way of

doing as much studying
as you want to or need

• What tips can you give

other students?
Planning for success
Common problems on TMAs
Read the question
Ensure that you have answered all parts of the question precisely
Use of module material
Demonstrate you have read, understood and can apply course
Use diagrams (if appropriate)
A picture really is worth many words when you are writing an
When you use a module concept reference it in the text
Word count
Take care not to exceed the word limit (up to +10% is accepted)
Allocating time / words
Look at the weighting of the marks and what you are asked to do
Make a plan for
tackling TMA02

… and then follow it!


Assessment: TMA02
This TMA requires you to read carefully the feedback you received on TMA01
and explain how you have used this feedback when preparing for TMA02
(Part 1), reflect on your experience of participating in TGF activities (Part 3)
and to discuss ideas from Block 2 in relation to the case study (Part 2).

Before writing your TMA

• Have a look at feedback from your tutor on TMA01
• Read the assignment questions and the case study carefully
• Revisit Reading 13 from the Block 2 reader as its concepts should be
used for case study analysis
• Review your TGF posts, comments and discussions related to Block 2

TMA02 is based on Block 2 Readings
Using the referencing system and academic and business language is
important, as it accounts for 5% of your TMA score
Feedback from TMA 01
Part 1. Question 1
How have you used the feedback you received from your tutor on
TMA01 to help you prepare TMA02? Give a concrete example of how
feedback from TMA01 has informed what you have written in TMA02.
Have you read both sets of feedback for TMA01? You should find
comments on the script, and a separate summary form (PT3)
Think about the feedback received – do you understand it? Was it what
you expected? Why?
Plan your next steps
What are you going to do differently in TMA02?
We suggest that you tackle Part 1 of this TMA last, after you’ve worked on
Parts 2 and 3
TMA 02
Part 2. Question 2
Explain the differences between job description and person
specification. Looking at job advertisements from Company X and
Company Y and drawing on the module material, discuss the
similarities and differences in approaches to recruitment that the
two companies adopted.

• You may want to start by revisiting Reading 13, which covers recruitment
and selection, including job description and person specification.
• Describe the differences between job description and person specification
in your own words.
• Then looking at job advertisements from two different organisations explain
how their approaches to recruitment differ, using ideas from Reading 13.

Write approximately 250 words on this question

TMA 02
Part 2. Question 3
Imagine that you are a job seeker interested in ONE of the two vacancies
(either in Company X or in Company Y) and would like to know more
about the nature of the job or its context. Identify at least TWO aspects of
the roles in question that you would like to know more about before
submitting your application and, drawing on B100 module material,
explain why these aspects are important from the HRM perspective.

1. First, indicate which of ONE of the two job advertisements you would like
to analyse
2. Think of TWO aspects of the job described in the job advertisement that
you would like to know more about, e.g. management of reward, job
design, performance management, availability of flexible working
arrangements etc. from the perspective of a potential job seeker
3. Discuss why these two aspects are important from the HRM perspective
drawing on the Block 2 material (so Readings 12-20)

Write approximately 200 words on this question.

TMA 02
Part 2. Question 4:
Imagine you are the HR manager for Either Company X or Company Y that
placed these job adverts. Explain what selection methods are commonly used
in recruitment and which of them you would like to employ for selecting a
candidate for ONE of the two posts and discuss the strengths and limitations
of these methods.

1. Again you may want to start by clarifying which of ONE of the two job
advertisements you would like to analyse
2. Drawing on Reading 13 and using your own words briefly explain what selection
methods are used recruitment
3. Imagine that you are an HR manager of either Company X or Company Y and

a) What selection methods you would like to use for ONE of the positions in
the case study material;

b) What strengths and limitations of each selection methods are

Write approximately 350 words on this question.

TMA 02
Part 3
Explain how you have participated in ONE TGF activity
related to Block 2 and what you have learned from
participating in that activity. (10 marks)
• Have you already contributed to the discussions?
• An easy 10 marks for your participation in one of the
TGF activities – don’t throw these marks away!
• Simply explain how you have participated in one of the
TGF activities and what you have learnt
You can use around 100 words for this Part

Feedback from TMA 01

Part 1. Question 1
How have you used the feedback you received from your tutor
on TMA01 to help you prepare TMA02? Give one concrete
example of how feedback from TMA01 has informed what you
have written in TMA02.

• Go back to Part 1 of this TMA

• Then revisit TMA01 feedback from your tutor
• What have you done differently in Parts 2 and 3 of TMA02
compared to TMA01? What points from your tutor’s feedback
have you addressed in your second assignment?
• Briefly explain how you have used this TMA01 feedback when
preparing for TMA02 and give one example

Use about 100 words for Part 1

Checklist questions for TMA02
✓ Have you written an outline for your assignment, with indicative
number of words for each section?
✓ Have you looked at both sets of feedback from your tutor on TMA01
(including in-text comments and PT3 feedback)? What points made
by your tutor have affected how you went about writing TMA02?
✓ In Part 1 - Have you described how you have used feedback you
received on TMA01 when preparing for TMA02?
✓ Have you worked through the case study and answered all three
questions in Part 2?
✓ Have you discussed your participation in TGF activities and
explained what you learnt from them in Part 3?
✓ Have you included and checked references to module materials and
other sources? Remember that you get 5% of your assignment
score for use of language and academic referencing
Requirements of TMA02

Due 12 noon on 24 November 2022

Worth 15% of continuous assessment mark;

marked out of 100

Word limit: 1000 words


Any questions?

………………for your contribution

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